White Genocide Coming to South Africa? Where's the Media on this?

The EFF is an irrelevanxe and there is no mass slaughter. Its just catnip for racist trash.
Did you mean an irrelevance? They are a major South African political party so your contention is rather dim witted.
Julius Malema has promised mass executions if white farmers are not pushed off their farms while South Africa blindly
follows the disastrous example of Zimbabwe.

I guess the facts in this case are racist to deep thinkers like you.
The left provides cover for Marxist dictators and tyrants to prevent anyone from doing anything about these sorts of leftist class genocides like the Ukrainian Kulaks experienced, and when they are finally proven wrong they just ignore the fact and go back to their talking points in very similar subjects and just the same way; deny, obfuscate and slander those you disagree with because in the end the Marxist Workers Utopia will justify every evil thing they have done.

From the Times covering for Stalin to todays example of leftist media whores covering for the excesses of every corporate crony government on the globe.
Well hello Mr Hyperbole
Hello, When you ignore an impending and promised genocidal wave sweeping over South Africa (the horrendous murders of farmers and their families is already going on) your claims of "not my nation" are indeed anti humanitarian and not unlike what people said when the Jews were being rounded up and gassed.

Your comments, your callousness.

Yeah, no calamity is real for some people til it hits them and theirs.
They have 25 seats out of 400 and are not the government or the opposition. Malema is not in a position to threten anybody. Where were you when whitey was stealing black owned land and shunting the locals off to shitholes ?

Yeah, just like White Nationalists are a small irrelevant minority in the West, right Tommy?
It's debunked by reality --- by any stretch of the definition of genocide it is debunked...

Instead of posting white supremacists delusions, you can post actual proof -- there is a reason you can't

Also, when it was black south africans being jailed, tortured and murdered by the state -- I can almost guarantee that you didn't or wouldn't have given a fuck.....

And we don't give a fuck about the delusions of white supremacists

I protested for the release of Nelson Mandela when a student at UTA back in 84, which demonstrates what an ignorant little moron you truly are, assuming I must be a racist because I disagree with you.

And when people predict a coming event, only a complete fool would demand for proof of it, when IT HAS NOT YET HAPPENED BY DEFINITION.

And who is this 'we', ass hat? You got a mouse in your pocket or do you use the Royal 'we'? roflmao
This is fake news.

I have friends in and around Capetown (lived there off and on for a decade +) and I can call one of them in a few hours (its like 2:am there now) and check to see in mass murder is in progress. Would you rather I call a white guy and see if he's being murdered or a black guy and see if he's planning on murding a bunch of white guys today?

You really dont read too well do you?

The news' in this case is not an occured genocide but the groundwork being laid for a coming genocide.

But dont worry, you wont notice it any more than your type noticed the slaughter of the Kulaks, Cambodians or Hutus.
If anyone is interested I called a buddy down there this morning and he says the big news is a large bee die off and frequently interrupted rail service.

No genocide.
If anyone is interested I called a buddy down there this morning and he says the big news is a large bee die off and frequently interrupted rail service.

No genocide.
That isnt going to excite trump and the morons who take their cue from him.
If anyone is interested I called a buddy down there this morning and he says the big news is a large bee die off and frequently interrupted rail service.

No genocide.
Don't forget the news about the hunt for the man who taunted an injured baboon. :icon_rolleyes:

The fact is there is genocide going on all around the globe and not a single mention ever, or extremely rarely, in the newspapers. 5 genocides that are still going on today
When was the last time you saw news of the slaughter of Christians and Yazidis in Syria and Iraq?
I guess that means there's nothing going on, by your "reasoning". Nope. No slaughter there!

Meanwhile Julius Malema of the EFF has promised to cut the throat of whiteness in South Africa and some people haven't failed to notice South Africa's white farmers have the most dangerous job in the country. South Africa's white farmers more likely to be killed than police | Daily Mail Online
In the world, actually.
The world couldn't stand more "humanitarians" like you and your like minded buddies. We'd run out of people if your amazing compassion became the norm.
If anyone is interested I called a buddy down there this morning and he says the big news is a large bee die off and frequently interrupted rail service.

No genocide.
Don't forget the news about the hunt for the man who taunted an injured baboon. :icon_rolleyes:

The fact is there is genocide going on all around the globe and not a single mention ever, or extremely rarely, in the newspapers. 5 genocides that are still going on today
When was the last time you saw news of the slaughter of Christians and Yazidis in Syria and Iraq?
I guess that means there's nothing going on, by your "reasoning". Nope. No slaughter there!

Meanwhile Julius Malema of the EFF has promised to cut the throat of whiteness in South Africa and some people haven't failed to notice South Africa's white farmers have the most dangerous job in the country. South Africa's white farmers more likely to be killed than police | Daily Mail Online
In the world, actually.
The world couldn't stand more "humanitarians" like you and your like minded buddies. We'd run out of people if your amazing compassion became the norm.
Dude, Erik is on the ground in the Capetown flats. If they were wholesale slaughtering white folks he would know.
If anyone is interested I called a buddy down there this morning and he says the big news is a large bee die off and frequently interrupted rail service.

No genocide.
Don't forget the news about the hunt for the man who taunted an injured baboon. :icon_rolleyes:

The fact is there is genocide going on all around the globe and not a single mention ever, or extremely rarely, in the newspapers. 5 genocides that are still going on today
When was the last time you saw news of the slaughter of Christians and Yazidis in Syria and Iraq?
I guess that means there's nothing going on, by your "reasoning". Nope. No slaughter there!

Meanwhile Julius Malema of the EFF has promised to cut the throat of whiteness in South Africa and some people haven't failed to notice South Africa's white farmers have the most dangerous job in the country. South Africa's white farmers more likely to be killed than police | Daily Mail Online
In the world, actually.
The world couldn't stand more "humanitarians" like you and your like minded buddies. We'd run out of people if your amazing compassion became the norm.
Dude, Erik is on the ground in the Capetown flats. If they were wholesale slaughtering white folks he would know.
So "Erik" (your anecdotal friend) is more of an authority than The Daily Mail? Okay (eyes rolling).
If anyone is interested I called a buddy down there this morning and he says the big news is a large bee die off and frequently interrupted rail service.

No genocide.
Don't forget the news about the hunt for the man who taunted an injured baboon. :icon_rolleyes:

The fact is there is genocide going on all around the globe and not a single mention ever, or extremely rarely, in the newspapers. 5 genocides that are still going on today
When was the last time you saw news of the slaughter of Christians and Yazidis in Syria and Iraq?
I guess that means there's nothing going on, by your "reasoning". Nope. No slaughter there!

Meanwhile Julius Malema of the EFF has promised to cut the throat of whiteness in South Africa and some people haven't failed to notice South Africa's white farmers have the most dangerous job in the country. South Africa's white farmers more likely to be killed than police | Daily Mail Online
In the world, actually.
The world couldn't stand more "humanitarians" like you and your like minded buddies. We'd run out of people if your amazing compassion became the norm.
Dude, Erik is on the ground in the Capetown flats. If they were wholesale slaughtering white folks he would know.
So "Erik" (your anecdotal friend) is more of an authority than The Daily Mail? Okay (eyes rolling).
Kid, the wino on the corner is more of an authority than daily mail.
If anyone is interested I called a buddy down there this morning and he says the big news is a large bee die off and frequently interrupted rail service.

No genocide.
Don't forget the news about the hunt for the man who taunted an injured baboon. :icon_rolleyes:

The fact is there is genocide going on all around the globe and not a single mention ever, or extremely rarely, in the newspapers. 5 genocides that are still going on today
When was the last time you saw news of the slaughter of Christians and Yazidis in Syria and Iraq?
I guess that means there's nothing going on, by your "reasoning". Nope. No slaughter there!

Meanwhile Julius Malema of the EFF has promised to cut the throat of whiteness in South Africa and some people haven't failed to notice South Africa's white farmers have the most dangerous job in the country. South Africa's white farmers more likely to be killed than police | Daily Mail Online
In the world, actually.
The world couldn't stand more "humanitarians" like you and your like minded buddies. We'd run out of people if your amazing compassion became the norm.
Dude, Erik is on the ground in the Capetown flats. If they were wholesale slaughtering white folks he would know.
So "Erik" (your anecdotal friend) is more of an authority than The Daily Mail? Okay (eyes rolling).
Kid, the wino on the corner is more of an authority than daily mail.
Good to know where you research your facts. Winos, eh? Sounds right.
Blacks cannot be put in charge of anything, it always ends in corruption , we had 8 years of that loser Obama ,and we are less safe now .
View attachment 229448 View attachment 229449
You mean like Dr Carson who is a prize wining brain surgeon?

You are a disgrace to the human race when you say stupid ignorant bullshit like that.

Then go move to south Africa asshole see how long you last dipshit.
No because my home is here is the US dipshit.

You have no moral compass or sense of objectivity.

I doubt you have any respect for yourself at all.
The mistake is to think that a wino in Capetown is clued up about the rural, which is precisely the deception a kleptocracy uses to depopulate the rural areas so that exploitation of resources can proceed. China is the model: from rural to urban. That is the reason the Chinese built new ghost towns to be populated in the future.
If anyone is interested I called a buddy down there this morning and he says the big news is a large bee die off and frequently interrupted rail service.

No genocide.
Don't forget the news about the hunt for the man who taunted an injured baboon. :icon_rolleyes:

The fact is there is genocide going on all around the globe and not a single mention ever, or extremely rarely, in the newspapers. 5 genocides that are still going on today
When was the last time you saw news of the slaughter of Christians and Yazidis in Syria and Iraq?
I guess that means there's nothing going on, by your "reasoning". Nope. No slaughter there!

Meanwhile Julius Malema of the EFF has promised to cut the throat of whiteness in South Africa and some people haven't failed to notice South Africa's white farmers have the most dangerous job in the country. South Africa's white farmers more likely to be killed than police | Daily Mail Online
In the world, actually.
The world couldn't stand more "humanitarians" like you and your like minded buddies. We'd run out of people if your amazing compassion became the norm.
Dude, Erik is on the ground in the Capetown flats. If they were wholesale slaughtering white folks he would know.

So "Erik" (your anecdotal friend) is more of an authority than The Daily Mail? Okay (eyes rolling).
Kid, the wino on the corner is more of an authority than daily mail.
Is that your friend "Erik"?

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