White House Confirms It's Purging Disloyal Employees 'From the Bowels of the Federal Government

Scientists report facts. They are there to present scientific data not to support the Presidents lies.

Scientific facts and data are subject to biases. So, when you distort facts and data, are you not lying to the people you're presenting them to?
Scientists report facts. They are there to present scientific data not to support the Presidents lies.

Scientific facts and data are subject to biases. So, when you distort facts and data, are you not lying to the people you're presenting them to?

These “biases” are evident in scientific findings around the world......do they all have it in for Conservatives?
Scientists report facts. They are there to present scientific data not to support the Presidents lies.

Scientific facts and data are subject to biases. So, when you distort facts and data, are you not lying to the people you're presenting them to?

These “biases” are evident in scientific findings around the world......do they all have it in for Conservatives?

Huh? If these biases are evident in scientific findings around the world, why are you still trying to disagree with me?
So then you kids are gonna be fine with it when president Sanders fires every single tRumpling on day one, right?

Can I get retroactive college tuition payment for thirty some years ago, and free stuff from billionaires? I’ll give it some thought.

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You should ask for a refund on that which you call a life.

In regard to your education, you should sue those that purported to educate you because they were evidently negligent.

Wow. You are a dim. You should pleasure Bernie.

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You are evidently expert in pleasuring politicians.
Oh, all these tRumplings take turns stroking him.

We don’t share your lifestyle.

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Can I get retroactive college tuition payment for thirty some years ago, and free stuff from billionaires? I’ll give it some thought.

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You should ask for a refund on that which you call a life.

In regard to your education, you should sue those that purported to educate you because they were evidently negligent.

Wow. You are a dim. You should pleasure Bernie.

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You are evidently expert in pleasuring politicians.

But you have a collection of knee pads. Ironic.

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How would you know whether he does or no

Unless you're yet another creepy conservitard stalker type

My sorries for insulting your boyfriend.

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Trump pressured Weather Service employees to support this map


How loyal is that?
Trump furloughed Government Employees over Christmas because he was throwing a tantrum over his wall

How loyal is that?
Trumpery is a greater danger to America than any other political ideology. Thank god most of the sufferers of Trumpery are compelled to wear red hats to identify them t the uninfected public.

Hmm... the six million Jews who were murdered by Hitler would disagree.

Six million dead Jews are a bigger danger to the US than Trumpery? How so?

How dense can you be?

The ideology that spurred Hitler to kill them is. And if they were alive, they would tell you just as much.

Are you doing this on purpose?

That is the same ideology Trump is promoting. White supremacy, hate, and division.

Well, you have all the commie talking points down pat, do you ever have an original thought or are you simply a parrot?

Civil Servants can’t be fired for not supporting the Presidents politics.
That is why Civil Service was created.
No one said anything about supporting his politics. He is entitled to employees who know how to follow rules and who understand the existing consequences for breaking them.

I know you don't want him being president in the first place, but this is ludicrous.
Reporting unethical acts of the President is following the rules

I agree, so where are the unethical acts?
The kind Lt Col. Vindman testified to...

Vindman said he had a policy disagreement and didn't see anything Trump had done as illegal. You need to get your facts straight.

Civil Servants can’t be fired for not supporting the Presidents politics.
That is why Civil Service was created.
No one said anything about supporting his politics. He is entitled to employees who know how to follow rules and who understand the existing consequences for breaking them.

I know you don't want him being president in the first place, but this is ludicrous.
Reporting unethical acts of the President is following the rules

I agree, so where are the unethical acts?

Demanding personal favors in return for military aid

Provide a quote where Trump asked for anything for himself. No presumptions or assumptions allowed, in plain English.

Trump...as usual...conflates loyalty to the country (or the office of the president) with loyalty to him, personally. Perhaps that should be fealty.

Can't recall this sort of things happening before. I wonder if this means combing Facebook and private lives?

White House Confirms It's Purging Disloyal Employees 'From the Bowels of the Federal Government'

The White House this week confirmed it is combing through federal agencies to identify employees not sufficiently loyal to President Trump to facilitate their ouster, sparking concerns the administration could run afoul of long-established civil service laws.

The administration is examining employees throughout the government to find anyone taking action officials decide represents an effort to undermine Trump, White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said on Fox News Monday. Gidley did not specifically mention career employees, who are statutorily protected against political retaliation, but did note the “millions” of individuals agencies employ. By contrast, there are only about 4,000 political appointees in government.

“It’s not a secret that we want people in positions that work with this president, not against him, and too often we have people in this government—I mean the federal government is massive, with millions of people—and there are a lot people out there taking action against this president and when we find them we will take appropriate action,” Gidley said.

His comments followed reports in Axios that the administration maintains “deep state” hit lists of employees to fire and the president has tasked the head of the Presidential Personnel Office, Johnny McEntee, to purge “bad people” who are not loyal to him. The latter report mentioned only political appointees, who serve at the pleasure of the president and can be dismissed at will, but Gidley’s comments this week appeared to go further.

“Time and time again we see in the media reports from people in the bowels of the federal government working against this president,” he said.

Gidley added that unelected federal workers were pushing “their own selfish political agenda” rather than advancing and executing Trump’s.

The latest comments do not mark the first time the Trump administration has stretched the limits of what is allowable under civil service protections. The number of federal employees proving their agencies took prohibited personnel practices against them reached an all-time high in Trump’s first year in office, according to the Office of Special Counsel. The State Department’s inspector general released two reports this year finding that the department illegally engaged in the political targeting of career employees. Federal law prohibits agencies from discriminating against any employee on the basis of political affiliation, or for any federal official to “coerce any applicant or employee to engage in political activity, or to retaliate against such individuals based on partisan politics.”
Anyone and everyone appointed by Barry have proven to be criminal, anti-American, Constitution-violating, law-breaking vermin that need to be expelled from the government....hopefully many will still land in prison where they belong.

Umh no. That's not true. In fact, there have been far more criminals and ethical lapses among Trump's appointees.

List examples based on applicable law, precedent, and appropriate guidelines pertaining to the respective governmental entities.

No. I'm not going to provide all that information - it would take all night to dig up.

But I will provide a partial list: Trump Team’s Conflicts and Scandals: An Interactive Guide

Meanwhile - keep in mind, what I was responding to: "Anyone and everyone appointed by Barry have proven to be criminal, anti-American, Constitution-violating, law-breaking vermin that need to be expelled from the government"

The fact is maobama converted jobs he appointed people to, to permanent civil service positions on his way out the door, to protect the resistance. Do you agree with that?

Fuck off Trump boy.

My country is the USA. And as an American i despise what Trump is doing & I dispise all the stupid fucks that support him.

You are waging war to try and conquer the USA, but it isn't your country and we plan to fight to keep from EVER being the Marxist totalitarian dictatorship you seek. You despise the United States Constitution and everything it stands for, particularly the Bill of Rights.

The bill of rights has been perverted by the Bill Barr of non-rights and Donald the barbarian.

Just Bill Barr?


Unjust Bill Barr who has been condemned by 2000+ former DOJ officials.


They are "former" for a reason.

They are former because they left for better-paying jobs. They are of both political persuasions.

Donald Trump is using you as a tool.
I don't agree that federal employees serve the president or the president's agenda - at least not directly.

I never said they do, or should. I am simply saying they should do their job. That's it. If your political views prevent you from doing your job, you don't need to be in it.

Each agency has it's own mandates and rules. I believe those were set by Congress?

Of course, which all hearkens back to the Constitution. Which is ignored when you break the rules to impede an administration you disagree with.

So, a president can't impose or force an agenda that violates the agency charter can he?

No. I never said he could. :)

But what if he tries?

I would be the first to say that is wrong. But from my perspective, he has done nothing which hurts me or my family directly as American citizens.

Are you loyal to the mission of the agency (within which the president imposes his agenda) or the person of the president?

Counter question:

Are you loyal to the mission and the country, or to your viewpoints? Are you loyal to authority or to yourself? If your viewpoints affect your ability to carry out that mission, you are loyal to yourself and yourself only. It's all well and good, but it is not compatible with the functioning of the agency you work for. I, as a taxpayer, am paying you to do your job, not force you viewpoints on the people that work over you.
Trump is firing people for doing their job

Is their job to fake hurricane maps to placate the President?
is their job to downplay global warming because the President says it is a myth?

Trump is also firing scientists because he doesn't believe in science.

Trump condemned space force by appointing bogus Christian VP Mike Penis as space captain.
You are waging war to try and conquer the USA, but it isn't your country and we plan to fight to keep from EVER being the Marxist totalitarian dictatorship you seek. You despise the United States Constitution and everything it stands for, particularly the Bill of Rights.

The bill of rights has been perverted by the Bill Barr of non-rights and Donald the barbarian.

Just Bill Barr?


Unjust Bill Barr who has been condemned by 2000+ former DOJ officials.


They are "former" for a reason.

They are former because they left for better-paying jobs. They are of both political persuasions.

Donald Trump is using you as a tool.

Then where are my paychecks?

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