White House Confirms It's Purging Disloyal Employees 'From the Bowels of the Federal Government

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Trumpery is a greater danger to America than any other political ideology. Thank god most of the sufferers of Trumpery are compelled to wear red hats to identify them t the uninfected public.

Hmm... the six million Jews who were murdered by Hitler would disagree.

Six million dead Jews are a bigger danger to the US than Trumpery? How so?

How dense can you be?

The ideology that spurred Hitler to kill them is. And if they were alive, they would tell you just as much.

Are you doing this on purpose?

That is the same ideology Trump is promoting. White supremacy, hate, and division.

Well, you have all the commie talking points down pat, do you ever have an original thought or are you simply a parrot?


Comrade Trump's manifesto?
Hmm... the six million Jews who were murdered by Hitler would disagree.

Six million dead Jews are a bigger danger to the US than Trumpery? How so?

How dense can you be?

The ideology that spurred Hitler to kill them is. And if they were alive, they would tell you just as much.

Are you doing this on purpose?

That is the same ideology Trump is promoting. White supremacy, hate, and division.

Well, you have all the commie talking points down pat, do you ever have an original thought or are you simply a parrot?


Comrade Trump's manifesto?


Hmm... the six million Jews who were murdered by Hitler would disagree.

Six million dead Jews are a bigger danger to the US than Trumpery? How so?

How dense can you be?

The ideology that spurred Hitler to kill them is. And if they were alive, they would tell you just as much.

Are you doing this on purpose?

That is the same ideology Trump is promoting. White supremacy, hate, and division.

Well, you have all the commie talking points down pat, do you ever have an original thought or are you simply a parrot?


Comrade Trump's manifesto?
The bill of rights has been perverted by the Bill Barr of non-rights and Donald the barbarian.

Just Bill Barr?


Unjust Bill Barr who has been condemned by 2000+ former DOJ officials.


They are "former" for a reason.

They are former because they left for better-paying jobs. They are of both political persuasions.

Donald Trump is using you as a tool.

Then where are my paychecks?

You are an intern with no evident skills other than obeisance. When you advance to earning real money Donald Trump will replace you with another intern.
Just Bill Barr?


Unjust Bill Barr who has been condemned by 2000+ former DOJ officials.


They are "former" for a reason.

They are former because they left for better-paying jobs. They are of both political persuasions.

Donald Trump is using you as a tool.

Then where are my paychecks?

You are an intern with no evident skills other than obeisance. When you advance to earning real money Donald Trump will replace you with another intern.
KKK and its ilk now wear red MAGA hats and howl with joy every time Trump lies, slanders, and insults others.

I have two MAGA hats. Go ahead. Call me a white supremacist.

I will obliterate your argument.

You are a two-headed white supremacist.

Okay, so where, in the entirety of my membership on this message board, have I ever voiced support for white supremacy?

I'll be waiting...

You can't use voice on USMB. Practice with your family and invest in your human capital and then come back.

Donald Trump loves the poorly educated. He will forgive you if you actually succeed at becoming educated.
Six million dead Jews are a bigger danger to the US than Trumpery? How so?

How dense can you be?

The ideology that spurred Hitler to kill them is. And if they were alive, they would tell you just as much.

Are you doing this on purpose?

That is the same ideology Trump is promoting. White supremacy, hate, and division.

Well, you have all the commie talking points down pat, do you ever have an original thought or are you simply a parrot?


Comrade Trump's manifesto?


That's the most intelligent thing you have ever published.
Just Bill Barr?


Unjust Bill Barr who has been condemned by 2000+ former DOJ officials.


They are "former" for a reason.

They are former because they left for better-paying jobs. They are of both political persuasions.

Donald Trump is using you as a tool.

Then where are my paychecks?

You are an intern with no evident skills other than obeisance. When you advance to earning real money Donald Trump will replace you with another intern.

Pahahah! My cavernous belly shakes with laughter!

You know nothing about me.
KKK and its ilk now wear red MAGA hats and howl with joy every time Trump lies, slanders, and insults others.

I have two MAGA hats. Go ahead. Call me a white supremacist.

I will obliterate your argument.

You are a two-headed white supremacist.

Okay, so where, in the entirety of my membership on this message board, have I ever voiced support for white supremacy?

I'll be waiting...

You can't use voice on USMB. Practice with your family and invest in your human capital and then come back.

Donald Trump loves the poorly educated. He will forgive you if you actually succeed at becoming educated.


What in God's starry universe are you talking about?
Unjust Bill Barr who has been condemned by 2000+ former DOJ officials.


They are "former" for a reason.

They are former because they left for better-paying jobs. They are of both political persuasions.

Donald Trump is using you as a tool.

Then where are my paychecks?

You are an intern with no evident skills other than obeisance. When you advance to earning real money Donald Trump will replace you with another intern.

Pahahah! My cavernous belly shakes with laughter!

You know nothing about me.

Praise the Lord.
KKK and its ilk now wear red MAGA hats and howl with joy every time Trump lies, slanders, and insults others.

I have two MAGA hats. Go ahead. Call me a white supremacist.

I will obliterate your argument.

You are a two-headed white supremacist.

Okay, so where, in the entirety of my membership on this message board, have I ever voiced support for white supremacy?

I'll be waiting...

You can't use voice on USMB. Practice with your family and invest in your human capital and then come back.

Donald Trump loves the poorly educated. He will forgive you if you actually succeed at becoming educated.


What in God's starry universe are you talking about?

I can't explain it with pictures which would evidently aid your understanding.
I have two MAGA hats. Go ahead. Call me a white supremacist.

I will obliterate your argument.

You are a two-headed white supremacist.

Okay, so where, in the entirety of my membership on this message board, have I ever voiced support for white supremacy?

I'll be waiting...

You can't use voice on USMB. Practice with your family and invest in your human capital and then come back.

Donald Trump loves the poorly educated. He will forgive you if you actually succeed at becoming educated.


What in God's starry universe are you talking about?

I can't explain it with pictures which would evidently aid your understanding.

I don't need pictures to see how much of a moron you are.

Welcome to my ignore list.
You are a two-headed white supremacist.

Okay, so where, in the entirety of my membership on this message board, have I ever voiced support for white supremacy?

I'll be waiting...

You can't use voice on USMB. Practice with your family and invest in your human capital and then come back.

Donald Trump loves the poorly educated. He will forgive you if you actually succeed at becoming educated.


What in God's starry universe are you talking about?

I can't explain it with pictures which would evidently aid your understanding.

I don't need pictures to see how much of a moron you are.

Welcome to my ignore list.

Ignorance is your finest quality.
Civil servants are career people, who have worked under multiple administrations and are covered by federal hiring/firing laws.

I agree, but they are, like political appointees, integral to the functioning of government. If they can't ensure the proper functioning of the government because they disagree with the administration, they should be fired. Respectfully.

The president swears an oath to protect and defend the Constitution, and to see to it the laws be faithfully executed.

Civil servants and political appointees alike swear loyalty to the Constitution. The former are the crown jewel of a Republic, governed by laws, not by men. They are what stands between your Dear Leader and a bunch of goons, picking you up at night, and feeding you into a meat grinder to be sold as sausages the next day at the behest of the Dear Leader. No right is safe if the Dear Leader gains complete control over the civil service. If the president has a political agenda he wishes everyone follow, he has a path to do that: Go to Congress, and ask for the laws to be changed, and, once that is done, to be followed and implemented by civil servants. Simply to order the civil service not to follow the laws and regulations is not an option the president has, and neither should he.

You are arguing as if the U.S. of A. were Trump's personal property, to be dealt with according to your Dear Leader's will. That's not a Republic. If what you outline is your predilection, go move to Saudi Arabia or North Korea.

Trumpletons, every last one of them, slept soundly during every - EVERY - civics class. And that's why no information on how a Republic is supposed to work gets into the way of their Fuehrer Cult.
Civil servants are career people, who have worked under multiple administrations and are covered by federal hiring/firing laws.

I agree, but they are, like political appointees, integral to the functioning of government. If they can't ensure the proper functioning of the government because they disagree with the administration, they should be fired. Respectfully.

The president swears an oath to protect and defend the Constitution, and to see to it the laws be faithfully executed.

Civil servants and political appointees alike swear loyalty to the Constitution. The former are the crown jewel of a Republic, governed by laws, not by men. They are what stands between your Dear Leader and a bunch of goons, picking you up at night, and feeding you into a meat grinder to be sold as sausages the next day at the behest of the Dear Leader. No right is safe if the Dear Leader gains complete control over the civil service. If the president has a political agenda he wishes everyone follow, he has a path to do that: Go to Congress, and ask for the laws to be changed, and, once that is done, to be followed and implemented by civil servants. Simply to order the civil service not to follow the laws and regulations is not an option the president has, and neither should he.

You are arguing as if the U.S. of A. were Trump's personal property, to be dealt with according to your Dear Leader's will. That's not a Republic. If what you outline is your predilection, go move to Saudi Arabia or North Korea.

Trumpletons, every last one of them, slept soundly during every - EVERY - civics class. And that's why no information on how a Republic is supposed to work gets into the way of their Fuehrer Cult.
Lord you are an asinine tool.
Six million dead Jews are a bigger danger to the US than Trumpery? How so?

How dense can you be?

The ideology that spurred Hitler to kill them is. And if they were alive, they would tell you just as much.

Are you doing this on purpose?

That is the same ideology Trump is promoting. White supremacy, hate, and division.

Simple question(s)

How many people has he killed because he deemed them as an inferior race?

How many people has he put in gulags or concentration camps to be purged simply because he viewed their ethnicity or viewpoints as dangerous?

Can you tell me? Or are you simply content with spewing uneducated talking points?

Few self proclaimed White Supremacists have killed those they see as inferior or put anyone in gulags or concentration camps. They're still White Supremacists.

Oh so is that the only qualifier? He's a white supremacist because your leash holders tell you he is?

I'm curious, do you think for yourself, Seawytch?

Perhaps you forget of all the most prominent tyrants and dictators in human history, or more relevant to our politics, the Ku Klux Klan, who murdered black people for being black.

Wow, you get really defensive for no apparent reason. I didn't actually say one way or another if Trump is a white supremacist. I merely pointed out that killing or gulaging is not required for membership in white supremacist groups.
How dense can you be?

The ideology that spurred Hitler to kill them is. And if they were alive, they would tell you just as much.

Are you doing this on purpose?

That is the same ideology Trump is promoting. White supremacy, hate, and division.

Simple question(s)

How many people has he killed because he deemed them as an inferior race?

How many people has he put in gulags or concentration camps to be purged simply because he viewed their ethnicity or viewpoints as dangerous?

Can you tell me? Or are you simply content with spewing uneducated talking points?

Few self proclaimed White Supremacists have killed those they see as inferior or put anyone in gulags or concentration camps. They're still White Supremacists.

Oh so is that the only qualifier? He's a white supremacist because your leash holders tell you he is?

I'm curious, do you think for yourself, Seawytch?

Perhaps you forget of all the most prominent tyrants and dictators in human history, or more relevant to our politics, the Ku Klux Klan, who murdered black people for being black.

Wow, you get really defensive for no apparent reason. I didn't actually say one way or another if Trump is a white supremacist. I merely pointed out that killing or gulaging is not required for membership in white supremacist groups.
and you attack and call people white supremacists for no apparent reason other than you don't like them so you must extremify their behavior to justify it.
Fuck off Trump boy.

My country is the USA. And as an American i despise what Trump is doing & I dispise all the stupid fucks that support him.

You are waging war to try and conquer the USA, but it isn't your country and we plan to fight to keep from EVER being the Marxist totalitarian dictatorship you seek. You despise the United States Constitution and everything it stands for, particularly the Bill of Rights.

The bill of rights has been perverted by the Bill Barr of non-rights and Donald the barbarian.

Just Bill Barr?


Unjust Bill Barr who has been condemned by 2000+ former DOJ officials.


They are "former" for a reason.

Or maybe former are the only ones that can speak out without retribution.

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