White House records torn up by the Former President.

States are required to keep voting ballots and other documentation, yet many don't care about those things being destroyed...

Whataboutism is a seriously weak ploy. You just sound like Ted Bundy pointing at Jeffery Dahmer and going "well, at least I did not eat my victims".
The reason you think that is due to the fact that the anti-Trumpers can't find anything that can be proven to be a crime let alone if he even committed it in the first place....that's why he and we laugh at threads like this...
Trump is a con-man and one of the best in the business, having been able to use his cunning
to stay one step ahead of law enforcement. He covers his tracks nicely, very often having his underlings do the dirty, whilst he sits back and watches. Gotta give him credit for that. Too bad you and your ilk are too easily manipulated to see the truth.
Still wanting to know what was on those cell phones and disk drives Hillary destroyed. Maybe if we hold our leaders accountable, we wouldn't have to worry about it. Right?
Ya, still. The difference is that tump is a genuine threat to our democracy.

This is what the media does.

Trump tore a page that had doodles on the top and important notes on the bottom and the LYING media tries to insinuate something nefarious.

It utter bullshit and everyone with an ounce of critical thinking skills can see right though it.

Unfortunately, the venn diagram of the set of people with an iota of critical thinking skills and the set containing most liberals is depicted by two circles on opposite sides of the universe.
What's with all the hubbub? You aren't a critical thinker either.

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