White house vows emergency stay of judicial order thwarting Presidents immigration order

WillowTree, post: 16498691
And yet you agree with Muslim abuse of women, gays, infidels and Christians. You are an idiot!

Abuse is against the law in the America where I live for all religions.

I don't agree with any of that. That's why organized religion of any brand turned me off when I learned to think for myself at 14 or 15 during the Vietnam War.

What made you think I agree with any of that?

Explain yourself, lying idiot.

Because you fail to take into account that Islam is more than just a religion, it is law and ideology! They are abusive to women, children, infidels and Christians and gays. and I do not understand why you support that ideology! Can you explain that?
Anyone who is honestly interested in witnessing the reality of what Islam represents in the US only needs to visit Dearborn.
Take a walk downtown. Bring your wife and little girls. Bring lots of Kleenex to wipe the spit off your/their clothes and to wipe the tears from your little girl's faces after they have been repeatedly 'brushed up against' and felt up.
Dearborn is RULED by radical Islamofascist mullahs. Sharia Law is the ONLY law!
EVERY little muslim girl has been sexually mutilated.
Anyone who want's their town to become another Dearborn is mentally ill.
I'd LOVE to see ten thousand 'young muslim men', ALL who should be back home fighting for their country but are too cowardly, set up a 'tent city' outside S.F.!
Let them hang out be the dozens on downtown S.F. street corners.
Let's see how long the fags will put up with them before the fags go running to the CAL. Government to demand the muslims be kicked out.
And now we have conservative idiots on this board saying that trump should ignore the Lawful Order of a Federal Judge...
Does it get anymore ludicrous???

The belief that some judge in one district can "lawfully" extend his control over the entire nation is a lot more ludicrous.
So now you want to curtail the authority of the judiciary because he smacked trump in the mouth with the Constitution???...gtfoh...

No, I want to curtail the illegal powers the judiciary has illegitimately usurped because the judge tried to smack Trump in the mouth with something that doesn't even resemble the Constitution.

If you're so sure that you're steadfastly defending the Constitution here, bubba, then you won't mind citing me the exact passage in the Constitution which is either violated by Trump's EO, or which grants some jagoff judge in Seattle the power to make immigration policy for the nation.

I'll wait, but I won't hold my breath.

And do understand that posting anything OTHER than a citation of the US Constitution will be treated as nothing more or less than an admission on your part that I'm right and you're full of shit. So just keep that in mind when you start trying to think of a way to weasel out of your own bullshit claims.
The judicial order on the EO stands. LOL
Furthermore, I am going to suggest that the president should instruct his AG to immediately file to have this judge removed. We cannot have judges interfering with presidential authority to protect the citizens of the United States, it could be a matter of grave national security. What if a president receives classified information that someone is going to try to sneak a nuclear bomb into the country? Does a judge have the right to interfere with his duty to try and prevent that? This is a potentially dangerous situation to be allowed and Trump needs to nip this in the bud right here and now.
My, my, aren't you just the little nazi prick. Well, this will play out in court. In the meantime, the ban is now not in force. LOL
And when the court upholds President Trump's EO you'll be here claiming the court is corrupt.
And now we have conservative idiots on this board saying that trump should ignore the Lawful Order of a Federal Judge...
Does it get anymore ludicrous???

The belief that some judge in one district can "lawfully" extend his control over the entire nation is a lot more ludicrous.
So now you want to curtail the authority of the judiciary because he smacked trump in the mouth with the Constitution???...gtfoh...

No, I want to curtail the illegal powers the judiciary has illegitimately usurped because the judge tried to smack Trump in the mouth with something that doesn't even resemble the Constitution.

If you're so sure that you're steadfastly defending the Constitution here, bubba, then you won't mind citing me the exact passage in the Constitution which is either violated by Trump's EO, or which grants some jagoff judge in Seattle the power to make immigration policy for the nation.

I'll wait, but I won't hold my breath.

And do understand that posting anything OTHER than a citation of the US Constitution will be treated as nothing more or less than an admission on your part that I'm right and you're full of shit. So just keep that in mind when you start trying to think of a way to weasel out of your own bullshit claims.
The judicial order on the EO stands. LOL
Only until tomorrow asshole!
WillowTree, post: 16498691
And yet you agree with Muslim abuse of women, gays, infidels and Christians. You are an idiot!

Abuse is against the law in the America where I live for all religions.

I don't agree with any of that. That's why organized religion of any brand turned me off when I learned to think for myself at 14 or 15 during the Vietnam War.

What made you think I agree with any of that?

Explain yourself, lying idiot.

Because you fail to take into account that Islam is more than just a religion, it is law and ideology! They are abusive to women, children, infidels and Christians and gays. and I do not understand why you support that ideology! Can you explain that?
Anyone who is honestly interested in witnessing the reality of what Islam represents in the US only needs to visit Dearborn.
Take a walk downtown. Bring your wife and little girls. Bring lots of Kleenex to wipe the spit off your/their clothes and to wipe the tears from your little girl's faces after they have been repeatedly 'brushed up against' and felt up.
Dearborn is RULED by radical Islamofascist mullahs. Sharia Law is the ONLY law!
EVERY little muslim girl has been sexually mutilated.
Anyone who want's their town to become another Dearborn is mentally ill.
I'd LOVE to see ten thousand 'young muslim men', ALL who should be back home fighting for their country but are too cowardly, set up a 'tent city' outside S.F.!
Let them hang out be the dozens on downtown S.F. street corners.
Let's see how long the fags will put up with them before the fags go running to the CAL. Government to demand the muslims be kicked out.
Hey cocksuck, have a dd214? What does it say? If not, why not?

Captain Humayun Khan: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan was killed in Iraq in 2004 when a car blew up after he told his troops to stand back. He took 10 steps forward to check out the suspicious vehicle himself, saving the lives of the soldiers he supervised.
And now we have conservative idiots on this board saying that trump should ignore the Lawful Order of a Federal Judge...
Does it get anymore ludicrous???

The belief that some judge in one district can "lawfully" extend his control over the entire nation is a lot more ludicrous.
So now you want to curtail the authority of the judiciary because he smacked trump in the mouth with the Constitution???...gtfoh...

No, I want to curtail the illegal powers the judiciary has illegitimately usurped because the judge tried to smack Trump in the mouth with something that doesn't even resemble the Constitution.

If you're so sure that you're steadfastly defending the Constitution here, bubba, then you won't mind citing me the exact passage in the Constitution which is either violated by Trump's EO, or which grants some jagoff judge in Seattle the power to make immigration policy for the nation.

I'll wait, but I won't hold my breath.

And do understand that posting anything OTHER than a citation of the US Constitution will be treated as nothing more or less than an admission on your part that I'm right and you're full of shit. So just keep that in mind when you start trying to think of a way to weasel out of your own bullshit claims.
The judicial order on the EO stands. LOL
Only until tomorrow asshole!
Until the stay is granted, the Trump admin needs to obey the court order.

No, they don't need to obey the court order... it's unconstitutional.

It's no different than if the court issued a ruling saying you can't post on a message board!

Or maybe Trump's EO is unconstitutional. Just a thought.
We'll find out in a day or two.
Maybe you just Want President Trump's EO to be unconstitutional right?
If the court does uphold the EO shouldn't you be fine with their ruling? After all you do believe in the US Constitution and the Judiciary right?
If the court strikes down the EO I know I'll accept their ruling with no whining. You?
We'll see.
WillowTree, post: 16498691
And yet you agree with Muslim abuse of women, gays, infidels and Christians. You are an idiot!

Abuse is against the law in the America where I live for all religions.

I don't agree with any of that. That's why organized religion of any brand turned me off when I learned to think for myself at 14 or 15 during the Vietnam War.

What made you think I agree with any of that?

Explain yourself, lying idiot.

Because you fail to take into account that Islam is more than just a religion, it is law and ideology! They are abusive to women, children, infidels and Christians and gays. and I do not understand why you support that ideology! Can you explain that?
Anyone who is honestly interested in witnessing the reality of what Islam represents in the US only needs to visit Dearborn.
Take a walk downtown. Bring your wife and little girls. Bring lots of Kleenex to wipe the spit off your/their clothes and to wipe the tears from your little girl's faces after they have been repeatedly 'brushed up against' and felt up.
Dearborn is RULED by radical Islamofascist mullahs. Sharia Law is the ONLY law!
EVERY little muslim girl has been sexually mutilated.
Anyone who want's their town to become another Dearborn is mentally ill.
I'd LOVE to see ten thousand 'young muslim men', ALL who should be back home fighting for their country but are too cowardly, set up a 'tent city' outside S.F.!
Let them hang out be the dozens on downtown S.F. street corners.
Let's see how long the fags will put up with them before the fags go running to the CAL. Government to demand the muslims be kicked out.
Hey cocksuck, have a dd214? What does it say? If not, why not?

Captain Humayun Khan: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan was killed in Iraq in 2004 when a car blew up after he told his troops to stand back. He took 10 steps forward to check out the suspicious vehicle himself, saving the lives of the soldiers he supervised.
So fucking what?
One muslim killed in the line of duty and all of a sudden ALL muslims in the US are American military heroes?
Oh WAIT!!!
Nidal Hasan - Wikipedia
LOL I don't like, and object vociferously, to the Citizens United decision, as well as the one on Eminent Domain. And, if the orange clown's EO is upheld, I will equally object to that.
WillowTree, post: 16498691
And yet you agree with Muslim abuse of women, gays, infidels and Christians. You are an idiot!

Abuse is against the law in the America where I live for all religions.

I don't agree with any of that. That's why organized religion of any brand turned me off when I learned to think for myself at 14 or 15 during the Vietnam War.

What made you think I agree with any of that?

Explain yourself, lying idiot.

Because you fail to take into account that Islam is more than just a religion, it is law and ideology! They are abusive to women, children, infidels and Christians and gays. and I do not understand why you support that ideology! Can you explain that?
Anyone who is honestly interested in witnessing the reality of what Islam represents in the US only needs to visit Dearborn.
Take a walk downtown. Bring your wife and little girls. Bring lots of Kleenex to wipe the spit off your/their clothes and to wipe the tears from your little girl's faces after they have been repeatedly 'brushed up against' and felt up.
Dearborn is RULED by radical Islamofascist mullahs. Sharia Law is the ONLY law!
EVERY little muslim girl has been sexually mutilated.
Anyone who want's their town to become another Dearborn is mentally ill.
I'd LOVE to see ten thousand 'young muslim men', ALL who should be back home fighting for their country but are too cowardly, set up a 'tent city' outside S.F.!
Let them hang out be the dozens on downtown S.F. street corners.
Let's see how long the fags will put up with them before the fags go running to the CAL. Government to demand the muslims be kicked out.
Hey cocksuck, have a dd214? What does it say? If not, why not?

Captain Humayun Khan: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan was killed in Iraq in 2004 when a car blew up after he told his troops to stand back. He took 10 steps forward to check out the suspicious vehicle himself, saving the lives of the soldiers he supervised.
So fucking what?
One muslim killed in the line of duty and all of a sudden ALL muslims in the US are American military heroes?
Oh WAIT!!!
Nidal Hasan - Wikipedia
He served his nation. Have you?
None of the countries from which the TT hijackers came from is on the list.

Some of you don't understand how the judiciary works. It has final say on what is constitutional: not you, not the President, not the commissioner of baseball. OK?

The argument that none of the 911 hijackers came from the seven countries in the EO is a political argument, not a legal argument.

It is not true that the judiciary has the final say as to what is constitutional or not. All three branches have authority under the Constitution which does not require the approval of another branch to exercise.
So who has authority in national security? Its the president, not the courts.
For Trump’s order to be constitutional, Robart said, it had to be “based in fact, as opposed to fiction”.

There is your answer Boss. Trump and Trumpetted need to get away from fiction. Fiction worked during the campaign but it does not work under the scrutiny of many patriots dedicated to finding and promoting the truth.

Judge Robart one of the first heroes and patriots in defeating Trump fiction.

Boss, post: 16502119
You better hope that someone from one of these countries doesn't commit a terrorist attack because if they do, your political party is toast.

What, the man who knows more than all the generals about fighting terrorists can't protect America. What a cop out wuss goober you elected to lead your party.

Be afraid little Trumpy be afraid.

Trumpty Dumpty loses again.


In his ruling in Washington state on Friday, Judge Robart questioned the use of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States as a justification for the ban, saying no attacks had been carried out on U.S. soil by individuals from the seven affected countries since then.

For Trump’s order to be constitutional, Robart said, it had to be “based in fact, as opposed to fiction”.

The 9/11 attacks were carried out by hijackers from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Lebanon, whose nationals were not affected by the order.

The big orange egg is seriously wobbling atop the wall.

You do want Trump to protect America within the bounds of our Constitution.

If you want martial law the terrorists win. Most Anericans aren't as cowardly as you to give up their freedoms. The Democratic Party stands tall.
Athanasius68, post: 16502663
t is not true that the judiciary has the final say as to what is constitutional or not.

Moron. Not true. Judiciary has final say interpreting the Constitution and laws and EO's made by the legislative and executive branch.

We should be much more worried about ignoramus Americans lack of understanding of our constitutional rights than terrorists right now.

When we consent to dictatorship out of trumped up fear we lose. The terrorists win.

Don't let that happen. Be brave little Trumpees. Be brave.
For Trump’s order to be constitutional, Robart said, it had to be “based in fact, as opposed to fiction”.

There is your answer Boss. Trump and Trumpetted need to get away from fiction. Fiction worked during the campaign but it does not work under the scrutiny of many patriots dedicated to finding and promoting the truth.

Judge Robart one of the first heroes and patriots in defeating Trump fiction.

Boss, post: 16502119
You better hope that someone from one of these countries doesn't commit a terrorist attack because if they do, your political party is toast.

What, the man who knows more than all the generals about fighting terrorists can't protect America. What a cop out wuss goober you elected to lead your party.

Be afraid little Trumpy be afraid.

Trumpty Dumpty loses again.


In his ruling in Washington state on Friday, Judge Robart questioned the use of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States as a justification for the ban, saying no attacks had been carried out on U.S. soil by individuals from the seven affected countries since then.

For Trump’s order to be constitutional, Robart said, it had to be “based in fact, as opposed to fiction”.

The 9/11 attacks were carried out by hijackers from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Ll.

But this is not really an answer. Because now the judge is being celebrated for deciding that Trump's argument did not pass the national security test.
But what is his national security knowledge on the subject? And why does he, and not president, get to make that decision?
For Trump’s order to be constitutional, Robart said, it had to be “based in fact, as opposed to fiction”.

There is your answer Boss. Trump and Trumpetted need to get away from fiction.l.

That is not really an answer. Because now the judge is ruling on a national security issue. What knowledge does he bring to the table? Why is his opinion on this subject legally superior to that of the president? What is his authority to act on security issues that the president lacks?
Athanasius68, post: 16502902
That is not really an answer. Because now the judge is ruling on a national security issue. What knowledge does he bring to the table? Why is his opinion on this subject legally superior to that of the president? What is his authority to act on security issues that the president lacks?

Trump is not authorized to do whatever the hell he wants in the name of national security.

That was Adolph Hitler!s means and methods.

It really is the honest answer.

The judges opinion is based upon Trumop's inability to prove danger promoted his EO.

I can see that from where I sit.

It was a political publicity stunt poorly crafty.

It was not based on fact.

And what makes you think you know more about the constitutionality of this than Mike Pence:

Pence Says Federal Judge 'Certainly' Has Authority To Halt Immigration Order

Esme Cribb
FEBRUARY 5, 2017,
Vice President Mike Pence said in an interview aired Sunday that a federal judge "certainly" has the right to halt President Donald Trump's executive order on immigration, though the President blasted the judge for doing so.

"This is a judge who was nominated by President Bush, 99 to nothing confirmed," Stephanopoulos said. "How is he a 'so-called judge'?"

"There's simply no question under the Constitution and frankly under federal law that the President of the United States has the authority, in the interest of national security, to determine who has the right to come into this country," Pence said.

"But doesn't this judge have the authority to do what he did as well?" Stephanopoulos pressed.

“He certainly does, and that's why the administration is complying with that order as we speak,” Pence replie

Early Sunday, a federal appeals court deniedthe Justice Department's request for an immediate stay of Robart's order and the immediate reinstatement of Trump's immigration order.
Trump is not authorized to do whatever the hell he wants in the name of national security.

That was Adolph Hitler!s means and methods.

It really is the honest answer.

The judges opinion is based upon Trumop's inability to prove danger promoted his EO.

I can see that from where I sit.

It was a political publicity stunt poorly crafty.

It was not based on fact.


President Trump has said he wishes to rebuild the American military and increase spending on it---this at a time when the USA spends more than several countries combined.
Does this fact therefore make Trump's efforts unconstitutional, subject to a judge's ruling that there is no fact supporting that which Trump wishes to do?
It's difficult to see how the answer could be yes. Yet, this is what we are being asked to swallow with the EO rejection--that a judge can make a national security determination.
The President has the right to file an appeal.

This is part of the Checks and Balances in our political system.

If the President tries to rule independently of the courts and congress, he will be forced to leave office, legally.
None of the countries from which the TT hijackers came from is on the list.

Some of you don't understand how the judiciary works. It has final say on what is constitutional: not you, not the President, not the commissioner of baseball. OK?

The argument that none of the 911 hijackers came from the seven countries in the EO is a political argument, not a legal argument.

It is not true that the judiciary has the final say as to what is constitutional or not. All three branches have authority under the Constitution which does not require the approval of another branch to exercise.
So who has authority in national security? Its the president, not the courts.
Only SCOTUS has 'original jurisdication' on matters constitutional. Read Article III. SCOTUS can dump the president's actions if it opines he acted unconstitutionally.

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