White Lives Matter

Is "White Lives Matter" racist?

  • yes

  • no

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I like to go to Breast Cancer Awareness events and scream at them that they clearly hate men, because they're not rallying for all forms of cancer.

Oh wait, I don't do that, because I'm not a raging misogynist.

In a similar manner, I don't scream at BLM people, because I'm not a raging racist.

Who is "screaming" at those racist folk?
We are shaking our heads and telling to fuck off until they can quit killing each other.
Oh yes, and they can forget their demands for reparations, you see THAT is what it's really about, the money.

When they start demanding money, what they're doing is saying fuck those that they claim suffered for the money they demand. Those demanding reparations are saying they think they are owed something despite never having been slaves forcibly funded by those that never owned slaves. That's like expecting to win the lottery without ever having bought a ticket.
Who is demanding money and why do you fear them?

That's the definition of "reparations for slavery". A demand that one group owes another group for some perceived wrongdoing.

Since my family didn't come to the U.S. until 1905, tell me what I owe a black whose ancestor was a slave.

Idiots like that don't scare me. Most of them are nothing more than a bunch of loud mouthed negroes and their supporters. My concern is that in order to pander to them, certain political ideologies, referred to as bleeding heart Liberals, will cater to them.

If not for blacks/slaves, we would not have a country. Even if that were not true, like it or not, this is the US and it doesn't say "equality for everyone EXCEPT ... "

What's wrong with being against police brutality? Against people being shot in the back for being black? Against the incredible hypocrisy of racists like you?

The ignorant loudmouth is you.

This presupposes that without the Blacks in Africa selling other Blacks to the Dutch Slave Trade we wouldn't have found another way.....
Only blacks lives matter. Just because blacks murder each other in huge numbers, let's don't blunt the focus here. In huge numbers, we should focus on the tiny fraction of white cop issues 'cause black demagogues say so.Don't think for your self or anything or be critical. DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD. Because it's what liberals do. Black lives matter. We say so. Just drink the koolaid.
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Blue lives, black lives, they matter too. So do white lives. Can I say that?

I'm proud to be white. Is that bad?

You nasty motherfuckers can say whatever you want.

So do you think blacks should be proud of being black? I do

I'd rather they work towards improving the lives of themselves and family members.

I know lots of white trash that's proud to be white. And they're no better than ghetto trash.
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Blue lives, black lives, they matter too. So do white lives. Can I say that?

I'm proud to be white. Is that bad?

You nasty motherfuckers can say whatever you want.

So do you think blacks should be proud of being black? I do

I'd rather they work towards improving the lives of themselves and family members.

I know lots of white trash that's proud to be white. And they're no better than ghetto trash.
Sorry, blacks are ghetto trash?
Excuse me, for a minute. Blacks could actually stop pandering to negative racial stereotypes and scrutinize themselves deeply enought and do some soul searching. Stop blaming white cops when the black on black homocide rate is sky high. And then actually try to FIX it, not pass the buck . Let's do that, OK?
Blue lives, black lives, they matter too. So do white lives. Can I say that?

I'm proud to be white. Is that bad?

You nasty motherfuckers can say whatever you want.

So do you think blacks should be proud of being black? I do

I'd rather they work towards improving the lives of themselves and family members.

I know lots of white trash that's proud to be white. And they're no better than ghetto trash.
Sorry, blacks are ghetto trash?

That would be a baseless assumption on your part.
Blue lives, black lives, they matter too. So do white lives. Can I say that?

I'm proud to be white. Is that bad?
You should be. White culture is superior to all other cultures which is incontrovertibly evident with the prevalence of Western civilization. The smartest thing I ever did in my life was to marry a white woman and embrace white culture instead of my own. Minorities do well only when they embrace white culture and share in becoming prosperous, law abiding citizens.
I like to go to Breast Cancer Awareness events and scream at them that they clearly hate men, because they're not rallying for all forms of cancer.

Oh wait, I don't do that, because I'm not a raging misogynist.

In a similar manner, I don't scream at BLM people, because I'm not a raging racist.

Who is "screaming" at those racist folk?
We are shaking our heads and telling to fuck off until they can quit killing each other.
Oh yes, and they can forget their demands for reparations, you see THAT is what it's really about, the money.

When they start demanding money, what they're doing is saying fuck those that they claim suffered for the money they demand. Those demanding reparations are saying they think they are owed something despite never having been slaves forcibly funded by those that never owned slaves. That's like expecting to win the lottery without ever having bought a ticket.
Who is demanding money and why do you fear them?

That's the definition of "reparations for slavery". A demand that one group owes another group for some perceived wrongdoing.

Since my family didn't come to the U.S. until 1905, tell me what I owe a black whose ancestor was a slave.

Idiots like that don't scare me. Most of them are nothing more than a bunch of loud mouthed negroes and their supporters. My concern is that in order to pander to them, certain political ideologies, referred to as bleeding heart Liberals, will cater to them.

If not for blacks/slaves, we would not have a country. Even if that were not true, like it or not, this is the US and it doesn't say "equality for everyone EXCEPT ... "

What's wrong with being against police brutality? Against people being shot in the back for being black? Against the incredible hypocrisy of racists like you?

The ignorant loudmouth is you.

If it weren't for blacks today, we wouldn't have NEAR as many little bastards running around white people have to feed with more taxes. If it weren't for blacks, we wouldn't have NEAR as much crime.

You talk about police brutality yet mention nothing about white police officers being shot by blacks for doing nothing but being a WHITE POLICE OFFICER. Your problem is that you think anytime a black is shot by a white officer it's automatically because of skin color. It gives a racist like you an excuse.

I hope you weren't thinking about Michael Brown when you talked about being shot in the back. That piece of shit got exactly what he deserved.
No its not racist.

But then, I tend to argue that all lives matter!

Hey, even good cops suffer at the hands of bad cops!
Blue lives, black lives, they matter too. So do white lives. Can I say that?

I'm proud to be white. Is that bad?

You nasty motherfuckers can say whatever you want.

So do you think blacks should be proud of being black? I do

I'd rather they work towards improving the lives of themselves and family members.

I know lots of white trash that's proud to be white. And they're no better than ghetto trash.
Sorry, blacks are ghetto trash?

That would be a baseless assumption on your part.

You wrote the snarky reply
Blue lives, black lives, they matter too. So do white lives. Can I say that?

I'm proud to be white. Is that bad?
You should be. White culture is superior to all other cultures which is incontrovertibly evident with the prevalence of Western civilization. The smartest thing I ever did in my life was to marry a white woman and embrace white culture instead of my own. Minorities do well only when they embrace white culture and share in becoming prosperous, law abiding citizens.

OK? I'm not dissing any culture or race
Blue lives, black lives, they matter too. So do white lives. Can I say that?

I'm proud to be white. Is that bad?
You should be. White culture is superior to all other cultures which is incontrovertibly evident with the prevalence of Western civilization. The smartest thing I ever did in my life was to marry a white woman and embrace white culture instead of my own. Minorities do well only when they embrace white culture and share in becoming prosperous, law abiding citizens.

OK? I'm not dissing any culture or race
I'm Native American. I'm more ethnic than black people. You're good.
Blue lives, black lives, they matter too. So do white lives. Can I say that?

I'm proud to be white. Is that bad?

Let's see how this goes.

When black people said that "Black Lives Matter", the immediate response from some was "All Lives Matter". It is racist and divisive to say that "Black Lives Matter".

Then, some people decided that "Blue Lives Matter". Oddly...upon hearing that, the response from the people who were offended by "Black Lives Matter" wasn't to scream "All Lives Matter".

Now...here we have a white guy...exclaiming that "White Lives Matter". Somehow, I don't think many of those same people will object and insist that he say "All Lives Matter".

It's not odd at all that the word that seems to draw the most fire in this entire discussion is "Black". Is it?
Blue lives, black lives, they matter too. So do white lives. Can I say that?

I'm proud to be white. Is that bad?

Let's see how this goes.

When black people said that "Black Lives Matter", the immediate response from some was "All Lives Matter". It is racist and divisive to say that "Black Lives Matter".

Then, some people decided that "Blue Lives Matter". Oddly...upon hearing that, the response from the people who were offended by "Black Lives Matter" wasn't to scream "All Lives Matter".

Now...here we have a white guy...exclaiming that "White Lives Matter". Somehow, I don't think many of those same people will object and insist that he say "All Lives Matter".

It's not odd at all that the word that seems to draw the most fire in this entire discussion is "Black". Is it?

I didn't mention " black lives matter",but you think the question is asking is it racist.

Well, I didn't think the statement is racist, but the group that uses it as a name does seem so.

But then I could be wrong since it is right wing sources that paint that pictures of them--both racist and extremely shallow.
Let's see how this goes.

When black people said that "Black Lives Matter", the immediate response from some was "All Lives Matter". It is racist and divisive to say that "Black Lives Matter".

Yes it is.

If you're a white guy, try standing on the steps of city hall in a major city holding a sign that says White Lives Matter and see what happens to you.

The implication is that only white lives matter and black lives don't.

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