White nationalist Gosar nails this one.

I don't care who you vote for, but you are your own worse enemy
Im my own worst enemy because i dont vote for the corrupt duopoly? I dont vote for people that lie to me every day?
Lol you are pathetic. Grow up, cultist.
He may be racist, but his record speaks for itself. How about Trump's? Bootlicking Ben Carson.
Already pointed out how racist Biden is with a post to you and you can’t defend it. Biden is a racist, or he is one ignorant, dumb, unaware idiot. You must think the latter.
Already pointed out how racist Biden is with a post to you and you can’t defend it. Biden is a racist, or he is one ignorant, dumb, unaware idiot. You must think the latter.
He knows he is racist. He knows he has been racist. He just doesnt care because of a letter next to his name. That is how he was conditioned to think.
"if you dont vote for me, you aint black"
That should have made every decent black american tell him to go fuck himself.
Ole Mac1958 will throw insults at trump supporters by pretending to converse with other trump haters

but if the people he targets respond to him he sticks his nose in the air and walks away
Not everyone is comfortable climbing into the pig pen. I suspect Mac has very nice shoes.
white nationalist
A person who supports the perceived political interests of the white population within a particular country, especially to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups.

White nationalists claim that culture is a product of race, and advocate for the self-preservation of white people.
White nationalists seek to ensure the survival of the white race, and the cultures of historically white nations.

They hold that white people should maintain their majority in mainly-white countries, maintain their dominance of its political and economic life, and that their culture should be foremost.

Many white nationalists believe that miscegenation, multiculturalism, mass immigration of non-whites and low birth rates among whites are threatening the white race, and some argue that it amounts to white genocide.
Just white supremacists who haven’t overtly stated so.
Ok, Mac1958 gave it a thumbs up so you are going to be his stand-in on this issue

I take it that the opposit of a white nationalist is a person of color or a guilt-ridden white lib who who advocates a new racial balance in America and a new culture to go with it

You mean a socially well adjusted adult.
He probably is, is Mitch McConnell a racist? How about Jim Jordan?
They aren’t in my district so Jordan I rarely follow as I disagree with him on many different issues. McConnell I put in with Biden, pretty ignorant, and not self aware. It seems a trend with the old guard. Jordan, McConnell and Biden I would never vote for, to much party BS in all of them.
Rep. Paul Gosar was one of three members of the House of Representatives on Wednesday to vote against a symbolic measure calling for a cease-fire in Ukraine and support for its people.

Later, Gosar issued a statement faulting the resolution for referencing NATO's longstanding collective defense provision that treats an attack on one member nation as one against all of them.

The moron doesn't even know Ukraine isn't a NATO member.
Pending more information (and with libs there is usually something they arent telling us)
Not everyone is comfortable climbing into the pig pen. I suspect Mac has very nice shoes.
thats a good cover story for Mac1958 to use

but he’s in the lib pig pen with you 24/7

the problem is he’s a Tweener who does not like to defend his opinions
Why the little dog and pony show?

There are more direct and open ways to show your support for Gosar and for White nationalism.

How about this?

the problem is he’s a Tweener who does not like to defend his opinions
I just don't like having my positions and opinions constantly distorted and fabricated. In pretty much every post to me and about me. You're a liar.

If I ever see that you've evolved beyond that, I'll be happy to engage.

FYI, I'm not holding my breath on that.

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