White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America

White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

Gaslighting Cultist gonna Gaslight.

It is amusing to see how Leftists are so in love with big Pharma, and trust them with their very lives.
Well that is consistent with leftists being smarter. We trust science. You freaks trust Alex Jones.
Really? Like Commie Harris saying she would not take the vaccine if Trump recommends it?

That kind of science?

It's more like TDS.
Wow. That is friggin sad. Even trump himself, jumped at the opportunity to avail himself of modern science when he caught it. He apparently believe his doctors when they told him he could possibly get it again, as the antibodies decline in a few months, just as mine told me, and he jumped at the chance to get the vaccine as early as possible, though he didn't tell anybody, including his supporters. The virus does not appear attuned to political party of the individual. It is not a partisan disease. He is out of office, so it does not support him to refuse it. I guess this means once you go that way, stupid is to the bone, just out of habit.
Seems to me, when Trump contracted covid, he was treated with a hydroxychloroquine cocktail that was effective, contrary to CDC/WHO directives at the time. Strangely those orgs changed their tune shortly after his success until it faded from the news cycle--then the treatment was bad again. Kind of like masking, Mask/No Mask/Mask/Two Masks. Now we have unintended consequences of the AstraZeneca vaccine causing thrombosis/blood clots. Gee, that sounds similar to symptoms of Agent Orange exposure--You know another case of better living through chemicals courtesy of your nanny government.
No matter how it seems to you the truth is he did not get hydroxychloroquine.
To treat Covid-19, President Trump is taking remdesivir, dexamethasone and more
Trump receives experimental antibody treatment for Covid-19 diagnosis
The treatment, from Regeneron, is being studied in clinical trials.
8 drugs Trump has been given for his COVID-19 treatment
Regeneron's monoclonal antibody
Vitamin D
8 drugs Trump has been given for his COVID-19 treatment

Trump treated with experimental antibody cocktail for COVID-19

You really ought to read more and from more varied sources, then you would not be in the dark. Reality is real. Come out into the light.

It was the remdisivir that did it.
Yep, excepted by the FDA for emergency use in the united state in 2020. Same thing for Regeneron's monoclonal antibody, also granted emergency use authorization, (even newer than Remdisivir), getting authorization in late 2020.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

It doesn't matter who rejects it. If you are employed in this country, it will eventually be that to remain employed, you will have to take it.

Don't worry, most everyone will be vaccinated soon enough.
That would be a first. Outside of TB tests in certain occupations, vaccinations have NEVER been a condition of employment in the US. As for your last statement--Hold your breath until that happens.
Well, let's just say the company i work for has sent out an email encouraging everyone to get the vaccine. Since we are a service where we meet the customer on a daily basis, once the vaccine is fully available, i expect to get an email stating everyone has to be vaccinated to remain with the company.

I also expect our customers to require the same, if we wish to do business on their property.

I'm always open to being wrong, but in this case, I don't think I am.
Wow. That is friggin sad. Even trump himself, jumped at the opportunity to avail himself of modern science when he caught it. He apparently believe his doctors when they told him he could possibly get it again, as the antibodies decline in a few months, just as mine told me, and he jumped at the chance to get the vaccine as early as possible, though he didn't tell anybody, including his supporters. The virus does not appear attuned to political party of the individual. It is not a partisan disease. He is out of office, so it does not support him to refuse it. I guess this means once you go that way, stupid is to the bone, just out of habit.
Seems to me, when Trump contracted covid, he was treated with a hydroxychloroquine cocktail that was effective, contrary to CDC/WHO directives at the time. Strangely those orgs changed their tune shortly after his success until it faded from the news cycle--then the treatment was bad again. Kind of like masking, Mask/No Mask/Mask/Two Masks. Now we have unintended consequences of the AstraZeneca vaccine causing thrombosis/blood clots. Gee, that sounds similar to symptoms of Agent Orange exposure--You know another case of better living through chemicals courtesy of your nanny government.
No matter how it seems to you the truth is he did not get hydroxychloroquine.
To treat Covid-19, President Trump is taking remdesivir, dexamethasone and more
Trump receives experimental antibody treatment for Covid-19 diagnosis
The treatment, from Regeneron, is being studied in clinical trials.
8 drugs Trump has been given for his COVID-19 treatment
Regeneron's monoclonal antibody
Vitamin D
8 drugs Trump has been given for his COVID-19 treatment

Trump treated with experimental antibody cocktail for COVID-19

You really ought to read more and from more varied sources, then you would not be in the dark. Reality is real. Come out into the light.
Pardon me, I stand corrected.
Unlike many lefties, we don’t allow strangers to squirt their fluid into our bodies.

I’m certainly not going to start by allowing a Big Pharma multinational corporation to do so.
Because your cult leader spread lies about the pandemic. Don't give us any other reason, or you are lying.
What “lies”?

The so-called medical “experts” keep changing their story week to week.

And what does any of that have to do with Big Pharma and why I would trust them with my life?
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.
Who in their right mind would let the government insert a microchip into them.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

It doesn't matter who rejects it. If you are employed in this country, it will eventually be that to remain employed, you will have to take it.

Don't worry, most everyone will be vaccinated soon enough.
That would be a first. Outside of TB tests in certain occupations, vaccinations have NEVER been a condition of employment in the US. As for your last statement--Hold your breath until that happens.
Well, let's just say the company i work for has sent out an email encouraging everyone to get the vaccine. Since we are a service where we meet the customer on a daily basis, once the vaccine is fully available, i expect to get an email stating everyone has to be vaccinated to remain with the company.

I also expect our customers to require the same, if we wish to do business on their property.

I'm always open to being wrong, but in this case, I don't think I am.
You can always just lie, and say you got it.

I’m sure forged vax documents will be a big thing soon.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.
Who in their right mind would let the government insert a microchip into them.
LOL, a lefty would. They trust big government and big multinational Corporations like they would a deity.
I had my first shot a couple weeks ago and I'll get my second one in about a week.

A big part of me longer cares if Trumper/QAnon/Covidiot/anti-vaxxers get sick and die...

Sad...don't have to be that way.

Get your shots...whatever
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

Smart people.
Wow. That is friggin sad. Even trump himself, jumped at the opportunity to avail himself of modern science when he caught it. He apparently believe his doctors when they told him he could possibly get it again, as the antibodies decline in a few months, just as mine told me, and he jumped at the chance to get the vaccine as early as possible, though he didn't tell anybody, including his supporters. The virus does not appear attuned to political party of the individual. It is not a partisan disease. He is out of office, so it does not support him to refuse it. I guess this means once you go that way, stupid is to the bone, just out of habit.
Why get a vaccine for a non-lethal virus?
Looks like we have to explain the basic human trait of empathy to a conservative again.

So, what you're saying is, you want to help the poor, beknighted masses by giving them a flu shot?

Has is ever occurred to you that they may not desire your help or your empathy?

Charity unsolicited is vanity.
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

Well we will be alive to watch your dicks fall off.....from the vaccine....
At least I have a full size dick to have fall off. You have nothing to worry about. Rambunctious is dickless and spineless.
Happy to get my vaccine shots, but asshole liberals in my state say it's not my turn yet I have to wait another month. Liberals picking who lives and who dies there's a scary thought. F'ing illegals will get theirs before I get mine.
Despite all of your moaning and bitching, I am glad you are getting the vaccine.

That I wouldn't is fake news propagated by the asshole liberal news media.
I didn't know that the media of any sort was following bluebutt
White Republicans are more likely to reject the COVID-19 vaccine than any other group in America?
The actions of all who do not take the vaccine, are threatening the health of all in the US; young, old and all between.

It doesn't matter who rejects it. If you are employed in this country, it will eventually be that to remain employed, you will have to take it.

Don't worry, most everyone will be vaccinated soon enough.
That would be a first. Outside of TB tests in certain occupations, vaccinations have NEVER been a condition of employment in the US. As for your last statement--Hold your breath until that happens.
Well, let's just say the company i work for has sent out an email encouraging everyone to get the vaccine. Since we are a service where we meet the customer on a daily basis, once the vaccine is fully available, i expect to get an email stating everyone has to be vaccinated to remain with the company.

I also expect our customers to require the same, if we wish to do business on their property.

I'm always open to being wrong, but in this case, I don't think I am.
If you like your company otherwise and like your customers and are good at your job, you should probably just go ahead and get it, unless you have a history of reactions to vaccines or it important enough to change jobs over.
In the 70s the police could not force a random drug test for pot, not federally or state, as requiring you to piss in a bottle is pretty intrusive to personal liberty. But the government was effective at getting companies to test randomly and as a condition of employment just to get a job, with counting the costs of the testing as a business expense, credits and inducements to insurance companies, along with the insurance companies themselves giving better rates to companies that tested and being able to charge higher rates to those that didn't. Now testing is pretty much commonplace.
The utter bullshit of the Left.
I got my shots in area considered a slum.
Indeependent received his/her shot in his/her own neighborhood, how lucky.
Indeependent is a fake data analyst.
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