White Supremacist in America...

Except you framed it for all to see and implied that I am a racist because I disagree with you politically. If it is public information then why do you think Castro did this? I'll explain since you're dumb. He did this to abash them and to preclude others from donating. Completely wrong IMO no matter who does it. The fact that you cannot see that says volumes about you.
Except you framed it for all to see and implied that I am a racist because I disagree with you politically. If it is public information then why do you think Castro did this? I'll explain since you're dumb. He did this to abash them and to preclude others from donating. Completely wrong IMO no matter who does it. The fact that you cannot see that says volumes about you.

Except you framed it for all to see and implied that I am a racist because I disagree with you politically.
I did no such thing.

Castro posted it so the people of San Antonio, a large latino community, could see who are some of Trump's largest supporters in their community. It's public knowledge.

This isn't new.

So why do you think he did that. What was his motivation? To unite the community? He did for his own personal publicity and to vilify those who voted for Trump. Why doesn't he post a list of his own donors? Your blinders are amusing. Again if a Republican did this I would attack them equally vehemently.

I just said why in the post you just responded to, dope.
It's time for you to toss out the race card and scram. You are apparently too dumb to know when you lost an argument and not fully aware of the globalist playbook.

I've played no race card. That would be Trump who has done so.
When was that?
Trump fans, in all their glory. Even the "14 words" don't phase them.

Trump fans, in all their glory. Even the "14 words" don't phase them.

Do you or don't you agree with the words?

Da fuq is this "14 words"?
"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children"

Mac, honest question, do you have a problem with this ?

Japan Encourages Young People To Date And Mate To Reverse Birth Rate Plunge, But It May Be Too Late

The Japanese government is taking desperate measures to reverse the nation’s plunging birth rate -- funding matchmaking and dating services to get more young people married and producing babies. Local officials arrange “konkatsu” parties where singles can meet and mingle, after having bought tickets that allow them to drink and eat at bars and restaurants.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s government has allocated 3 billion yen (about $29.3 million) to the program to help lift birth rates in the current fiscal year. Japan’s birth rate has fallen to half of what it was only six decades ago, Bloomberg reports, leading analysts to worry that a dwindling population will not only reduce the labor force, but place greater financial burdens on youths to take care of the costly health care needs of their rapidly aging parents and grandparents.

Yuriko Koike, a member of Abe’s conservative, nationalist Liberal Democratic Party, warned that, as of 2012, the average fertility rate for Japanese women amounted to only 1.41 children, well below the replacement rate of 2.1 needed to sustain a stable population. Japan’s birth rate has not been above 2 level since 1974. At present trends, by 2050 there will be only 1.3 workers to support each senior, from 2.6 workers currently. By 2026, social security costs are expected to climb to 24.4 percent of GDP, up from 22.8 percent in fiscal 2012, the country’s welfare ministry projected.

"Now is the last chance to take action on this problem," said Masanao Ozaki, the governor of Kochi prefecture about 500 miles west of Tokyo. "I'm deeply concerned as to whether young workers in the future will be able to take on such a huge burden." Masahiro Yamada, a sociology professor at Chuo University in Tokyo, provided an even darker outlook on Japan’s demographic future. "The falling birthrate will probably have a very severe impact on the Japanese economy," Yamada told Bloomberg. "Japan's social security system will probably collapse."

Japan Encourages Young People To Date And Mate To Reverse Birth Rate Plunge, But It May Be Too Late
Nope. Although it's kinda creepy, and I wouldn't want to see something like that be mandatory. But nope.
You characterization is ridiculous.

No one is "outed" if it's already publicly available information. I cant "out" your address and phone number if its in the phone book.

Except you framed it for all to see and implied that I am a racist because I disagree with you politically. If it is public information then why do you think Castro did this? I'll explain since you're dumb. He did this to abash them and to preclude others from donating. Completely wrong IMO no matter who does it. The fact that you cannot see that says volumes about you.
You characterization is ridiculous.

No one is "outed" if it's already publicly available information. I cant "out" your address and phone number if its in the phone book.

Except you framed it for all to see and implied that I am a racist because I disagree with you politically. If it is public information then why do you think Castro did this? I'll explain since you're dumb. He did this to abash them and to preclude others from donating. Completely wrong IMO no matter who does it. The fact that you cannot see that says volumes about you.

Except you framed it for all to see and implied that I am a racist because I disagree with you politically.
I did no such thing.

Castro posted it so the people of San Antonio, a large latino community, could see who are some of Trump's largest supporters in their community. It's public knowledge.

This isn't new.

So why do you think he did that. What was his motivation? To unite the community? He did for his own personal publicity and to vilify those who voted for Trump. Why doesn't he post a list of his own donors? Your blinders are amusing. Again if a Republican did this I would attack them equally vehemently.

I just said why in the post you just responded to, dope.

Idiot. Why would he want people in SA to see who the Trump donors were? What was his end game?

Informed voters?
To better inform people of how things work in their community?
To allow people to do with that knowledge what they will?

This is nothing new. Corporate donors or supporters of certain policies are often publicly held to account.

Tell us about the boycott of Nike or Dick's Sporting Goods. Or this one just today.

SoulCycle, Equinox face boycott calls after owner’s Trump fundraiser revealed

This is nothing new.
I did no such thing.

Castro posted it so the people of San Antonio, a large latino community, could see who are some of Trump's largest supporters in their community. It's public knowledge.

This isn't new.

So why do you think he did that. What was his motivation? To unite the community? He did for his own personal publicity and to vilify those who voted for Trump. Why doesn't he post a list of his own donors? Your blinders are amusing. Again if a Republican did this I would attack them equally vehemently.

I just said why in the post you just responded to, dope.
It's time for you to toss out the race card and scram. You are apparently too dumb to know when you lost an argument and not fully aware of the globalist playbook.

I've played no race card. That would be Trump who has done so.
When was that?

About the same time as the "invasion".
Except you framed it for all to see and implied that I am a racist because I disagree with you politically. If it is public information then why do you think Castro did this? I'll explain since you're dumb. He did this to abash them and to preclude others from donating. Completely wrong IMO no matter who does it. The fact that you cannot see that says volumes about you.
Except you framed it for all to see and implied that I am a racist because I disagree with you politically. If it is public information then why do you think Castro did this? I'll explain since you're dumb. He did this to abash them and to preclude others from donating. Completely wrong IMO no matter who does it. The fact that you cannot see that says volumes about you.

Except you framed it for all to see and implied that I am a racist because I disagree with you politically.
I did no such thing.

Castro posted it so the people of San Antonio, a large latino community, could see who are some of Trump's largest supporters in their community. It's public knowledge.

This isn't new.

So why do you think he did that. What was his motivation? To unite the community? He did for his own personal publicity and to vilify those who voted for Trump. Why doesn't he post a list of his own donors? Your blinders are amusing. Again if a Republican did this I would attack them equally vehemently.

I just said why in the post you just responded to, dope.

Idiot. Why would he want people in SA to see who the Trump donors were? What was his end game?

Informed voters?
To better inform people of how things work in their community?
To allow people to do with that knowledge what they will?

This is nothing new. Corporate donors or supporters of certain policies are often publicly held to account.

Tell us about the boycott of Nike or Dick's Sporting Goods. Or this one just today.

SoulCycle, Equinox face boycott calls after owner’s Trump fundraiser revealed

This is nothing new.

Show a prior example of this happening to everyday people not Billionaires like Ross and show an example of someone of the RIGHT doing this to a Democrat. Thanks.
That is because people who happen to agree with them on any issue is labeled a white supremicist. Much like when people disagree with a minority government official, they are labled racist. It is the modus operandi of the Democratic Party. It is an intellectually dishonest strategy.

It's odd. I've noted my disagreement with the policies of Obama many times and not once have I been called a racist.

Perhaps it's a bit more than that?

If you voted for him, then you will be ok. If you didn't, it is likely because you are racist. If one of the policies you disagreed with was affirmative action, for example, you are definitely a racist in the eyes of the left. That is how it works.

I didn't vote for him. I support A.A.

Quite a dicotomy. AA, as it is currently applied, is as racist policy in and of itself, but that is a discussion for another thread.

You call it racist. I call it leveling the playing field because without it the racists still would not hire minorities.

And with it, minority racists are allowed to discriminate as they wish. However it is spun, it is a policy that discriminates based on race, which is wrong IMO.
So why do you think he did that. What was his motivation? To unite the community? He did for his own personal publicity and to vilify those who voted for Trump. Why doesn't he post a list of his own donors? Your blinders are amusing. Again if a Republican did this I would attack them equally vehemently.

I just said why in the post you just responded to, dope.
It's time for you to toss out the race card and scram. You are apparently too dumb to know when you lost an argument and not fully aware of the globalist playbook.

I've played no race card. That would be Trump who has done so.
When was that?

About the same time as the "invasion".
Well organized movements of thousands upon thousands of immigrants rushing the borders from vast different locations in South and Central America all funded by mysterious sources......

What word would you use?

Well, are waiting. Funny, the same tactics being used on Europe from the Middle East.

Well, go ahead, let us know what you would call it.

We are all waiting. Prove to us you are not a fucking hypocrite. Take in a family from there and prove that you are giving them room and board. Until then, I will call you and everyone like you what you are. A hypocrite.

Well, what would you call it. Now, time for you to toss out the race card again by putting sarcastic quotes around invasion .
The term "racist" has lost all meaning. The vast majority of communists and anarchists are Democrat party supporters. So what. The Independents like myself decide elections not radicals like you.

You're far from independent.

Bullshit. I am 100% Independent. Unlike you I am not beholden to any party like a little sheep.

You're a Trump supporter. That says all that needs to be said.

Case in Point. So what? Doesn't mean he would automatically get my vote in 2020. Run someone better and I'll vote for them. You have TDS and are an asshole. That is all that needs to be said. Supporting Trump doesn't make one good or bad. Just like being against Trump doesn't make one good or bad so long as you have logic as to why. You're an illogical idiot.

Supporting Trump makes you a supporter of racist, hateful programs.

That has to be one of the stupidest arguments I've seen in a long time. No one supports everything any politician does.
It's odd. I've noted my disagreement with the policies of Obama many times and not once have I been called a racist.

Perhaps it's a bit more than that?

If you voted for him, then you will be ok. If you didn't, it is likely because you are racist. If one of the policies you disagreed with was affirmative action, for example, you are definitely a racist in the eyes of the left. That is how it works.

I didn't vote for him. I support A.A.

Quite a dicotomy. AA, as it is currently applied, is as racist policy in and of itself, but that is a discussion for another thread.

You call it racist. I call it leveling the playing field because without it the racists still would not hire minorities.

And with it, minority racists are allowed to discriminate as they wish. However it is spun, it is a policy that discriminates based on race, which is wrong IMO.

They have to follow the same rules.......if anyone recalls my earlier statement about not being called a racist.......
you don't speak english anymore?
That's one of my favorite quotes EVER here.

Whatever the hell it is you're saying, I'm sure you're right. There ya go.

Hutch Starskey and Bulldog are as bad as any white supremacists on this site, how about you bash them like I have been Mac? Show some consistency if you're truly Independent like me.
You aren't "bashing" anyone. You're attempting to make dopey false equivalencies.
naw, he's giving you facts. you don't like facts, we all know this. kkk is your baby, you all love their policies.
That ship sailed off long ago with Lee Atwater and southern strategy.
naw, you all still own the kkk. embrace your friends there.
If you voted for him, then you will be ok. If you didn't, it is likely because you are racist. If one of the policies you disagreed with was affirmative action, for example, you are definitely a racist in the eyes of the left. That is how it works.

I didn't vote for him. I support A.A.

Quite a dicotomy. AA, as it is currently applied, is as racist policy in and of itself, but that is a discussion for another thread.

You call it racist. I call it leveling the playing field because without it the racists still would not hire minorities.

And with it, minority racists are allowed to discriminate as they wish. However it is spun, it is a policy that discriminates based on race, which is wrong IMO.

They have to follow the same rules.......if anyone recalls my earlier statement about not being called a racist.......

Thought quotas are illegal, government , for example, has goals and targets for minority hiring. There is no such target for non-minority hiring.
He still brought it out. We've reached "anything goes" territory now, and that used to be only for zealots.

It's publicly available. I could post it as well.

Yes but you're not a public official outing your own constituents and labeling them as racists. That is ridiculous.

You characterization is ridiculous.

No one is "outed" if it's already publicly available information. I cant "out" your address and phone number if its in the phone book.

Except you framed it for all to see and implied that I am a racist because I disagree with you politically. If it is public information then why do you think Castro did this? I'll explain since you're dumb. He did this to abash them and to preclude others from donating. Completely wrong IMO no matter who does it. The fact that you cannot see that says volumes about you.
He still brought it out. We've reached "anything goes" territory now, and that used to be only for zealots.

It's publicly available. I could post it as well.

Yes but you're not a public official outing your own constituents and labeling them as racists. That is ridiculous.

You characterization is ridiculous.

No one is "outed" if it's already publicly available information. I cant "out" your address and phone number if its in the phone book.

Except you framed it for all to see and implied that I am a racist because I disagree with you politically. If it is public information then why do you think Castro did this? I'll explain since you're dumb. He did this to abash them and to preclude others from donating. Completely wrong IMO no matter who does it. The fact that you cannot see that says volumes about you.

Except you framed it for all to see and implied that I am a racist because I disagree with you politically.
I did no such thing.

Castro posted it so the people of San Antonio, a large latino community, could see who are some of Trump's largest supporters in their community. It's public knowledge.

This isn't new.
for what reason? explain the purpose of it? I know it, it's called hate baiting, he wanted bad things to happen, anyone supporting trump bad people. That's the implication. you can't change that no matter how bad you wish he didn't. he's a hate baiting fkwad. you can either denounce his hate baiting or support it. your choice, then we know who you are, further member of the kkk.
I did no such thing.

Castro posted it so the people of San Antonio, a large latino community, could see who are some of Trump's largest supporters in their community. It's public knowledge.

This isn't new.

So why do you think he did that. What was his motivation? To unite the community? He did for his own personal publicity and to vilify those who voted for Trump. Why doesn't he post a list of his own donors? Your blinders are amusing. Again if a Republican did this I would attack them equally vehemently.

I just said why in the post you just responded to, dope.

Idiot. Why would he want people in SA to see who the Trump donors were? What was his end game?

Informed voters?
To better inform people of how things work in their community?
To allow people to do with that knowledge what they will?

This is nothing new. Corporate donors or supporters of certain policies are often publicly held to account.

Tell us about the boycott of Nike or Dick's Sporting Goods. Or this one just today.

SoulCycle, Equinox face boycott calls after owner’s Trump fundraiser revealed

This is nothing new.

Show a prior example of this happening to everyday people not Billionaires like Ross and show an example of someone of the RIGHT doing this to a Democrat. Thanks.

How and why is that relevant?

These aren't everyday people. They're business leaders in San Antonio.

Here's Castro....

"Castro said on Morning Joe that was part of the point. “My post was actually a lament. If you look at my language, I said that it’s sad that these folks, many of whom are prominent business owners in San Antonio, a city that’s about 65 percent Hispanic — their customers, the people that have made them wealthy, their employees, the people that have worked for them for years, many of those folks are Hispanic. And they’re giving their money to a guy who’s running ads talking about Hispanics invading this country.”
I didn't vote for him. I support A.A.

Quite a dicotomy. AA, as it is currently applied, is as racist policy in and of itself, but that is a discussion for another thread.

You call it racist. I call it leveling the playing field because without it the racists still would not hire minorities.

And with it, minority racists are allowed to discriminate as they wish. However it is spun, it is a policy that discriminates based on race, which is wrong IMO.

They have to follow the same rules.......if anyone recalls my earlier statement about not being called a racist.......

Thought quotas are illegal, government , for example, has goals and targets for minority hiring. There is no such target for non-minority hiring.

There has been no need for one.
white separatist movement

White Separatism. Hmm. Is that anything like Blacks having their own TV channel, own sitcoms, own, lingo, own names, own identity?
Point is that I thought this was a free world to associate with whomever you damn well please?
I have no problem if Blacks want to be with Blacks, they after all have a lot more in common with each other than I do! Why do you have a problem with Whites wanting to be with Whites?

Or does freedom only work one way for you?
So why do you think he did that. What was his motivation? To unite the community? He did for his own personal publicity and to vilify those who voted for Trump. Why doesn't he post a list of his own donors? Your blinders are amusing. Again if a Republican did this I would attack them equally vehemently.

I just said why in the post you just responded to, dope.

Idiot. Why would he want people in SA to see who the Trump donors were? What was his end game?

Informed voters?
To better inform people of how things work in their community?
To allow people to do with that knowledge what they will?

This is nothing new. Corporate donors or supporters of certain policies are often publicly held to account.

Tell us about the boycott of Nike or Dick's Sporting Goods. Or this one just today.

SoulCycle, Equinox face boycott calls after owner’s Trump fundraiser revealed

This is nothing new.

Show a prior example of this happening to everyday people not Billionaires like Ross and show an example of someone of the RIGHT doing this to a Democrat. Thanks.

How and why is that relevant?

These aren't everyday people. They're business leaders in San Antonio.

Here's Castro....

"Castro said on Morning Joe that was part of the point. “My post was actually a lament. If you look at my language, I said that it’s sad that these folks, many of whom are prominent business owners in San Antonio, a city that’s about 65 percent Hispanic — their customers, the people that have made them wealthy, their employees, the people that have worked for them for years, many of those folks are Hispanic. And they’re giving their money to a guy who’s running ads talking about Hispanics invading this country.”

Most of them were retirees, so how are they "business leaders"? He wanted to hurt them and their businesses. What an asshole.



And to show the idiocy.... last I looked CNN has 3 stories about White Supremacy on the front page.
You can't make this shit up
And yet there are so many hints of it on this very thread.

For example, what do you think of post 178? Are you going to just let it go by?

Haha...you’re reaching bud...don’t stop now.
But, why don’t you take the time to rebut my posts?
Is it because you really can’t discredit facts, statistics and logic without defaulting to emotion and FEELZ?
I have no need or reason to rebut them or try to convince you of anything.

Your posts are very valuable in proving my points and confirming my opinions. That's their value to me.

You're going to think what you're going to think.
And here you see it again folks...the ONLY opinion I have said in this entire thread is two things:

1) The left is making WAAAAY too much of White Supremacist groups. WAY
2) At the same time you cannot get anyone on the left to even talk about ANTIFA let alone get them to agree they are many-many times larger than the clowns from the woods, and have many many times the influence.

And MAC demands that I prove I am not either a racist or have sympathy with them... and he can't see that is a problem.
I'm not demanding anything.

I'm just exposing your blatant hypocrisy.

It doesn't get much more clear than this.

And now the fourth time MAC proves my point by yet again calling names because I pointed out the left is overstating White Supremacist in America (which they obviously are)
And somehow from that I am a "hypocrite".
And, again, there you have it. If you don't agree with something the leftist think - there is something wrong with you.
I just said why in the post you just responded to, dope.
It's time for you to toss out the race card and scram. You are apparently too dumb to know when you lost an argument and not fully aware of the globalist playbook.

I've played no race card. That would be Trump who has done so.
When was that?

About the same time as the "invasion".
Well organized movements of thousands upon thousands of immigrants rushing the borders from vast different locations in South and Central America all funded by mysterious sources......

What word would you use?

Well, are waiting. Funny, the same tactics being used on Europe from the Middle East.

Well, go ahead, let us know what you would call it.

We are all waiting. Prove to us you are not a fucking hypocrite. Take in a family from there and prove that you are giving them room and board. Until then, I will call you and everyone like you what you are. A hypocrite.

Well, what would you call it. Now, time for you to toss out the race card again by putting sarcastic quotes around invasion .

It has never been referred to as an "invasion" prior to this president despite the numbers of crossers being tremendously higher in the past, dope.

I just said why in the post you just responded to, dope.

Idiot. Why would he want people in SA to see who the Trump donors were? What was his end game?

Informed voters?
To better inform people of how things work in their community?
To allow people to do with that knowledge what they will?

This is nothing new. Corporate donors or supporters of certain policies are often publicly held to account.

Tell us about the boycott of Nike or Dick's Sporting Goods. Or this one just today.

SoulCycle, Equinox face boycott calls after owner’s Trump fundraiser revealed

This is nothing new.

Show a prior example of this happening to everyday people not Billionaires like Ross and show an example of someone of the RIGHT doing this to a Democrat. Thanks.

How and why is that relevant?

These aren't everyday people. They're business leaders in San Antonio.

Here's Castro....

"Castro said on Morning Joe that was part of the point. “My post was actually a lament. If you look at my language, I said that it’s sad that these folks, many of whom are prominent business owners in San Antonio, a city that’s about 65 percent Hispanic — their customers, the people that have made them wealthy, their employees, the people that have worked for them for years, many of those folks are Hispanic. And they’re giving their money to a guy who’s running ads talking about Hispanics invading this country.”

Most of them were retirees, so how are they "business leaders"? He wanted to hurt them and their businesses. What an asshole.

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Ok. So three pictures and your opinion somehow refutes Castro's own explanation regarding his community?

One can be retired and still a business owner.


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