White Supremacist in America...

About the same time as the "invasion".
Well organized movements of thousands upon thousands of immigrants rushing the borders from vast different locations in South and Central America all funded by mysterious sources......

What word would you use?

Well, are waiting. Funny, the same tactics being used on Europe from the Middle East.

Well, go ahead, let us know what you would call it.

We are all waiting. Prove to us you are not a fucking hypocrite. Take in a family from there and prove that you are giving them room and board. Until then, I will call you and everyone like you what you are. A hypocrite.

Well, what would you call it. Now, time for you to toss out the race card again by putting sarcastic quotes around invasion .

It has never been referred to as an "invasion" prior to this president despite the numbers of crossers being tremendously higher in the past, dope.

View attachment 273385

There are more illegals in the country than ever before.

Stock vs flow...

Then it's not an invasion then?

It's the largest invasion in human history. Tens of millions.

Your sight seems a bit off.

That is some convoluted nonsense right there.
Well organized movements of thousands upon thousands of immigrants rushing the borders from vast different locations in South and Central America all funded by mysterious sources......

What word would you use?

Well, are waiting. Funny, the same tactics being used on Europe from the Middle East.

Well, go ahead, let us know what you would call it.

We are all waiting. Prove to us you are not a fucking hypocrite. Take in a family from there and prove that you are giving them room and board. Until then, I will call you and everyone like you what you are. A hypocrite.

Well, what would you call it. Now, time for you to toss out the race card again by putting sarcastic quotes around invasion .

It has never been referred to as an "invasion" prior to this president despite the numbers of crossers being tremendously higher in the past, dope.

View attachment 273385

There are more illegals in the country than ever before.

Stock vs flow...

Then it's not an invasion then?

It's the largest invasion in human history. Tens of millions.

Your sight seems a bit off.

That is some convoluted nonsense right there.


You don't like them. What you like is open borders and destruction of America.
Haha...you’re reaching bud...don’t stop now.
But, why don’t you take the time to rebut my posts?
Is it because you really can’t discredit facts, statistics and logic without defaulting to emotion and FEELZ?
I have no need or reason to rebut them or try to convince you of anything.

Your posts are very valuable in proving my points and confirming my opinions. That's their value to me.

You're going to think what you're going to think.
And here you see it again folks...the ONLY opinion I have said in this entire thread is two things:

1) The left is making WAAAAY too much of White Supremacist groups. WAY
2) At the same time you cannot get anyone on the left to even talk about ANTIFA let alone get them to agree they are many-many times larger than the clowns from the woods, and have many many times the influence.

And MAC demands that I prove I am not either a racist or have sympathy with them... and he can't see that is a problem.
I'm not demanding anything.

I'm just exposing your blatant hypocrisy.

It doesn't get much more clear than this.

And now the fourth time MAC proves my point by yet again calling names because I pointed out the left is overstating White Supremacist in America (which they obviously are)
And somehow from that I am a "hypocrite".
And, again, there you have it. If you don't agree with something the leftist think - there is something wrong with you.
I wonder how many examples of what you're claiming doesn't exist you've ignored here so far.

These guys are pissing all over your OP, so you're trying to put me on the defensive.

As I said, I don't need you to admit this stuff. It's all over the thread now.
And that means what exactly?
That 5 or 6 people are talking smack and this has some kind of bearing on the nation as a whole??
I have no need or reason to rebut them or try to convince you of anything.

Your posts are very valuable in proving my points and confirming my opinions. That's their value to me.

You're going to think what you're going to think.
And here you see it again folks...the ONLY opinion I have said in this entire thread is two things:

1) The left is making WAAAAY too much of White Supremacist groups. WAY
2) At the same time you cannot get anyone on the left to even talk about ANTIFA let alone get them to agree they are many-many times larger than the clowns from the woods, and have many many times the influence.

And MAC demands that I prove I am not either a racist or have sympathy with them... and he can't see that is a problem.
I'm not demanding anything.

I'm just exposing your blatant hypocrisy.

It doesn't get much more clear than this.

And now the fourth time MAC proves my point by yet again calling names because I pointed out the left is overstating White Supremacist in America (which they obviously are)
And somehow from that I am a "hypocrite".
And, again, there you have it. If you don't agree with something the leftist think - there is something wrong with you.
I wonder how many examples of what you're claiming doesn't exist you've ignored here so far.

These guys are pissing all over your OP, so you're trying to put me on the defensive.

As I said, I don't need you to admit this stuff. It's all over the thread now.
And that means what exactly?
That 5 or 6 people are talking smack and this has some kind of bearing on the nation as a whole??
Hey, it's your thread. I'm just pointing out what has happened to it. Fun to watch.

I wonder if you'll ever criticize them.

Just kidding. I'm not expecting that.
It has never been referred to as an "invasion" prior to this president despite the numbers of crossers being tremendously higher in the past, dope.

View attachment 273385

There are more illegals in the country than ever before.

Stock vs flow...

Then it's not an invasion then?

It's the largest invasion in human history. Tens of millions.

Your sight seems a bit off.

That is some convoluted nonsense right there.


You don't like them. What you like is open borders and destruction of America.

It's business that is inviting them here and no they do not come unless there were millions of jobs awaiting.
And here you see it again folks...the ONLY opinion I have said in this entire thread is two things:

1) The left is making WAAAAY too much of White Supremacist groups. WAY
2) At the same time you cannot get anyone on the left to even talk about ANTIFA let alone get them to agree they are many-many times larger than the clowns from the woods, and have many many times the influence.

And MAC demands that I prove I am not either a racist or have sympathy with them... and he can't see that is a problem.
I'm not demanding anything.

I'm just exposing your blatant hypocrisy.

It doesn't get much more clear than this.

And now the fourth time MAC proves my point by yet again calling names because I pointed out the left is overstating White Supremacist in America (which they obviously are)
And somehow from that I am a "hypocrite".
And, again, there you have it. If you don't agree with something the leftist think - there is something wrong with you.
I wonder how many examples of what you're claiming doesn't exist you've ignored here so far.

These guys are pissing all over your OP, so you're trying to put me on the defensive.

As I said, I don't need you to admit this stuff. It's all over the thread now.
And that means what exactly?
That 5 or 6 people are talking smack and this has some kind of bearing on the nation as a whole??
Hey, it's your thread. I'm just pointing out what has happened to it. Fun to watch.

I wonder if you'll ever criticize them.

Just kidding. I'm not expecting that.

Im convinced the most strident anti-white supremacists on this forum have never met a black american before. Otherwise they wouldn't be in such denial about their behavior.
The population of actual "white supremacists" in this country is very low. The population of people who agree with them on many issues and spin, deflect and attack when anyone brings them up is significantly higher. And that's the real issue.
Sure! Just a tiny sample, from USMB alone:

This is pipe dream shit meant to feed the n-I-g-g-e-r-s and the s-p-I-c-s because
they're stupid enough to believe that shit.
Sick of their shit and we should not hide it anymore. When they call me a fucking racist, and I say you damn right I am!!!
Fuck those fucking people!
Today blacks act like animals because they are BARELY evolved past the Ape and need a strong central figure (the white man) to keep them in place and acting like normal people.
“We swear muthafuckers, you take our beaners from us and we’ll come for your guns one day”
Filthy fucks!
MAGA! This is great news! Everything is falling into place so we can build the Wall and thwart this invasion of brown diseease ridden third worlders who are a threat to our sovereignty, culture and American traditions.
Being the elected representative of a bunch of dumbass ghetto Jungle Monkeys doesn't take intelligence. It take a ghetto dialect and a promise to get them more welfare. She does that well. However, normal to most humans she is dumber than a door knob.
Valerie Jarrett....Is she that light skinned negro who looks like that ape in Planet of the Apes (negroes?)
I thought she was an ape...Next you'll be telling me Mooch isn't really a shaved wookie.
The asians made fun of obama.....the asians refer to negroes as 'monkey people' and not in jest....they are serious....and why shouldn't they be?
Why do Browns ("people of color") feel compelled to steal, assault, rape, murder Whites, their obvious superior beings? Browns should be worshiping Whites instead of being jealous douchebag criminals.'
Pay the pavement ape or he will get very angry and burn his house down.
One of the weirdest things is when Negros have "beards" that contain less hair than an Italian woman's nipple or an Irish girl's vagina. It is like some scraggly under arm hair shit that they have on their face as if it looks good. Why? As the saying goes "expect the unexpected" and have your firearm ready if you are in the proximity of such savages.
So is this language acceptable when coming from a negro? Do two wrongs make it right? Does Kambaba Parris understand that Trump is leaving office in 2024? Yawn, Kambala wants every African American crack addict to have their own home while White, Red, and Yellow Americans some disabled vets rot on the street.
Nigga's acting like a Nigga...must be part of the Thugery... most blacks don't act like that!

So you favor giving homes to people based on the color of their skin alone and not the content of their character.

That is racist
WTF did you get that? LOL

But your post does illustrate what I was going to post to Mac as to why I disagree with him a bit.

A white supremacist would typically believe a minority person got an advantage getting into college that their kid, or they, didn't get. I would not disagree with that, actually, because I think it's sometimes true.

But even for someone who agreed with it, that would not explain or excuse the birther shit. And every black or minority kid in school didn't take somebody else's shit. Even if you oppose illegal immigration, it's not an "invasion" by "rapists and murderers" and some people Trump "assumes" are decent people. It's somehow ok for people in media to call people "cockroaches."

For 60 years Trumps been a con man. He didn't create the climate. People with lesser skills are losing out. I don't see how illegal aliens are taking many jobs Americans want, instead of taking shit jobs like they have since before WWII. Some maybe … like in construction. But Trump's just capitalizing (-: on the social situation of non-skilled jobs being on the way out … machines are cheaper and complain less. And it's nothing new. In the South and in the anti-union North, the best recruitment for racists from whites at the bottom of the econ ladder. If someone can do your job, they may do it cheaper. Fear them.

What's new is that Trump has given them a role model to lessen even their rules of civility. And that can be dangerous when people are inclined to kill others whose looks they don't care for.

It's not the source of all mass killings. I don't think you can even say it's a "cause." But an evil person could find support for their intentions through Trump's rhetoric.
I'm not demanding anything.

I'm just exposing your blatant hypocrisy.

It doesn't get much more clear than this.

And now the fourth time MAC proves my point by yet again calling names because I pointed out the left is overstating White Supremacist in America (which they obviously are)
And somehow from that I am a "hypocrite".
And, again, there you have it. If you don't agree with something the leftist think - there is something wrong with you.
I wonder how many examples of what you're claiming doesn't exist you've ignored here so far.

These guys are pissing all over your OP, so you're trying to put me on the defensive.

As I said, I don't need you to admit this stuff. It's all over the thread now.
And that means what exactly?
That 5 or 6 people are talking smack and this has some kind of bearing on the nation as a whole??
Hey, it's your thread. I'm just pointing out what has happened to it. Fun to watch.

I wonder if you'll ever criticize them.

Just kidding. I'm not expecting that.

Im convinced the most strident anti-white supremacists on this forum have never met a black american before. Otherwise they wouldn't be in such denial about their behavior.
It's true, Trash, u see blacks as untermensch
The population of actual "white supremacists" in this country is very low.

The population of people who agree with them on many issues and spin, deflect and attack when anyone brings them up is significantly higher.

And that's the real issue.
White Supremacists are all by themselves. You can't believe in what a White Supremacist believes without being one.
However, as a percentage....there are more Black Supremacists than White Supremacists. A Supremacist believes that their race is better than another and deserves special consideration because of their race......and Blacks are in the 90 percentile when it comes to that.
And now the fourth time MAC proves my point by yet again calling names because I pointed out the left is overstating White Supremacist in America (which they obviously are)
And somehow from that I am a "hypocrite".
And, again, there you have it. If you don't agree with something the leftist think - there is something wrong with you.
I wonder how many examples of what you're claiming doesn't exist you've ignored here so far.

These guys are pissing all over your OP, so you're trying to put me on the defensive.

As I said, I don't need you to admit this stuff. It's all over the thread now.
And that means what exactly?
That 5 or 6 people are talking smack and this has some kind of bearing on the nation as a whole??
Hey, it's your thread. I'm just pointing out what has happened to it. Fun to watch.

I wonder if you'll ever criticize them.

Just kidding. I'm not expecting that.

Im convinced the most strident anti-white supremacists on this forum have never met a black american before. Otherwise they wouldn't be in such denial about their behavior.
It's true, Trash, u see blacks as untermensch

Who makes American cities cesspools of violence and despair? Is it the alt-right or black males?
Everyone who is sane agrees with the 14 words.
Wow, speaking of the "14 Words", this is weird: American Nazi Party – 14 Words
Gosh, I wonder what iamwhatiseem , AzogtheDefiler , Frannie, Picaro and Terri4Trump think of this.

I'm guessing this won't get them too upset, and that they'll comment about me instead.
You forgot to answer if Kamalla Harris plan to give black people homes based on the color of their skin is racist, and how excluding other poor people would be legal
Right on cue!

And of course you dodge answering straight questions like a good little tool. You know your answer will suck when babbled outside the Safe Space.
Everyone who is sane agrees with the 14 words.
Wow, speaking of the "14 Words", this is weird: American Nazi Party – 14 Words
Gosh, I wonder what iamwhatiseem , AzogtheDefiler , Frannie, Picaro and Terri4Trump think of this.

I'm guessing this won't get them too upset, and that they'll comment about me instead.
You forgot to answer if Kamalla Harris plan to give black people homes based on the color of their skin is racist, and how excluding other poor people would be legal
Right on cue!

And of course you dodge answering straight questions like a good little tool. You know your answer will suck when babbled outside the Safe Space.
I'm staying on topic. You're not. You can start and thread and tag me. I'll be more than happy to respond.

Until then, you're just another one.
Quite a dicotomy. AA, as it is currently applied, is as racist policy in and of itself, but that is a discussion for another thread.

You call it racist. I call it leveling the playing field because without it the racists still would not hire minorities.

And with it, minority racists are allowed to discriminate as they wish. However it is spun, it is a policy that discriminates based on race, which is wrong IMO.

They have to follow the same rules.......if anyone recalls my earlier statement about not being called a racist.......

Thought quotas are illegal, government , for example, has goals and targets for minority hiring. There is no such target for non-minority hiring.

There has been no need for one.

So you are ok for a qualified non-minority to get passed over in favor of a less qualified minority to reach a target? Funny how the same principle doesn't apply in the NBA or NFL. Diversity for diversity sake only is not only harmful to the quality of the workforce, but to racial relations. Asians are minorities, but are routinely victims of this ridiculous policy.
You call it racist. I call it leveling the playing field because without it the racists still would not hire minorities.

And with it, minority racists are allowed to discriminate as they wish. However it is spun, it is a policy that discriminates based on race, which is wrong IMO.

They have to follow the same rules.......if anyone recalls my earlier statement about not being called a racist.......

Thought quotas are illegal, government , for example, has goals and targets for minority hiring. There is no such target for non-minority hiring.

There has been no need for one.

So you are ok for a qualified non-minority to get passed over in favor of a less qualified minority to reach a target? Funny how the same principle doesn't apply in the NBA or NFL. Diversity for diversity sake only is not only harmful to the quality of the workforce, but to racial relations. Asians are minorities, but are routinely victims of this ridiculous policy.

"Less qualified" is highly subjective and that's the issue.
Wow, speaking of the "14 Words", this is weird: American Nazi Party – 14 Words
Gosh, I wonder what iamwhatiseem , AzogtheDefiler , Frannie, Picaro and Terri4Trump think of this.

I'm guessing this won't get them too upset, and that they'll comment about me instead.
You forgot to answer if Kamalla Harris plan to give black people homes based on the color of their skin is racist, and how excluding other poor people would be legal
Right on cue!

And of course you dodge answering straight questions like a good little tool. You know your answer will suck when babbled outside the Safe Space.
I'm staying on topic. You're not. You can start and thread and tag me. I'll be more than happy to respond.

Until then, you're just another one.
I've lived in Miss for 30 years now. For the last 16 we've pretty much had one party rule, but I don't think either governor took any action based on race preference. The long time Sec of State implemented voter ID to make sure no one who wanted a free ID didn't get one, regardless of their race.

Racists are alive and well. But they've never been as open as they are. now. One House Rep supporting the Gop governor candidate is a racist. The guy who will most likely be the next Sec of State undeniably tried to keep blacks from legally voting in a past election.
And here you see it again folks...the ONLY opinion I have said in this entire thread is two things:

1) The left is making WAAAAY too much of White Supremacist groups. WAY
2) At the same time you cannot get anyone on the left to even talk about ANTIFA let alone get them to agree they are many-many times larger than the clowns from the woods, and have many many times the influence.

And MAC demands that I prove I am not either a racist or have sympathy with them... and he can't see that is a problem.
I'm not demanding anything.

I'm just exposing your blatant hypocrisy.

It doesn't get much more clear than this.

And now the fourth time MAC proves my point by yet again calling names because I pointed out the left is overstating White Supremacist in America (which they obviously are)
And somehow from that I am a "hypocrite".
And, again, there you have it. If you don't agree with something the leftist think - there is something wrong with you.
I wonder how many examples of what you're claiming doesn't exist you've ignored here so far.

These guys are pissing all over your OP, so you're trying to put me on the defensive.

As I said, I don't need you to admit this stuff. It's all over the thread now.
And that means what exactly?
That 5 or 6 people are talking smack and this has some kind of bearing on the nation as a whole??
Hey, it's your thread. I'm just pointing out what has happened to it. Fun to watch.

I wonder if you'll ever criticize them.

Just kidding. I'm not expecting that.
Criticize who...and again referencing that I must be racist or sympathize as a matter of fact, despite positively nothing in this thread, or any other thread that says so.
You should examine that about yourself. Why do you naturally assume someone who makes a comment about, yet again, the media and the left using a latest attempt to further divide people - must be racist.
That is absurd.
As for saying something to some other people here...anyone who is a racist, that is, who believes one race is inferior to another is ignorant. PERIOD.
Now, someone saying black people murder more, not racist...a fact. Black people are more violent, not racist, that is a fact per capita. Inarguable.
Now, if someone said "they are that way because of their skin color, or "black blood" - that is a problem.
If someone says racist things, then they are an idiot. Same as an idiot who claims White Supremacist are a threat in America.
Everyone who is sane agrees with the 14 words.
Wow, speaking of the "14 Words", this is weird: American Nazi Party – 14 Words
Gosh, I wonder what iamwhatiseem , AzogtheDefiler , Frannie, Picaro and Terri4Trump think of this.

I'm guessing this won't get them too upset, and that they'll comment about me instead.

I'm guessing you're just attempting to call us Nazis via what you think is some clever semantics; being an idiot, you of course failed, as usual. Run along now, back to DU and Daily Kos, and find something new to parrot.
Show a prior example of this happening to everyday people not Billionaires like Ross and show an example of someone of the RIGHT doing this to a Democrat. Thanks.

How and why is that relevant?

These aren't everyday people. They're business leaders in San Antonio.

Here's Castro....

"Castro said on Morning Joe that was part of the point. “My post was actually a lament. If you look at my language, I said that it’s sad that these folks, many of whom are prominent business owners in San Antonio, a city that’s about 65 percent Hispanic — their customers, the people that have made them wealthy, their employees, the people that have worked for them for years, many of those folks are Hispanic. And they’re giving their money to a guy who’s running ads talking about Hispanics invading this country.”

Most of them were retirees, so how are they "business leaders"? He wanted to hurt them and their businesses. What an asshole.

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View attachment 273381

View attachment 273383

Ok. So three pictures and your opinion somehow refutes Castro's own explanation regarding his community?

One can be retired and still a business owner.


He is free to state his opinion but what he did with the doxxing is ridiculous. You’re an idiot if you cannot see it was all political theater BS. Well you are dumber than a potted plant.

It's not "doxxing" if the information is already publicly available, dope.

Of course it is. Wow. You’re out of touch with reality.
Everyone who is sane agrees with the 14 words.
Wow, speaking of the "14 Words", this is weird: American Nazi Party – 14 Words
Gosh, I wonder what iamwhatiseem , AzogtheDefiler , Frannie, Picaro and Terri4Trump think of this.

I'm guessing this won't get them too upset, and that they'll comment about me instead.

I'm guessing you're just attempting to call us Nazis via what you think is some clever semantics; being an idiot, you of course failed, as usual. Run along now, back to DU and Daily Kos, and find something new to parrot.
More lies, more insults, more name-calling.

It's almost unfair, how easy it is to trigger partisans.

Either side, of course.

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