White Supremacist in America...

Everyone who is sane agrees with the 14 words.
Wow, speaking of the "14 Words", this is weird: American Nazi Party – 14 Words
Gosh, I wonder what iamwhatiseem , AzogtheDefiler , Frannie, Picaro and Terri4Trump think of this.

I'm guessing this won't get them too upset, and that they'll comment about me instead.

I'm guessing you're just attempting to call us Nazis via what you think is some clever semantics; being an idiot, you of course failed, as usual. Run along now, back to DU and Daily Kos, and find something new to parrot.
More lies, more insults, more name-calling.

It's almost unfair, how easy it is to trigger partisans.

Either side, of course.
Trump gives them a pass. I don't think Trump is source of bigotry or even violence. But he tells them they are victims and legitimately feel the way they do.

I have to say I wasn't thrilled with Obama and Holder giving aid and succor to the BLM folks though
Everyone who is sane agrees with the 14 words.
Wow, speaking of the "14 Words", this is weird: American Nazi Party – 14 Words
Gosh, I wonder what iamwhatiseem , AzogtheDefiler , Frannie, Picaro and Terri4Trump think of this.

I'm guessing this won't get them too upset, and that they'll comment about me instead.

I'm guessing you're just attempting to call us Nazis via what you think is some clever semantics; being an idiot, you of course failed, as usual. Run along now, back to DU and Daily Kos, and find something new to parrot.
More lies, more insults, more name-calling.

It's almost unfair, how easy it is to trigger partisans.

Either side, of course.
Trump gives them a pass. I don't think Trump is source of bigotry or even violence. But he tells them they are victims and legitimately feel the way they do.

I have to say I wasn't thrilled with Obama and Holder giving aid and succor to the BLM folks though

Take your TDS to a thread where it's relevant.

Trump just condemned them and according to you he is giving them a pass. If you want to see what giving a pass looks like, look at democrats and antifa.
Everyone who is sane agrees with the 14 words.
Wow, speaking of the "14 Words", this is weird: American Nazi Party – 14 Words
Gosh, I wonder what iamwhatiseem , AzogtheDefiler , Frannie, Picaro and Terri4Trump think of this.

I'm guessing this won't get them too upset, and that they'll comment about me instead.

I'm guessing you're just attempting to call us Nazis via what you think is some clever semantics; being an idiot, you of course failed, as usual. Run along now, back to DU and Daily Kos, and find something new to parrot.
More lies, more insults, more name-calling.

It's almost unfair, how easy it is to trigger partisans.

Either side, of course.
Trump gives them a pass. I don't think Trump is source of bigotry or even violence. But he tells them they are victims and legitimately feel the way they do.

I have to say I wasn't thrilled with Obama and Holder giving aid and succor to the BLM folks though

You like wearing bright colors?
You should parroting the same lie over and over.
Trump has repeatedly stated a number of comments and insults at White Supremacist.
Let's see if you can find a video of Obama about BLM? Or Sharption? Oopss... he loooves Sharpton.
Everyone who is sane agrees with the 14 words.
Wow, speaking of the "14 Words", this is weird: American Nazi Party – 14 Words
Gosh, I wonder what iamwhatiseem , AzogtheDefiler , Frannie, Picaro and Terri4Trump think of this.

I'm guessing this won't get them too upset, and that they'll comment about me instead.

I'm guessing you're just attempting to call us Nazis via what you think is some clever semantics; being an idiot, you of course failed, as usual. Run along now, back to DU and Daily Kos, and find something new to parrot.
More lies, more insults, more name-calling.

It's almost unfair, how easy it is to trigger partisans.

Either side, of course.
Trump gives them a pass. I don't think Trump is source of bigotry or even violence. But he tells them they are victims and legitimately feel the way they do.

I have to say I wasn't thrilled with Obama and Holder giving aid and succor to the BLM folks though
I don't think of him as a racist. What he clearly does, though, is enable the racist elements within his base. Look at when he pretended to not even know who David Duke is. Come on. You know damn well he was just being careful. He knows his base, he knows its elements, and he doesn't want to annoy them.

Holy crap, look at what his followers say on this board.

Is an opportunistic enabler a racist, or as bad as a racist? No, of course not, but that's close enough for me.
You're a Trump supporter. That says all that needs to be said.

Case in Point. So what? Doesn't mean he would automatically get my vote in 2020. Run someone better and I'll vote for them. You have TDS and are an asshole. That is all that needs to be said. Supporting Trump doesn't make one good or bad. Just like being against Trump doesn't make one good or bad so long as you have logic as to why. You're an illogical idiot.

Supporting Trump makes you a supporter of racist, hateful programs.

Such as-?

Mexicans are Rapists and criminals, Trump panders to white Nationalists, (Steve Bannon), wants to completely ban Muslims, Claimed a judge couldn't fairly rule "because he's a Mexican". The judge was born in Indiana. He said a Muslim judge wouldn't be fair either. Justice Department sued his management company several times for not renting to blacks. Trump plaza fined $200,000 for discriminating against black card dealers. Quotes like this
“And isn’t it funny. I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it,” O’Donnell recalled Trump saying. “The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”

“I think the guy is lazy,” Trump said of a black employee, according to O’Donnell. “And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.”
Trump is and always has been a racist.

#1) No he never said all. He said they don't send their best and some are and that is true.

#2) He wanted to ban people from certain Muslim countries because we could not properly vet them. Je Suis Charlie.

#3) He went overboard on the Judge

#4) Conjecture. If he was racist he would have been exposed as such before he ran as he was always a public personality. NO ONE called him a racist before he ran/won.

#5) More conjecture. See #4.

Keep trying.

He was exposed as a racist before he ran. The idiots that voted for him just didn't care.
Wow, speaking of the "14 Words", this is weird: American Nazi Party – 14 Words
Gosh, I wonder what iamwhatiseem , AzogtheDefiler , Frannie, Picaro and Terri4Trump think of this.

I'm guessing this won't get them too upset, and that they'll comment about me instead.

I'm guessing you're just attempting to call us Nazis via what you think is some clever semantics; being an idiot, you of course failed, as usual. Run along now, back to DU and Daily Kos, and find something new to parrot.
More lies, more insults, more name-calling.

It's almost unfair, how easy it is to trigger partisans.

Either side, of course.
Trump gives them a pass. I don't think Trump is source of bigotry or even violence. But he tells them they are victims and legitimately feel the way they do.

I have to say I wasn't thrilled with Obama and Holder giving aid and succor to the BLM folks though
I don't think of him as a racist. What he clearly does, though, is enable the racist elements within his base. Look at when he pretended to not even know who David Duke is. Come on. You know damn well he was just being careful. He knows his base, he knows its elements, and he doesn't want to annoy them.

Holy crap, look at what his followers say on this board.

Is an opportunistic enabler a racist, or as bad as a racist? No, of course not, but that's close enough for me.

After you you disagreed with preserving the white race your opinion on racism is quite irrelevant.
You're far from independent.

Bullshit. I am 100% Independent. Unlike you I am not beholden to any party like a little sheep.

You're a Trump supporter. That says all that needs to be said.

Case in Point. So what? Doesn't mean he would automatically get my vote in 2020. Run someone better and I'll vote for them. You have TDS and are an asshole. That is all that needs to be said. Supporting Trump doesn't make one good or bad. Just like being against Trump doesn't make one good or bad so long as you have logic as to why. You're an illogical idiot.

Supporting Trump makes you a supporter of racist, hateful programs.

That has to be one of the stupidest arguments I've seen in a long time. No one supports everything any politician does.

You can try to pretend none of that matters, but we both know it does. At least be honest about what the pig is.
If you believed the Democrat Presidential candidates.....

View attachment 273353

White Supremacist power in America in reality....

View attachment 273354

Even though it is quite entertaining watching these bozos trying to make White Supremacy the "New Russia" - it is also damaging to an already problematic relations between the races.

Add in the media with their frothing at the mouth over-the-top ridiculous clown panel discussions - and you are effectively driving a wedge between the races.
And then...blame it on Trump.
Even though it is quite entertaining watching these bozos trying to make White Supremacy the "New Russia" - it is also damaging to an already problematic relations between the races.
Have you noticed a history of white supremacy in the US?

Why are so many conservatives today afraid to label acts of violence committed by White right-wing extremists domestic terrorism?

4 Ways Washington Could Help Stop White Nationalist Violence — Now

"In 2009, Daryl Johnson, an analyst in the Department of Homeland Security, published a report that warned lawmakers about the rise of right-wing extremism and white-nationalist hate groups in the wake of the global financial crisis and Barack Obama’s 2008 election.

"Intended only for law-enforcement officials, Johnson’s report was leaked to the media, and conservatives went ballistic, furious that a government agency dared mention 'right-wing extremism' and the recruitment of veterans by extremist groups.

"Then-DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano apologized for some of the report’s conclusions, and Johnson’s unit was later disbanded."

No Problem
White Supremacist are domestic terrorist groups.


ANTIFA is an active domestic terrorist groups with 100x the membership
No Problem
White Supremacist are domestic terrorist groups.


ANTIFA is an active domestic terrorist groups with 100x the membership
How many mass shootings has ANTIFA been involved in?

4 Ways Washington Could Help Stop White Nationalist Violence — Now

"WASHINGTON — Oak Creek. Charleston. Pittsburgh. Charlottesville. Poway. And now, El Paso.

"That’s just to begin the list of places victimized by violence fueled by racism, bigotry, homophobia, or white supremacy — a list that grows longer with no end in sight.

"Hate crimes climbed by 17 percent in 2017, according to the FBI.

"The bureau’s director, Christopher Wray, told lawmakers last month that most of the domestic terrorism cases involving race were 'motivated by some version of what you might call white supremacist violence.'"

I don't believe ANTIFA contributes much in the way of positive race relations, but they aren't committed to white supremacy, are they?
Case in Point. So what? Doesn't mean he would automatically get my vote in 2020. Run someone better and I'll vote for them. You have TDS and are an asshole. That is all that needs to be said. Supporting Trump doesn't make one good or bad. Just like being against Trump doesn't make one good or bad so long as you have logic as to why. You're an illogical idiot.

Supporting Trump makes you a supporter of racist, hateful programs.

Such as-?

Mexicans are Rapists and criminals, Trump panders to white Nationalists, (Steve Bannon), wants to completely ban Muslims, Claimed a judge couldn't fairly rule "because he's a Mexican". The judge was born in Indiana. He said a Muslim judge wouldn't be fair either. Justice Department sued his management company several times for not renting to blacks. Trump plaza fined $200,000 for discriminating against black card dealers. Quotes like this
“And isn’t it funny. I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it,” O’Donnell recalled Trump saying. “The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”

“I think the guy is lazy,” Trump said of a black employee, according to O’Donnell. “And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.”
Trump is and always has been a racist.

#1) No he never said all. He said they don't send their best and some are and that is true.

#2) He wanted to ban people from certain Muslim countries because we could not properly vet them. Je Suis Charlie.

#3) He went overboard on the Judge

#4) Conjecture. If he was racist he would have been exposed as such before he ran as he was always a public personality. NO ONE called him a racist before he ran/won.

#5) More conjecture. See #4.

Keep trying.

He was exposed as a racist before he ran. The idiots that voted for him just didn't care.

So when he was on Celebrity Apprentice he was a racist? Nope. No one ever accused him of that. Not even remotely true. Lying old man. You are a racist. There I said it. Now prove me wrong.
Bullshit. I am 100% Independent. Unlike you I am not beholden to any party like a little sheep.

You're a Trump supporter. That says all that needs to be said.

Case in Point. So what? Doesn't mean he would automatically get my vote in 2020. Run someone better and I'll vote for them. You have TDS and are an asshole. That is all that needs to be said. Supporting Trump doesn't make one good or bad. Just like being against Trump doesn't make one good or bad so long as you have logic as to why. You're an illogical idiot.

Supporting Trump makes you a supporter of racist, hateful programs.

That has to be one of the stupidest arguments I've seen in a long time. No one supports everything any politician does.

You can try to pretend none of that matters, but we both know it does. At least be honest about what the pig is.

LMAO. You are allowed to your opinion but to vilify others for theirs is called Fascism. STFU you Fascist.
The population of actual "white supremacists" in this country is very low.

The population of people who agree with them on many issues and spin, deflect and attack when anyone brings them up is significantly higher.

And that's the real issue.

Look at Mac falling for the Talking Points

Guess you're not so isolated way up there on your mountain
If you believed the Democrat Presidential candidates.....

View attachment 273353

White Supremacist power in America in reality....

View attachment 273354

Even though it is quite entertaining watching these bozos trying to make White Supremacy the "New Russia" - it is also damaging to an already problematic relations between the races.

Add in the media with their frothing at the mouth over-the-top ridiculous clown panel discussions - and you are effectively driving a wedge between the races.
And then...blame it on Trump.

This has to be one of the dumbest political strategies I have ever seen.

When it was "Russia Collusion" the knuckleheads weren't ACTUALLY blaming people whose votes they wanted. Right? It was Trump, it was foreigners.

But now, we're all White Supremacists on the bring of being violent mass shooters. Really, you idiots? This is your strategy for winning votes AWAY from Trump and to your side? Tell us all we're violent psychopaths?

What morons
That's one of my favorite quotes EVER here.

Whatever the hell it is you're saying, I'm sure you're right. There ya go.

Hutch Starskey and Bulldog are as bad as any white supremacists on this site, how about you bash them like I have been Mac? Show some consistency if you're truly Independent like me.
You aren't "bashing" anyone. You're attempting to make dopey false equivalencies.
naw, he's giving you facts. you don't like facts, we all know this. kkk is your baby, you all love their policies.
That ship sailed off long ago with Lee Atwater and southern strategy.
naw, you all still own the kkk. embrace your friends there.
In the full 116th Congress, the overwhelming majority of racial and ethnic nonwhite members are Democrats (90%), while just 10% are Republicans.

non-whites love being in the KKK party, dont they?
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee Honors KKK Grand Wizard With Proclamation
wonder why Bill Lee is a republican instead of democrat?
No Problem
White Supremacist are domestic terrorist groups.


ANTIFA is an active domestic terrorist groups with 100x the membership

Waiting for what, proof that ANTIFA killed Heather Heyer?

Why Trump's plan to label antifa a terrorist group is little more than 'political theatre'

"While 74 per cent of extremism-related murders were committed by right-wing extremists over the past decade, just two per cent were carried out by left-wing extremists, according to a 2016 report published by the Anti-Defamation League.

"Extremism-related deaths have followed that same trend in more recent years as well.

"The number of murders carried out by white supremacists rose in 2018 to 17 total deaths, up from 13 the year before, while other forms of ideologically motivated killings declined.

"Violent Salafist jihadist murders declined to just one death last year, according to the Centre for the Study of Hate & Extremism at California State University.

"When white nationalists clashed with nonviolent counter-protesters and antifa members at the Charlottesville rallies, it was a violent white supremacist who drove a car through a crowd and killed activist Heather Hayer."
Hutch Starskey and Bulldog are as bad as any white supremacists on this site, how about you bash them like I have been Mac? Show some consistency if you're truly Independent like me.
You aren't "bashing" anyone. You're attempting to make dopey false equivalencies.
naw, he's giving you facts. you don't like facts, we all know this. kkk is your baby, you all love their policies.
That ship sailed off long ago with Lee Atwater and southern strategy.
naw, you all still own the kkk. embrace your friends there.
In the full 116th Congress, the overwhelming majority of racial and ethnic nonwhite members are Democrats (90%), while just 10% are Republicans.

non-whites love being in the KKK party, dont they?
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee Honors KKK Grand Wizard With Proclamation
wonder why Bill Lee is a republican instead of democrat?

That doesn’t make any sense. Both senators from MA are white so are people in MA racist?
You aren't "bashing" anyone. You're attempting to make dopey false equivalencies.
naw, he's giving you facts. you don't like facts, we all know this. kkk is your baby, you all love their policies.
That ship sailed off long ago with Lee Atwater and southern strategy.
naw, you all still own the kkk. embrace your friends there.
In the full 116th Congress, the overwhelming majority of racial and ethnic nonwhite members are Democrats (90%), while just 10% are Republicans.

non-whites love being in the KKK party, dont they?
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee Honors KKK Grand Wizard With Proclamation
wonder why Bill Lee is a republican instead of democrat?

That doesn’t make any sense. Both senators from MA are white so are people in MA racist?
Perhaps you need to again read my post. I was referring to all of congress.
naw, he's giving you facts. you don't like facts, we all know this. kkk is your baby, you all love their policies.
That ship sailed off long ago with Lee Atwater and southern strategy.
naw, you all still own the kkk. embrace your friends there.
In the full 116th Congress, the overwhelming majority of racial and ethnic nonwhite members are Democrats (90%), while just 10% are Republicans.

non-whites love being in the KKK party, dont they?
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee Honors KKK Grand Wizard With Proclamation
wonder why Bill Lee is a republican instead of democrat?

That doesn’t make any sense. Both senators from MA are white so are people in MA racist?
Perhaps you need to again read my post. I was referring to all of congress.

NBA is 75% black. African Americans are only 13% of the population. Is the NBA racist? Stats may be misleading. Most blacks are Democrats as are Jews so of course they will be as such in Congress.

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