White Supremacist in America...

The term "racist" has lost all meaning. The vast majority of communists and anarchists are Democrat party supporters. So what. The Independents like myself decide elections not radicals like you.

You're far from independent.

Bullshit. I am 100% Independent. Unlike you I am not beholden to any party like a little sheep.

You're a Trump supporter. That says all that needs to be said.

Case in Point. So what? Doesn't mean he would automatically get my vote in 2020. Run someone better and I'll vote for them. You have TDS and are an asshole. That is all that needs to be said. Supporting Trump doesn't make one good or bad. Just like being against Trump doesn't make one good or bad so long as you have logic as to why. You're an illogical idiot.

Supporting Trump makes you a supporter of racist, hateful programs.

Such as-?
Poor Mac1958 , no matter how hard you and all your PC programmers try...you can’t sell your philosophy to sane folks paying attention.
“Hey White people, thanks for building the greatest nation on earth, thanks for making this nation a place where everybody wants to be...BUT, we’ll take it from here....we got this, your services are no longer needed.”

I love this place.

Why are you guys bitching at me when you're illustrating my point for me?

Just be proud and thank me for my accurate observations!

Haha...you’re trying way too hard bud...you’re pissed that you can’t scare / con people into discarding logic and reason....funny shit.
Hahaha....”I swear, I’ll call you a racist if you dare acknowledge statistics and facts.”
I haven't called anyone a racist. I just made an observation, and you guys have jumped in to illustrate it for me while bitching at the same time.

The Regressive Lefties do the same thing. I swear, do you guys all train at the same place? Do you get a group discount or sumpin?

Ohhh, I see, this is another one of your brilliant Jedi mind tricks?
Boy, you really got us on this one...you’re afuckinmazing...just ask you.
I'm just enjoying the show.
The term "racist" has lost all meaning. The vast majority of communists and anarchists are Democrat party supporters. So what. The Independents like myself decide elections not radicals like you.

You're far from independent.

Bullshit. I am 100% Independent. Unlike you I am not beholden to any party like a little sheep.

You're a Trump supporter. That says all that needs to be said.

Case in Point. So what? Doesn't mean he would automatically get my vote in 2020. Run someone better and I'll vote for them. You have TDS and are an asshole. That is all that needs to be said. Supporting Trump doesn't make one good or bad. Just like being against Trump doesn't make one good or bad so long as you have logic as to why. You're an illogical idiot.

Supporting Trump makes you a supporter of racist, hateful programs.
you don't speak english anymore?
That's one of my favorite quotes EVER here.

Whatever the hell it is you're saying, I'm sure you're right. There ya go.

Hutch Starskey and Bulldog are as bad as any white supremacists on this site, how about you bash them like I have been Mac? Show some consistency if you're truly Independent like me.
You aren't "bashing" anyone. You're attempting to make dopey false equivalencies.
naw, he's giving you facts. you don't like facts, we all know this. kkk is your baby, you all love their policies.
That ship sailed off long ago with Lee Atwater and southern strategy.
The information Castro "outed" was already publicly available.
He still brought it out. We've reached "anything goes" territory now, and that used to be only for zealots.

It's publicly available. I could post it as well.

Yes but you're not a public official outing your own constituents and labeling them as racists. That is ridiculous.

You characterization is ridiculous.

No one is "outed" if it's already publicly available information. I cant "out" your address and phone number if its in the phone book.

Except you framed it for all to see and implied that I am a racist because I disagree with you politically. If it is public information then why do you think Castro did this? I'll explain since you're dumb. He did this to abash them and to preclude others from donating. Completely wrong IMO no matter who does it. The fact that you cannot see that says volumes about you.
The information Castro "outed" was already publicly available.
He still brought it out. We've reached "anything goes" territory now, and that used to be only for zealots.

It's publicly available. I could post it as well.

Yes but you're not a public official outing your own constituents and labeling them as racists. That is ridiculous.

You characterization is ridiculous.

No one is "outed" if it's already publicly available information. I cant "out" your address and phone number if its in the phone book.

Except you framed it for all to see and implied that I am a racist because I disagree with you politically. If it is public information then why do you think Castro did this? I'll explain since you're dumb. He did this to abash them and to preclude others from donating. Completely wrong IMO no matter who does it. The fact that you cannot see that says volumes about you.

Except you framed it for all to see and implied that I am a racist because I disagree with you politically.
I did no such thing.

Castro posted it so the people of San Antonio, a large latino community, could see who are some of Trump's largest supporters in their community. It's public knowledge.

This isn't new.
Poor Mac1958 , no matter how hard you and all your PC programmers try...you can’t sell your philosophy to sane folks paying attention.
“Hey White people, thanks for building the greatest nation on earth, thanks for making this nation a place where everybody wants to be...BUT, we’ll take it from here....we got this, your services are no longer needed.”

I love this place.

Why are you guys bitching at me when you're illustrating my point for me?

Just be proud and thank me for my accurate observations!

Haha...you’re trying way too hard bud...you’re pissed that you can’t scare / con people into discarding logic and reason....funny shit.
Hahaha....”I swear, I’ll call you a racist if you dare acknowledge statistics and facts.”
I haven't called anyone a racist. I just made an observation, and you guys have jumped in to illustrate it for me while bitching at the same time.

The Regressive Lefties do the same thing. I swear, do you guys all train at the same place? Do you get a group discount or sumpin?

Ohhh, I see, this is another one of your brilliant Jedi mind tricks?
Boy, you really got us on this one...you’re afuckinmazing...just ask you.
I'm just enjoying the show.

I hear ya...
This is another one of Super Smart Macs tests....a sneaky probe deep into the minds of posters...You will deliver your brilliant analysis as soon as you compile enough data. You have an amazing ability to expose the “wingers”. Thanks for gracing us with your presence Mac.
I love this place.

Why are you guys bitching at me when you're illustrating my point for me?

Just be proud and thank me for my accurate observations!

Haha...you’re trying way too hard bud...you’re pissed that you can’t scare / con people into discarding logic and reason....funny shit.
Hahaha....”I swear, I’ll call you a racist if you dare acknowledge statistics and facts.”
I haven't called anyone a racist. I just made an observation, and you guys have jumped in to illustrate it for me while bitching at the same time.

The Regressive Lefties do the same thing. I swear, do you guys all train at the same place? Do you get a group discount or sumpin?

Ohhh, I see, this is another one of your brilliant Jedi mind tricks?
Boy, you really got us on this one...you’re afuckinmazing...just ask you.
I'm just enjoying the show.

I hear ya...
This is another one of Super Smart Macs tests....a sneaky probe deep into the minds of posters...You will deliver your brilliant analysis as soon as you compile enough data. You have an amazing ability to expose the “wingers”. Thanks for gracing us with your presence Mac.
My pleasure!
He still brought it out. We've reached "anything goes" territory now, and that used to be only for zealots.

It's publicly available. I could post it as well.

Yes but you're not a public official outing your own constituents and labeling them as racists. That is ridiculous.

You characterization is ridiculous.

No one is "outed" if it's already publicly available information. I cant "out" your address and phone number if its in the phone book.

Except you framed it for all to see and implied that I am a racist because I disagree with you politically. If it is public information then why do you think Castro did this? I'll explain since you're dumb. He did this to abash them and to preclude others from donating. Completely wrong IMO no matter who does it. The fact that you cannot see that says volumes about you.
He still brought it out. We've reached "anything goes" territory now, and that used to be only for zealots.

It's publicly available. I could post it as well.

Yes but you're not a public official outing your own constituents and labeling them as racists. That is ridiculous.

You characterization is ridiculous.

No one is "outed" if it's already publicly available information. I cant "out" your address and phone number if its in the phone book.

Except you framed it for all to see and implied that I am a racist because I disagree with you politically. If it is public information then why do you think Castro did this? I'll explain since you're dumb. He did this to abash them and to preclude others from donating. Completely wrong IMO no matter who does it. The fact that you cannot see that says volumes about you.

Except you framed it for all to see and implied that I am a racist because I disagree with you politically.
I did no such thing.

Castro posted it so the people of San Antonio, a large latino community, could see who are some of Trump's largest supporters in their community. It's public knowledge.

This isn't new.

So why do you think he did that. What was his motivation? To unite the community? He did for his own personal publicity and to vilify those who voted for Trump. Why doesn't he post a list of his own donors? Your blinders are amusing. Again if a Republican did this I would attack them equally vehemently.
The information Castro "outed" was already publicly available.

Yes but he framed it and labeled them as racists because they supported Trump. No need to do that. Completely out of bounds.
Not really.

Sad to see so many San Antonians as 2019 maximum donors to Donald Trump — the owner of ⁦
⁩, owner of the ⁦
, realtor Phyllis Browning, etc⁩. Their contributions are fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as ‘invaders.’

PRECISELY! So wrong. "Campaign of Hate" is utterly subjective and the illegals are invaders not immigrants. Castro is a moron like you.

Where is the allegation of rscism?

It is implied if you read between the lines. You're stupid so you cannot see that but most logical and smart people do.

It's only implied if you're looking for it to be implied.
You dopes go on and on about Soros, a large donor to Dem politics and overtly label him as all sorts of nonsense. Members of congress call fellow members communists in open hearings on national television. Now you're incensed?

Bitch..... please.
It's publicly available. I could post it as well.

Yes but you're not a public official outing your own constituents and labeling them as racists. That is ridiculous.

You characterization is ridiculous.

No one is "outed" if it's already publicly available information. I cant "out" your address and phone number if its in the phone book.

Except you framed it for all to see and implied that I am a racist because I disagree with you politically. If it is public information then why do you think Castro did this? I'll explain since you're dumb. He did this to abash them and to preclude others from donating. Completely wrong IMO no matter who does it. The fact that you cannot see that says volumes about you.
It's publicly available. I could post it as well.

Yes but you're not a public official outing your own constituents and labeling them as racists. That is ridiculous.

You characterization is ridiculous.

No one is "outed" if it's already publicly available information. I cant "out" your address and phone number if its in the phone book.

Except you framed it for all to see and implied that I am a racist because I disagree with you politically. If it is public information then why do you think Castro did this? I'll explain since you're dumb. He did this to abash them and to preclude others from donating. Completely wrong IMO no matter who does it. The fact that you cannot see that says volumes about you.

Except you framed it for all to see and implied that I am a racist because I disagree with you politically.
I did no such thing.

Castro posted it so the people of San Antonio, a large latino community, could see who are some of Trump's largest supporters in their community. It's public knowledge.

This isn't new.

So why do you think he did that. What was his motivation? To unite the community? He did for his own personal publicity and to vilify those who voted for Trump. Why doesn't he post a list of his own donors? Your blinders are amusing. Again if a Republican did this I would attack them equally vehemently.

As it turns out, one of those on the list he posted was one of his own donors.
That lamer's going down in flames.
Can't find anything saying the hollywood left has opened their homes to any of the illegals.

Apparently they are all still living behind walls in their gated communities.

I wonder if any of them are using public buses, or given up their cars, or ride bikes to the grocery store, stopped flying planes (their private jets) for the sake of the planet.

No, they don't do any of those things?


How many ever admitted that they purchased carbon credits from gore?

Did that work? Well, it got that fat fuck rich. Did it save the planet?

Hey, did you all know there is no more hole in the ozone?

Look it up. The left claim the Montreal Protocol fixed it.

Yes but he framed it and labeled them as racists because they supported Trump. No need to do that. Completely out of bounds.
Not really.

Sad to see so many San Antonians as 2019 maximum donors to Donald Trump — the owner of ⁦
⁩, owner of the ⁦
, realtor Phyllis Browning, etc⁩. Their contributions are fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as ‘invaders.’

PRECISELY! So wrong. "Campaign of Hate" is utterly subjective and the illegals are invaders not immigrants. Castro is a moron like you.

Where is the allegation of rscism?

It is implied if you read between the lines. You're stupid so you cannot see that but most logical and smart people do.

It's only implied if you're looking for it to be implied.
You dopes go on and on about Soros, a large donor to Dem politics and overtly label him as all sorts of nonsense. Members of congress call fellow members communists in open hearings on national television. Now you're incensed?

Bitch..... please.

Soros is a famous person. These are mostly retirees who do not seek fame and have been posted on numerous sites now and lost their sense of privacy. I explained to you that if it were a Republican I would be equally incensed. What part of that do you not understand?
I love this place.

Why are you guys bitching at me when you're illustrating my point for me?

Just be proud and thank me for my accurate observations!

Haha...you’re trying way too hard bud...you’re pissed that you can’t scare / con people into discarding logic and reason....funny shit.
Hahaha....”I swear, I’ll call you a racist if you dare acknowledge statistics and facts.”
I haven't called anyone a racist. I just made an observation, and you guys have jumped in to illustrate it for me while bitching at the same time.

The Regressive Lefties do the same thing. I swear, do you guys all train at the same place? Do you get a group discount or sumpin?

Ohhh, I see, this is another one of your brilliant Jedi mind tricks?
Boy, you really got us on this one...you’re afuckinmazing...just ask you.
I'm just enjoying the show.

I hear ya...
This is another one of Super Smart Macs tests....a sneaky probe deep into the minds of posters...You will deliver your brilliant analysis as soon as you compile enough data. You have an amazing ability to expose the “wingers”. Thanks for gracing us with your presence Mac.

It really wasn't "sneaky" at all.

You, and others, openly agreed with one of the main tennants of nazi beliefs as posted on their site.
You're far from independent.

Bullshit. I am 100% Independent. Unlike you I am not beholden to any party like a little sheep.

You're a Trump supporter. That says all that needs to be said.

Case in Point. So what? Doesn't mean he would automatically get my vote in 2020. Run someone better and I'll vote for them. You have TDS and are an asshole. That is all that needs to be said. Supporting Trump doesn't make one good or bad. Just like being against Trump doesn't make one good or bad so long as you have logic as to why. You're an illogical idiot.

Supporting Trump makes you a supporter of racist, hateful programs.

Such as-?

Mexicans are Rapists and criminals, Trump panders to white Nationalists, (Steve Bannon), wants to completely ban Muslims, Claimed a judge couldn't fairly rule "because he's a Mexican". The judge was born in Indiana. He said a Muslim judge wouldn't be fair either. Justice Department sued his management company several times for not renting to blacks. Trump plaza fined $200,000 for discriminating against black card dealers. Quotes like this
“And isn’t it funny. I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it,” O’Donnell recalled Trump saying. “The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”

“I think the guy is lazy,” Trump said of a black employee, according to O’Donnell. “And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.”
Trump is and always has been a racist.
It's publicly available. I could post it as well.

Yes but you're not a public official outing your own constituents and labeling them as racists. That is ridiculous.

You characterization is ridiculous.

No one is "outed" if it's already publicly available information. I cant "out" your address and phone number if its in the phone book.

Except you framed it for all to see and implied that I am a racist because I disagree with you politically. If it is public information then why do you think Castro did this? I'll explain since you're dumb. He did this to abash them and to preclude others from donating. Completely wrong IMO no matter who does it. The fact that you cannot see that says volumes about you.
It's publicly available. I could post it as well.

Yes but you're not a public official outing your own constituents and labeling them as racists. That is ridiculous.

You characterization is ridiculous.

No one is "outed" if it's already publicly available information. I cant "out" your address and phone number if its in the phone book.

Except you framed it for all to see and implied that I am a racist because I disagree with you politically. If it is public information then why do you think Castro did this? I'll explain since you're dumb. He did this to abash them and to preclude others from donating. Completely wrong IMO no matter who does it. The fact that you cannot see that says volumes about you.

Except you framed it for all to see and implied that I am a racist because I disagree with you politically.
I did no such thing.

Castro posted it so the people of San Antonio, a large latino community, could see who are some of Trump's largest supporters in their community. It's public knowledge.

This isn't new.

So why do you think he did that. What was his motivation? To unite the community? He did for his own personal publicity and to vilify those who voted for Trump. Why doesn't he post a list of his own donors? Your blinders are amusing. Again if a Republican did this I would attack them equally vehemently.

I just said why in the post you just responded to, dope.
And to show the idiocy.... last I looked CNN has 3 stories about White Supremacy on the front page.
You can't make this shit up
Haha...you’re trying way too hard bud...you’re pissed that you can’t scare / con people into discarding logic and reason....funny shit.
Hahaha....”I swear, I’ll call you a racist if you dare acknowledge statistics and facts.”
I haven't called anyone a racist. I just made an observation, and you guys have jumped in to illustrate it for me while bitching at the same time.

The Regressive Lefties do the same thing. I swear, do you guys all train at the same place? Do you get a group discount or sumpin?

Ohhh, I see, this is another one of your brilliant Jedi mind tricks?
Boy, you really got us on this one...you’re afuckinmazing...just ask you.
I'm just enjoying the show.

I hear ya...
This is another one of Super Smart Macs tests....a sneaky probe deep into the minds of posters...You will deliver your brilliant analysis as soon as you compile enough data. You have an amazing ability to expose the “wingers”. Thanks for gracing us with your presence Mac.

It really wasn't "sneaky" at all.

You, and others, openly agreed with one of the main tennants of nazi beliefs as posted on their site.

I’m totally cool with that..you can’t scare me stupid and or dumb me down...I’ll wear your retarded label with pride.
Trust me, none of you want a less white nation...look around the world at all dark nations...none of you are migrating there...Weird huh?
Yes but you're not a public official outing your own constituents and labeling them as racists. That is ridiculous.

You characterization is ridiculous.

No one is "outed" if it's already publicly available information. I cant "out" your address and phone number if its in the phone book.

Except you framed it for all to see and implied that I am a racist because I disagree with you politically. If it is public information then why do you think Castro did this? I'll explain since you're dumb. He did this to abash them and to preclude others from donating. Completely wrong IMO no matter who does it. The fact that you cannot see that says volumes about you.
Yes but you're not a public official outing your own constituents and labeling them as racists. That is ridiculous.

You characterization is ridiculous.

No one is "outed" if it's already publicly available information. I cant "out" your address and phone number if its in the phone book.

Except you framed it for all to see and implied that I am a racist because I disagree with you politically. If it is public information then why do you think Castro did this? I'll explain since you're dumb. He did this to abash them and to preclude others from donating. Completely wrong IMO no matter who does it. The fact that you cannot see that says volumes about you.

Except you framed it for all to see and implied that I am a racist because I disagree with you politically.
I did no such thing.

Castro posted it so the people of San Antonio, a large latino community, could see who are some of Trump's largest supporters in their community. It's public knowledge.

This isn't new.

So why do you think he did that. What was his motivation? To unite the community? He did for his own personal publicity and to vilify those who voted for Trump. Why doesn't he post a list of his own donors? Your blinders are amusing. Again if a Republican did this I would attack them equally vehemently.

I just said why in the post you just responded to, dope.
It's time for you to toss out the race card and scram. You are apparently too dumb to know when you lost an argument and not fully aware of the globalist playbook.

Sad to see so many San Antonians as 2019 maximum donors to Donald Trump — the owner of ⁦
⁩, owner of the ⁦
, realtor Phyllis Browning, etc⁩. Their contributions are fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as ‘invaders.’

PRECISELY! So wrong. "Campaign of Hate" is utterly subjective and the illegals are invaders not immigrants. Castro is a moron like you.

Where is the allegation of rscism?

It is implied if you read between the lines. You're stupid so you cannot see that but most logical and smart people do.

It's only implied if you're looking for it to be implied.
You dopes go on and on about Soros, a large donor to Dem politics and overtly label him as all sorts of nonsense. Members of congress call fellow members communists in open hearings on national television. Now you're incensed?

Bitch..... please.

Soros is a famous person. These are mostly retirees who do not seek fame and have been posted on numerous sites now and lost their sense of privacy. I explained to you that if it were a Republican I would be equally incensed. What part of that do you not understand?

Yes. Made famous for being a billionaire donor in Dem politics, dope.

So you're incensed that the employers of "retirees" were published although being public information to begin with? :uhoh3:

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