White Supremacist in America...

The information Castro "outed" was already publicly available.

Where they were employed wasn't.

Actually.... it was.
Why people are mad about a list of Trump donors online

"According to FEC guidelines, individuals can contribute up to $2,800 to federal candidates per election — that means they could, for example, give that maximum for the primary and general election, meaning $5,600 combined. Cash contributions of $50 or less can be anonymous. Once contributions add up to more than $200 during a two-year cycle to a certain candidate, then campaigns have to report them to the FEC, including the amount, date of receipt, and the contributor’s name, address, occupation, and employer. That information can then be accessed on the FEC’s website or on websites that aggregate that information, such as OpenSecrets."

Correct but Castro went the extra mile and put them in a nice picture frame and labeled them as racists. That is overtly wrong. If you cannot see that then you're a moron even MSNBC vilified him for it.

He didn't label anyone a racist, liar.

Sad to see so many San Antonians as 2019 maximum donors to Donald Trump — the owner of ⁦
⁩, owner of the ⁦
, realtor Phyllis Browning, etc⁩. Their contributions are fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as ‘invaders.’

From your own link. LOL.

It is a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as invaders. Are you trying to say you don't?
Last edited:
How tolerant you are of people who agree with you about the 14 words!

Here's what I said about Castro, in this thread, post 27: Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) outs Texas Trump donors

Wanna try again?

You wingers think that everyone else is as dishonest and hypocritical as YOU are.

Thanks for the weak and cowardly deflection.
The information Castro "outed" was already publicly available.
He still brought it out. We've reached "anything goes" territory now, and that used to be only for zealots.

It's publicly available. I could post it as well.

Yes but you're not a public official outing your own constituents and labeling them as racists. That is ridiculous.

You characterization is ridiculous.

No one is "outed" if it's already publicly available information. I cant "out" your address and phone number if its in the phone book.

Except you framed it for all to see and implied that I am a racist because I disagree with you politically. If it is public information then why do you think Castro did this? I'll explain since you're dumb. He did this to abash them and to preclude others from donating. Completely wrong IMO no matter who does it. The fact that you cannot see that says volumes about you.
Poor Mac1958 , no matter how hard you and all your PC programmers try...you can’t sell your philosophy to sane folks paying attention.
“Hey White people, thanks for building the greatest nation on earth, thanks for making this nation a place where everybody wants to be...BUT, we’ll take it from here....we got this, your services are no longer needed.”

I love this place.

Why are you guys bitching at me when you're illustrating my point for me?

Just be proud and thank me for my accurate observations!
People like Joaquin Castro are cancers much more so than DJT yet you never mention him or people like him. Why is that Mac?
How tolerant you are of people who agree with you about the 14 words!

Here's what I said about Castro, in this thread, post 27: Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) outs Texas Trump donors

Bad stuff. Out of bounds, but there are no bounds now.
Zealots always have an excuse.

Wanna try again?

You wingers think that everyone else is as dishonest and hypocritical as YOU are.

Thanks for the weak and cowardly deflection.
The information Castro "outed" was already publicly available.

Yes but he framed it and labeled them as racists because they supported Trump. No need to do that. Completely out of bounds.
Not really.

Sad to see so many San Antonians as 2019 maximum donors to Donald Trump — the owner of ⁦
⁩, owner of the ⁦
, realtor Phyllis Browning, etc⁩. Their contributions are fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as ‘invaders.’

PRECISELY! So wrong. "Campaign of Hate" is utterly subjective and the illegals are invaders not immigrants. Castro is a moron like you.

Where is the allegation of rscism?
The vast majority of racists are Trump supporters. They love him. Did you ever wonder why?

The term "racist" has lost all meaning. The vast majority of communists and anarchists are Democrat party supporters. So what. The Independents like myself decide elections not radicals like you.

You're far from independent.

Bullshit. I am 100% Independent. Unlike you I am not beholden to any party like a little sheep.

You're a Trump supporter. That says all that needs to be said.

Case in Point. So what? Doesn't mean he would automatically get my vote in 2020. Run someone better and I'll vote for them. You have TDS and are an asshole. That is all that needs to be said. Supporting Trump doesn't make one good or bad. Just like being against Trump doesn't make one good or bad so long as you have logic as to why. You're an illogical idiot.

Supporting Trump makes you a supporter of racist, hateful programs.
Where they were employed wasn't.

Actually.... it was.
Why people are mad about a list of Trump donors online

"According to FEC guidelines, individuals can contribute up to $2,800 to federal candidates per election — that means they could, for example, give that maximum for the primary and general election, meaning $5,600 combined. Cash contributions of $50 or less can be anonymous. Once contributions add up to more than $200 during a two-year cycle to a certain candidate, then campaigns have to report them to the FEC, including the amount, date of receipt, and the contributor’s name, address, occupation, and employer. That information can then be accessed on the FEC’s website or on websites that aggregate that information, such as OpenSecrets."

Correct but Castro went the extra mile and put them in a nice picture frame and labeled them as racists. That is overtly wrong. If you cannot see that then you're a moron even MSNBC vilified him for it.

He didn't label anyone a racist, liar.

Sad to see so many San Antonians as 2019 maximum donors to Donald Trump — the owner of ⁦
⁩, owner of the ⁦
, realtor Phyllis Browning, etc⁩. Their contributions are fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as ‘invaders.’

From your own link. LOL.

It is a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as invaders. Are you trying to day you don't?

No he said ILLEGALS are invaders and they are. NOT IMMIGRANTS. Immigrants are legal. Obama said the same thing.



It didn't make Obama racist. It made him an American. You dolt. Same with Trump.
How tolerant you are of people who agree with you about the 14 words!

Here's what I said about Castro, in this thread, post 27: Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) outs Texas Trump donors

Wanna try again?

You wingers think that everyone else is as dishonest and hypocritical as YOU are.

Thanks for the weak and cowardly deflection.
The information Castro "outed" was already publicly available.

Yes but he framed it and labeled them as racists because they supported Trump. No need to do that. Completely out of bounds.
Not really.

Sad to see so many San Antonians as 2019 maximum donors to Donald Trump — the owner of ⁦
⁩, owner of the ⁦
, realtor Phyllis Browning, etc⁩. Their contributions are fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as ‘invaders.’

PRECISELY! So wrong. "Campaign of Hate" is utterly subjective and the illegals are invaders not immigrants. Castro is a moron like you.

Where is the allegation of rscism?

It is implied if you read between the lines. You're stupid so you cannot see that but most logical and smart people do.
The term "racist" has lost all meaning. The vast majority of communists and anarchists are Democrat party supporters. So what. The Independents like myself decide elections not radicals like you.

You're far from independent.

Bullshit. I am 100% Independent. Unlike you I am not beholden to any party like a little sheep.

You're a Trump supporter. That says all that needs to be said.

Case in Point. So what? Doesn't mean he would automatically get my vote in 2020. Run someone better and I'll vote for them. You have TDS and are an asshole. That is all that needs to be said. Supporting Trump doesn't make one good or bad. Just like being against Trump doesn't make one good or bad so long as you have logic as to why. You're an illogical idiot.

Supporting Trump makes you a supporter of racist, hateful programs.

No. You saying anyone who supports Trump is a racist makes you an asshole. You have the right to your POV but you have no right to vilify others for simply disagreeing with you.
The information Castro "outed" was already publicly available.

Where they were employed wasn't.

Actually.... it was.
Why people are mad about a list of Trump donors online

"According to FEC guidelines, individuals can contribute up to $2,800 to federal candidates per election — that means they could, for example, give that maximum for the primary and general election, meaning $5,600 combined. Cash contributions of $50 or less can be anonymous. Once contributions add up to more than $200 during a two-year cycle to a certain candidate, then campaigns have to report them to the FEC, including the amount, date of receipt, and the contributor’s name, address, occupation, and employer. That information can then be accessed on the FEC’s website or on websites that aggregate that information, such as OpenSecrets."

Correct but Castro went the extra mile and put them in a nice picture frame and labeled them as racists. That is overtly wrong. If you cannot see that then you're a moron even MSNBC vilified him for it.

He didn't label anyone a racist, liar.

That is EXACTLY what he did. Why else do you think he published this. He said they supported Trump's rhetoric of hate more or less, which is highly subjective and utter BS. I would say the same thing if some Republican Congressman did that to Sanders supporters and implied they were communists. I would eviscerate them. You're a lemming.

He said no such thing.
Actually.... it was.
Why people are mad about a list of Trump donors online

"According to FEC guidelines, individuals can contribute up to $2,800 to federal candidates per election — that means they could, for example, give that maximum for the primary and general election, meaning $5,600 combined. Cash contributions of $50 or less can be anonymous. Once contributions add up to more than $200 during a two-year cycle to a certain candidate, then campaigns have to report them to the FEC, including the amount, date of receipt, and the contributor’s name, address, occupation, and employer. That information can then be accessed on the FEC’s website or on websites that aggregate that information, such as OpenSecrets."

Correct but Castro went the extra mile and put them in a nice picture frame and labeled them as racists. That is overtly wrong. If you cannot see that then you're a moron even MSNBC vilified him for it.

He didn't label anyone a racist, liar.

Sad to see so many San Antonians as 2019 maximum donors to Donald Trump — the owner of ⁦
⁩, owner of the ⁦
, realtor Phyllis Browning, etc⁩. Their contributions are fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as ‘invaders.’

From your own link. LOL.

It is a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as invaders. Are you trying to day you don't?

No he said ILLEGALS are invaders and they are. NOT IMMIGRANTS. Immigrants are legal. Obama said the same thing.

View attachment 273369

View attachment 273370

It didn't make Obama racist. It made him an American. You dolt. Same with Trump.

You crazy Trump supporters have proven that he could shoot someone in the middle of the street and not lose your support. You scare me.
Poor Mac1958 , no matter how hard you and all your PC programmers try...you can’t sell your philosophy to sane folks paying attention.
“Hey White people, thanks for building the greatest nation on earth, thanks for making this nation a place where everybody wants to be...BUT, we’ll take it from here....we got this, your services are no longer needed.”

I love this place.

Why are you guys bitching at me when you're illustrating my point for me?

Just be proud and thank me for my accurate observations!

Haha...you’re trying way too hard bud...you’re pissed that you can’t scare / con people into discarding logic and reason....funny shit.
Hahaha....”I swear, I’ll call you a racist if you dare have the balls to acknowledge statistics and facts.”
You're far from independent.

Bullshit. I am 100% Independent. Unlike you I am not beholden to any party like a little sheep.

You're a Trump supporter. That says all that needs to be said.

Case in Point. So what? Doesn't mean he would automatically get my vote in 2020. Run someone better and I'll vote for them. You have TDS and are an asshole. That is all that needs to be said. Supporting Trump doesn't make one good or bad. Just like being against Trump doesn't make one good or bad so long as you have logic as to why. You're an illogical idiot.

Supporting Trump makes you a supporter of racist, hateful programs.

No. You saying anyone who supports Trump is a racist makes you an asshole. You have the right to your POV but you have no right to vilify others for simply disagreeing with you.

Don't you have a cross to burn somewhere?
I don't care about skin color. Sorry.
Are you saying whites aren't human?

you don't speak english anymore?
That's one of my favorite quotes EVER here.

Whatever the hell it is you're saying, I'm sure you're right. There ya go.

Hutch Starskey and Bulldog are as bad as any white supremacists on this site, how about you bash them like I have been Mac? Show some consistency if you're truly Independent like me.
You aren't "bashing" anyone. You're attempting to make dopey false equivalencies.
Poor Mac1958 , no matter how hard you and all your PC programmers try...you can’t sell your philosophy to sane folks paying attention.
“Hey White people, thanks for building the greatest nation on earth, thanks for making this nation a place where everybody wants to be...BUT, we’ll take it from here....we got this, your services are no longer needed.”

I love this place.

Why are you guys bitching at me when you're illustrating my point for me?

Just be proud and thank me for my accurate observations!

Haha...you’re trying way too hard bud...you’re pissed that you can’t scare / con people into discarding logic and reason....funny shit.
Hahaha....”I swear, I’ll call you a racist if you dare acknowledge statistics and facts.”
I haven't called anyone a racist. I just made an observation, and you guys have jumped in to illustrate it for me while bitching at the same time.

The Regressive Lefties do the same thing. I swear, do you guys all train at the same place? Do you get a group discount or sumpin?
Where they were employed wasn't.

Actually.... it was.
Why people are mad about a list of Trump donors online

"According to FEC guidelines, individuals can contribute up to $2,800 to federal candidates per election — that means they could, for example, give that maximum for the primary and general election, meaning $5,600 combined. Cash contributions of $50 or less can be anonymous. Once contributions add up to more than $200 during a two-year cycle to a certain candidate, then campaigns have to report them to the FEC, including the amount, date of receipt, and the contributor’s name, address, occupation, and employer. That information can then be accessed on the FEC’s website or on websites that aggregate that information, such as OpenSecrets."

Correct but Castro went the extra mile and put them in a nice picture frame and labeled them as racists. That is overtly wrong. If you cannot see that then you're a moron even MSNBC vilified him for it.

He didn't label anyone a racist, liar.

That is EXACTLY what he did. Why else do you think he published this. He said they supported Trump's rhetoric of hate more or less, which is highly subjective and utter BS. I would say the same thing if some Republican Congressman did that to Sanders supporters and implied they were communists. I would eviscerate them. You're a lemming.

He said no such thing.

Man, you're stupid.
I don't care about skin color. Sorry.
Are you saying whites aren't human?

you don't speak english anymore?
That's one of my favorite quotes EVER here.

Whatever the hell it is you're saying, I'm sure you're right. There ya go.

Hutch Starskey and Bulldog are as bad as any white supremacists on this site, how about you bash them like I have been Mac? Show some consistency if you're truly Independent like me.

The only thing true about you is you are willing to support Trumps lies.
Are you saying whites aren't human?

you don't speak english anymore?
That's one of my favorite quotes EVER here.

Whatever the hell it is you're saying, I'm sure you're right. There ya go.

Hutch Starskey and Bulldog are as bad as any white supremacists on this site, how about you bash them like I have been Mac? Show some consistency if you're truly Independent like me.
You aren't "bashing" anyone. You're attempting to make dopey false equivalencies.
naw, he's giving you facts. you don't like facts, we all know this. kkk is your baby, you all love their policies.
Are you saying whites aren't human?

you don't speak english anymore?
That's one of my favorite quotes EVER here.

Whatever the hell it is you're saying, I'm sure you're right. There ya go.

Hutch Starskey and Bulldog are as bad as any white supremacists on this site, how about you bash them like I have been Mac? Show some consistency if you're truly Independent like me.

The only thing true about you is you are willing to support Trumps lies.
and you've never posted a lie, nor what makes him racist. you're a left so you grabbed the reins and yelled it because you could. it's false, but you can yell it and no one can stop you! purely useless drivel.
Poor Mac1958 , no matter how hard you and all your PC programmers try...you can’t sell your philosophy to sane folks paying attention.
“Hey White people, thanks for building the greatest nation on earth, thanks for making this nation a place where everybody wants to be...BUT, we’ll take it from here....we got this, your services are no longer needed.”

I love this place.

Why are you guys bitching at me when you're illustrating my point for me?

Just be proud and thank me for my accurate observations!

Haha...you’re trying way too hard bud...you’re pissed that you can’t scare / con people into discarding logic and reason....funny shit.
Hahaha....”I swear, I’ll call you a racist if you dare acknowledge statistics and facts.”
I haven't called anyone a racist. I just made an observation, and you guys have jumped in to illustrate it for me while bitching at the same time.

The Regressive Lefties do the same thing. I swear, do you guys all train at the same place? Do you get a group discount or sumpin?

Ohhh, I see, this is another one of your brilliant Jedi mind tricks?
Boy, you really got us on this one...you’re afuckinmazing...just ask you.

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