White Supremacist in America...

The population of actual "white supremacists" in this country is very low.

The population of people who agree with them on many issues and spin, deflect and attack when anyone brings them up is significantly higher.

And that's the real issue.
sure it is. cause you have nothing to back that statement.

Still projecting your hate! the fact you are trying to use it to scare others is a form of nazism. just know that.
Trump fans, in all their glory. Even the "14 words" don't phase them.

Trump fans, in all their glory. Even the "14 words" don't phase them.

Do you or don't you agree with the words?

Da fuq is this "14 words"?
"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children"
Mac, you and your PC programming is played the fuck out...you can no longer scare people into ignoring facts and statistics by stamping the R word on them...Sucks huh?
Let me scare the piss out of you...We were founded by whites, we’re funded and run by whites...how do you think we got to where we’re at? Scary shit to acknowledge huh?
Those “14 words” are 100% reasonable to anyone sane....Anyone with a third grade education knows a whiter nation is a safer more productive nation...this isn’t even debatable. Don’t you want to live in a safer more productive nation?
Further, why wouldn’t whites in a white nation be “supreme”?
The Japanese are “supreme” in Japan...as they should be...no?
Look up things related to behavior and achievement...tell us who you think is ‘supreme’. Should we pretend ‘supreme’ isn’t a word with a meaning?

  1. 1.
    (of authority or an office, or someone holding it) superior to all others.
    "a unified force with a supreme commander"
    synonyms: highest ranking, highest, leading, chief, head, top, foremost, principal, superior, premier, first, cardinal, prime, sovereign;
    directing, governing;
    greatest, dominant, predominant, preeminent, overriding, prevailing
    "the supreme commander of NATO forces"

People like Joaquin Castro are cancers much more so than DJT yet you never mention him or people like him. Why is that Mac?
How tolerant you are of people who agree with you about the 14 words!

Here's what I said about Castro, in this thread, post 27: Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) outs Texas Trump donors

Bad stuff. Out of bounds, but there are no bounds now.
Zealots always have an excuse.

Wanna try again?

You wingers think that everyone else is as dishonest and hypocritical as YOU are.

Thanks for the weak and cowardly deflection.
The information Castro "outed" was already publicly available.

Yes but he framed it and labeled them as racists because they supported Trump. No need to do that. Completely out of bounds.
Not really.
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Trump fans, in all their glory. Even the "14 words" don't phase them.

Trump fans, in all their glory. Even the "14 words" don't phase them.

Do you or don't you agree with the words?

Da fuq is this "14 words"?
"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children"
Mac, you and your PC programming is played the fuck out...you can no longer scare people into ignoring facts and statistics by stamping the R word on them...Sucks huh?
Let me scare the piss out of you...We were founded by whites, we’re funded and run by whites...how do you think we got to where we’re at? Scary shit to acknowledge huh?
Those “14 words” are 100% reasonable to anyone sane....Anyone with a third grade education knows a whiter nation is a safer more productive nation...this isn’t even debatable. Don’t you want to live in a safer more productive nation?
Further, why wouldn’t whites in a white nation be “supreme”?
The Japanese are “supreme” in Japan...as they should be...no?
Look up things related to behavior and achievement...tell us who you think is ‘supreme’. Should we pretend ‘supreme’ isn’t a word with a meaning?

  1. 1.
    (of authority or an office, or someone holding it) superior to all others.
    "a unified force with a supreme commander"
    synonyms: highest ranking, highest, leading, chief, head, top, foremost, principal, superior, premier, first, cardinal, prime, sovereign;
    directing, governing;
    greatest, dominant, predominant, preeminent, overriding, prevailing
    "the supreme commander of NATO forces"

Does all that stuff mean you're good with the "14 Words"?
People like Joaquin Castro are cancers much more so than DJT yet you never mention him or people like him. Why is that Mac?
How tolerant you are of people who agree with you about the 14 words!

Here's what I said about Castro, in this thread, post 27: Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) outs Texas Trump donors

Bad stuff. Out of bounds, but there are no bounds now.
Zealots always have an excuse.

Wanna try again?

You wingers think that everyone else is as dishonest and hypocritical as YOU are.

Thanks for the weak and cowardly deflection.
The information Castro "outed" was already publicly available.
He still brought it out. We've reached "anything goes" territory now, and that used to be only for zealots.

It's publicly available. I could post it as well.
The population of actual "white supremacists" in this country is very low.

The population of people who agree with them on many issues and spin, deflect and attack when anyone brings them up is significantly higher.

And that's the real issue.

That is because people who happen to agree with them on any issue is labeled a white supremicist. Much like when people disagree with a minority government official, they are labled racist. It is the modus operandi of the Democratic Party. It is an intellectually dishonest strategy.

It's odd. I've noted my disagreement with the policies of Obama many times and not once have I been called a racist.

Perhaps it's a bit more than that?

If you voted for him, then you will be ok. If you didn't, it is likely because you are racist. If one of the policies you disagreed with was affirmative action, for example, you are definitely a racist in the eyes of the left. That is how it works.
well not totally, they just yell 'RACIST' and that is all they think they have to do. The term is useless today because of their racist behavior. Just remember, 51 people were shot over the last weekend in Chicago, you hear about it on the MSM? Nope, that's them covering their racist programs, where is it blacks are oppressed? In inner cities run by democrats!! Who is saying the blacks are to stupid to get IDs to vote with? who are the ones saying the blacks aren't smart enough to know how to go to another polling location to vote or do absent ballot voting? Ahh the left are the KKK, and all of their actions are demonstrations of their KKK plantation tactics, to the point of waging their fingers and yelling 'RACIST'. Shit man, they even got blacks oppressing blacks. it's remarkable.

Trump fans, in all their glory. Even the "14 words" don't phase them.

Trump fans, in all their glory. Even the "14 words" don't phase them.

Do you or don't you agree with the words?

Da fuq is this "14 words"?
"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children"
Mac, you and your PC programming is played the fuck out...you can no longer scare people into ignoring facts and statistics by stamping the R word on them...Sucks huh?
Let me scare the piss out of you...We were founded by whites, we’re funded and run by whites...how do you think we got to where we’re at? Scary shit to acknowledge huh?
Those “14 words” are 100% reasonable to anyone sane....Anyone with a third grade education knows a whiter nation is a safer more productive nation...this isn’t even debatable. Don’t you want to live in a safer more productive nation?
Further, why wouldn’t whites in a white nation be “supreme”?
The Japanese are “supreme” in Japan...as they should be...no?
Look up things related to behavior and achievement...tell us who you think is ‘supreme’. Should we pretend ‘supreme’ isn’t a word with a meaning?

  1. 1.
    (of authority or an office, or someone holding it) superior to all others.
    "a unified force with a supreme commander"
    synonyms: highest ranking, highest, leading, chief, head, top, foremost, principal, superior, premier, first, cardinal, prime, sovereign;
    directing, governing;
    greatest, dominant, predominant, preeminent, overriding, prevailing
    "the supreme commander of NATO forces"

Does all that stuff mean you're good with the "14 Words"?

FUCK, are you kidding me....I’m 100% good with those 14 words....anybody sane and paying attention should be.
The population of actual "white supremacists" in this country is very low.

The population of people who agree with them on many issues and spin, deflect and attack when anyone brings them up is significantly higher.

And that's the real issue.
sure it is. cause you have nothing to back that statement.

Still projecting your hate! the fact you are trying to use it to scare others is a form of nazism. just know that.
I wonder who's bigger drama queens about race right now, you Trumpsters or the Regressive Left.

Tough call.
Can you list the reasons why we should not preserve the white race?
Just interested, I am sure that it's not going to be racist at all.
I don't care about skin color.


Are you saying whites aren't human? Surely any human we should preserve, that's the only conclusion.

Good to know, the reason for not preserving whites is that they aren't human. Mac is really the staunchest not racist of the board.
SO you can see the results of the lunacy right here in this thread.
If I say White Supremacists have no measurable influence on virtually anything... people like Mac1958 immediate response is to try and say, by saying that, I must prove that I myself are not a racist and or have sympathy with the deep back wood clowns known as White Supremacist Groups.
At the same time, will not for a second disparage ANTIFA which is a well organized, well funded group 1000x the membership and having very real influence. Damning influence.
People like Joaquin Castro are cancers much more so than DJT yet you never mention him or people like him. Why is that Mac?
How tolerant you are of people who agree with you about the 14 words!

Here's what I said about Castro, in this thread, post 27: Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) outs Texas Trump donors

Bad stuff. Out of bounds, but there are no bounds now.
Zealots always have an excuse.

Wanna try again?

You wingers think that everyone else is as dishonest and hypocritical as YOU are.

Thanks for the weak and cowardly deflection.
The information Castro "outed" was already publicly available.

Where they were employed wasn't.

Actually.... it was.
Why people are mad about a list of Trump donors online

"According to FEC guidelines, individuals can contribute up to $2,800 to federal candidates per election — that means they could, for example, give that maximum for the primary and general election, meaning $5,600 combined. Cash contributions of $50 or less can be anonymous. Once contributions add up to more than $200 during a two-year cycle to a certain candidate, then campaigns have to report them to the FEC, including the amount, date of receipt, and the contributor’s name, address, occupation, and employer. That information can then be accessed on the FEC’s website or on websites that aggregate that information, such as OpenSecrets."

Correct but Castro went the extra mile and put them in a nice picture frame and labeled them as racists. That is overtly wrong. If you cannot see that then you're a moron even MSNBC vilified him for it.
The population of actual "white supremacists" in this country is very low.

The population of people who agree with them on many issues and spin, deflect and attack when anyone brings them up is significantly higher.

And that's the real issue.
sure it is. cause you have nothing to back that statement.

Still projecting your hate! the fact you are trying to use it to scare others is a form of nazism. just know that.
I wonder who's bigger drama queens about race right now, you Trumpsters or the Regressive Left.

Tough call.
Lol at you distancing yourself from the fucking left.

Explain the 14 words. Give the exact statement that is racist you miserable fuck.
Trump fans, in all their glory. Even the "14 words" don't phase them.

Trump fans, in all their glory. Even the "14 words" don't phase them.

Do you or don't you agree with the words?

Da fuq is this "14 words"?
"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children"
Mac, you and your PC programming is played the fuck out...you can no longer scare people into ignoring facts and statistics by stamping the R word on them...Sucks huh?
Let me scare the piss out of you...We were founded by whites, we’re funded and run by whites...how do you think we got to where we’re at? Scary shit to acknowledge huh?
Those “14 words” are 100% reasonable to anyone sane....Anyone with a third grade education knows a whiter nation is a safer more productive nation...this isn’t even debatable. Don’t you want to live in a safer more productive nation?
Further, why wouldn’t whites in a white nation be “supreme”?
The Japanese are “supreme” in Japan...as they should be...no?
Look up things related to behavior and achievement...tell us who you think is ‘supreme’. Should we pretend ‘supreme’ isn’t a word with a meaning?

  1. 1.
    (of authority or an office, or someone holding it) superior to all others.
    "a unified force with a supreme commander"
    synonyms: highest ranking, highest, leading, chief, head, top, foremost, principal, superior, premier, first, cardinal, prime, sovereign;
    directing, governing;
    greatest, dominant, predominant, preeminent, overriding, prevailing
    "the supreme commander of NATO forces"

Does all that stuff mean you're good with the "14 Words"?

The real question is...why aren’t you good with the “14 words”?
Do you honestly believe that your people would have wanted to come to this nation if it weren’t predominantly white?
Can you answer that applying logic alone...no emotion?
Exactly the answer I expected from a REAL nazi. It's code you know for "mac loves Hitler".


They are both socialists, and Mac seems to hate the hardcore commies in the DNC... I can see the conclusion myself.

Mac likely is a hitler sycophant. He's almost as big an asshole.

The left can't win without those of us who no longer support all the power going to the corporations and the wars they promote.

Trump can't win without the racists.

We will see which is more powerful.

The word “racist” is way overplayed. Not all Trump voters are racist.

The vast majority of racists are Trump supporters. They love him. Did you ever wonder why?

The term "racist" has lost all meaning. The vast majority of communists and anarchists are Democrat party supporters. So what. The Independents like myself decide elections not radicals like you.
SO you can see the results of the lunacy right here in this thread.
If I say White Supremacists have no measurable influence on virtually anything... people like Mac1958 immediate response is to try and say, by saying that, I must prove that I myself are not a racist and or have sympathy with the deep back wood clowns known as White Supremacist Groups.
At the same time, will not for a second disparage ANTIFA which is a well organized, well funded group 1000x the membership and having very real influence. Damning influence.
That loser still thinks the kkk is somehow relevant.


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