White Supremacist in America...

People like Joaquin Castro are cancers much more so than DJT yet you never mention him or people like him. Why is that Mac?
How tolerant you are of people who agree with you about the 14 words!

Here's what I said about Castro, in this thread, post 27: Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) outs Texas Trump donors

Bad stuff. Out of bounds, but there are no bounds now.
Zealots always have an excuse.

Wanna try again?

You wingers think that everyone else is as dishonest and hypocritical as YOU are.

Thanks for the weak and cowardly deflection.
The information Castro "outed" was already publicly available.
The population of actual "white supremacists" in this country is very low.

The population of people who agree with them on many issues and spin, deflect and attack when anyone brings them up is significantly higher.

And that's the real issue.
I agreed with a nazi that the trains should run on time. I agreed with Obama that Russian relations should be reset. Does that make Obama a nazi??


Hey, I wonder what you think about post 23!

Bad stuff. Out of bounds, but there are no bounds now.
Zealots always have an excuse.

So you're saying that Castro is a bad guy, correct?
Yes, a hardcore partisan ideologue. Not fond of them.

We agree. Look at that.
People like Joaquin Castro are cancers much more so than DJT yet you never mention him or people like him. Why is that Mac?
How tolerant you are of people who agree with you about the 14 words!

Here's what I said about Castro, in this thread, post 27: Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) outs Texas Trump donors

Bad stuff. Out of bounds, but there are no bounds now.
Zealots always have an excuse.

Wanna try again?

You wingers think that everyone else is as dishonest and hypocritical as YOU are.

Thanks for the weak and cowardly deflection.
The information Castro "outed" was already publicly available.

Where they were employed wasn't.
People like Joaquin Castro are cancers much more so than DJT yet you never mention him or people like him. Why is that Mac?
How tolerant you are of people who agree with you about the 14 words!

Here's what I said about Castro, in this thread, post 27: Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) outs Texas Trump donors

Bad stuff. Out of bounds, but there are no bounds now.
Zealots always have an excuse.

Wanna try again?

You wingers think that everyone else is as dishonest and hypocritical as YOU are.

Thanks for the weak and cowardly deflection.
The information Castro "outed" was already publicly available.

Yes but he framed it and labeled them as racists because they supported Trump. No need to do that. Completely out of bounds.
People like Joaquin Castro are cancers much more so than DJT yet you never mention him or people like him. Why is that Mac?
How tolerant you are of people who agree with you about the 14 words!

Here's what I said about Castro, in this thread, post 27: Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) outs Texas Trump donors

Bad stuff. Out of bounds, but there are no bounds now.
Zealots always have an excuse.

Wanna try again?

You wingers think that everyone else is as dishonest and hypocritical as YOU are.

Thanks for the weak and cowardly deflection.
The information Castro "outed" was already publicly available.
He still brought it out. We've reached "anything goes" territory now, and that used to be only for zealots.
People like Joaquin Castro are cancers much more so than DJT yet you never mention him or people like him. Why is that Mac?
How tolerant you are of people who agree with you about the 14 words!

Here's what I said about Castro, in this thread, post 27: Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) outs Texas Trump donors

Bad stuff. Out of bounds, but there are no bounds now.
Zealots always have an excuse.

Wanna try again?

You wingers think that everyone else is as dishonest and hypocritical as YOU are.

Thanks for the weak and cowardly deflection.
The information Castro "outed" was already publicly available.
He still brought it out. We've reached "anything goes" territory now, and that used to be only for zealots.

If some whacko goes out and shoots them its 100% on Castro for framing who they are and where they work. Complete BS.

Can you list the reasons why we should not preserve the white race?

Just interested, I am sure that it's not going to be racist at all.
"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children"

So hitler was a "white supremacist"?

I suppose all those commies, queers, jews, gypsies and variety of "undesireables" were....


Fuck me runnin'....

I thought the master race was "aryans" not just whites, considering the fact that I'll bet not one black or arab muslim man died in a concentration camp. Last I looked hitler had an entire brigade of muslims from palestine of all places. I'm starting to think the Nazi party was more "diverse" than the democrook party.

I'm sure all that makes sense to you.

Of course it makes sense; it is true.

Are all Muslims nazis?? You're call.


Can you list the reasons why we should not preserve the white race?

Just interested, I am sure that it's not going to be racist at all.

Just wondering how he's going to get rid of them; sorta like the El Paso bloke?

The population of actual "white supremacists" in this country is very low.

The population of people who agree with them on many issues and spin, deflect and attack when anyone brings them up is significantly higher.

And that's the real issue.

That is because people who happen to agree with them on any issue is labeled a white supremicist. Much like when people disagree with a minority government official, they are labled racist. It is the modus operandi of the Democratic Party. It is an intellectually dishonest strategy.

It's odd. I've noted my disagreement with the policies of Obama many times and not once have I been called a racist.

Perhaps it's a bit more than that?

If you voted for him, then you will be ok. If you didn't, it is likely because you are racist. If one of the policies you disagreed with was affirmative action, for example, you are definitely a racist in the eyes of the left. That is how it works.
Everyone who is sane agrees with the 14 words.
Wow, speaking of the "14 Words", this is weird:

American Nazi Party – 14 Words
“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.”

Oh: the old "If you agree you're a nazi" ploy. lmao

Old trick used by assholes to trap the gullible. What have you got against white people? Nothing!! What do you have against White people; racist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The capitalisation makes the difference. Sorta like between gods and God.

Nice try but you ain't got this racist by the curlies!!! (FYI: I can't stand Turks.....Ottomans really I suppose. Think Balkans)

Nope, not calling anyone a Nazi. I just think it's interesting that you folks agree with The American Nazi Party on the "14 Words", and that you try to spin away from it.

"Nazi" is a terribly overused term. I merely pointed out a fact, and the responses so far have been precisely what I predicted.

You just showed that you are in fact a nazi. You only wanted to hear those words repeated.

Okay, thanks!

Exactly the answer I expected from a REAL nazi. It's code you know for "mac loves Hitler".

People like Joaquin Castro are cancers much more so than DJT yet you never mention him or people like him. Why is that Mac?
How tolerant you are of people who agree with you about the 14 words!

Here's what I said about Castro, in this thread, post 27: Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) outs Texas Trump donors

Bad stuff. Out of bounds, but there are no bounds now.
Zealots always have an excuse.

Wanna try again?

You wingers think that everyone else is as dishonest and hypocritical as YOU are.

Thanks for the weak and cowardly deflection.
The information Castro "outed" was already publicly available.

Where they were employed wasn't.
That's a problem.

Employer info was also included in public disclosures of donors. That information was publicly available as well.
Last edited:
The population of actual "white supremacists" in this country is very low.

The population of people who agree with them on many issues and spin, deflect and attack when anyone brings them up is significantly higher.

And that's the real issue.

That is because people who happen to agree with them on any issue is labeled a white supremicist. Much like when people disagree with a minority government official, they are labled racist. It is the modus operandi of the Democratic Party. It is an intellectually dishonest strategy.

It's odd. I've noted my disagreement with the policies of Obama many times and not once have I been called a racist.

Perhaps it's a bit more than that?

If you voted for him, then you will be ok. If you didn't, it is likely because you are racist. If one of the policies you disagreed with was affirmative action, for example, you are definitely a racist in the eyes of the left. That is how it works.

I didn't vote for him. I support A.A.
The population of actual "white supremacists" in this country is very low.

The population of people who agree with them on many issues and spin, deflect and attack when anyone brings them up is significantly higher.

And that's the real issue.

That is because people who happen to agree with them on any issue is labeled a white supremicist. Much like when people disagree with a minority government official, they are labled racist. It is the modus operandi of the Democratic Party. It is an intellectually dishonest strategy.

It's odd. I've noted my disagreement with the policies of Obama many times and not once have I been called a racist.

Perhaps it's a bit more than that?

If you voted for him, then you will be ok. If you didn't, it is likely because you are racist. If one of the policies you disagreed with was affirmative action, for example, you are definitely a racist in the eyes of the left. That is how it works.

I didn't vote for him. I support A.A.

Quite a dicotomy. AA, as it is currently applied, is as racist policy in and of itself, but that is a discussion for another thread.

Can you list the reasons why we should not preserve the white race?

Just interested, I am sure that it's not going to be racist at all.


Whites are a race now? Last I looked at pictures of hot Israeli Defense Forces female soldiers rocking M-4 on the beach they looked like white chicks....

Racists are so confusing. It's like they redefine things for political expedience....

Oh wait....

The population of actual "white supremacists" in this country is very low.

The population of people who agree with them on many issues and spin, deflect and attack when anyone brings them up is significantly higher.

And that's the real issue.

That is because people who happen to agree with them on any issue is labeled a white supremicist. Much like when people disagree with a minority government official, they are labled racist. It is the modus operandi of the Democratic Party. It is an intellectually dishonest strategy.

It's odd. I've noted my disagreement with the policies of Obama many times and not once have I been called a racist.

Perhaps it's a bit more than that?

If you voted for him, then you will be ok. If you didn't, it is likely because you are racist. If one of the policies you disagreed with was affirmative action, for example, you are definitely a racist in the eyes of the left. That is how it works.

I didn't vote for him. I support A.A.

Quite a dicotomy. AA, as it is currently applied, is as racist policy in and of itself, but that is a discussion for another thread.

You call it racist. I call it leveling the playing field because without it the racists still would not hire minorities.
People like Joaquin Castro are cancers much more so than DJT yet you never mention him or people like him. Why is that Mac?
How tolerant you are of people who agree with you about the 14 words!

Here's what I said about Castro, in this thread, post 27: Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) outs Texas Trump donors

Bad stuff. Out of bounds, but there are no bounds now.
Zealots always have an excuse.

Wanna try again?

You wingers think that everyone else is as dishonest and hypocritical as YOU are.

Thanks for the weak and cowardly deflection.
The information Castro "outed" was already publicly available.

Where they were employed wasn't.

Actually.... it was.
Why people are mad about a list of Trump donors online

"According to FEC guidelines, individuals can contribute up to $2,800 to federal candidates per election — that means they could, for example, give that maximum for the primary and general election, meaning $5,600 combined. Cash contributions of $50 or less can be anonymous. Once contributions add up to more than $200 during a two-year cycle to a certain candidate, then campaigns have to report them to the FEC, including the amount, date of receipt, and the contributor’s name, address, occupation, and employer. That information can then be accessed on the FEC’s website or on websites that aggregate that information, such as OpenSecrets."
The left can't win without those of us who no longer support all the power going to the corporations and the wars they promote.

Trump can't win without the racists.

We will see which is more powerful.

The word “racist” is way overplayed. Not all Trump voters are racist.

The vast majority of racists are Trump supporters. They love him. Did you ever wonder why?

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