White Supremacist in America...

No Problem
White Supremacist are domestic terrorist groups.


ANTIFA is an active domestic terrorist groups with 100x the membership

Da fuq is this "14 words"?

I almost care myself...

Probably something stupid that can be debunked. Like Lincoln quotes.

No Problem
White Supremacist are domestic terrorist groups.


ANTIFA is an active domestic terrorist groups with 100x the membership

Everyone who is sane agrees with the 14 words.
Wow, speaking of the "14 Words", this is weird:

American Nazi Party – 14 Words
“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.”

Oh: the old "If you agree you're a nazi" ploy. lmao

Old trick used by assholes to trap the gullible. What have you got against white people? Nothing!! What do you have against White people; racist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The capitalisation makes the difference. Sorta like between gods and God.

Nice try but you ain't got this racist by the curlies!!! (FYI: I can't stand Turks.....Ottomans really I suppose. Think Balkans)

Americans on the right deny reality, it is special gift only they possess.

'Blood on their hands': the intelligence officer whose warning over white supremacy was ignored'

'Daryl Johnson’s team faced an official backlash 10 years ago when it issued a briefing on rightwing extremism'

'Blood on their hands': the intelligence officer whose warning over white supremacy was ignored

'White Supremacy Is Actually 'Widely Held Belief' In America'

"I'm here because our republican values are number one, standing up for local white identity, our identity is under threat, number two, the free market, and number three, killing Jews." Sean Patrick Nielsen, Charlottesville [Video on Washpo]
The population of actual "white supremacists" in this country is very low.

The population of people who agree with them on many issues and spin, deflect and attack when anyone brings them up is significantly higher.

And that's the real issue.

That is because people who happen to agree with them on any issue are labeled white supremicists. Much like when people disagree with a minority government official, they are labled racist. It is the modus operandi of the Democratic Party. It is an intellectually dishonest strategy.
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No such thing in America unless you belong to the KKK or are an actual White supremist which are very few.
Everyone who is sane agrees with the 14 words.
Wow, speaking of the "14 Words", this is weird:

American Nazi Party – 14 Words
“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.”

Oh: the old "If you agree you're a nazi" ploy. lmao

Old trick used by assholes to trap the gullible. What have you got against white people? Nothing!! What do you have against White people; racist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The capitalisation makes the difference. Sorta like between gods and God.

Nice try but you ain't got this racist by the curlies!!! (FYI: I can't stand Turks.....Ottomans really I suppose. Think Balkans)

Nope, not calling anyone a Nazi. I just think it's interesting that you folks agree with The American Nazi Party on the "14 Words", and that you try to spin away from it.

"Nazi" is a terribly overused term. I merely pointed out a fact, and the responses so far have been precisely what I predicted.
Anyone who votes for a democrat is nuttier than the Christmas fruitcake.
Everyone who is sane agrees with the 14 words.
Wow, speaking of the "14 Words", this is weird:

American Nazi Party – 14 Words
“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.”

Oh: the old "If you agree you're a nazi" ploy. lmao

Old trick used by assholes to trap the gullible. What have you got against white people? Nothing!! What do you have against White people; racist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The capitalisation makes the difference. Sorta like between gods and God.

Nice try but you ain't got this racist by the curlies!!! (FYI: I can't stand Turks.....Ottomans really I suppose. Think Balkans)

Nope, not calling anyone a Nazi. I just think it's interesting that you folks agree with The American Nazi Party on the "14 Words", and that you try to spin away from it.

"Nazi" is a terribly overused term. I merely pointed out a fact, and the responses so far have been precisely what I predicted.

Excellent; then you know my response to this comment of yours.

The population of actual "white supremacists" in this country is very low.

The population of people who agree with them on many issues and spin, deflect and attack when anyone brings them up is significantly higher.

And that's the real issue.
I agreed with a nazi that the trains should run on time. I agreed with Obama that Russian relations should be reset. Does that make Obama a nazi??


Hey, I wonder what you think about post 23!

Bad stuff. Out of bounds, but there are no bounds now.
Zealots always have an excuse.

So you're saying that Castro is a bad guy, correct?
No Problem
White Supremacist are domestic terrorist groups.


ANTIFA is an active domestic terrorist groups with 100x the membership


The population of actual "white supremacists" in this country is very low.

The population of people who agree with them on many issues and spin, deflect and attack when anyone brings them up is significantly higher.

And that's the real issue.
I agreed with a nazi that the trains should run on time. I agreed with Obama that Russian relations should be reset. Does that make Obama a nazi??


Hey, I wonder what you think about post 23!

Bad stuff. Out of bounds, but there are no bounds now.
Zealots always have an excuse.

So you're saying that Castro is a bad guy, correct?
Yes, a hardcore partisan ideologue. Not fond of them.
The population of actual "white supremacists" in this country is very low.

The population of people who agree with them on many issues and spin, deflect and attack when anyone brings them up is significantly higher.

And that's the real issue.

That is because people who happen to agree with them on any issue is labeled a white supremicist. Much like when people disagree with a minority government official, they are labled racist. It is the modus operandi of the Democratic Party. It is an intellectually dishonest strategy.

It's odd. I've noted my disagreement with the policies of Obama many times and not once have I been called a racist.

Perhaps it's a bit more than that?
"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children"

So hitler was a "white supremacist"?

I suppose all those commies, queers, jews, gypsies and variety of "undesireables" were....


Fuck me runnin'....

I thought the master race was "aryans" not just whites, considering the fact that I'll bet not one black or arab muslim man died in a concentration camp. Last I looked hitler had an entire brigade of muslims from palestine of all places. I'm starting to think the Nazi party was more "diverse" than the democrook party.


"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children"

So hitler was a "white supremacist"?

I suppose all those commies, queers, jews, gypsies and variety of "undesireables" were....


Fuck me runnin'....

I thought the master race was "aryans" not just whites, considering the fact that I'll bet not one black or arab muslim man died in a concentration camp. Last I looked hitler had an entire brigade of muslims from palestine of all places. I'm starting to think the Nazi party was more "diverse" than the democrook party.

I'm sure all that makes sense to you.
Everyone who is sane agrees with the 14 words.
Wow, speaking of the "14 Words", this is weird:

American Nazi Party – 14 Words
“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.”

Oh: the old "If you agree you're a nazi" ploy. lmao

Old trick used by assholes to trap the gullible. What have you got against white people? Nothing!! What do you have against White people; racist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The capitalisation makes the difference. Sorta like between gods and God.

Nice try but you ain't got this racist by the curlies!!! (FYI: I can't stand Turks.....Ottomans really I suppose. Think Balkans)

Nope, not calling anyone a Nazi. I just think it's interesting that you folks agree with The American Nazi Party on the "14 Words", and that you try to spin away from it.

"Nazi" is a terribly overused term. I merely pointed out a fact, and the responses so far have been precisely what I predicted.

You just showed that you are in fact a nazi. You only wanted to hear those words repeated.

Everyone who is sane agrees with the 14 words.
Wow, speaking of the "14 Words", this is weird:

American Nazi Party – 14 Words
“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.”

Oh: the old "If you agree you're a nazi" ploy. lmao

Old trick used by assholes to trap the gullible. What have you got against white people? Nothing!! What do you have against White people; racist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The capitalisation makes the difference. Sorta like between gods and God.

Nice try but you ain't got this racist by the curlies!!! (FYI: I can't stand Turks.....Ottomans really I suppose. Think Balkans)

Nope, not calling anyone a Nazi. I just think it's interesting that you folks agree with The American Nazi Party on the "14 Words", and that you try to spin away from it.

"Nazi" is a terribly overused term. I merely pointed out a fact, and the responses so far have been precisely what I predicted.

You just showed that you are in fact a nazi. You only wanted to hear those words repeated.

Okay, thanks!

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