White Supremacy Is Top Security Threat, Garland Says

Trumps DOJ said THE SAME THING bitches. Why do you guys love white supremacists? Just condemn white supremacy. Feel free to start a topic on all the Muslims terrorist attacks last year in the US. Oh wait.

But, I am facing an unhappy dilemma.

I condemn white supremacy, but I also support free-market capitalism. As defined by the left, they are the same thing. I have read the bullshit. I know what the game is.

How can I condemn free-market capitalism AND support free-market capitalism at the same time?

They are not the same thing.

Anyone telling you otherwise is a low-grade moron.
See the white supremacists convulsing in this thread.
I don't, point them out for me with proof they are supremacists. Thanks.
Look, there's one now. ^^
There is no reason not to take the threat of domestic terrorism seriously, regardless of anything else that is going on. We can walk and chew gum at the same time.
Then why don't you drips the threats of Pantifa and BLM seriously?
Explain the threat that this "Pantifa" and "BLM" pose to the American people and what their organization is. BLM is a loose social movement against police corruption. Anyone can march without any membership in any organization. What is the "threat". I don't know what this "Pantifa" is or who is in it. These "Proud Boys" and "Oath Keepers" are organized gangs like the Crips, Bloods, and Hell's Angels.

I marched in protests in downtown DC against the Vietnam war, the invasion of Iraq, the march for the Equal Rights Amendment, behind the elderly and great champion of freedom Alice Paul, the march for women in 2017, when I met women on the metro who had come from Texas to march with signs that they had made, the streets were packed with women, men, parents pushing their offspring in strollers, and even one guy who had colored his white beard pink for the occasion. The streets were so packed you couldn't walk. These people were not organized. They were grassroots. Just the People showing up.

We are under a direct threat from organized domestic terrorists. Just look at what happened on Jan. 6 with the attack on the U.S. Congress. Deal with it.
Trumps DOJ said THE SAME THING bitches. Why do you guys love white supremacists? Just condemn white supremacy. Feel free to start a topic on all the Muslims terrorist attacks last year in the US. Oh wait.

But, I am facing an unhappy dilemma.

I condemn white supremacy, but I also support free-market capitalism. As defined by the left, they are the same thing. I have read the bullshit. I know what the game is.

How can I condemn free-market capitalism AND support free-market capitalism at the same time?

They are not the same thing.

Anyone telling you otherwise is a low-grade moron.
See the white supremacists convulsing in this thread.
I don't, point them out for me with proof they are supremacists. Thanks.
Look, there's one now. ^^
Wonderful, and I have asked you this before, find a racist post of mine and quote it.
Nothing worse than a Wall of Words in an OP. Get to the fucking point. Please. With sugar on top.

The Big Lie Again: Attorney General Garland Says White Supremacists Top Terror Threat​

13 May 2021 ~~ By Robert Spencer
It could be worse: he could be on the Supreme Court. But as attorney general, Merrick Garland can do as much damage or more to our fragile and besieged republic than he could if Barack Obama had succeeded in placing him on the high court. A revealing piece in Yahoo News by “journalist” Alexander Nazaryan Wednesday revealed not only Garland’s frankly troubling agenda, but also how the establishment media runs interference and sells that program to a largely unsuspecting American public.
Garland, according to Nazaryan, “told Congress on Wednesday that violence incited by white supremacists poses ‘the most dangerous threat to our democracy.’ That assertion reflects near-universal consensus among national security experts, including those who worked for the Trump administration.”
Yeah, just like those seventeen intelligence agencies that had come to a consensus that Russia had hacked the 2016 presidential election. In both cases, they had a consensus, they just didn’t have any evidence.
But asking for evidence is likely white supremacist now as well. Nazaryan notes that “Garland’s warning came during a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, which was conducted by supporters of then-President Donald Trump and incited by white supremacist groups like the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys. Five people died as a result of the attack.”
So this is what we get from Yahoo News: actual violence from jihadis is not mentioned. Actual violence from leftists is dismissed as minor or unimportant amid “mostly peaceful” protests. The fact that there is virtually no violence from white supremacists is glossed over with claims that groups that aren’t white supremacist actually are, and assertions that they’re terrorist, with no evidence offered at all.
This is not just Yahoo News’ scenario; it’s clearly Garland’s and the Biden administration’s as well. This is deception and deflection at the highest level of government. The agenda of Garland and his colleagues is obvious and insidious: they’re going to find those white supremacist terrorists, and they’re going to prosecute and destroy them. If they don’t find any white supremacists in sufficient numbers, they will claim that law-abiding conservatives are white supremacists, and defame and destroy them accordingly. Garland’s spurious assessment of the domestic terror threat must be seen against the backdrop of the left’s increasingly common habit of referring to virtually anyone who opposes the hard-left, socialist agenda of Biden’s handlers and the establishment media as a white supremacist. This isn’t just a smear. It’s a smear with a definite purpose, and is heading us straight to the persecution of dissidents. That would be us.

An Attorney General with a massive ideological chip on his shoulder or a Supreme Court Justice with hardcore biases...
No wonder the democrats thought he was such a great candidate for office. Absolutely the opposite of what a qualified person would look like, but that's becoming routine for them.
Merrick Garland is the consumate "Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Political Hack".
America dodged the bullet big time when Merrick Garland was NOT appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court. The man is nothing but a party hack! And the BIG LIE is ONLY a lie if one wants to believe the very strange tale being sold.
Hmm...., I guess the billions of dollars worth of damage from BLM and Antifa the first two simply didn't happen? Or - GASP - could it possibly be that it is the elite media that is minimizing the depredations of its darlings and exaggerating the effects of those it detests? No doubt AG Garland will shortly remind us of the existential threat to our liberties posed by the Tooth Fairy.
No, this thread premise is a lie, from an unreliable source.

The AG is correct about the threat of rightwing terrorism and violence.
Are you ever going to have a flash of insight and realize that people whose greatest crime is not believing your bullshit are not, in fact, terrorists?

The Big Lie Again: Attorney General Garland Says White Supremacists Top Terror Threat​

13 May 2021 ~~ By Robert Spencer
It could be worse: he could be on the Supreme Court. But as attorney general, Merrick Garland can do as much damage or more to our fragile and besieged republic than he could if Barack Obama had succeeded in placing him on the high court. A revealing piece in Yahoo News by “journalist” Alexander Nazaryan Wednesday revealed not only Garland’s frankly troubling agenda, but also how the establishment media runs interference and sells that program to a largely unsuspecting American public.
Garland, according to Nazaryan, “told Congress on Wednesday that violence incited by white supremacists poses ‘the most dangerous threat to our democracy.’ That assertion reflects near-universal consensus among national security experts, including those who worked for the Trump administration.”
Yeah, just like those seventeen intelligence agencies that had come to a consensus that Russia had hacked the 2016 presidential election. In both cases, they had a consensus, they just didn’t have any evidence.
But asking for evidence is likely white supremacist now as well. Nazaryan notes that “Garland’s warning came during a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, which was conducted by supporters of then-President Donald Trump and incited by white supremacist groups like the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys. Five people died as a result of the attack.”
So this is what we get from Yahoo News: actual violence from jihadis is not mentioned. Actual violence from leftists is dismissed as minor or unimportant amid “mostly peaceful” protests. The fact that there is virtually no violence from white supremacists is glossed over with claims that groups that aren’t white supremacist actually are, and assertions that they’re terrorist, with no evidence offered at all.
This is not just Yahoo News’ scenario; it’s clearly Garland’s and the Biden administration’s as well. This is deception and deflection at the highest level of government. The agenda of Garland and his colleagues is obvious and insidious: they’re going to find those white supremacist terrorists, and they’re going to prosecute and destroy them. If they don’t find any white supremacists in sufficient numbers, they will claim that law-abiding conservatives are white supremacists, and defame and destroy them accordingly. Garland’s spurious assessment of the domestic terror threat must be seen against the backdrop of the left’s increasingly common habit of referring to virtually anyone who opposes the hard-left, socialist agenda of Biden’s handlers and the establishment media as a white supremacist. This isn’t just a smear. It’s a smear with a definite purpose, and is heading us straight to the persecution of dissidents. That would be us.

An Attorney General with a massive ideological chip on his shoulder or a Supreme Court Justice with hardcore biases...
No wonder the democrats thought he was such a great candidate for office. Absolutely the opposite of what a qualified person would look like, but that's becoming routine for them.
Merrick Garland is the consumate "Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Political Hack".
America dodged the bullet big time when Merrick Garland was NOT appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court. The man is nothing but a party hack! And the BIG LIE is ONLY a lie if one wants to believe the very strange tale being sold.
Hmm...., I guess the billions of dollars worth of damage from BLM and Antifa the first two simply didn't happen? Or - GASP - could it possibly be that it is the elite media that is minimizing the depredations of its darlings and exaggerating the effects of those it detests? No doubt AG Garland will shortly remind us of the existential threat to our liberties posed by the Tooth Fairy.
No, this thread premise is a lie, from an unreliable source.

The AG is correct about the threat of rightwing terrorism and violence.


The Big Lie Again: Attorney General Garland Says White Supremacists Top Terror Threat​

13 May 2021 ~~ By Robert Spencer
It could be worse: he could be on the Supreme Court. But as attorney general, Merrick Garland can do as much damage or more to our fragile and besieged republic than he could if Barack Obama had succeeded in placing him on the high court. A revealing piece in Yahoo News by “journalist” Alexander Nazaryan Wednesday revealed not only Garland’s frankly troubling agenda, but also how the establishment media runs interference and sells that program to a largely unsuspecting American public.
Garland, according to Nazaryan, “told Congress on Wednesday that violence incited by white supremacists poses ‘the most dangerous threat to our democracy.’ That assertion reflects near-universal consensus among national security experts, including those who worked for the Trump administration.”
Yeah, just like those seventeen intelligence agencies that had come to a consensus that Russia had hacked the 2016 presidential election. In both cases, they had a consensus, they just didn’t have any evidence.
But asking for evidence is likely white supremacist now as well. Nazaryan notes that “Garland’s warning came during a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, which was conducted by supporters of then-President Donald Trump and incited by white supremacist groups like the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys. Five people died as a result of the attack.”
So this is what we get from Yahoo News: actual violence from jihadis is not mentioned. Actual violence from leftists is dismissed as minor or unimportant amid “mostly peaceful” protests. The fact that there is virtually no violence from white supremacists is glossed over with claims that groups that aren’t white supremacist actually are, and assertions that they’re terrorist, with no evidence offered at all.
This is not just Yahoo News’ scenario; it’s clearly Garland’s and the Biden administration’s as well. This is deception and deflection at the highest level of government. The agenda of Garland and his colleagues is obvious and insidious: they’re going to find those white supremacist terrorists, and they’re going to prosecute and destroy them. If they don’t find any white supremacists in sufficient numbers, they will claim that law-abiding conservatives are white supremacists, and defame and destroy them accordingly. Garland’s spurious assessment of the domestic terror threat must be seen against the backdrop of the left’s increasingly common habit of referring to virtually anyone who opposes the hard-left, socialist agenda of Biden’s handlers and the establishment media as a white supremacist. This isn’t just a smear. It’s a smear with a definite purpose, and is heading us straight to the persecution of dissidents. That would be us.

An Attorney General with a massive ideological chip on his shoulder or a Supreme Court Justice with hardcore biases...
No wonder the democrats thought he was such a great candidate for office. Absolutely the opposite of what a qualified person would look like, but that's becoming routine for them.
Merrick Garland is the consumate "Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Political Hack".
America dodged the bullet big time when Merrick Garland was NOT appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court. The man is nothing but a party hack! And the BIG LIE is ONLY a lie if one wants to believe the very strange tale being sold.
Hmm...., I guess the billions of dollars worth of damage from BLM and Antifa the first two simply didn't happen? Or - GASP - could it possibly be that it is the elite media that is minimizing the depredations of its darlings and exaggerating the effects of those it detests? No doubt AG Garland will shortly remind us of the existential threat to our liberties posed by the Tooth Fairy.
My personal opinion. Trump made inroads into the black community in his win, and was making some progress. Dems had to stop this and let em know who their real sugar daddy is.
Explain the threat that this "Pantifa" and "BLM" pose to the American people and what their organization is. BLM is a loose social movement against police corruption. Anyone can march without any membership in any organization. What is the "threat". I don't know what this "Pantifa" is or who is in it. These "Proud Boys" and "Oath Keepers" are organized gangs like the Crips, Bloods, and Hell's Angels.

Last edited:
There is no reason not to take the threat of domestic terrorism seriously, regardless of anything else that is going on. We can walk and chew gum at the same time.
Then why don't you drips the threats of Pantifa and BLM seriously?
Explain the threat that this "Pantifa" and "BLM" pose to the American people and what their organization is. BLM is a loose social movement against police corruption. Anyone can march without any membership in any organization. What is the "threat". I don't know what this "Pantifa" is or who is in it. These "Proud Boys" and "Oath Keepers" are organized gangs like the Crips, Bloods, and Hell's Angels.

I marched in protests in downtown DC against the Vietnam war, the invasion of Iraq, the march for the Equal Rights Amendment, behind the elderly and great champion of freedom Alice Paul, the march for women in 2017, when I met women on the metro who had come from Texas to march with signs that they had made, the streets were packed with women, men, parents pushing their offspring in strollers, and even one guy who had colored his white beard pink for the occasion. The streets were so packed you couldn't walk. These people were not organized. They were grassroots. Just the People showing up.

We are under a direct threat from organized domestic terrorists. Just look at what happened on Jan. 6 with the attack on the U.S. Congress. Deal with it.

Surely those same people you marched with left more garbage on the streets than was necessary, You have met the domestic terrorists and the enemy is you......
Once more the top security threat is white supremacists.

No matter how much the far right whines about it, it's fact.

I hope that this administration will actually do something substantial about it. Instead of just talking about it.

The AG is correct, white supremacists and other manifestations of rightwing terrorism is our primary threat – the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack is proof of that.
your premise is a lie,,,
Rightwing terrorism is in fact our greatest threat; conservatives continue to resort to violence.
you just said two different things,, and when did conservatives resort to violence??

cause I can show several years of constant leftwing violence,,
Who here is afraid of white supremacists? I will bet my mortgage that the people “concerned” about White Supremacy are ecstatic that the Government is putting this shit out there. Blacks attacking Asians is happening at a faster clip than white supremacists doing harm? Where and who are these White Supremacists burning down Black, Asian, and Hispanic owned businesses in urban areas?

The Big Lie Again: Attorney General Garland Says White Supremacists Top Terror Threat​

13 May 2021 ~~ By Robert Spencer
It could be worse: he could be on the Supreme Court. But as attorney general, Merrick Garland can do as much damage or more to our fragile and besieged republic than he could if Barack Obama had succeeded in placing him on the high court. A revealing piece in Yahoo News by “journalist” Alexander Nazaryan Wednesday revealed not only Garland’s frankly troubling agenda, but also how the establishment media runs interference and sells that program to a largely unsuspecting American public.
Garland, according to Nazaryan, “told Congress on Wednesday that violence incited by white supremacists poses ‘the most dangerous threat to our democracy.’ That assertion reflects near-universal consensus among national security experts, including those who worked for the Trump administration.”
Yeah, just like those seventeen intelligence agencies that had come to a consensus that Russia had hacked the 2016 presidential election. In both cases, they had a consensus, they just didn’t have any evidence.
But asking for evidence is likely white supremacist now as well. Nazaryan notes that “Garland’s warning came during a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, which was conducted by supporters of then-President Donald Trump and incited by white supremacist groups like the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys. Five people died as a result of the attack.”
So this is what we get from Yahoo News: actual violence from jihadis is not mentioned. Actual violence from leftists is dismissed as minor or unimportant amid “mostly peaceful” protests. The fact that there is virtually no violence from white supremacists is glossed over with claims that groups that aren’t white supremacist actually are, and assertions that they’re terrorist, with no evidence offered at all.
This is not just Yahoo News’ scenario; it’s clearly Garland’s and the Biden administration’s as well. This is deception and deflection at the highest level of government. The agenda of Garland and his colleagues is obvious and insidious: they’re going to find those white supremacist terrorists, and they’re going to prosecute and destroy them. If they don’t find any white supremacists in sufficient numbers, they will claim that law-abiding conservatives are white supremacists, and defame and destroy them accordingly. Garland’s spurious assessment of the domestic terror threat must be seen against the backdrop of the left’s increasingly common habit of referring to virtually anyone who opposes the hard-left, socialist agenda of Biden’s handlers and the establishment media as a white supremacist. This isn’t just a smear. It’s a smear with a definite purpose, and is heading us straight to the persecution of dissidents. That would be us.

An Attorney General with a massive ideological chip on his shoulder or a Supreme Court Justice with hardcore biases...
No wonder the democrats thought he was such a great candidate for office. Absolutely the opposite of what a qualified person would look like, but that's becoming routine for them.
Merrick Garland is the consumate "Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Political Hack".
America dodged the bullet big time when Merrick Garland was NOT appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court. The man is nothing but a party hack! And the BIG LIE is ONLY a lie if one wants to believe the very strange tale being sold.
Hmm...., I guess the billions of dollars worth of damage from BLM and Antifa the first two simply didn't happen? Or - GASP - could it possibly be that it is the elite media that is minimizing the depredations of its darlings and exaggerating the effects of those it detests? No doubt AG Garland will shortly remind us of the existential threat to our liberties posed by the Tooth Fairy.
Everybody who's tried to overthrow the American Democratic form of government oh, say since January 5, 2021 raise your hand.

Let's see...1,2,...

Yep, white supremacists each and every one.
All anyone has to do is look at the first 112 days of this Chyna Joey Xi administration and tell us who is really trying to bring down this country....
Opening the border to illegal immigration and drugs, Raising taxes, attemping to blame all the ills of America on White Supremacy, instigating the Palestine attacks on Israel, Closing the buildong of the pipeline and fracking on federal lands...the list goes on and on.
Got a link to Biden trying to kill Pelosi and Schumer?
None of the things you mention are threats to American democracy.
But you are.
Your buddies stormed Congress with the intent of overthrowing our elected government.
White Supremacists one and all.
White supremacists have only become a recent "problem" because people were getting bored of covid and gotten over being scared by climate change. It's time for a new boogey man to drive people to do what they are told, and watch the news.

This will go on a year or two more and then be replaced by something else to scare and anger people into watching the news and listen to politicians.

It's the way it always work. When politicians want to be heard they scare us with something and the new takes advantage of it and driving viewership by pushing it hard. Eventually people get bored and stop being scared, then suddenly the terrible problem goes away magically and is replaced with something new, then the cycle repeats.

A society of humans as a whole is easily manipulated and controlled.
- pile up their bullshit?

China and their American cohorts, who need not be named again within the same post, are the greatest threat to this Republic.

White supremacy is top security threat, Garland says

White supremacy is without doubt the biggest threat. Sadly, they are usually aligned with repigs.
No doubt when they strike at Biden, none if you will object. Just like you all said nothing when those ratbags stormed the capital and the fascist POTUS accompanied by his kids and bimbos cheered them on from the bunker. Don't blame the left for them.

You are so confused!

If you supported trump, it's you who is confused.
His regime is the epitome of white supremacy.
Meanwhile left wing terrorists hack a US oil pipeline and jihadists shell Israel.
I'd have a lot more sympathy to Israel if so many of them didn't have leftist and jihadist sympathies themselves.

The Jews are manufacturing and importing too much alcohol in the Middle East. I can't think all these people dropping bombs everywhere and blowing up buildings with their own troops on the ground supposedly to keep the peace are all that clean and sober.

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