White Supremacy Is Top Security Threat, Garland Says

The term white supremacy is a euphemism. They dare not use the words they really mean and what they are really fighting against. What they really want to destroy is the white majority. That makes every white person complicit. Because the enemies are afraid of backlash if they say what they really mean, they just accuse whites of being white supremacists, all whites.
And that's all code white supremists use. From their drooling mouths to your ears, and drooled out of your mouth.

No, it's not. It is the obvious conclusion when lefty assholes call every white person who is not wallowing in white guilt, of being a ws.

Actual ws, are an insignificant fringe. Anyone that says otherwise is engaged in supporting a narrative that is aimed at discrimination and oppression of regular, normal white people.
The term white supremacy is a euphemism. They dare not use the words they really mean and what they are really fighting against. What they really want to destroy is the white majority. That makes every white person complicit. Because the enemies are afraid of backlash if they say what they really mean, they just accuse whites of being white supremacists, all whites.
And that's all code white supremists use. From their drooling mouths to your ears, and drooled out of your mouth.
Aw is someone triggered?
The term white supremacy is a euphemism. They dare not use the words they really mean and what they are really fighting against. What they really want to destroy is the white majority. That makes every white person complicit. Because the enemies are afraid of backlash if they say what they really mean, they just accuse whites of being white supremacists, all whites.
And that's all code white supremists use. From their drooling mouths to your ears, and drooled out of your mouth.
Aw is someone triggered?

Pretty much. To liberals ANY discussion of the idea that whites could have any interests, (such as being a majority), or God FOrbid even DISCUSS the idea of defending those interest(s), is utterly taboo.
BLM and antifa are a bigger threat to the US than Russia. In fact, I think they would take Russia's side if we got into a dispute with them. This is the dumbest generation to ever set foot in America.
Trump didn`t take the Russian threat seriously either so I`m not surprised that you`re still hanging with Trump and Putin. How many nuclear warheads do BLM and the mythical antifa have?
Russia respected Trump's strength and now they laugh at Biden's weakness. Biden has absolutely no authority where Russia is concerned. Putin knows he's a pussy.
- pile up their bullshit?

China and their American cohorts, who need not be named again within the same post, are the greatest threat to this Republic.

White supremacy is top security threat, Garland says
Hmmm... The opinion of a Trumper with no qualifications or experience who has spent the last 4 years covering for white nationalists, or the consensus of our national security advisers...

Gee, tough call...

I'm not a Trumper. Not even a Republican.

Please post quotes wherein I have ever covered for white anything.

The national security advisors currently in position are compromised. Have been for a few years now.
The term white supremacy is a euphemism. They dare not use the words they really mean and what they are really fighting against. What they really want to destroy is the white majority. That makes every white person complicit. Because the enemies are afraid of backlash if they say what they really mean, they just accuse whites of being white supremacists, all whites.
And that's all code white supremists use. From their drooling mouths to your ears, and drooled out of your mouth.
Aw is someone triggered?
Dunno, are ya? Gonna break down and have another hissy fit about murdering gay people and brown people?
The national security advisors currently in position are compromised. Have been for a few years now
More Trump cult fantasy, made up on the spot. Trump attempted that state of affairs, when he appointed a foreign agent as head of the NSA. And you only say that because, again, they have been mean to the white nationalists and to Russia.
Once more the top security threat is white supremacists.

No matter how much the far right whines about it, it's fact.

I hope that this administration will actually do something substantial about it. Instead of just talking about it.

The AG is correct, white supremacists and other manifestations of rightwing terrorism is our primary threat – the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack is proof of that.
your premise is a lie,,,
Rightwing terrorism is in fact our greatest threat; conservatives continue to resort to violence.
Once more the top security threat is white supremacists.

No matter how much the far right whines about it, it's fact.

I hope that this administration will actually do something substantial about it. Instead of just talking about it.

The AG is correct, white supremacists and other manifestations of rightwing terrorism is our primary threat – the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack is proof of that.
your premise is a lie,,,
Rightwing terrorism is in fact our greatest threat; conservatives continue to resort to violence.
What right-wing terrorism? In case you forgot, there were 65m Trump voters. There were 1m supporters at the DC rally, and there were a few hundred goobers that trashed the capital building. How many BLM and antifa rioters were there during the summer?
Once more the top security threat is white supremacists.

No matter how much the far right whines about it, it's fact.

I hope that this administration will actually do something substantial about it. Instead of just talking about it.

Dontcha love the way the Trumpsters jump in and get all pissy when this topic is brought up?
Democrats like to frequently bring up this false narrative.

Sane people respond because the premise is astoundingly absurd. It is like a 4 year old swearing to you that 2+2=5. You feel compelled to speak up to correct the obvious mistake. Like the 4 year old, Democrats will argue until they are blue in the face because they believe they are right despite being clearly wrong.
This is a lie and red herring fallacy.

The thread is about the fact that rightwing terrorism is our greatest threat, not ‘Democrats.’
Once more the top security threat is white supremacists.

No matter how much the far right whines about it, it's fact.

I hope that this administration will actually do something substantial about it. Instead of just talking about it.

The AG is correct, white supremacists and other manifestations of rightwing terrorism is our primary threat – the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack is proof of that.
your premise is a lie,,,
Rightwing terrorism is in fact our greatest threat; conservatives continue to resort to violence.
Continuing to say it....doesn't make it true.
Trumps DOJ said THE SAME THING bitches. Why do you guys love white supremacists? Just condemn white supremacy. Feel free to start a topic on all the Muslims terrorist attacks last year in the US. Oh wait.

But, I am facing an unhappy dilemma.

I condemn white supremacy, but I also support free-market capitalism. As defined by the left, they are the same thing. I have read the bullshit. I know what the game is.

How can I condemn free-market capitalism AND support free-market capitalism at the same time?

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