White Supremacy Is Top Security Threat, Garland Says

Biden preaches to the Peanut Gallery. There are lots of peanuts. Each
peanut has a vote
Using the usual tactics of fear and intimidation, the left is shifting its propaganda machine into overdrive.

Using the usual tactics of fear and intimidation, the left is shifting its propaganda machine into overdrive to promote its latest bogeyman: the ever-present, but virtually unseen, white supremacist.

The latest salvo of lies came from Attorney General Merrick Garland, who testified Wednesday before the Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on the January 6 "riot" at the U.S. Capitol. The alleged "riot" — that featured no firearms, no arson, and no looting — "was conducted by supporters of then-President Donald Trump and incited by white supremacist groups like the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys," according to Yahoo News. "Five people died as a result of the attack," they added.

First of all, there is no evidence whatsoever that the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys are "white supremacist groups." But they support both the Constitution and Donald Trump, either of which, in the current leftist mindset, makes you a white supremacist...even if you're not white! (Just ask Candace Owens.) Second, the inference that "five people died as a result of the attack" is intentionally misleading, as three died from natural causes and one from an apparent drug overdose. The only violent death occurred when an unarmed female Trump-supporter was shot dead by a still unnamed Capitol Police officer.

Did "white supremacists" suddenly take to the streets and destroy American cities from coast to coast? No. I guess they're waiting for something more sinister to happen than a dead Trump-supporter, a Marxist revolution, and a stolen presidential election.

(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ...

“Did “white supremacists” suddenly take to the streets and destroy American cities from coast to coast?”.....You can't believe your LYIN' EYES!
Another example of white supremacy and how racism is interwoven in American society. AKA systemic racism...

And THERE IT IS. The System is racist and MUST be destroyed or altered.

You are a perfect little disciple of the Frankfurt School and you don't even know it.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_theoryCritical theory (also capitalized as Critical Theory)[1] is a Marxist approach to social philosophy that focuses on reflective assessment and critique of society and culture in order to reveal and challenge power structures.

So, can I use the word "commie" now or are you still in goose-stepping denial....commie?

And, do tell. How was 1/6 white supremacy?
Well, let's see...
  1. There was a stand down order (couldn't have white conservative American terrorists arrested for breaking the low now can we?)
  2. There's been no investigation (don't want to discover how high up the white conservative American terrorists go up the chain)
  3. There's been a white-washing of what happened (It wasn't that bad, but the bad people were #BlackLivesMatter, etc., although they're saying nothing bad happened)
  4. White American conservative leaders are continuing to lie about it

What more do you need?
And THERE IT IS. The System is racist and MUST be destroyed or altered.

You are a perfect little disciple of the Frankfurt School and you don't even know it.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_theoryCritical theory (also capitalized as Critical Theory)[1] is a Marxist approach to social philosophy that focuses on reflective assessment and critique of society and culture in order to reveal and challenge power structures.

So, can I use the word "commie" now or are you still in goose-stepping denial....commie?
What part of the video did you find false?

And, do tell. How was 1/6 white supremacy?
Well, let's see...
  1. There was a stand down order (couldn't have white conservative American terrorists arrested for breaking the low now can we?)
  2. There's been no investigation (don't want to discover how high up the white conservative American terrorists go up the chain)
  3. There's been a white-washing of what happened (It wasn't that bad, but the bad people were #BlackLivesMatter, etc., although they're saying nothing bad happened)
  4. White American conservative leaders are continuing to lie about it

What more do you need?
1. There was a stand down order in Seattle. Was that white supremacy? I think you need to review your terms again. You're getting them confused. Any political action that is not in support of the left is now deemed white supremacy?
2. No investigation of what? A stand down order? There has been NOTHING done in Seattle or other places where you Marxists rioted and destroyed. White supremacy is anything that is not Marxist, isn't it?
3. What the fuck does "white-washing" mean? Is that anything like this:

look at that white supremacy on display. :laughing0301:
4. Continuing to lie about what? Who? Oh, that's right. Non-Marxists, aka white supremacists.

Looks like all I need to know is Non-Marxists = White Supremacist

so, can I use the word commie yet?
And THERE IT IS. The System is racist and MUST be destroyed or altered.

You are a perfect little disciple of the Frankfurt School and you don't even know it.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_theoryCritical theory (also capitalized as Critical Theory)[1] is a Marxist approach to social philosophy that focuses on reflective assessment and critique of society and culture in order to reveal and challenge power structures.

So, can I use the word "commie" now or are you still in goose-stepping denial....commie?
What part of the video did you find false?
I'll make it easy for you (which both demonstrates the deliberate deceit in critical theory and destroys it at the same time).

Let's assume it's true.

What do you think we should do about? What changes do you propose?

(by the way, proposing changes destroys the aim of critical theory)
- pile up their bullshit?

China and their American cohorts, who need not be named again within the same post, are the greatest threat to this Republic.

White supremacy is top security threat, Garland says
Hmmm... The opinion of a Trumper with no qualifications or experience who has spent the last 4 years covering for white nationalists, or the consensus of our national security advisers...

Gee, tough call...
Certainly not Russian gangsters shutting down oil pipelines and removing half of the oil received by the east coast.
Remember when Trump fired the top cybersecruity guy because he wouldn't lie about the election?

Trump cultists don't. They're trained to instantly forget all of the many ways in which their party sabotaged America.
The term white supremacy is a euphemism. They dare not use the words they really mean and what they are really fighting against. What they really want to destroy is the white majority. That makes every white person complicit. Because the enemies are afraid of backlash if they say what they really mean, they just accuse whites of being white supremacists, all whites.
Certainly not Russian gangsters shutting down oil pipelines and removing half of the oil received by the east coast.
Remember when Trump fired the top cybersecruity guy because he wouldn't lie about the election?

Trump cultists don't. They're trained to instantly forget all of the many ways in which their party sabotaged America.

We're the "cultists"? LOL! You asshole. Tell me again about how Trump is going to start a nuclear war. Remember some of the stupid shit you people pretended to believe, when it served your agenda?

We're the "cultists"? LOL! You asshole. Tell me again about how Trump is going to start a nuclear war.
Why do you think Trump will start a nuclear war? He's not president now, despite what your cult tells you.


We're the "cultists"? LOL! You asshole. Tell me again about how Trump is going to start a nuclear war.
Why do you think Trump will start a nuclear war? He's not president now, despite what your cult tells you.

Says the dishonest lefty. My point stands. You people talk and believe the stupidest shit, yet pretend that WE are the "cultists" because we supported a guy who was a little different from the normal politician.
The term white supremacy is a euphemism. They dare not use the words they really mean and what they are really fighting against. What they really want to destroy is the white majority. That makes every white person complicit. Because the enemies are afraid of backlash if they say what they really mean, they just accuse whites of being white supremacists, all whites.
And that's all code white supremists use. From their drooling mouths to your ears, and drooled out of your mouth.

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