"Whiteness Shaming"

Wouldnt this fall under creating a hostile learning environment that those whites could profit off of via lawsuit
Instead: Recognize that every white person alive today benefits from white privilege, right here, right now, in the 21st century. You may not be responsible for enslavement in the past, but that doesn’t change your responsibility for how you knowingly or unknowingly perpetuate racism today.
What cracks me up so much about this stuff is that the PC Police constantly shoves this stuff in the face of white people, saying that they "knowingly or unknowingly perpetrate racism today", and they somehow think that this is going to change hearts and minds.

Evidently, screaming "you're a racist!" at someone will change their mind on something.

Actually, full disclosure, I don't think for a minute that they're trying to change hearts & minds. They're just trying to WIN.
Shame on racism.

Does that mean you oppose affirmative action policies? That's racism.
America is still a class, gender and race based society where it is easier to get ahead if you are white, male and middle class. In a country where your name matters (studies have shown that people with ‘black’ names find it harder to get a job interview than those with ‘white’ names) and where women are still in the minority in the senior ranks of the professions, affirmative action is sadly still a necessity.
Please excuse me till I stop laughing.

"Whiteness has a long history in European imperialism and epistemologies. It does not simply refer to skin color but an ideology based on beliefs, values, behaviors, habits and attitudes, which result in the unequal distribution of power and privilege based on skin color."

Portland Community College to devote an entire month to 'whiteness'-shaming

My lord, have these people nothing better to do? This is an example of Higher Education? Always blows my mind that some one is getting paid to come up with this stuff.

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