Whites do have a role in stopping racism

Whites cannot stop what they never started. Racism is wholly a creation, concept and tool of the Black. The racism buck begins and ends with Blacks.

The ONLY REAL racism in this country is racism against whites. The more Whites give, them more they are blamed for and accused of. Just consider that racism had been molded to actually IMPLY whites, even though Whites are the least racist, most tolerant and giving of all. As Whites have worked to be ever-more inclusive, Blacks have worked to be ever-more EXCLUSIVE.

DON'T AGREE? Show me another non-white race in the world that has created a nation anything close to resembling the United States which has:
  1. Fought as many wars defending people other than their own.
  2. Spent as much money helping other people, even those that didn't like us.
  3. Worked more tirelessly in the interest of the rights of others.
  4. After creating the biggest, wealthiest, most advanced, most powerful nation on the planet, opened up its doors to as many other people, philosophies, cultures and ways as we have?
When Blacks do all that, then open the doors of opportunity, wealth, freedom and education they built to Whites as we have to others, then you can talk to me.


Funny to hear a man speak of "racism" against Blacks all the while his practicing sexism against women. Tell me O Enlightened One, JUST WHAT is the difference between grading people by skin color and grading women by appearance?

You justify one while denying/protesting the other.

OUCH. Too honest for ya?
Real Racism? There is only racism. You pick one guy to support your entire thesis. You obviously failed what ever college you went to. Take a white guy and put him in a black ghetto neighborhood, the same thing happens. What neighborhood was he in? If it was a bunch of low class trailer park folk, of course it would happen. Whites don't look the other way, any one with any brains locks their doors no matter where they live. Your generalization shows your irrational logic. Your denial that a black person cant be racist or doesn't discriminate shows you ignorance. Every citizen of the United States has judicial freedom and equal rights. get over yourself and stop being a victim of your mind.
My brother Paul Essien posted a thorough description of what the experiment is about, including links to either reading more about it, or watching it. What do you do? You attack it on premise, without even any further exploration. You ask all sorts of questions, that could be answered by actually looking into it.

Why not look into the matter first?
I have looked into it and read up on it and experienced it first hand.. Paul only offers links that support his bias. Paul is the person that always diverts from answering a question and turning to another question. As I have stated before and will stand by it. Until Paul or any one else admits that the problem is on both sides, there can never be open conversation or true progress made. Paul is a petulant child that refuses to deal with reality. If he is indeed your brother, you should sit him down and have a long talk with him about how things really are and that he isn't looking at the situation honestly or logically. Until then he is on ignore, because I don't have the time or inclination to converse with an irrational idiot.
Problem is on both sides? No you silly ass white boy. The problem is with whites. Blacks didnt create this system. You white boys did because you feel you are inferior and need help.

Correction, this system was created by Brits who brought in the Black problem, this doesn't necessarily include all Whites, in fact in some cases Black Africans had far more than to do with the Atlantic Slave Trade, than a good deal of White nations.
White privilege? So does she mean that Cowell enjoyed a special privilege to murder a black woman that this black guy did not have to murder a black woman?
What point are you trying to make ?
He's not trying to make a point. He is deflecting with some type of false equivalence.

The white guy murdered because of white privilege but the black guy murdered because of, well, it doesn't matter because there's nothing newsworthy or Twitterworthy about a black man murdering a black woman apparently.

No, no, NO. You just don't understand, Ghost. The white guy murdered because of white privilege, and the black guy murdered because of white people, which is, er, ah, just more white privilege. o_O:rolleyes::confused:
Real Racism? There is only racism. You pick one guy to support your entire thesis. You obviously failed what ever college you went to. Take a white guy and put him in a black ghetto neighborhood, the same thing happens. What neighborhood was he in? If it was a bunch of low class trailer park folk, of course it would happen. Whites don't look the other way, any one with any brains locks their doors no matter where they live. Your generalization shows your irrational logic. Your denial that a black person cant be racist or doesn't discriminate shows you ignorance. Every citizen of the United States has judicial freedom and equal rights. get over yourself and stop being a victim of your mind.
My brother Paul Essien posted a thorough description of what the experiment is about, including links to either reading more about it, or watching it. What do you do? You attack it on premise, without even any further exploration. You ask all sorts of questions, that could be answered by actually looking into it.

Why not look into the matter first?
I have looked into it and read up on it and experienced it first hand.. Paul only offers links that support his bias. Paul is the person that always diverts from answering a question and turning to another question. As I have stated before and will stand by it. Until Paul or any one else admits that the problem is on both sides, there can never be open conversation or true progress made. Paul is a petulant child that refuses to deal with reality. If he is indeed your brother, you should sit him down and have a long talk with him about how things really are and that he isn't looking at the situation honestly or logically. Until then he is on ignore, because I don't have the time or inclination to converse with an irrational idiot.
Problem is on both sides? No you silly ass white boy. The problem is with whites. Blacks didnt create this system. You white boys did because you feel you are inferior and need help.

Correction, this system was created by Brits who brought in the Black problem, this doesn't necessarily include all Whites, in fact in some cases Black Africans had far more than to do with the Atlantic Slave Trade, than a good deal of White nations.
Brits are white and they arent the only whites to bring enslaved Blacks to the US you idiot. Name one Black nation that transported Blacks to the US during the AST?
Right. OK

I'll tell you something. I know what it feels like to pass out from hunger in a one bed motel room with 7 brothers and sisters who haven't eaten in a week. And more than once. I know what it's like not to have electricity. Or hot water. Or food. Not even a syrup sandwich or a sugar sandwich. Or a mustard bottle to suck on. Or clothes. Or a bed to sleep in. Or heat. I know what it's like to have to walk miles to a church with mom to beg for a handout ever week. I know what it's like very well. And I've experienced travesties that few human beings in his world might think could ever exist in a home. I know what it's like when the state comes and takes everybody away and separates them. And I know what it's like to see them pulled down off a rope and to have to bury them when they couldn't take it anymore. I've been a victim of physical and psychological abuses that one might only imagine could be possible to endure in this world day after day after year after year.

This world is a vampire, my man. And you're not special. Not by a longshot. Everybody is a victim in some way or another in their lifetimes. Eat or be eaten. And ask yourself what you can do better. That's what men do. If the worst thing that ever happened to you was being discriminated for being black, consider yourself blessed. People are assholes. Work with it. Lead by example.
There was a guy called Joshua Solomon in 1995.

He grew up in USA-Maryland. He had plenty of Black friends. He felt that many black people used racism as an an excuse. He was also like you in that he talked about the hardship and struggle he goes and went through when he was coming up

So what did he do ?

He changed himself from black to white

This is him.


He went to a doctor who gave him pills to turn his skin brown. The doctor warned him that it could lead to liver damage. He shaved the hair off but dressed, acted and talked the same.

After one week as a black man he was done.

He was going to do it for about 4 months visiting different parts of the country.

But one week as a black man he was done.

And bear in mind this is 1995 not 1959 like John Howard Griffin in similar "Black Like Me" experiment where he blacked up and every one can agree that racism was fked up in 1959

This is 1995. This is in everyone's lifetime.

By his 2nd day as a black man he was in tears.

As a white man when he looked and smiled at White people. They smiled back. But as a Black man ? Whites look away, lock their doors, assume he's dangerous or up to no good.

The police would stop him.
Restaurants would tell him they were full even when they weren't. He met a homeless white man who didn't have a biscuit and even he looked down on blacks.

Oprah did a show about it

And you know what's funny ?

What he dealt was easiest part of racism. He didn't even get into the systematic part.

Real racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives. And this once tough talking white man did not experience any of that.

This is why I laugh when white people like to come with any shaming tactics because they can't handle racism for a minute.

Well, he looked more like an Asian Indian, care to discuss that demographic which tops the charts in U.S.A income levels, doctors, small business owners, but lacks heavily gangs, or violent criminals in comparison to well just about every other demographic in the U.S.A, presumably.
Its evident that whites as a group either lack the ability to deconstruct their racism or they simply do not want to.give it up due to instinctively understanding they cannot compete.

Yet, as a group a whole lot of Blacks don't want to acknowledge their own racism, prejudices, and bigotry.
Lots of Black acknowledge that they think whites are inferior. The point is that Blacks cant practice racism unless they control the system and resources. We know from history that when that dynamic occurred Blacks helped educate and civilize whites. When whites controlled the system and resources they enslaved Blacks.
Right. OK

I'll tell you something. I know what it feels like to pass out from hunger in a one bed motel room with 7 brothers and sisters who haven't eaten in a week. And more than once. I know what it's like not to have electricity. Or hot water. Or food. Not even a syrup sandwich or a sugar sandwich. Or a mustard bottle to suck on. Or clothes. Or a bed to sleep in. Or heat. I know what it's like to have to walk miles to a church with mom to beg for a handout ever week. I know what it's like very well. And I've experienced travesties that few human beings in his world might think could ever exist in a home. I know what it's like when the state comes and takes everybody away and separates them. And I know what it's like to see them pulled down off a rope and to have to bury them when they couldn't take it anymore. I've been a victim of physical and psychological abuses that one might only imagine could be possible to endure in this world day after day after year after year.

This world is a vampire, my man. And you're not special. Not by a longshot. Everybody is a victim in some way or another in their lifetimes. Eat or be eaten. And ask yourself what you can do better. That's what men do. If the worst thing that ever happened to you was being discriminated for being black, consider yourself blessed. People are assholes. Work with it. Lead by example.
There was a guy called Joshua Solomon in 1995.

He grew up in USA-Maryland. He had plenty of Black friends. He felt that many black people used racism as an an excuse. He was also like you in that he talked about the hardship and struggle he goes and went through when he was coming up

So what did he do ?

He changed himself from black to white

This is him.


He went to a doctor who gave him pills to turn his skin brown. The doctor warned him that it could lead to liver damage. He shaved the hair off but dressed, acted and talked the same.

After one week as a black man he was done.

He was going to do it for about 4 months visiting different parts of the country.

But one week as a black man he was done.

And bear in mind this is 1995 not 1959 like John Howard Griffin in similar "Black Like Me" experiment where he blacked up and every one can agree that racism was fked up in 1959

This is 1995. This is in everyone's lifetime.

By his 2nd day as a black man he was in tears.

As a white man when he looked and smiled at White people. They smiled back. But as a Black man ? Whites look away, lock their doors, assume he's dangerous or up to no good.

The police would stop him.
Restaurants would tell him they were full even when they weren't. He met a homeless white man who didn't have a biscuit and even he looked down on blacks.

Oprah did a show about it

And you know what's funny ?

What he dealt was easiest part of racism. He didn't even get into the systematic part.

Real racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives. And this once tough talking white man did not experience any of that.

This is why I laugh when white people like to come with any shaming tactics because they can't handle racism for a minute.

Well, he looked more like an Asian Indian, care to discuss that demographic which tops the charts in U.S.A income levels, doctors, small business owners, but lacks heavily gangs, or violent criminals in comparison to well just about every other demographic in the U.S.A, presumably.
If you think east indians and asians dont have lots of gangs and violent criminals you must be retarded.
Yes she is uniquely qualified to talk about the intricacies of race relations considering her college classes in English of which she didn't receive a degree!
Real Racism? There is only racism. You pick one guy to support your entire thesis. You obviously failed what ever college you went to. Take a white guy and put him in a black ghetto neighborhood, the same thing happens. What neighborhood was he in? If it was a bunch of low class trailer park folk, of course it would happen. Whites don't look the other way, any one with any brains locks their doors no matter where they live. Your generalization shows your irrational logic. Your denial that a black person cant be racist or doesn't discriminate shows you ignorance. Every citizen of the United States has judicial freedom and equal rights. get over yourself and stop being a victim of your mind.
My brother Paul Essien posted a thorough description of what the experiment is about, including links to either reading more about it, or watching it. What do you do? You attack it on premise, without even any further exploration. You ask all sorts of questions, that could be answered by actually looking into it.

Why not look into the matter first?
I have looked into it and read up on it and experienced it first hand.. Paul only offers links that support his bias. Paul is the person that always diverts from answering a question and turning to another question. As I have stated before and will stand by it. Until Paul or any one else admits that the problem is on both sides, there can never be open conversation or true progress made. Paul is a petulant child that refuses to deal with reality. If he is indeed your brother, you should sit him down and have a long talk with him about how things really are and that he isn't looking at the situation honestly or logically. Until then he is on ignore, because I don't have the time or inclination to converse with an irrational idiot.
Problem is on both sides? No you silly ass white boy. The problem is with whites. Blacks didnt create this system. You white boys did because you feel you are inferior and need help.

Correction, this system was created by Brits who brought in the Black problem, this doesn't necessarily include all Whites, in fact in some cases Black Africans had far more than to do with the Atlantic Slave Trade, than a good deal of White nations.
Brits are white and they arent the only whites to bring enslaved Blacks to the US you idiot. Name one Black nation that transported Blacks to the US during the AST?

So, all Whites are to blame for Brits?

So, are you to blame for the Black Africans burning witches in Tanzania, or who cannibalize their enemies in war like in Liberia?

There were hardly any colonies in Africa during almost the length of the entire Atlantic Slave Trade, keep in mind the Scramble of Africa popped up when the Atlantic Slave Trade had settled down.

The fact of the matter is most of those slaves were sold to Whites by Black African tribes like Dahomey, Ashanti, and others.
We are now on page 37 of irresponsible whiteness.

This is the race and racism section white folks. Whites are a race so we will talk about you.
My brother Paul Essien posted a thorough description of what the experiment is about, including links to either reading more about it, or watching it. What do you do? You attack it on premise, without even any further exploration. You ask all sorts of questions, that could be answered by actually looking into it.

Why not look into the matter first?
I have looked into it and read up on it and experienced it first hand.. Paul only offers links that support his bias. Paul is the person that always diverts from answering a question and turning to another question. As I have stated before and will stand by it. Until Paul or any one else admits that the problem is on both sides, there can never be open conversation or true progress made. Paul is a petulant child that refuses to deal with reality. If he is indeed your brother, you should sit him down and have a long talk with him about how things really are and that he isn't looking at the situation honestly or logically. Until then he is on ignore, because I don't have the time or inclination to converse with an irrational idiot.
Problem is on both sides? No you silly ass white boy. The problem is with whites. Blacks didnt create this system. You white boys did because you feel you are inferior and need help.

Correction, this system was created by Brits who brought in the Black problem, this doesn't necessarily include all Whites, in fact in some cases Black Africans had far more than to do with the Atlantic Slave Trade, than a good deal of White nations.
Brits are white and they arent the only whites to bring enslaved Blacks to the US you idiot. Name one Black nation that transported Blacks to the US during the AST?

So, all Whites are to blame for Brits?

So, are you to blame for the Black Africans burning witches in Tanzania, or who cannibalize their enemies in war like in Liberia?

There were hardly any colonies in Africa during almost the length of the entire Atlantic Slave Trade, keep in mind the Scramble of Africa popped up when the Atlantic Slave Trade had settled down.

The fact of the matter is most of those slaves were sold to Whites by Black African tribes like Dahomey, Ashanti, and others.
Again Brits were not the only whites to enslave and transport people to the US.

So are you comparing Africans to whites that burned witches and ate their neighbors in the colonial days?

Youre somewhere off in left field.

The fact of the matter is whites enslaved Black Africans and brought them to the US for chattel slavery.
Right. OK

I'll tell you something. I know what it feels like to pass out from hunger in a one bed motel room with 7 brothers and sisters who haven't eaten in a week. And more than once. I know what it's like not to have electricity. Or hot water. Or food. Not even a syrup sandwich or a sugar sandwich. Or a mustard bottle to suck on. Or clothes. Or a bed to sleep in. Or heat. I know what it's like to have to walk miles to a church with mom to beg for a handout ever week. I know what it's like very well. And I've experienced travesties that few human beings in his world might think could ever exist in a home. I know what it's like when the state comes and takes everybody away and separates them. And I know what it's like to see them pulled down off a rope and to have to bury them when they couldn't take it anymore. I've been a victim of physical and psychological abuses that one might only imagine could be possible to endure in this world day after day after year after year.

This world is a vampire, my man. And you're not special. Not by a longshot. Everybody is a victim in some way or another in their lifetimes. Eat or be eaten. And ask yourself what you can do better. That's what men do. If the worst thing that ever happened to you was being discriminated for being black, consider yourself blessed. People are assholes. Work with it. Lead by example.
There was a guy called Joshua Solomon in 1995.

He grew up in USA-Maryland. He had plenty of Black friends. He felt that many black people used racism as an an excuse. He was also like you in that he talked about the hardship and struggle he goes and went through when he was coming up

So what did he do ?

He changed himself from black to white

This is him.


He went to a doctor who gave him pills to turn his skin brown. The doctor warned him that it could lead to liver damage. He shaved the hair off but dressed, acted and talked the same.

After one week as a black man he was done.

He was going to do it for about 4 months visiting different parts of the country.

But one week as a black man he was done.

And bear in mind this is 1995 not 1959 like John Howard Griffin in similar "Black Like Me" experiment where he blacked up and every one can agree that racism was fked up in 1959

This is 1995. This is in everyone's lifetime.

By his 2nd day as a black man he was in tears.

As a white man when he looked and smiled at White people. They smiled back. But as a Black man ? Whites look away, lock their doors, assume he's dangerous or up to no good.

The police would stop him.
Restaurants would tell him they were full even when they weren't. He met a homeless white man who didn't have a biscuit and even he looked down on blacks.

Oprah did a show about it

And you know what's funny ?

What he dealt was easiest part of racism. He didn't even get into the systematic part.

Real racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives. And this once tough talking white man did not experience any of that.

This is why I laugh when white people like to come with any shaming tactics because they can't handle racism for a minute.

Well, he looked more like an Asian Indian, care to discuss that demographic which tops the charts in U.S.A income levels, doctors, small business owners, but lacks heavily gangs, or violent criminals in comparison to well just about every other demographic in the U.S.A, presumably.
If you think east indians and asians dont have lots of gangs and violent criminals you must be retarded.

There's more East Asian gangsters in the U.S.A, than East Indian gangsters in the U.S.A by a long shot.

My father who was a teacher in prison admitted that.

My father admitted Asian Indians in prison would have to basically pretend to be Black, or Dominican, or Puerto Rican to survive.

Which was in response to one of the "Bad few" neighbors we had named of an East Indian background named Alanmon whom was ended up terrible.

Man charged in knifepoint robberies of livery drivers
I have looked into it and read up on it and experienced it first hand.. Paul only offers links that support his bias. Paul is the person that always diverts from answering a question and turning to another question. As I have stated before and will stand by it. Until Paul or any one else admits that the problem is on both sides, there can never be open conversation or true progress made. Paul is a petulant child that refuses to deal with reality. If he is indeed your brother, you should sit him down and have a long talk with him about how things really are and that he isn't looking at the situation honestly or logically. Until then he is on ignore, because I don't have the time or inclination to converse with an irrational idiot.
Problem is on both sides? No you silly ass white boy. The problem is with whites. Blacks didnt create this system. You white boys did because you feel you are inferior and need help.

Correction, this system was created by Brits who brought in the Black problem, this doesn't necessarily include all Whites, in fact in some cases Black Africans had far more than to do with the Atlantic Slave Trade, than a good deal of White nations.
Brits are white and they arent the only whites to bring enslaved Blacks to the US you idiot. Name one Black nation that transported Blacks to the US during the AST?

So, all Whites are to blame for Brits?

So, are you to blame for the Black Africans burning witches in Tanzania, or who cannibalize their enemies in war like in Liberia?

There were hardly any colonies in Africa during almost the length of the entire Atlantic Slave Trade, keep in mind the Scramble of Africa popped up when the Atlantic Slave Trade had settled down.

The fact of the matter is most of those slaves were sold to Whites by Black African tribes like Dahomey, Ashanti, and others.
Again Brits were not the only whites to enslave and transport people to the US.

So are you comparing Africans to whites that burned witches and ate their neighbors in the colonial days?

Youre somewhere off in left field.

The fact of the matter is whites enslaved Black Africans and brought them to the US for chattel slavery.

I'm not of a British background, I'm of a Polish Catholic background......

How many Blacks in this country were enslaved by Polish Catholics, exactly?

You blame people like myself for your plight, which my ancestors didn't do what-so-ever, and then can't grasp why I don't like you very much?
Right. OK

I'll tell you something. I know what it feels like to pass out from hunger in a one bed motel room with 7 brothers and sisters who haven't eaten in a week. And more than once. I know what it's like not to have electricity. Or hot water. Or food. Not even a syrup sandwich or a sugar sandwich. Or a mustard bottle to suck on. Or clothes. Or a bed to sleep in. Or heat. I know what it's like to have to walk miles to a church with mom to beg for a handout ever week. I know what it's like very well. And I've experienced travesties that few human beings in his world might think could ever exist in a home. I know what it's like when the state comes and takes everybody away and separates them. And I know what it's like to see them pulled down off a rope and to have to bury them when they couldn't take it anymore. I've been a victim of physical and psychological abuses that one might only imagine could be possible to endure in this world day after day after year after year.

This world is a vampire, my man. And you're not special. Not by a longshot. Everybody is a victim in some way or another in their lifetimes. Eat or be eaten. And ask yourself what you can do better. That's what men do. If the worst thing that ever happened to you was being discriminated for being black, consider yourself blessed. People are assholes. Work with it. Lead by example.
There was a guy called Joshua Solomon in 1995.

He grew up in USA-Maryland. He had plenty of Black friends. He felt that many black people used racism as an an excuse. He was also like you in that he talked about the hardship and struggle he goes and went through when he was coming up

So what did he do ?

He changed himself from black to white

This is him.


He went to a doctor who gave him pills to turn his skin brown. The doctor warned him that it could lead to liver damage. He shaved the hair off but dressed, acted and talked the same.

After one week as a black man he was done.

He was going to do it for about 4 months visiting different parts of the country.

But one week as a black man he was done.

And bear in mind this is 1995 not 1959 like John Howard Griffin in similar "Black Like Me" experiment where he blacked up and every one can agree that racism was fked up in 1959

This is 1995. This is in everyone's lifetime.

By his 2nd day as a black man he was in tears.

As a white man when he looked and smiled at White people. They smiled back. But as a Black man ? Whites look away, lock their doors, assume he's dangerous or up to no good.

The police would stop him.
Restaurants would tell him they were full even when they weren't. He met a homeless white man who didn't have a biscuit and even he looked down on blacks.

Oprah did a show about it

And you know what's funny ?

What he dealt was easiest part of racism. He didn't even get into the systematic part.

Real racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives. And this once tough talking white man did not experience any of that.

This is why I laugh when white people like to come with any shaming tactics because they can't handle racism for a minute.

Well, he looked more like an Asian Indian, care to discuss that demographic which tops the charts in U.S.A income levels, doctors, small business owners, but lacks heavily gangs, or violent criminals in comparison to well just about every other demographic in the U.S.A, presumably.
If you think east indians and asians dont have lots of gangs and violent criminals you must be retarded.

There's more East Asian gangsters in the U.S.A, than East Indian gangsters in the U.S.A by a long shot.

So youre very comfortable with contradicting yourself and yet you get offended when I laugh at your idiocy? :laugh:
I'll tell you something. I know what it feels like to pass out from hunger in a one bed motel room with 7 brothers and sisters who haven't eaten in a week. And more than once. I know what it's like not to have electricity. Or hot water. Or food. Not even a syrup sandwich or a sugar sandwich. Or a mustard bottle to suck on. Or clothes. Or a bed to sleep in. Or heat. I know what it's like to have to walk miles to a church with mom to beg for a handout ever week. I know what it's like very well. And I've experienced travesties that few human beings in his world might think could ever exist in a home. I know what it's like when the state comes and takes everybody away and separates them. And I know what it's like to see them pulled down off a rope and to have to bury them when they couldn't take it anymore. I've been a victim of physical and psychological abuses that one might only imagine could be possible to endure in this world day after day after year after year.

This world is a vampire, my man. And you're not special. Not by a longshot. Everybody is a victim in some way or another in their lifetimes. Eat or be eaten. And ask yourself what you can do better. That's what men do. If the worst thing that ever happened to you was being discriminated for being black, consider yourself blessed. People are assholes. Work with it. Lead by example.
There was a guy called Joshua Solomon in 1995.

He grew up in USA-Maryland. He had plenty of Black friends. He felt that many black people used racism as an an excuse. He was also like you in that he talked about the hardship and struggle he goes and went through when he was coming up

So what did he do ?

He changed himself from black to white

This is him.


He went to a doctor who gave him pills to turn his skin brown. The doctor warned him that it could lead to liver damage. He shaved the hair off but dressed, acted and talked the same.

After one week as a black man he was done.

He was going to do it for about 4 months visiting different parts of the country.

But one week as a black man he was done.

And bear in mind this is 1995 not 1959 like John Howard Griffin in similar "Black Like Me" experiment where he blacked up and every one can agree that racism was fked up in 1959

This is 1995. This is in everyone's lifetime.

By his 2nd day as a black man he was in tears.

As a white man when he looked and smiled at White people. They smiled back. But as a Black man ? Whites look away, lock their doors, assume he's dangerous or up to no good.

The police would stop him.
Restaurants would tell him they were full even when they weren't. He met a homeless white man who didn't have a biscuit and even he looked down on blacks.

Oprah did a show about it

And you know what's funny ?

What he dealt was easiest part of racism. He didn't even get into the systematic part.

Real racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives. And this once tough talking white man did not experience any of that.

This is why I laugh when white people like to come with any shaming tactics because they can't handle racism for a minute.

Well, he looked more like an Asian Indian, care to discuss that demographic which tops the charts in U.S.A income levels, doctors, small business owners, but lacks heavily gangs, or violent criminals in comparison to well just about every other demographic in the U.S.A, presumably.
If you think east indians and asians dont have lots of gangs and violent criminals you must be retarded.

There's more East Asian gangsters in the U.S.A, than East Indian gangsters in the U.S.A by a long shot.

So youre very comfortable with contradicting yourself and yet you get offended when I laugh at your idiocy? :laugh:

Contradiction, how?

A.) Asian Indians are darker, but have less gangsters, and higher incomes than other Asians.
How come?

B.) Asian Indians might be dark, but about half of their genes presumably come from Eastern Europe, anyways. (R1a haplogroup / Yamnaya related DNA types)
So, actually they're more related to us (Whites) than East Asians are.
Problem is on both sides? No you silly ass white boy. The problem is with whites. Blacks didnt create this system. You white boys did because you feel you are inferior and need help.

Correction, this system was created by Brits who brought in the Black problem, this doesn't necessarily include all Whites, in fact in some cases Black Africans had far more than to do with the Atlantic Slave Trade, than a good deal of White nations.
Brits are white and they arent the only whites to bring enslaved Blacks to the US you idiot. Name one Black nation that transported Blacks to the US during the AST?

So, all Whites are to blame for Brits?

So, are you to blame for the Black Africans burning witches in Tanzania, or who cannibalize their enemies in war like in Liberia?

There were hardly any colonies in Africa during almost the length of the entire Atlantic Slave Trade, keep in mind the Scramble of Africa popped up when the Atlantic Slave Trade had settled down.

The fact of the matter is most of those slaves were sold to Whites by Black African tribes like Dahomey, Ashanti, and others.
Again Brits were not the only whites to enslave and transport people to the US.

So are you comparing Africans to whites that burned witches and ate their neighbors in the colonial days?

Youre somewhere off in left field.

The fact of the matter is whites enslaved Black Africans and brought them to the US for chattel slavery.

I'm not of a British background, I'm of a Polish Catholic background......

How many Blacks in this country were enslaved by Polish Catholics, exactly?

You blame people like myself for your plight, which my ancestors didn't do what-so-ever, and then can't grasp why I don't like you very much?
I didnt say you were of British background.

Youre white. I didnt request your sub whiteness.

I'm not in a plight. I said you were a racist and a white one to boot. I grasp why you dont like me. I frighten you because my of dominant genes.
There was a guy called Joshua Solomon in 1995.

He grew up in USA-Maryland. He had plenty of Black friends. He felt that many black people used racism as an an excuse. He was also like you in that he talked about the hardship and struggle he goes and went through when he was coming up

So what did he do ?

He changed himself from black to white

This is him.


He went to a doctor who gave him pills to turn his skin brown. The doctor warned him that it could lead to liver damage. He shaved the hair off but dressed, acted and talked the same.

After one week as a black man he was done.

He was going to do it for about 4 months visiting different parts of the country.

But one week as a black man he was done.

And bear in mind this is 1995 not 1959 like John Howard Griffin in similar "Black Like Me" experiment where he blacked up and every one can agree that racism was fked up in 1959

This is 1995. This is in everyone's lifetime.

By his 2nd day as a black man he was in tears.

As a white man when he looked and smiled at White people. They smiled back. But as a Black man ? Whites look away, lock their doors, assume he's dangerous or up to no good.

The police would stop him.
Restaurants would tell him they were full even when they weren't. He met a homeless white man who didn't have a biscuit and even he looked down on blacks.

Oprah did a show about it

And you know what's funny ?

What he dealt was easiest part of racism. He didn't even get into the systematic part.

Real racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives. And this once tough talking white man did not experience any of that.

This is why I laugh when white people like to come with any shaming tactics because they can't handle racism for a minute.

Well, he looked more like an Asian Indian, care to discuss that demographic which tops the charts in U.S.A income levels, doctors, small business owners, but lacks heavily gangs, or violent criminals in comparison to well just about every other demographic in the U.S.A, presumably.
If you think east indians and asians dont have lots of gangs and violent criminals you must be retarded.

There's more East Asian gangsters in the U.S.A, than East Indian gangsters in the U.S.A by a long shot.

So youre very comfortable with contradicting yourself and yet you get offended when I laugh at your idiocy? :laugh:

Contradiction, how?

A.) Asian Indians are darker, but have less gangsters, and higher incomes than other Asians.
How come?

B.) Asian Indians might be dark, but about half of their genes presumably from Eastern Europe, anyways. (R1a haplogroup / Yamnaya related DNA types)
So, actually they're more related to us (Whites) than East Asians are.
By claiming that east indians and asians didnt have violent criminals.

You need to get out more often. Nothing you claimed is based on facts.
Its evident that whites as a group either lack the ability to deconstruct their racism or they simply do not want to.give it up due to instinctively understanding they cannot compete.

Yet, as a group a whole lot of Blacks don't want to acknowledge their own racism, prejudices, and bigotry.
Lots of Black acknowledge that they think whites are inferior. The point is that Blacks cant practice racism unless they control the system and resources. We know from history that when that dynamic occurred Blacks helped educate and civilize whites. When whites controlled the system and resources they enslaved Blacks.

If Blacks think Whites are inferior they are racist, by classical definitions.
What you speak for is Institutionalized racism, which in the case of Zimbabwe, or South Africa the White population is heavily discriminated against, in recent years in the inverse.

The country might be run by "Whites" but many "Whites" are excluded from it.

Basically Brits, and Jews probably make up 80% of the power in this country.

Polish people make up what percentage of power in this country?
Less than Blacks, considering Obama, or other Black politicians.
Well, he looked more like an Asian Indian, care to discuss that demographic which tops the charts in U.S.A income levels, doctors, small business owners, but lacks heavily gangs, or violent criminals in comparison to well just about every other demographic in the U.S.A, presumably.
If you think east indians and asians dont have lots of gangs and violent criminals you must be retarded.

There's more East Asian gangsters in the U.S.A, than East Indian gangsters in the U.S.A by a long shot.

So youre very comfortable with contradicting yourself and yet you get offended when I laugh at your idiocy? :laugh:

Contradiction, how?

A.) Asian Indians are darker, but have less gangsters, and higher incomes than other Asians.
How come?

B.) Asian Indians might be dark, but about half of their genes presumably from Eastern Europe, anyways. (R1a haplogroup / Yamnaya related DNA types)
So, actually they're more related to us (Whites) than East Asians are.
By claiming that east indians and asians didnt have violent criminals.

You need to get out more often. Nothing you claimed is based on facts.

Where did I say that East Indians, and East Asians don't have violent criminals?

I'm just pointing out that East Indians in this country at least, tend to be big time model minorities despite their dark skin, and occasional Alanmon Mavumkal.

This doesn't deny the existence of violent criminals of Asian backgrounds, but that it's far less prevalent than in you no-who's demographic.
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If you think east indians and asians dont have lots of gangs and violent criminals you must be retarded.

There's more East Asian gangsters in the U.S.A, than East Indian gangsters in the U.S.A by a long shot.

So youre very comfortable with contradicting yourself and yet you get offended when I laugh at your idiocy? :laugh:

Contradiction, how?

A.) Asian Indians are darker, but have less gangsters, and higher incomes than other Asians.
How come?

B.) Asian Indians might be dark, but about half of their genes presumably from Eastern Europe, anyways. (R1a haplogroup / Yamnaya related DNA types)
So, actually they're more related to us (Whites) than East Asians are.
By claiming that east indians and asians didnt have violent criminals.

You need to get out more often. Nothing you claimed is based on facts.

Where did I say that East Indians, and East Asians don't have violent criminals?

I'm just pointing out that East Asians in this country at least, tend to be big time model minorities despite their dark skin, and occasional Alanmon Mavumkal.

This doesn't deny the existence, but that it's far less prevalent than in you no-who's demographic.
In your previous post.

Typically when you voluntarily come to a country to escape poverty or death you tend to be a model citizen. I dont recall very many east indians or asians brought here via the slave trade and subjected to centuries of legislation designed specifically to hold them back.

Its only less prevalent than you know whos demographic because there are more white criminals than any other demographic.

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