Whites do have a role in stopping racism

There was a guy called Joshua Solomon in 1995.

He grew up in USA-Maryland. He had plenty of Black friends. He felt that many black people used racism as an an excuse. He was also like you in that he talked about the hardship and struggle he goes and went through when he was coming up

So what did he do ?

He changed himself from black to white

This is him.


He went to a doctor who gave him pills to turn his skin brown. The doctor warned him that it could lead to liver damage. He shaved the hair off but dressed, acted and talked the same.

After one week as a black man he was done.

He was going to do it for about 4 months visiting different parts of the country.

But one week as a black man he was done.

And bear in mind this is 1995 not 1959 like John Howard Griffin in similar "Black Like Me" experiment where he blacked up and every one can agree that racism was fked up in 1959

This is 1995. This is in everyone's lifetime.

By his 2nd day as a black man he was in tears.

As a white man when he looked and smiled at White people. They smiled back. But as a Black man ? Whites look away, lock their doors, assume he's dangerous or up to no good.

The police would stop him.
Restaurants would tell him they were full even when they weren't. He met a homeless white man who didn't have a biscuit and even he looked down on blacks.

Oprah did a show about it

And you know what's funny ?

What he dealt was easiest part of racism. He didn't even get into the systematic part.

Real racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives. And this once tough talking white man did not experience any of that.

This is why I laugh when white people like to come with any shaming tactics because they can't handle racism for a minute.

Well, he looked more like an Asian Indian, care to discuss that demographic which tops the charts in U.S.A income levels, doctors, small business owners, but lacks heavily gangs, or violent criminals in comparison to well just about every other demographic in the U.S.A, presumably.
If you think east indians and asians dont have lots of gangs and violent criminals you must be retarded.

There's more East Asian gangsters in the U.S.A, than East Indian gangsters in the U.S.A by a long shot.

So youre very comfortable with contradicting yourself and yet you get offended when I laugh at your idiocy? :laugh:

Contradiction, how?

A.) Asian Indians are darker, but have less gangsters, and higher incomes than other Asians.
How come?

B.) Asian Indians might be dark, but about half of their genes presumably come from Eastern Europe, anyways. (R1a haplogroup / Yamnaya related DNA types)
So, actually they're more related to us (Whites) than East Asians are.
One can only assume you are conversing with one of the two resident black racists. Don't waste your time they are too stupid. Life is better with them on ignore. The air is fresher, the sky is a vibrant blue. The best part is, you don't have to read make believe black racist fairy tails.
There's more East Asian gangsters in the U.S.A, than East Indian gangsters in the U.S.A by a long shot.

So youre very comfortable with contradicting yourself and yet you get offended when I laugh at your idiocy? :laugh:

Contradiction, how?

A.) Asian Indians are darker, but have less gangsters, and higher incomes than other Asians.
How come?

B.) Asian Indians might be dark, but about half of their genes presumably from Eastern Europe, anyways. (R1a haplogroup / Yamnaya related DNA types)
So, actually they're more related to us (Whites) than East Asians are.
By claiming that east indians and asians didnt have violent criminals.

You need to get out more often. Nothing you claimed is based on facts.

Where did I say that East Indians, and East Asians don't have violent criminals?

I'm just pointing out that East Asians in this country at least, tend to be big time model minorities despite their dark skin, and occasional Alanmon Mavumkal.

This doesn't deny the existence, but that it's far less prevalent than in you no-who's demographic.
In your previous post.

Typically when you voluntarily come to a country to escape poverty or death you tend to be a model citizen. I dont recall very many east indians or asians brought here via the slave trade and subjected to centuries of legislation designed specifically to hold them back.

Its only less prevalent than you know whos demographic because there are more white criminals than any other demographic.

So, what legislation holds back Blacks today?
Affirmative Action, Black History Month, or the Minority Business Development Agency?
So youre very comfortable with contradicting yourself and yet you get offended when I laugh at your idiocy? :laugh:

Contradiction, how?

A.) Asian Indians are darker, but have less gangsters, and higher incomes than other Asians.
How come?

B.) Asian Indians might be dark, but about half of their genes presumably from Eastern Europe, anyways. (R1a haplogroup / Yamnaya related DNA types)
So, actually they're more related to us (Whites) than East Asians are.
By claiming that east indians and asians didnt have violent criminals.

You need to get out more often. Nothing you claimed is based on facts.

Where did I say that East Indians, and East Asians don't have violent criminals?

I'm just pointing out that East Asians in this country at least, tend to be big time model minorities despite their dark skin, and occasional Alanmon Mavumkal.

This doesn't deny the existence, but that it's far less prevalent than in you no-who's demographic.
In your previous post.

Typically when you voluntarily come to a country to escape poverty or death you tend to be a model citizen. I dont recall very many east indians or asians brought here via the slave trade and subjected to centuries of legislation designed specifically to hold them back.

Its only less prevalent than you know whos demographic because there are more white criminals than any other demographic.

So, what legislation holds back Blacks today?
Affirmative Action, Black History Month, or the Minority Business Development Agency?
Why do you ask? The answer doesnt address the points in my post.
Contradiction, how?

A.) Asian Indians are darker, but have less gangsters, and higher incomes than other Asians.
How come?

B.) Asian Indians might be dark, but about half of their genes presumably from Eastern Europe, anyways. (R1a haplogroup / Yamnaya related DNA types)
So, actually they're more related to us (Whites) than East Asians are.
By claiming that east indians and asians didnt have violent criminals.

You need to get out more often. Nothing you claimed is based on facts.

Where did I say that East Indians, and East Asians don't have violent criminals?

I'm just pointing out that East Asians in this country at least, tend to be big time model minorities despite their dark skin, and occasional Alanmon Mavumkal.

This doesn't deny the existence, but that it's far less prevalent than in you no-who's demographic.
In your previous post.

Typically when you voluntarily come to a country to escape poverty or death you tend to be a model citizen. I dont recall very many east indians or asians brought here via the slave trade and subjected to centuries of legislation designed specifically to hold them back.

Its only less prevalent than you know whos demographic because there are more white criminals than any other demographic.

So, what legislation holds back Blacks today?
Affirmative Action, Black History Month, or the Minority Business Development Agency?
Why do you ask? The answer doesnt address the points in my post.

How long in New York, or Chicago, or Detroit has it been since there's been a "Anti-Black legislation"????

Yet, Blacks aren't in better shape there??????????
By claiming that east indians and asians didnt have violent criminals.

You need to get out more often. Nothing you claimed is based on facts.

Where did I say that East Indians, and East Asians don't have violent criminals?

I'm just pointing out that East Asians in this country at least, tend to be big time model minorities despite their dark skin, and occasional Alanmon Mavumkal.

This doesn't deny the existence, but that it's far less prevalent than in you no-who's demographic.
In your previous post.

Typically when you voluntarily come to a country to escape poverty or death you tend to be a model citizen. I dont recall very many east indians or asians brought here via the slave trade and subjected to centuries of legislation designed specifically to hold them back.

Its only less prevalent than you know whos demographic because there are more white criminals than any other demographic.

So, what legislation holds back Blacks today?
Affirmative Action, Black History Month, or the Minority Business Development Agency?
Why do you ask? The answer doesnt address the points in my post.

How long in New York, or Chicago, or Detroit has it been since there's been a "Anti-Black legislation"????

Yet, Blacks aren't in better shape there??????????
Why do you ask? The answer doesnt address the point in my post.
Where did I say that East Indians, and East Asians don't have violent criminals?

I'm just pointing out that East Asians in this country at least, tend to be big time model minorities despite their dark skin, and occasional Alanmon Mavumkal.

This doesn't deny the existence, but that it's far less prevalent than in you no-who's demographic.
In your previous post.

Typically when you voluntarily come to a country to escape poverty or death you tend to be a model citizen. I dont recall very many east indians or asians brought here via the slave trade and subjected to centuries of legislation designed specifically to hold them back.

Its only less prevalent than you know whos demographic because there are more white criminals than any other demographic.

So, what legislation holds back Blacks today?
Affirmative Action, Black History Month, or the Minority Business Development Agency?
Why do you ask? The answer doesnt address the points in my post.

How long in New York, or Chicago, or Detroit has it been since there's been a "Anti-Black legislation"????

Yet, Blacks aren't in better shape there??????????
Why do you ask? The answer doesnt address the point in my post.

So, Blacks in the North are just as bad as Blacks in the South, if not worse, just because of anti-Black legislation down-South, unlike the Blacks up-North who didn't have the same legislation for eons?
In your previous post.

Typically when you voluntarily come to a country to escape poverty or death you tend to be a model citizen. I dont recall very many east indians or asians brought here via the slave trade and subjected to centuries of legislation designed specifically to hold them back.

Its only less prevalent than you know whos demographic because there are more white criminals than any other demographic.

So, what legislation holds back Blacks today?
Affirmative Action, Black History Month, or the Minority Business Development Agency?
Why do you ask? The answer doesnt address the points in my post.

How long in New York, or Chicago, or Detroit has it been since there's been a "Anti-Black legislation"????

Yet, Blacks aren't in better shape there??????????
Why do you ask? The answer doesnt address the point in my post.

So, Blacks in the North are just as bad as Blacks in the South, if not worse, just because of anti-Black legislation down-South, unlike the Blacks up-North who didn't have the same legislation for eons?
Why do you ask? The answer doesnt address the point in my post
So, what legislation holds back Blacks today?
Affirmative Action, Black History Month, or the Minority Business Development Agency?
Why do you ask? The answer doesnt address the points in my post.

How long in New York, or Chicago, or Detroit has it been since there's been a "Anti-Black legislation"????

Yet, Blacks aren't in better shape there??????????
Why do you ask? The answer doesnt address the point in my post.

So, Blacks in the North are just as bad as Blacks in the South, if not worse, just because of anti-Black legislation down-South, unlike the Blacks up-North who didn't have the same legislation for eons?
Why do you ask? The answer doesnt address the point in my post

Jamaicans, and Haitians didn't go through American legislation, either.

They're only perhaps slightly better in this country, than the African Americans whom are from U.S.A slaves.
Why do you ask? The answer doesnt address the points in my post.

How long in New York, or Chicago, or Detroit has it been since there's been a "Anti-Black legislation"????

Yet, Blacks aren't in better shape there??????????
Why do you ask? The answer doesnt address the point in my post.

So, Blacks in the North are just as bad as Blacks in the South, if not worse, just because of anti-Black legislation down-South, unlike the Blacks up-North who didn't have the same legislation for eons?
Why do you ask? The answer doesnt address the point in my post

Jamaicans, and Haitians didn't go through American legislation, either.

They're only perhaps slightly better in this country, than the African Americans whom are from U.S.A slaves.
They went through British and French legislation and are paying the price like Black Americans.
How long in New York, or Chicago, or Detroit has it been since there's been a "Anti-Black legislation"????

Yet, Blacks aren't in better shape there??????????
Why do you ask? The answer doesnt address the point in my post.

So, Blacks in the North are just as bad as Blacks in the South, if not worse, just because of anti-Black legislation down-South, unlike the Blacks up-North who didn't have the same legislation for eons?
Why do you ask? The answer doesnt address the point in my post

Jamaicans, and Haitians didn't go through American legislation, either.

They're only perhaps slightly better in this country, than the African Americans whom are from U.S.A slaves.
They went through British and French legislation and are paying the price like Black Americans.

Haiti gained independence from French legislation in the 1800's, Poland didn't gain it's independence from Russian Soviet legislation until 1989.

Why am I to believe Haitians don't have a head-start over Poles?

Yet, Poland's clearly in much better shape than Haiti.
How come?
Last edited:
Why do you ask? The answer doesnt address the point in my post.

So, Blacks in the North are just as bad as Blacks in the South, if not worse, just because of anti-Black legislation down-South, unlike the Blacks up-North who didn't have the same legislation for eons?
Why do you ask? The answer doesnt address the point in my post

Jamaicans, and Haitians didn't go through American legislation, either.

They're only perhaps slightly better in this country, than the African Americans whom are from U.S.A slaves.
They went through British and French legislation and are paying the price like Black Americans.

Haiti gained it's independence in 1800's, Poland didn't gain it's independence until 1989.

Why am I to believe Haitians don't have a head-start over Poles?

Yet, Poland's clearly in much better shape than Haiti.
How come?

Was Poland forced to pay back France billions for freeing itself?

External debt of Haiti - Wikipedia

"The external debt of Haiti is one of the main factors that has caused the country's persistent poverty. After the slaves declared themselves free and the country independent in 1804, France, with the complicity of its allies, demanded that the newly formed country pay the French government and French slaveholders the modern equivalent of US $21 billion dollars for the "theft" of the slaves' own lives and the land that they had turned into profitable sugar and coffee-producing plantations. This independence debt was financed by French banks and the American Citibank, and finally paid off 143 years later, in 1947."

You dont have to believe. The facts are in evidence.

See the first part of the post.
So, Blacks in the North are just as bad as Blacks in the South, if not worse, just because of anti-Black legislation down-South, unlike the Blacks up-North who didn't have the same legislation for eons?
Why do you ask? The answer doesnt address the point in my post

Jamaicans, and Haitians didn't go through American legislation, either.

They're only perhaps slightly better in this country, than the African Americans whom are from U.S.A slaves.
They went through British and French legislation and are paying the price like Black Americans.

Haiti gained it's independence in 1800's, Poland didn't gain it's independence until 1989.

Why am I to believe Haitians don't have a head-start over Poles?

Yet, Poland's clearly in much better shape than Haiti.
How come?

Was Poland forced to pay back France billions for freeing itself?

External debt of Haiti - Wikipedia

"The external debt of Haiti is one of the main factors that has caused the country's persistent poverty. After the slaves declared themselves free and the country independent in 1804, France, with the complicity of its allies, demanded that the newly formed country pay the French government and French slaveholders the modern equivalent of US $21 billion dollars for the "theft" of the slaves' own lives and the land that they had turned into profitable sugar and coffee-producing plantations. This independence debt was financed by French banks and the American Citibank, and finally paid off 143 years later, in 1947."

You dont have to believe. The facts are in evidence.

See the first part of the post.

So, between 1804 - 2010 Haiti went just about no-where, while the rest of the World developed, because of a debt owed in 1804?

So, in 200 years they couldn't produce, nor pay for the debt, thus permanent poverty?

Well, what about in the 1940's when Warsaw the Polish capital was destroyed completely by Nazi Germans, half of Polish national treasures, wealth, manuscripts, art etc. had been looted,
and most important millions of Poles of Catholic origins were killed, maimed, enslaved, POW's etc. etc. etc.

Then the Communists killed more, by famine + prisons upon take-over in the later 1940's onward.

Don't get me started on how Communism stomps out business competition, which stagnates an economy perfectly.
Why do you ask? The answer doesnt address the point in my post

Jamaicans, and Haitians didn't go through American legislation, either.

They're only perhaps slightly better in this country, than the African Americans whom are from U.S.A slaves.
They went through British and French legislation and are paying the price like Black Americans.

Haiti gained it's independence in 1800's, Poland didn't gain it's independence until 1989.

Why am I to believe Haitians don't have a head-start over Poles?

Yet, Poland's clearly in much better shape than Haiti.
How come?

Was Poland forced to pay back France billions for freeing itself?

External debt of Haiti - Wikipedia

"The external debt of Haiti is one of the main factors that has caused the country's persistent poverty. After the slaves declared themselves free and the country independent in 1804, France, with the complicity of its allies, demanded that the newly formed country pay the French government and French slaveholders the modern equivalent of US $21 billion dollars for the "theft" of the slaves' own lives and the land that they had turned into profitable sugar and coffee-producing plantations. This independence debt was financed by French banks and the American Citibank, and finally paid off 143 years later, in 1947."

You dont have to believe. The facts are in evidence.

See the first part of the post.

So, between 1804 - 2010 Haiti went just about no-where, while the rest of the World developed, because of a debt in 1804?

So, in 200 years they couldn't produce, nor pay for the debt, thus permanent poverty?

Well, what about in the 1940's when Warsaw the Polish capital was destroyed completely by Nazi Germans, half of Polish national treasures, wealth, manuscripts, art etc. had been looted,
and most important millions of Poles of Catholic origins were killed, maimed, enslaved, POW's etc. etc. etc.

Then the Communists killed more, by famine + prisons upon take-over in the later 1940's onward.

Don't get me started on how Communism stomps out business competition, which stagnates an economy perfectly.

Correct. They were not part of the world economy due to sanctions placed on it by the US and europe. More white people deviltry.

What about it? Didnt other european nations and the US step up to rebuild Poland and help kick start its economy?
Jamaicans, and Haitians didn't go through American legislation, either.

They're only perhaps slightly better in this country, than the African Americans whom are from U.S.A slaves.
They went through British and French legislation and are paying the price like Black Americans.

Haiti gained it's independence in 1800's, Poland didn't gain it's independence until 1989.

Why am I to believe Haitians don't have a head-start over Poles?

Yet, Poland's clearly in much better shape than Haiti.
How come?

Was Poland forced to pay back France billions for freeing itself?

External debt of Haiti - Wikipedia

"The external debt of Haiti is one of the main factors that has caused the country's persistent poverty. After the slaves declared themselves free and the country independent in 1804, France, with the complicity of its allies, demanded that the newly formed country pay the French government and French slaveholders the modern equivalent of US $21 billion dollars for the "theft" of the slaves' own lives and the land that they had turned into profitable sugar and coffee-producing plantations. This independence debt was financed by French banks and the American Citibank, and finally paid off 143 years later, in 1947."

You dont have to believe. The facts are in evidence.

See the first part of the post.

So, between 1804 - 2010 Haiti went just about no-where, while the rest of the World developed, because of a debt in 1804?

So, in 200 years they couldn't produce, nor pay for the debt, thus permanent poverty?

Well, what about in the 1940's when Warsaw the Polish capital was destroyed completely by Nazi Germans, half of Polish national treasures, wealth, manuscripts, art etc. had been looted,
and most important millions of Poles of Catholic origins were killed, maimed, enslaved, POW's etc. etc. etc.

Then the Communists killed more, by famine + prisons upon take-over in the later 1940's onward.

Don't get me started on how Communism stomps out business competition, which stagnates an economy perfectly.

Correct. They were not part of the world economy due to sanctions placed on it by the US and europe. More white people deviltry.

What about it? Didnt other european nations and the US step up to rebuild Poland and help kick start its economy?

Aren't there a whole myriad of nations with sanctions upon them that are doing better than Haiti?

How do you figure the U.S.A stepped in, and rebuilt Poland, exactly?

Poland got the Stalin plan, not the Marshall plan.

They built Communist apartments in replace of ancient beauty destroyed by Nazi Germany.
They went through British and French legislation and are paying the price like Black Americans.

Haiti gained it's independence in 1800's, Poland didn't gain it's independence until 1989.

Why am I to believe Haitians don't have a head-start over Poles?

Yet, Poland's clearly in much better shape than Haiti.
How come?

Was Poland forced to pay back France billions for freeing itself?

External debt of Haiti - Wikipedia

"The external debt of Haiti is one of the main factors that has caused the country's persistent poverty. After the slaves declared themselves free and the country independent in 1804, France, with the complicity of its allies, demanded that the newly formed country pay the French government and French slaveholders the modern equivalent of US $21 billion dollars for the "theft" of the slaves' own lives and the land that they had turned into profitable sugar and coffee-producing plantations. This independence debt was financed by French banks and the American Citibank, and finally paid off 143 years later, in 1947."

You dont have to believe. The facts are in evidence.

See the first part of the post.

So, between 1804 - 2010 Haiti went just about no-where, while the rest of the World developed, because of a debt in 1804?

So, in 200 years they couldn't produce, nor pay for the debt, thus permanent poverty?

Well, what about in the 1940's when Warsaw the Polish capital was destroyed completely by Nazi Germans, half of Polish national treasures, wealth, manuscripts, art etc. had been looted,
and most important millions of Poles of Catholic origins were killed, maimed, enslaved, POW's etc. etc. etc.

Then the Communists killed more, by famine + prisons upon take-over in the later 1940's onward.

Don't get me started on how Communism stomps out business competition, which stagnates an economy perfectly.

Correct. They were not part of the world economy due to sanctions placed on it by the US and europe. More white people deviltry.

What about it? Didnt other european nations and the US step up to rebuild Poland and help kick start its economy?

Aren't there a whole myriad of nations with sanctions upon them that are doing better than Haiti?

How do you figure the U.S.A stepped in, and rebuilt Poland, exactly?

Poland got the Stalin plan, not the Marshall plan.

They built Communist apartments in replace of ancient beauty destroyed by Nazi Germany.
If you can list any that had sanctions and had to pay back billions you are free to list them.

By sending money to europe

Stalin was in charge of Poland. It was part of russia.

Not my problem. The point is that they had way more help and less debt than Haiti.
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They went through British and French legislation and are paying the price like Black Americans.

Haiti gained it's independence in 1800's, Poland didn't gain it's independence until 1989.

Why am I to believe Haitians don't have a head-start over Poles?

Yet, Poland's clearly in much better shape than Haiti.
How come?

Was Poland forced to pay back France billions for freeing itself?

External debt of Haiti - Wikipedia

"The external debt of Haiti is one of the main factors that has caused the country's persistent poverty. After the slaves declared themselves free and the country independent in 1804, France, with the complicity of its allies, demanded that the newly formed country pay the French government and French slaveholders the modern equivalent of US $21 billion dollars for the "theft" of the slaves' own lives and the land that they had turned into profitable sugar and coffee-producing plantations. This independence debt was financed by French banks and the American Citibank, and finally paid off 143 years later, in 1947."

You dont have to believe. The facts are in evidence.

See the first part of the post.

So, between 1804 - 2010 Haiti went just about no-where, while the rest of the World developed, because of a debt in 1804?

So, in 200 years they couldn't produce, nor pay for the debt, thus permanent poverty?

Well, what about in the 1940's when Warsaw the Polish capital was destroyed completely by Nazi Germans, half of Polish national treasures, wealth, manuscripts, art etc. had been looted,
and most important millions of Poles of Catholic origins were killed, maimed, enslaved, POW's etc. etc. etc.

Then the Communists killed more, by famine + prisons upon take-over in the later 1940's onward.

Don't get me started on how Communism stomps out business competition, which stagnates an economy perfectly.

Correct. They were not part of the world economy due to sanctions placed on it by the US and europe. More white people deviltry.

What about it? Didnt other european nations and the US step up to rebuild Poland and help kick start its economy?

Aren't there a whole myriad of nations with sanctions upon them that are doing better than Haiti?

How do you figure the U.S.A stepped in, and rebuilt Poland, exactly?

Poland got the Stalin plan, not the Marshall plan.

They built Communist apartments in replace of ancient beauty destroyed by Nazi Germany.

no one understand economics------or NATION DEBT----I am not the only
money clueless person. I agree that the USA did not rebuild Poland---and I
never contributed a dime
Haiti gained it's independence in 1800's, Poland didn't gain it's independence until 1989.

Why am I to believe Haitians don't have a head-start over Poles?

Yet, Poland's clearly in much better shape than Haiti.
How come?

Was Poland forced to pay back France billions for freeing itself?

External debt of Haiti - Wikipedia

"The external debt of Haiti is one of the main factors that has caused the country's persistent poverty. After the slaves declared themselves free and the country independent in 1804, France, with the complicity of its allies, demanded that the newly formed country pay the French government and French slaveholders the modern equivalent of US $21 billion dollars for the "theft" of the slaves' own lives and the land that they had turned into profitable sugar and coffee-producing plantations. This independence debt was financed by French banks and the American Citibank, and finally paid off 143 years later, in 1947."

You dont have to believe. The facts are in evidence.

See the first part of the post.

So, between 1804 - 2010 Haiti went just about no-where, while the rest of the World developed, because of a debt in 1804?

So, in 200 years they couldn't produce, nor pay for the debt, thus permanent poverty?

Well, what about in the 1940's when Warsaw the Polish capital was destroyed completely by Nazi Germans, half of Polish national treasures, wealth, manuscripts, art etc. had been looted,
and most important millions of Poles of Catholic origins were killed, maimed, enslaved, POW's etc. etc. etc.

Then the Communists killed more, by famine + prisons upon take-over in the later 1940's onward.

Don't get me started on how Communism stomps out business competition, which stagnates an economy perfectly.

Correct. They were not part of the world economy due to sanctions placed on it by the US and europe. More white people deviltry.

What about it? Didnt other european nations and the US step up to rebuild Poland and help kick start its economy?

Aren't there a whole myriad of nations with sanctions upon them that are doing better than Haiti?

How do you figure the U.S.A stepped in, and rebuilt Poland, exactly?

Poland got the Stalin plan, not the Marshall plan.

They built Communist apartments in replace of ancient beauty destroyed by Nazi Germany.
If you can list any that had sanctions and had to pay back billions you are free to list them.

By sending money to europe

Stalin was in charge of Poland. It was part of russia.

Not my problem. The point is that they had way more help and less debt than Hati.

by what means did HAITI "pay" money back and to whom. Where did the
"MONEY" go?
Was Poland forced to pay back France billions for freeing itself?

External debt of Haiti - Wikipedia

"The external debt of Haiti is one of the main factors that has caused the country's persistent poverty. After the slaves declared themselves free and the country independent in 1804, France, with the complicity of its allies, demanded that the newly formed country pay the French government and French slaveholders the modern equivalent of US $21 billion dollars for the "theft" of the slaves' own lives and the land that they had turned into profitable sugar and coffee-producing plantations. This independence debt was financed by French banks and the American Citibank, and finally paid off 143 years later, in 1947."

You dont have to believe. The facts are in evidence.

See the first part of the post.

So, between 1804 - 2010 Haiti went just about no-where, while the rest of the World developed, because of a debt in 1804?

So, in 200 years they couldn't produce, nor pay for the debt, thus permanent poverty?

Well, what about in the 1940's when Warsaw the Polish capital was destroyed completely by Nazi Germans, half of Polish national treasures, wealth, manuscripts, art etc. had been looted,
and most important millions of Poles of Catholic origins were killed, maimed, enslaved, POW's etc. etc. etc.

Then the Communists killed more, by famine + prisons upon take-over in the later 1940's onward.

Don't get me started on how Communism stomps out business competition, which stagnates an economy perfectly.

Correct. They were not part of the world economy due to sanctions placed on it by the US and europe. More white people deviltry.

What about it? Didnt other european nations and the US step up to rebuild Poland and help kick start its economy?

Aren't there a whole myriad of nations with sanctions upon them that are doing better than Haiti?

How do you figure the U.S.A stepped in, and rebuilt Poland, exactly?

Poland got the Stalin plan, not the Marshall plan.

They built Communist apartments in replace of ancient beauty destroyed by Nazi Germany.
If you can list any that had sanctions and had to pay back billions you are free to list them.

By sending money to europe

Stalin was in charge of Poland. It was part of russia.

Not my problem. The point is that they had way more help and less debt than Hati.

by what means did HAITI "pay" money back and to whom. Where did the
"MONEY" go?
Read the thread. I already mentioned who. As to what means if you investigate how other countries pay debts you can apply the same methods to Haiti.

Why the US Owes Haiti Billions -- The Briefest History | HuffPost
So, between 1804 - 2010 Haiti went just about no-where, while the rest of the World developed, because of a debt in 1804?

So, in 200 years they couldn't produce, nor pay for the debt, thus permanent poverty?

Well, what about in the 1940's when Warsaw the Polish capital was destroyed completely by Nazi Germans, half of Polish national treasures, wealth, manuscripts, art etc. had been looted,
and most important millions of Poles of Catholic origins were killed, maimed, enslaved, POW's etc. etc. etc.

Then the Communists killed more, by famine + prisons upon take-over in the later 1940's onward.

Don't get me started on how Communism stomps out business competition, which stagnates an economy perfectly.

Correct. They were not part of the world economy due to sanctions placed on it by the US and europe. More white people deviltry.

What about it? Didnt other european nations and the US step up to rebuild Poland and help kick start its economy?

Aren't there a whole myriad of nations with sanctions upon them that are doing better than Haiti?

How do you figure the U.S.A stepped in, and rebuilt Poland, exactly?

Poland got the Stalin plan, not the Marshall plan.

They built Communist apartments in replace of ancient beauty destroyed by Nazi Germany.
If you can list any that had sanctions and had to pay back billions you are free to list them.

By sending money to europe

Stalin was in charge of Poland. It was part of russia.

Not my problem. The point is that they had way more help and less debt than Hati.

by what means did HAITI "pay" money back and to whom. Where did the
"MONEY" go?
Read the thread. I already mentioned who. As to what means if you investigate how other countries pay debts you can apply the same methods to Haiti.


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