Whites do have a role in stopping racism

Real Racism? There is only racism. You pick one guy to support your entire thesis. You obviously failed what ever college you went to. Take a white guy and put him in a black ghetto neighborhood, the same thing happens. What neighborhood was he in? If it was a bunch of low class trailer park folk, of course it would happen. Whites don't look the other way, any one with any brains locks their doors no matter where they live. Your generalization shows your irrational logic. Your denial that a black person cant be racist or doesn't discriminate shows you ignorance. Every citizen of the United States has judicial freedom and equal rights. get over yourself and stop being a victim of your mind.
My brother Paul Essien posted a thorough description of what the experiment is about, including links to either reading more about it, or watching it. What do you do? You attack it on premise, without even any further exploration. You ask all sorts of questions, that could be answered by actually looking into it.

Why not look into the matter first?
Its evident that whites as a group either lack the ability to deconstruct their racism or they simply do not want to.give it up due to instinctively understanding they cannot compete.
Real Racism? There is only racism. You pick one guy to support your entire thesis. You obviously failed what ever college you went to. Take a white guy and put him in a black ghetto neighborhood, the same thing happens. What neighborhood was he in? If it was a bunch of low class trailer park folk, of course it would happen. Whites don't look the other way, any one with any brains locks their doors no matter where they live. Your generalization shows your irrational logic. Your denial that a black person cant be racist or doesn't discriminate shows you ignorance. Every citizen of the United States has judicial freedom and equal rights. get over yourself and stop being a victim of your mind.
My brother Paul Essien posted a thorough description of what the experiment is about, including links to either reading more about it, or watching it. What do you do? You attack it on premise, without even any further exploration. You ask all sorts of questions, that could be answered by actually looking into it.

Why not look into the matter first?
I have looked into it and read up on it and experienced it first hand.. Paul only offers links that support his bias. Paul is the person that always diverts from answering a question and turning to another question. As I have stated before and will stand by it. Until Paul or any one else admits that the problem is on both sides, there can never be open conversation or true progress made. Paul is a petulant child that refuses to deal with reality. If he is indeed your brother, you should sit him down and have a long talk with him about how things really are and that he isn't looking at the situation honestly or logically. Until then he is on ignore, because I don't have the time or inclination to converse with an irrational idiot.
Real Racism? There is only racism. You pick one guy to support your entire thesis. You obviously failed what ever college you went to. Take a white guy and put him in a black ghetto neighborhood, the same thing happens. What neighborhood was he in? If it was a bunch of low class trailer park folk, of course it would happen. Whites don't look the other way, any one with any brains locks their doors no matter where they live. Your generalization shows your irrational logic. Your denial that a black person cant be racist or doesn't discriminate shows you ignorance. Every citizen of the United States has judicial freedom and equal rights. get over yourself and stop being a victim of your mind.
My brother Paul Essien posted a thorough description of what the experiment is about, including links to either reading more about it, or watching it. What do you do? You attack it on premise, without even any further exploration. You ask all sorts of questions, that could be answered by actually looking into it.

Why not look into the matter first?
I have looked into it and read up on it and experienced it first hand.. Paul only offers links that support his bias. Paul is the person that always diverts from answering a question and turning to another question. As I have stated before and will stand by it. Until Paul or any one else admits that the problem is on both sides, there can never be open conversation or true progress made. Paul is a petulant child that refuses to deal with reality. If he is indeed your brother, you should sit him down and have a long talk with him about how things really are and that he isn't looking at the situation honestly or logically. Until then he is on ignore, because I don't have the time or inclination to converse with an irrational idiot.
Problem is on both sides? No you silly ass white boy. The problem is with whites. Blacks didnt create this system. You white boys did because you feel you are inferior and need help.
I have looked into it and read up on it and experienced it first hand.. Paul only offers links that support his bias. Paul is the person that always diverts from answering a question and turning to another question. As I have stated before and will stand by it. Until Paul or any one else admits that the problem is on both sides, there can never be open conversation or true progress made. Paul is a petulant child that refuses to deal with reality. If he is indeed your brother, you should sit him down and have a long talk with him about how things really are and that he isn't looking at the situation honestly or logically. Until then he is on ignore, because I don't have the time or inclination to converse with an irrational idiot.
Before going any further, what did you look into exactly, the specific story that Paul Essien posted about?
The Southern slave holding states wanted slaves to be counted fully. The Northern states did not want slaves counted at all, because they would not be allowed to vote. They settled on 3/5 and that only applied to determining how many representatives each state was entitled to.
Why is it so important to you to specify this distinction? If your brother got into a fight w/someone and died in the process. And then you say to them, " My brother's dead because you killed him in a fight." And then they come back and say "No, no, no!!! What had happened was, we were fighting, but then we kinda stopped, and got distracted, then he fell back, hit his head and didn't get up."

You wouldn't be trying to hear that right? Because dead is dead, and your brother is dead, due to fighting, or horsing around, or whatever it is they want to claim that didn't have to happen due to this guy's actions...right?

What you're describing here is similarly, a distinction w/o a difference.
I never said that, you did. Stop putting words in my mouth.

I did not vote for Trump in the primary.

Having said that, are you any worse under Trump? If so, how?

From what I hear, black unemployment is at record lows.
I was using the collective "you."

And unless you're stating that you didn't vote for Trump in the general, that's a distinction w/o a difference.

So, just stop.
I have looked into it and read up on it and experienced it first hand.. Paul only offers links that support his bias. Paul is the person that always diverts from answering a question and turning to another question. As I have stated before and will stand by it. Until Paul or any one else admits that the problem is on both sides, there can never be open conversation or true progress made. Paul is a petulant child that refuses to deal with reality. If he is indeed your brother, you should sit him down and have a long talk with him about how things really are and that he isn't looking at the situation honestly or logically. Until then he is on ignore, because I don't have the time or inclination to converse with an irrational idiot.
Before going any further, what did you look into exactly, the specific story that Paul Essien posted about?
I have read many articles over many years. I read part of his link but again it was to his bias. As I've said before, I don't have time for Pauls foolishness. If you want to talk about Paul, please do so with someone else.
Whites cannot stop what they never started. Racism is wholly a creation, concept and tool of the Black. The racism buck begins and ends with Blacks.

The ONLY REAL racism in this country is racism against whites. The more Whites give, them more they are blamed for and accused of. Just consider that racism had been molded to actually IMPLY whites, even though Whites are the least racist, most tolerant and giving of all. As Whites have worked to be ever-more inclusive, Blacks have worked to be ever-more EXCLUSIVE.

DON'T AGREE? Show me another non-white race in the world that has created a nation anything close to resembling the United States which has:
  1. Fought as many wars defending people other than their own.
  2. Spent as much money helping other people, even those that didn't like us.
  3. Worked more tirelessly in the interest of the rights of others.
  4. After creating the biggest, wealthiest, most advanced, most powerful nation on the planet, opened up its doors to as many other people, philosophies, cultures and ways as we have?
When Blacks do all that, then open the doors of opportunity, wealth, freedom and education they built to Whites as we have to others, then you can talk to me.

I have read many articles over many years. I read part of his link but again it was to his bias. As I've said before, I don't have time for Pauls foolishness. If you want to talk about Paul, please do so with someone else.
So you didn't read the link then. Correct?
Why is that, you ask, concerning my reaction,....
clearly she's not talking about me, if what I say is true

Because she wants to put her shoe on my foot.
Her shoe doesn't fit me, and I'm not wearing it
I KNOW my truth and it is not her truth
She's talking about white racists, if that doesn't apply to you then why respond like it does?!??
She's talking about white racists, if that doesn't apply to you then why respond like it does?!??

White people — including me, including you — must take into the marrow of our privileged bones the truth that ALL black people fear for their lives DAILY in America and have done so for GENERATIONS,” she wrote. “White people DO NOT have equivalence for this fear of violence. Given those givens, we must ask our (white) selves — how ‘decent’ are we really? Not in our intent, but in our actions? In our lack of action?”

Really, she's outing herself as a racist?!..not

She addressed me, told me I'm privileged, like her,
to accept a truth, that is not true, except in her world,
and to reflect on my decency, as a person...
Not my intent but, my actions, or lack thereof.

She wants white america to be as outraged as she is,
and because she considers white america
is not behaving or reacting, as they should be,
she chalks it up as, hiding behind white privilege,
all whites are privy to, so we don't have to face,
the racism that exists and are not subjected to.

Kiss my ass

People are murdered every fucking day
a sliver of which, has to do with color.
White people — including me, including you — must take into the marrow of our privileged bones the truth that ALL black people fear for their lives DAILY in America and have done so for GENERATIONS,” she wrote. “White people DO NOT have equivalence for this fear of violence. Given those givens, we must ask our (white) selves — how ‘decent’ are we really? Not in our intent, but in our actions? In our lack of action?”

Really, she's outing herself as a racist?!..not

She addressed me, told me I'm privileged, like her,
to accept a truth, that is not true, except in her world,
and to reflect on my decency, as a person...
Not my intent but, my actions, or lack thereof.

She wants white america to be as outraged as she is,
and because she considers white america
is not behaving or reacting, as they should be,
she chalks it up as, hiding behind white privilege,
all whites are privy to, so we don't have to face,
the racism that exists and are not subjected to.

Kiss my ass

People are murdered every fucking day
a sliver of which, has to do with color.
There's so much here to address, I almost dunno where to start.

Let's see if I can get at the root...

1. are you a conservative and 2. what gets conjured up in your mind when you hear/see the term "White Privilege?"
Whites do have a role in stopping racism.

Anne Hathaway calls out white privilege in passionate post about 'unspeakable' murder of Nia Wilson
Erin Donnelly,Yahoo Lifestyle 7 hours ago

Anne Hathaway is using her platform for a powerful cause.

Outraged by the fatal stabbing of 18-year-old Nia Wilson by a white man, the Oscar-winning actress dedicated an Instagram post to honoring the young black woman. Wilson and her sister, who survived the attack, were stabbed at the BART MacArthur Station in Oakland, Calif., on July 22.

But Hathaway’s post was more than a passive tribute to Wilson — it was a call to arms and condemnation of those who hide behind their “white privilege” and fail to take action in the face of violence and racism.

Describing Wilson’s murder as “unspeakable,” the Ocean’s 8 star acknowledged her own privilege while calling for white people to step up.


Anne Hathaway paid tribute to the late Nia Wilson on social media. (Photo: Theo Wargo/FilmMagic)
“White people — including me, including you — must take into the marrow of our privileged bones the truth that ALL black people fear for their lives DAILY in America and have done so for GENERATIONS,” she wrote. “White people DO NOT have equivalence for this fear of violence. Given those givens, we must ask our (white) selves — how ‘decent’ are we really? Not in our intent, but in our actions? In our lack of action?”

She ended the message with the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag, as well as #AntiRacist, #NoExcuse,
#SayHerName, and #EarnTheRightToSayHerName.

Hathaway shut off the comments for the post, but that hasn’t stopped fans from responding. Many are now praising her as an ally.

Of course, Hathaway’s passionate plea received a fair share of critics. One troll called her a “self-hating white bitch who constantly does the most to get the acceptance and approval of black people online… so f***ing pathetic and cringey.”

“Saying white people will never feel fear like black people is wrong,” another critic commented under one of Hathaway’s older posts. “There’s thousands of white girls in the world who are too scared to leave their homes after they’ve been abused, raped, and trafficked by men. There’s many white girls who have been murdered by men. Like I get it you’re privileged as hell and think every white woman is the same as you but that’s now how it works. Racism is disgusting and white supremacy needs to die but some of the stuff you said is just wrong.”

Hathaway’s not the only celebrity to speak out for Wilson. Amber Tamblyn also posted about her murder this week, though some accused her of shaming white women.

Anne Hathaway calls out white privilege in passionate post about 'unspeakable' murder of Nia Wilson

Maybe something needs to be done about the way prison systems are run. Was not this guy a recently released con? Prisons are a breeding ground for racists, so people can stand up all they want and should in treating each other well,, but when someone like this is let out of jail, its pretty hard for other white people to jump in between the knife and the victim. This is the wrong instance to blame white insensitivity IMO. Her message would probably be much better received in a different context.
Maybe something needs to be done about the way prison systems are run. Was not this guy a recently released con? Prisons are a breeding ground for racists, so people can stand up all they want and should in treating each other well,, but when someone like this is let out of jail, its pretty hard for other white people to jump in between the knife and the victim. This is the wrong instance to blame white insensitivity IMO. Her message would probably be much better received in a different context.
I have to push back on that.

It was white insensitivity that got Trump elected.

The man campaigned as the most racist, brutish, incendiary, vulgar, immoral and corrupt candidate ever. And whites, STILL voted him in, claiming to be going for their pocket-books and/or some judge, over all else.

White insensitivity seems pretty spot on.
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White privilege? So does she mean that Cowell enjoyed a special privilege to murder a black woman that this black guy did not have to murder a black woman?
What point are you trying to make ?

You can't be that dense. How is it white privilege for a white man to murder a black woman but not when a black man murders a black woman?

White privilege had nothing to do with this murder. It's just yet another asinine remark from yet another clueless celebrity based on no logic whatsoever.
White privilege? So does she mean that Cowell enjoyed a special privilege to murder a black woman that this black guy did not have to murder a black woman?
What point are you trying to make ?
He's not trying to make a point. He is deflecting with some type of false equivalence.

It is a false UNequivalence. Two black women murdered, one by a white guy and the other by a black guy. The white guy murdered because of white privilege but the black guy murdered because of, well, it doesn't matter because there's nothing newsworthy or Twitterworthy about a black man murdering a black woman apparently.
Maybe something needs to be done about the way prison systems are run. Was not this guy a recently released con? Prisons are a breeding ground for racists, so people can stand up all they want and should in treating each other well,, but when someone like this is let out of jail, its pretty hard for other white people to jump in between the knife and the victim. This is the wrong instance to blame white insensitivity IMO. Her message would probably be much better received in a different context.
I have to push back on that.

It was white insensitivity that got Trump elected.

The man campaigned as the most racist, brutish, incendiary, vulgar, immoral and corrupt candidate ever. And white, STILL voted him in, claiming to be going for their pocket-books and/or some judge, over all else.

White insensitivity seems pretty spot on.

You want to blame Trump for some guy who got out of prison and murdered someone? The OP was about Nia Wilson. How many seconds passed between the time the guy pulled out his knife and the time he fatally cut her? Its very tragic but no one even had time to intervene as that was the way the guy obviously planned it. Th eonly white insensitivity in this story is that of the killer.
White privilege? So does she mean that Cowell enjoyed a special privilege to murder a black woman that this black guy did not have to murder a black woman?
What point are you trying to make ?

You can't be that dense. How is it white privilege for a white man to murder a black woman but not when a black man murders a black woman?

White privilege had nothing to do with this murder. It's just yet another asinine remark from yet another clueless celebrity based on no logic whatsoever.

Who said it was white privilege for a white man to murder a black woman but not when a black man murders a black woman?
White privilege? So does she mean that Cowell enjoyed a special privilege to murder a black woman that this black guy did not have to murder a black woman?
What point are you trying to make ?
He's not trying to make a point. He is deflecting with some type of false equivalence.

It is a false UNequivalence. Two black women murdered, one by a white guy and the other by a black guy. The white guy murdered because of white privilege but the black guy murdered because of, well, it doesn't matter because there's nothing newsworthy or Twitterworthy about a black man murdering a black woman apparently.

Well, the white guy murdered because of hate. The black guy murdered because of no hate... its pretty obvious.

Chances are in reality both these guys are very mentally sick. So yeah... lets start blaming everyone else.
White privilege? So does she mean that Cowell enjoyed a special privilege to murder a black woman that this black guy did not have to murder a black woman?
What point are you trying to make ?
He's not trying to make a point. He is deflecting with some type of false equivalence.

It is a false UNequivalence. Two black women murdered, one by a white guy and the other by a black guy. The white guy murdered because of white privilege but the black guy murdered because of, well, it doesn't matter because there's nothing newsworthy or Twitterworthy about a black man murdering a black woman apparently.
Nope its a false equivalence. Your are assuming facts not in evidence as well. Youre assuming both killed for the same reasons.

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