Whites do have a role in stopping racism

Are you really this stupid? He can get robbed beat up or both as the news reports . Just as when a black guy goes into a trailer park in Alabama that has confederate flags.
OK. He "can get" but that could happen anywhere. So that's silly point.

How can black people practice racism to white people in a black ghetto and not be severely punished ?
Then your point about the black is silly as well. You cant have it both ways. The practice of racism in ghettos and in suburbia happens every day. TRY READING. Again, your insistence that blacks cant be racist or practice racism is the flaw in your thinking. Your dedication to your perverse ideology will never allow you to become a better person or help others. Conversing with you is like conversing with a two year old. Bye
You can only practice racism when you own the system and resources. You sound like an idiot.
As always, you are wrong. I may sound like one to you and Paul which doesn't bother me since you two myopic morons. People with brains and logic know you to be an idiot and a racist.
No you are an idiot. I know because you think Black people can practice racism without controlling the resources and the system by which those resource are distributed. Only a fucking fool would think that.
I have no time for an ignorant racist such as yourself. Bye and on ignore.
Are you really this stupid? He can get robbed beat up or both as the news reports . Just as when a black guy goes into a trailer park in Alabama that has confederate flags.
OK. He "can get" but that could happen anywhere. So that's silly point.

How can black people practice racism to white people in a black ghetto and not be severely punished ?
Then your point about the black is silly as well. You cant have it both ways. The practice of racism in ghettos and in suburbia happens every day. TRY READING. Again, your insistence that blacks cant be racist or practice racism is the flaw in your thinking. Your dedication to your perverse ideology will never allow you to become a better person or help others. Conversing with you is like conversing with a two year old. Bye
You can only practice racism when you own the system and resources. You sound like an idiot.
As always, you are wrong. I may sound like one to you and Paul which doesn't bother me since you two myopic morons. People with brains and logic know you to be an idiot and a racist.
No you are an idiot. I know because you think Black people can practice racism without controlling the resources and the system by which those resource are distributed. Only a fucking fool would think that.

HOW IS IT Black people have no control of "resources" and "the system" when our last president just a year ago WAS A BLACK MAN??!! Answer that now!


The blacks have no resources or control of the system???????????????????? :lmao:

Man! You are dumber and more intellectually dishonest than a turd rolled in nuts.
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Are you really this stupid? He can get robbed beat up or both as the news reports . Just as when a black guy goes into a trailer park in Alabama that has confederate flags.
OK. He "can get" but that could happen anywhere. So that's silly point.

How can black people practice racism to white people in a black ghetto and not be severely punished ?
Then your point about the black is silly as well. You cant have it both ways. The practice of racism in ghettos and in suburbia happens every day. TRY READING. Again, your insistence that blacks cant be racist or practice racism is the flaw in your thinking. Your dedication to your perverse ideology will never allow you to become a better person or help others. Conversing with you is like conversing with a two year old. Bye
You can only practice racism when you own the system and resources. You sound like an idiot.
As always, you are wrong. I may sound like one to you and Paul which doesn't bother me since you two myopic morons. People with brains and logic know you to be an idiot and a racist.
No you are an idiot. I know because you think Black people can practice racism without controlling the resources and the system by which those resource are distributed. Only a fucking fool would think that.
No you are an idiot. I know because you think Black people can practice racism without controlling the resources and the system by which those resource are distributed. Only a fucking fool would think that.
Oh, right, affirmative action doesn't count....
Carry on
OK. He "can get" but that could happen anywhere. So that's silly point.

How can black people practice racism to white people in a black ghetto and not be severely punished ?
Then your point about the black is silly as well. You cant have it both ways. The practice of racism in ghettos and in suburbia happens every day. TRY READING. Again, your insistence that blacks cant be racist or practice racism is the flaw in your thinking. Your dedication to your perverse ideology will never allow you to become a better person or help others. Conversing with you is like conversing with a two year old. Bye
You can only practice racism when you own the system and resources. You sound like an idiot.
As always, you are wrong. I may sound like one to you and Paul which doesn't bother me since you two myopic morons. People with brains and logic know you to be an idiot and a racist.
No you are an idiot. I know because you think Black people can practice racism without controlling the resources and the system by which those resource are distributed. Only a fucking fool would think that.
Youre to stupid to have a discussion with. You refuse to admit the very basic issue that all races can be racist and all races can practice racism. Bye.
Its "too" not "to" you nitwit. I didnt say anything about being racist you fucking moron. I said Blacks cant practice racism.
OK. He "can get" but that could happen anywhere. So that's silly point.

How can black people practice racism to white people in a black ghetto and not be severely punished ?
Then your point about the black is silly as well. You cant have it both ways. The practice of racism in ghettos and in suburbia happens every day. TRY READING. Again, your insistence that blacks cant be racist or practice racism is the flaw in your thinking. Your dedication to your perverse ideology will never allow you to become a better person or help others. Conversing with you is like conversing with a two year old. Bye
You can only practice racism when you own the system and resources. You sound like an idiot.
As always, you are wrong. I may sound like one to you and Paul which doesn't bother me since you two myopic morons. People with brains and logic know you to be an idiot and a racist.
No you are an idiot. I know because you think Black people can practice racism without controlling the resources and the system by which those resource are distributed. Only a fucking fool would think that.

HOW IS IT Black people have no control of "resources" and "the system" when our last president just a year ago WAS A BLACK MAN??!! Answer that now!
How can I answer a question that doesnt make any sense? You think because President Obama was elected control over the resources and system was handed over to Black people? Wake me when Blacks control the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the government without the prospect of being voted out.
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HOW IS IT Black people have no control of "resources" and "the system" when our last president just a year ago WAS A BLACK MAN??!! Answer that now!
Do you think a group that is smart enough to be in power is stupid enough to educate, nominate, and finance someone who wants to destroy or diminish their power ?
OK. He "can get" but that could happen anywhere. So that's silly point.

How can black people practice racism to white people in a black ghetto and not be severely punished ?
Then your point about the black is silly as well. You cant have it both ways. The practice of racism in ghettos and in suburbia happens every day. TRY READING. Again, your insistence that blacks cant be racist or practice racism is the flaw in your thinking. Your dedication to your perverse ideology will never allow you to become a better person or help others. Conversing with you is like conversing with a two year old. Bye
You can only practice racism when you own the system and resources. You sound like an idiot.
As always, you are wrong. I may sound like one to you and Paul which doesn't bother me since you two myopic morons. People with brains and logic know you to be an idiot and a racist.
No you are an idiot. I know because you think Black people can practice racism without controlling the resources and the system by which those resource are distributed. Only a fucking fool would think that.
No you are an idiot. I know because you think Black people can practice racism without controlling the resources and the system by which those resource are distributed. Only a fucking fool would think that.
Oh, right, affirmative action doesn't count....
Carry on
What affirmative action and how is that controlling the system and resources?
OK. He "can get" but that could happen anywhere. So that's silly point.

How can black people practice racism to white people in a black ghetto and not be severely punished ?
Then your point about the black is silly as well. You cant have it both ways. The practice of racism in ghettos and in suburbia happens every day. TRY READING. Again, your insistence that blacks cant be racist or practice racism is the flaw in your thinking. Your dedication to your perverse ideology will never allow you to become a better person or help others. Conversing with you is like conversing with a two year old. Bye
You can only practice racism when you own the system and resources. You sound like an idiot.
As always, you are wrong. I may sound like one to you and Paul which doesn't bother me since you two myopic morons. People with brains and logic know you to be an idiot and a racist.
No you are an idiot. I know because you think Black people can practice racism without controlling the resources and the system by which those resource are distributed. Only a fucking fool would think that.
I have no time for an ignorant racist such as yourself. Bye and on ignore.
You had better go. I will continue to make you look like the fool you are when you say dumb shit.
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The blacks have no resources or control of the system???????????????????? :lmao:
And all of them are or were powerless tokens who are ALLOWED to be in position as long as they don't help Blacks or punish whites. Putting individual Blk people into isolated token positions while white society control the actual resources, is white supremacy
The practice of racism in ghettos and in suburbia happens every day.
OK. The floor is yours

How are black people practicing racism to whites in the ghettos and not being severely punished ?

You know Paul, I've noticed that you never really answer a question without a deflection by trying to turn it around into a new question. If you haven't any answers, either just ADMIT IT or STFU. While Whites are FORCED into "sensitivity seminars" by employers, etc., to be more inclusive, Blacks have organized their own exclusive communities, their own TV channels, and their own social microcosm so they can only be with their own kind. Anywhere blacks get hold of any kind of power, the first thing they do is to exclude whites BASED ON RACE. That is the highest form of RACISM. There would be no racism today if not for many Blacks and their unwillingness to fully integrate into society as just "people."
Why is that, you ask, concerning my reaction,....
clearly she's not talking about me, if what I say is true

Because she wants to put her shoe on my foot.
Her shoe doesn't fit me, and I'm not wearing it
I KNOW my truth and it is not her truth
She's talking about white racists, if that doesn't apply to you then why respond like it does?!??
Then your point about the black is silly as well. You cant have it both ways. The practice of racism in ghettos and in suburbia happens every day. TRY READING. Again, your insistence that blacks cant be racist or practice racism is the flaw in your thinking. Your dedication to your perverse ideology will never allow you to become a better person or help others. Conversing with you is like conversing with a two year old. Bye
You can only practice racism when you own the system and resources. You sound like an idiot.
As always, you are wrong. I may sound like one to you and Paul which doesn't bother me since you two myopic morons. People with brains and logic know you to be an idiot and a racist.
No you are an idiot. I know because you think Black people can practice racism without controlling the resources and the system by which those resource are distributed. Only a fucking fool would think that.
I have no time for an ignorant racist such as yourself. Bye and on ignore.
You had better go. I will continue to make you look like the fool you are when you say dumb shit.

Big difference between LOOKING and BEING, asshole. You have been caught in more lies, been proven wrong more often than anyone else I can think of on the board. It is only your total stupidity and adamantine lack of shame and self-judgement that keeps you still posting here, fool.

The blacks have no resources or control of the system???????????????????? :lmao:
And all of them are or were powerless tokens who are ALLOWED to be in position as long as they don't help Blacks or punish whites. Putting individual Blk people into isolated token positions while white society control the actual resources, is white supremacy
Silly ass white people think control is done by token Blacks instead of a majority of Blacks in power.

The blacks have no resources or control of the system???????????????????? :lmao:
And all of them are or were powerless tokens who are ALLOWED to be in position as long as they don't help Blacks or punish whites. Putting individual Blk people into isolated token positions while white society control the actual resources, is white supremacy

So who was President Obama the token of and controlled by, George Soros? Man, you are even more ignorant than I thought. The liberals sure do have you dumber blacks programmed full of a bunch of racist HORSESHIT.
Then your point about the black is silly as well. You cant have it both ways. The practice of racism in ghettos and in suburbia happens every day. TRY READING. Again, your insistence that blacks cant be racist or practice racism is the flaw in your thinking. Your dedication to your perverse ideology will never allow you to become a better person or help others. Conversing with you is like conversing with a two year old. Bye
You can only practice racism when you own the system and resources. You sound like an idiot.
As always, you are wrong. I may sound like one to you and Paul which doesn't bother me since you two myopic morons. People with brains and logic know you to be an idiot and a racist.
No you are an idiot. I know because you think Black people can practice racism without controlling the resources and the system by which those resource are distributed. Only a fucking fool would think that.
Youre to stupid to have a discussion with. You refuse to admit the very basic issue that all races can be racist and all races can practice racism. Bye.
Its "too" not "to" you nitwit. I didnt say anything about being racist you fucking moron. I said Blacks cant practice racism.
Its "too" not "to" you nitwit. I didnt say anything about being racist you fucking moron. I said Blacks cant practice racism.
It apostrophe s
No quotation marks
Comma after both too and to
Didn apostrophe t
Racist comma
I said comma
Quotation mark Blacks
Can apostrophe t
Racism. quotation mark

You fucking moron!
I'll tell you something. I know what it feels like to pass out from hunger in a one bed motel room with 7 brothers and sisters who haven't eaten in a week. And more than once. I know what it's like not to have electricity. Or hot water. Or food. Not even a syrup sandwich or a sugar sandwich. Or a mustard bottle to suck on. Or clothes. Or a bed to sleep in. Or heat. I know what it's like to have to walk miles to a church with mom to beg for a handout ever week. I know what it's like very well. And I've experienced travesties that few human beings in his world might think could ever exist in a home. I know what it's like when the state comes and takes everybody away and separates them. And I know what it's like to see them pulled down off a rope and to have to bury them when they couldn't take it anymore. I've been a victim of physical and psychological abuses that one might only imagine could be possible to endure in this world day after day after year after year.

This world is a vampire, my man. And you're not special. Not by a longshot. Everybody is a victim in some way or another in their lifetimes. Eat or be eaten. And ask yourself what you can do better. That's what men do. If the worst thing that ever happened to you was being discriminated for being black, consider yourself blessed. People are assholes. Work with it. Lead by example.
As sad as it may be, your PERSONAL experience that occurred through CIRCUMSTANCE has nothing on the COLLECTIVE experience that blacks in America has had PLACED upon them.
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I'll tell you something. I know what it feels like to pass out from hunger in a one bed motel room with 7 brothers and sisters who haven't eaten in a week. And more than once. I know what it's like not to have electricity. Or hot water. Or food. Not even a syrup sandwich or a sugar sandwich. Or a mustard bottle to suck on. Or clothes. Or a bed to sleep in. Or heat. I know what it's like to have to walk miles to a church with mom to beg for a handout ever week. I know what it's like very well. And I've experienced travesties that few human beings in his world might think could ever exist in a home. I know what it's like when the state comes and takes everybody away and separates them. And I know what it's like to see them pulled down off a rope and to have to bury them when they couldn't take it anymore. I've been a victim of physical and psychological abuses that one might only imagine could be possible to endure in this world day after day after year after year.

This world is a vampire, my man. And you're not special. Not by a longshot. Everybody is a victim in some way or another in their lifetimes. Eat or be eaten. And ask yourself what you can do better. That's what men do. If the worst thing that ever happened to you was being discriminated for being black, consider yourself blessed. People are assholes. Work with it. Lead by example.
As sad as it me be, your PERSONAL experience that occurred through CIRCUMSTANCE has nothing on the COLLECTIVE experience that blacks in America has had PLACED upon them.

White people love their false equivalence.
[here was a guy called Joshua Solomon in 1995.

He grew up in USA-Maryland. He had plenty of Black friends. He felt that many black people used racism as an an excuse. He was also like you in that he talked about the hardship and struggle he goes and went through when he was coming up

So what did he do ?

He changed himself from black to white

This is him.


He went to a doctor who gave him pills to turn his skin brown. The doctor warned him that it could lead to liver damage. He shaved the hair off but dressed, acted and talked the same.

After one week as a black man he was done.

He was going to do it for about 4 months visiting different parts of the country.

But one week as a black man he was done.

And bear in mind this is 1995 not 1959 like John Howard Griffin in similar "Black Like Me" experiment where he blacked up and every one can agree that racism was fked up in 1959

This is 1995. This is in everyone's lifetime.

By his 2nd day as a black man he was in tears.

As a white man when he looked and smiled at White people. They smiled back. But as a Black man ? Whites look away, lock their doors, assume he's dangerous or up to no good.

The police would stop him.
Restaurants would tell him they were full even when they weren't. He met a homeless white man who didn't have a biscuit and even he looked down on blacks.

Oprah did a show about it

And you know what's funny ?

What he dealt was easiest part of racism. He didn't even get into the systematic part.

Real racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives. And this once tough talking white man did not experience any of that.

This is why I laugh when white people like to come with any shaming tactics because they can't handle racism for a minute.

I'm going to look into seeing this experiment.

Thank you for that.

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