Whitesplaning Racism

Please. Blacks are milking this to bloody death. Please, black privilege is basically blame someone else for your failures . And it's as old as the human race. Whitesplaining is an abstraction created by (?) intellectuals, it's no more real that the will O' the wisp.

Turn black or any other color but white and see how much milking is really going on. History shows us there is no black privilege because blacks have not failed. But we have faced obstacles created by whites that has reduced our success. This a fact that is non debatable.
Well, ok, I give the devil his due. I have seen my share of white racist , true. I have lived with blacks a large majority of my life. And well, some were damn more intelligent , some were dumb as a sack of hammers. I respect blacks. But what is holding anyone back is plain pure and simply just giving up and accepting things as they are. Humans sometimes act more like a herd animal, and that is the problem in American poor black communities. It's like they just gave up. And that is sad.

Great point.

I don't respect blacks.

I respect James XXXXX because he is a brilliant network technician. That James is black is irrelevant, he is a brilliant man.

I have no respect for the greasy fool on the stingray bike who tries to intimidate passers by as he pan handles. That the fool is white is irrelevant, he is a scumbag.

I don't respect anyone because of skin color, and unlike IM2, I don't hate anyone because of skin color. I take people as they come. Some are good, some are bad.

I don't hate anyone because of skin color, and you repeating that all the time doesn't make it so.

Your entire Schtick is your anti-white racism.

It is the only thing you bring to this forum.

I'm neither anti white or racist.

OBTW this is the race and racism section. I'm not going to talk about fishing here.
What I disagree with is this sense of ennui poor blacks glom onto, make that their cultural baggage and then accept it as inevitable. It's like some predetermination or their inevitable fate they cant avoid. They can't help being perennial victims. Because pseudo white privilege trumps free will and determination by poor blacks somehow...

Maybe you need to educate yourself as to what's really going on.

Race and Ethnicity

Unemployment and poverty rates in the U.S. have consistently been higher among people of color, while levels of income and wealth among these groups have trailed the general population. EPI’s Program on Race, Ethnicity, and the Economy works to advance policies that ensure racial and ethnic minorities participate fully in the American economy, and benefit equitably from gains in prosperity.
Well may you should, too. I wasn't bullshitting, I actually lived with flesh and blood people that are black . I don't need lectures from a creep like YOU. I see the hopelessness in the community, and that is purely because people have just given up. I don't know were to go with that, but blacks CAN and SHOULD try harder than this blame game. And YOU know it.
Turn black or any other color but white and see how much milking is really going on. History shows us there is no black privilege because blacks have not failed. But we have faced obstacles created by whites that has reduced our success. This a fact that is non debatable.
Well, ok, I give the devil his due. I have seen my share of white racist , true. I have lived with blacks a large majority of my life. And well, some were damn more intelligent , some were dumb as a sack of hammers. I respect blacks. But what is holding anyone back is plain pure and simply just giving up and accepting things as they are. Humans sometimes act more like a herd animal, and that is the problem in American poor black communities. It's like they just gave up. And that is sad.

Great point.

I don't respect blacks.

I respect James XXXXX because he is a brilliant network technician. That James is black is irrelevant, he is a brilliant man.

I have no respect for the greasy fool on the stingray bike who tries to intimidate passers by as he pan handles. That the fool is white is irrelevant, he is a scumbag.

I don't respect anyone because of skin color, and unlike IM2, I don't hate anyone because of skin color. I take people as they come. Some are good, some are bad.

I don't hate anyone because of skin color, and you repeating that all the time doesn't make it so.

Your entire Schtick is your anti-white racism.

It is the only thing you bring to this forum.
Aren't you a saint. Cast aspersions , negate critics and rave like a delusional fool. I take your comments with a ton of salt.

So I guess I am just supposed to agree with the racist bullshit you post. Would that make you feel better mawy?
Well, ok, I give the devil his due. I have seen my share of white racist , true. I have lived with blacks a large majority of my life. And well, some were damn more intelligent , some were dumb as a sack of hammers. I respect blacks. But what is holding anyone back is plain pure and simply just giving up and accepting things as they are. Humans sometimes act more like a herd animal, and that is the problem in American poor black communities. It's like they just gave up. And that is sad.

Great point.

I don't respect blacks.
Well, ok, I give the devil his due. I have seen my share of white racist , true. I have lived with blacks a large majority of my life. And well, some were damn more intelligent , some were dumb as a sack of hammers. I respect blacks. But what is holding anyone back is plain pure and simply just giving up and accepting things as they are. Humans sometimes act more like a herd animal, and that is the problem in American poor black communities. It's like they just gave up. And that is sad.

Great point.

I don't respect blacks.

I respect James XXXXX because he is a brilliant network technician. That James is black is irrelevant, he is a brilliant man.

I have no respect for the greasy fool on the stingray bike who tries to intimidate passers by as he pan handles. That the fool is white is irrelevant, he is a scumbag.

I don't respect anyone because of skin color, and unlike IM2, I don't hate anyone because of skin color. I take people as they come. Some are good, some are bad.

I don't hate anyone because of skin color, and you repeating that all the time doesn't make it so.

Your entire Schtick is your anti-white racism.

It is the only thing you bring to this forum.
Aren't you a saint. Cast aspersions , negate critics and rave like a delusional fool. I take your comments with a ton of salt.

So I guess I am just supposed to agree with the racist bullshit you post. Would that make you feel better mawy?

I respect James XXXXX because he is a brilliant network technician. That James is black is irrelevant, he is a brilliant man.

I have no respect for the greasy fool on the stingray bike who tries to intimidate passers by as he pan handles. That the fool is white is irrelevant, he is a scumbag.

I don't respect anyone because of skin color, and unlike IM2, I don't hate anyone because of skin color. I take people as they come. Some are good, some are bad.

I don't hate anyone because of skin color, and you repeating that all the time doesn't make it so.

Your entire Schtick is your anti-white racism.

It is the only thing you bring to this forum.
Aren't you a saint. Cast aspersions , negate critics and rave like a delusional fool. I take your comments with a ton of salt.

So I guess I am just supposed to agree with the racist bullshit you post. Would that make you feel better mawy?
I think, given careful introspection, you are either an idiot, a troll or a delusional black racist that needs a diaper change. Wah WAH..careful, you are on the edge of oblivion (ignore). Tread softly here, kiddo. Respect is a 2 way street.
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What I disagree with is this sense of ennui poor blacks glom onto, make that their cultural baggage and then accept it as inevitable. It's like some predetermination or their inevitable fate they cant avoid. They can't help being perennial victims. Because pseudo white privilege trumps free will and determination by poor blacks somehow...

Maybe you need to educate yourself as to what's really going on.

Race and Ethnicity

Unemployment and poverty rates in the U.S. have consistently been higher among people of color, while levels of income and wealth among these groups have trailed the general population. EPI’s Program on Race, Ethnicity, and the Economy works to advance policies that ensure racial and ethnic minorities participate fully in the American economy, and benefit equitably from gains in prosperity.
Well may you should, too. I wasn't bullshitting, I actually lived with flesh and blood people that are black . I don't need lectures from a creep like YOU. I see the hopelessness in the community, and that is purely because people have just given up. I don't know were to go with that, but blacks CAN and SHOULD try harder than this blame game. And YOU know it.

Don't step out of bounds lady. I'm 57 years old and black. That means I grew up black living with blacks, I have grown old being black and living with blacks,. So I can lecture you. Everything you posted is incorrect. Now I have given you links to information so that you can see how things are really being done. You can read them and begin to question your cities policies or you can ignore them and keep talking stupid. Because you talk about this high rate of violence but you are stull in that community living. So then it's safer there than you lie about here. The choice is yours. I know what the problem is, you don't, and that's the difference.
It has come to my attention that certain black/liberal "intellectuals" are making a cottage industry of using abstract reasoning to rationalize their own racial animus . Things like white privilege, micro aggression, ("whitesplaining?"), yadda yadda. I think black faux intellectuals are exploiting "black privilege". The old blame the white man game, V.2.

A white woman created the term white privilege. There is no black privilege. Micro aggressions was a term made up by a Harvard professor almost 50 years ago. Whitesplaining is a fact. And we can make a forum by showing everything whites have done that gives us reason to blame them.
Please. Blacks are milking this to bloody death. Please, black privilege is basically blame someone else for your failures . And it's as old as the human race. Whitesplaining is an abstraction created by (?) intellectuals, it's no more real that the will O' the wisp.

Turn black or any other color but white and see how much milking is really going on. History shows us there is no black privilege because blacks have not failed. But we have faced obstacles created by whites that has reduced our success. This a fact that is non debatable.
What obstacles today?
Great point.

I don't respect blacks.
I respect James XXXXX because he is a brilliant network technician. That James is black is irrelevant, he is a brilliant man.

I have no respect for the greasy fool on the stingray bike who tries to intimidate passers by as he pan handles. That the fool is white is irrelevant, he is a scumbag.

I don't respect anyone because of skin color, and unlike IM2, I don't hate anyone because of skin color. I take people as they come. Some are good, some are bad.

I don't hate anyone because of skin color, and you repeating that all the time doesn't make it so.

Your entire Schtick is your anti-white racism.

It is the only thing you bring to this forum.
Aren't you a saint. Cast aspersions , negate critics and rave like a delusional fool. I take your comments with a ton of salt.

So I guess I am just supposed to agree with the racist bullshit you post. Would that make you feel better mawy?
I think, given careful introspection, you are either an idiot, a troll or a delusional black racist that needs a diaper change. Wah WAH..careful, you are on the edge of oblivion (ignore). Tread softly here, kiddo. Respect is a 2 way street.

The problem is that you aren't thinking. For I can bust your ass so fast with facts that your head will spin. Therefore I'm not the delusional one. Nor can you post a quote by me that is racist. Yeah respect is a two way street but you only seem to think that your way is both ways.
What I disagree with is this sense of ennui poor blacks glom onto, make that their cultural baggage and then accept it as inevitable. It's like some predetermination or their inevitable fate they cant avoid. They can't help being perennial victims. Because pseudo white privilege trumps free will and determination by poor blacks somehow...

Maybe you need to educate yourself as to what's really going on.

Race and Ethnicity

Unemployment and poverty rates in the U.S. have consistently been higher among people of color, while levels of income and wealth among these groups have trailed the general population. EPI’s Program on Race, Ethnicity, and the Economy works to advance policies that ensure racial and ethnic minorities participate fully in the American economy, and benefit equitably from gains in prosperity.
Well may you should, too. I wasn't bullshitting, I actually lived with flesh and blood people that are black . I don't need lectures from a creep like YOU. I see the hopelessness in the community, and that is purely because people have just given up. I don't know were to go with that, but blacks CAN and SHOULD try harder than this blame game. And YOU know it.

Don't step out of bounds lady. I'm 57 years old and black. That means I grew up black living with blacks, I have grown old being black and living with blacks,. So I can lecture you. Everything you posted is incorrect. Now I have given you links to information so that you can see how things are really being done. You can read them and begin to question your cities policies or you can ignore them and keep talking stupid. Because you talk about this high rate of violence but you are stull in that community living. So then it's safer there than you lie about here. The choice is yours. I know what the problem is, you don't, and that's the difference.
I will be 62 tomorrow. I am white and have lived with whites all my life.i know a lot more about being white than you do, although you want people to think you are the expert on whiteness.
I don't hate anyone because of skin color, and you repeating that all the time doesn't make it so.

Your entire Schtick is your anti-white racism.

It is the only thing you bring to this forum.
Aren't you a saint. Cast aspersions , negate critics and rave like a delusional fool. I take your comments with a ton of salt.

So I guess I am just supposed to agree with the racist bullshit you post. Would that make you feel better mawy?
I think, given careful introspection, you are either an idiot, a troll or a delusional black racist that needs a diaper change. Wah WAH..careful, you are on the edge of oblivion (ignore). Tread softly here, kiddo. Respect is a 2 way street.

The problem is that you aren't thinking. For I can bust your ass so fast with facts that your head will spin. Therefore I'm not the delusional one. Nor can you post a quote by me that is racist. Yeah respect is a two way street but you only seem to think that your way is both ways.
Most of your "facts" is just cut and paste that you read online but if any white person does that, you dispute the validity.
What I disagree with is this sense of ennui poor blacks glom onto, make that their cultural baggage and then accept it as inevitable. It's like some predetermination or their inevitable fate they cant avoid. They can't help being perennial victims. Because pseudo white privilege trumps free will and determination by poor blacks somehow...
There is a Baldwin quote in the book I am reading: “Whatever you describe to another person is also a revelation of who you are and who you think you are. You cannot describe anything without betraying your point of view, your aspirations, your fears, your hopes, everything.”
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Well, ok, I give the devil his due. I have seen my share of white racist , true. I have lived with blacks a large majority of my life. And well, some were damn more intelligent , some were dumb as a sack of hammers. I respect blacks. But what is holding anyone back is plain pure and simply just giving up and accepting things as they are. Humans sometimes act more like a herd animal, and that is the problem in American poor black communities. It's like they just gave up. And that is sad.

Great point.

I don't respect blacks.

I respect James XXXXX because he is a brilliant network technician. That James is black is irrelevant, he is a brilliant man.

I have no respect for the greasy fool on the stingray bike who tries to intimidate passers by as he pan handles. That the fool is white is irrelevant, he is a scumbag.

I don't respect anyone because of skin color, and unlike IM2, I don't hate anyone because of skin color. I take people as they come. Some are good, some are bad.

I don't hate anyone because of skin color, and you repeating that all the time doesn't make it so.

Your entire Schtick is your anti-white racism.

It is the only thing you bring to this forum.
Aren't you a saint. Cast aspersions , negate critics and rave like a delusional fool. I take your comments with a ton of salt.

So I guess I am just supposed to agree with the racist bullshit you post. Would that make you feel better mawy?
So how is what I posted RACIST? Isn't that sort of...a matter of opinion? But IM2 has rock solid proof I or anyone else is a racist. Or does he? Perhaps it subjective and he knows it. Can you prove racism? By what
standard? Lets take this a step at a time. Prove it. prove I am left handed or right handed, prove it. Prove I am male or female, prove it. Well the proof is the pudding . Don't allege it because you don't like the message .
I don't hate anyone because of skin color, and you repeating that all the time doesn't make it so.

Your entire Schtick is your anti-white racism.

It is the only thing you bring to this forum.
Aren't you a saint. Cast aspersions , negate critics and rave like a delusional fool. I take your comments with a ton of salt.

So I guess I am just supposed to agree with the racist bullshit you post. Would that make you feel better mawy?
I think, given careful introspection, you are either an idiot, a troll or a delusional black racist that needs a diaper change. Wah WAH..careful, you are on the edge of oblivion (ignore). Tread softly here, kiddo. Respect is a 2 way street.

The problem is that you aren't thinking. For I can bust your ass so fast with facts that your head will spin. Therefore I'm not the delusional one. Nor can you post a quote by me that is racist. Yeah respect is a two way street but you only seem to the one emoting. I am thinking. But you bash me for wanting a better life for blacks and you call it a schtick. Is that so much different than yours pretending to do what ever you are doing? Don't we both we all want a better life for all Americans?
I don't hate anyone because of skin color, and you repeating that all the time doesn't make it so.

Your entire Schtick is your anti-white racism.

It is the only thing you bring to this forum.
Aren't you a saint. Cast aspersions , negate critics and rave like a delusional fool. I take your comments with a ton of salt.

So I guess I am just supposed to agree with the racist bullshit you post. Would that make you feel better mawy?
I think, given careful introspection, you are either an idiot, a troll or a delusional black racist that needs a diaper change. Wah WAH..careful, you are on the edge of oblivion (ignore). Tread softly here, kiddo. Respect is a 2 way street.

The problem is that you aren't thinking. For I can bust your ass so fast with facts that your head will spin. Therefore I'm not the delusional one. Nor can you post a quote by me that is racist. Yeah respect is a two way street but you only seem to think that your way is both ways.

Racist troll
A white woman created the term white privilege. There is no black privilege. Micro aggressions was a term made up by a Harvard professor almost 50 years ago. Whitesplaining is a fact. And we can make a forum by showing everything whites have done that gives us reason to blame them.
Please. Blacks are milking this to bloody death. Please, black privilege is basically blame someone else for your failures . And it's as old as the human race. Whitesplaining is an abstraction created by (?) intellectuals, it's no more real that the will O' the wisp.

Turn black or any other color but white and see how much milking is really going on. History shows us there is no black privilege because blacks have not failed. But we have faced obstacles created by whites that has reduced our success. This a fact that is non debatable.
Well, ok, I give the devil his due. I have seen my share of white racist , true. I have lived with blacks a large majority of my life. And well, some were damn more intelligent , some were dumb as a sack of hammers. I respect blacks. But what is holding anyone back is plain pure and simply just giving up and accepting things as they are. Humans sometimes act more like a herd animal, and that is the problem in American poor black communities. It's like they just gave up. And that is sad.

Great point.

I don't respect blacks.

I respect James XXXXX because he is a brilliant network technician. That James is black is irrelevant, he is a brilliant man.

I have no respect for the greasy fool on the stingray bike who tries to intimidate passers by as he pan handles. That the fool is white is irrelevant, he is a scumbag.

I don't respect anyone because of skin color, and unlike IM2, I don't hate anyone because of skin color. I take people as they come. Some are good, some are bad.

I don't hate anyone because of skin color, and you repeating that all the time doesn't make it so.

What white policies are to blame for this?

View attachment 197398

The same white policies that destabilizes countries to put in puppet leaders.

BTW there is also such a thing as drought

Robert Mugabe was a communist puppet, as blacks tend to be, but that isn’t the same thing as a white puppet.
Under “white policies “ the people of his country were fed. Under his policies, after he expelled whites, his people returned to Stone Age starvation levels.
And there was no drought. But if there were a drought in Zimbabwe the White built Kariba Dam could a life saver...if it hadn’t fallen into disrepair when the whites left.
Like Detroit.

Under white policies the economy was not crippled by sanctions. Under white policies blacks were murdered. So try something else because the fact is whites ruined the continent of Africa by colonizing it. Blacks were eating real well before whites got there thank you.

White policies killing Zimbabwean gays:


White policies in Zimbabwe having a political discussion:


White policies enforcing a little, harmless , trip down to the police station Zimbabwean justice:


I think you should flee this oppressive white country for the black paradise of Zimbabwe. Or Rawanda. Or Haiti. Or Uganda.
Or...we’ll theres lots to choose from. And take every other America hating, third world Democrat you can find with you. You can all “resist democracy we much” there.
What I disagree with is this sense of ennui poor blacks glom onto, make that their cultural baggage and then accept it as inevitable. It's like some predetermination or their inevitable fate they cant avoid. They can't help being perennial victims. Because pseudo white privilege trumps free will and determination by poor blacks somehow...

Maybe you need to educate yourself as to what's really going on.

Race and Ethnicity

Unemployment and poverty rates in the U.S. have consistently been higher among people of color, while levels of income and wealth among these groups have trailed the general population. EPI’s Program on Race, Ethnicity, and the Economy works to advance policies that ensure racial and ethnic minorities participate fully in the American economy, and benefit equitably from gains in prosperity.
Well may you should, too. I wasn't bullshitting, I actually lived with flesh and blood people that are black . I don't need lectures from a creep like YOU. I see the hopelessness in the community, and that is purely because people have just given up. I don't know were to go with that, but blacks CAN and SHOULD try harder than this blame game. And YOU know it.

Don't step out of bounds lady. I'm 57 years old and black. That means I grew up black living with blacks, I have grown old being black and living with blacks,. So I can lecture you. Everything you posted is incorrect. Now I have given you links to information so that you can see how things are really being done. You can read them and begin to question your cities policies or you can ignore them and keep talking stupid. Because you talk about this high rate of violence but you are stull in that community living. So then it's safer there than you lie about here. The choice is yours. I know what the problem is, you don't, and that's the difference.

One 'city' i lived in long ago was a sanctuary for Cambodians fleeing

They had all sorts of problems assimilating into the American scene ,as we apparently have some stark cultural differences.

The city even had to hire a number of asian cops, just to communicate ,bridge that gap, keep the peace, etc. A LOT of racial tension existed....

They opened up all manner of ethnic biz, i can recall wondering where they managed to obtain some of the foods their markets offered ,or how they might have slipped by the FDA.

They would purchase one run down ,if not condemned property, and turn it around via dozens and dozens of collective hands , then move to the next, not every building code being addressed...

Despite the cities populace being standoffish on 'housing the enemy'. per se', , the 'city policy' was accomodating ,as these people were industrious entrepenures who sought to better themselves, and their community by proxy

I guess this was disneyland compared to their former existence ,and they didn't 'suck off the system' for too long either...

And they were 1st generation immigrants

So IM2, you show us a black community, given the same checks and balances, who've had what? 3-4-5 generations, doing the same.....

IMO it is OK for anyone to be racist regardless of ethnicity. It's when they are sanctimonious and hypocritical that it needs to be addressed
This poster has yet again outed himself.

The bolded indicates that what's really happening here is that the subject is giving HIMSELF permission and excuse to be racist, but projecting a "well everyone is racist, so it's OK if I am too" attitude.

what it means is that I don't feel it is necessary to defend myself from accusations of racism and being racist because it is such a subjective term, used too often and directed at whites only. It is too easy to accuse someone instead of using facts.

I am also coming around to the position of instead of saying something/ someone is racist proving them wrong with facts.
some people consider facts to be racist. I'll continue to use facts others can continue to use opinions and lies to support their position.
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