Who are the Israelis?

Ester Rada - Always Stand Up

And if we could stop before the flood
And correct before already crossing the line
Takes time to see the cracks in walls
And that the rain penetrated

And if we could promise kind of change
And fill with light, what is not yet off
Maybe now the time to look
If the sun has risen

And how quickly we forget from the heart
What we haven't felt certainly doesn't hurt
How a moment is here
A moment somewhere there
And moment doesn't exist anymore

Possible to fall so hard on the ground
But eventually always stand up
And how when everything is done of love
Eventually gets out everything curved
Everything curved, how so? How?
Years pass and again everthing get complicated
Yeah, and how much longer can we guard her?

And if we could only give place to everyone
Live and feel close and good with themselves
We will reach eventually, seeing the shore now together
Possible to fall so hard on the ground, but eventually always stand up


Powerful! Rapper Nissim Black with Rabbi Tovia Singer in electrifying interview

Temple Mount News | In First 'Cochav Ya'acov' Yeshivah ascends the Temple Mount
Daily Cleaning Project - removing the piles of trash left by Islamists


IDF Warriors Series: Episode 2 – Do You Have What it Takes to Be a Commando?

Everyone wants to join Givati’s special commando unit, but out of hundreds of candidates only a few can make the cut. Will our guys succeed? First they have to prove their physical and mental endurance in a 45-hour challenge.

Israeli Entrepreneurs Launch "For Made Me A Woman"
Ruthi Leviev-Yelizarov and Brachah Shilat hope that the project will be a home
for every woman to consult and learn about relationships, femininity and sexuality.

Ruthie Leviev-Yelizarov is a marriage and sexual counselor, mediator, and businesswoman.
Brachah Shilat is an entrepreneur and active in education, music and female leadership projects.

The project, led by Rabbi Chaim Shlomo Diskin, rabbi of Kiryat Ata, invests in improving women's Mikvah baths, cleanliness, aesthetic design services, and will even give selected Mikvehs around the country a quality mark, which indicates that they meet the highest standards.

The project also aims to expand the information and guidance in order to explain the depth
of the meaning of Mikvah emersion for a woman in particular, and for the life of the couple in general.

Leviev-Yelizarov said: "After two years of strenuous and meticulous teamwork with my partner Bracha Shilat, and with experts in the field, I am excited to launch the 'For Made Me A Woman' project in Israel, to enable all Israeli women, secular, traditional, religious, ultra-Orthodox, understand in-depth the "Jewish secret" to the purity of the family, and thus to "spice up" their relationship and bring light, holiness, and joy into their home, the temple of the Jewish home. "

Brachah Shilat said: "Many people perceive the purity of the family in a way that does not reconcile with its true essence. To me, the emersion in the Mikveh empowers the woman, like the whole Hebrew approach, which gives the woman many strength and power. According to this mitzvah, the whole life of the wife is in the hands of the woman. She "manages the schedule" and "sets the tone" and this is also a golden opportunity for her to invest in herself, as it has an immediate and long-term impact on the life of the couple and the family.

It is important to emphasize that family purity is an integral part of the spouse's life. And it is also an invitation and an opportunity for him to be a part of this experience. "


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MK Chikli Defeats the Knesset Jebusites, Celebrates 3,055 Years of ‘Occupation’

Former-Yamina MK Amichai Chikli on Wednesday joined a meeting of the Knesset Caucus for Ending the Occupation, chaired by Joint Arab List MK Aida Touma-Sliman, that marked “55 years of occupation,” to present a view on the history of Jewish “occupation” that was radically different from the claptrap that’s normally on the menu in that forum.

For openers, Chikli suggested there was a fundamental error in the date that’s routinely in use by the members of the caucus to refer to the Jewish occupation of Jerusalem, “because it hasn’t been 55 years” of Jewish “occupation,” rather, it’s been “3055 years.” He cited the Biblical source (II Samuel 5:4-7):

“David was thirty years old when he became king, and he reigned forty years. In Hebron (‘the capital of Breaking the Silence,’ Chikli interjected) he reigned over Judah for seven years and six months, and in Jerusalem he reigned over all Israel and Judah for thirty-three years. … David captured the stronghold of Zion; it is now the City of David.”

“And that’s Zion which we know from the chronicles of Zionism,” MK Chikli continued. “David conquers, occupies, 3055 years ago, conquers Jerusalem and the Jebusites.”

“We can hold a debate on this,” he noted, and was interrupted by Chairwoman Touma-Sliman who said, “So, that’s when the occupation started?”

“That’s when we conquered the Zion citadel,” Chikli responded, adding, “It’s a shame that representatives of the Jebusite community didn’t make the effort to come and honor this event.”

It was a pretty good joke, but the truly precious part was the Joint Arab List MK and Chairwoman’s grabbing of the right-wing MK’s admission that Jews have been occupying Jerusalem since the time of King David. She should have added, of course, that her own ancestors at the time were circling and worshiping a giant, black meteor in the middle of the Arabian desert – which they continue to do to this day.

Do you think Jebusite voters support the Joint Arab List?
Do they even show up at the polls on election day?


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Major wave of North American aliyah expected summer 2022

“We are extremely excited to resume our summer Charter Aliyah Flight once again and are looking forward to welcoming thousands more Olim to Israel this coming summer,” said Tony Gelbart, Co-Founder and Chairman of Nefesh B’Nefesh. “We are continuously amazed how each and every Oleh is contributing to the development of the country and remain committed to assisting them at every stage of their Aliyah process as they make Israel their new home.”


The upcoming expected wave of Aliyah follows a season of Nefesh B’Nefesh events and initiatives, which has drawn thousands of participants both planning and contemplating Aliyah. Last week, the organization hosted a celebratory “Homecoming BBQ” for Olim from the Tri-State area who are making Aliyah during the summer. The event was attended by hundreds of individuals, including the soon-to-be Olim and their extended families. The month of May also saw a successful virtual “Mega” event and job fair, which had over 1,600 registrants and encompassed a variety of Aliyah topics for prospective Olim from over 45 states and provinces across North America, as well as from two dozen countries around the world. Prior to these two events, Nefesh B’Nefesh held a two-day “MedEx” event in NJ, in cooperation with Israel’s Health Ministry, providing an array of resources and personal meetings, expedited licensing and support for more than 300 medical professionals and 125 physicians planning their upcoming moves to Israel.

Nefesh B’Nefesh Olim has established various programs to foster the lives and activities of all Olim. These include the FIDF-Nefesh B’Nefesh Lone Soldiers Program and “Ori” for Lone Bnot Sherut, which offer assistance and guidance to the young men and women who choose to volunteer in the IDF or national service.


Additionally, projects such as the Initiative for Zionist Innovation (IZI) and the Zionist Educational Initiative (ZEI) have been implemented to support the Olim community within Israel, as well as to strengthen the connection between Olim and Diaspora Jewry. Finally, as a joint initiative with Keren Keyemeth LeIsrael, “Go Beyond” was created to grow Israel’s periphery by encouraging Aliyah to the Northern and Southern communities.

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