Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Breeding opportunities in the Death Cult

You have all these old suicide bombing videos. However, the Palestinians stopped suicide bombing over a decade ago.

You need to update your propaganda.

You have only attempted to put a shiny new veneer of retrogression on the Death Cult. Your Islamic terrorist heroes have simply changed their tactics from encouraging Islamo-splodeydopes to self immolate in a crowd of Israeli citizens to street stabbing, running down with cars and building tunnels for terrorist attacks.

Islamic retrogression is still hurtling into the most base elements of societal dysfunction.

Flail your Pom Poms for the very worst elements that the 7th century arabia has been inflicted on humanity, understanding you and those like you have safely ensconced yourself in your Western lifestyle where you are protected from the very Death Cult you champion.

Occupations always have a problem with security.

It comes with the territory.
Breeding opportunities in the Death Cult

You have all these old suicide bombing videos. However, the Palestinians stopped suicide bombing over a decade ago.

You need to update your propaganda.

You have only attempted to put a shiny new veneer of retrogression on the Death Cult. Your Islamic terrorist heroes have simply changed their tactics from encouraging Islamo-splodeydopes to self immolate in a crowd of Israeli citizens to street stabbing, running down with cars and building tunnels for terrorist attacks.

Islamic retrogression is still hurtling into the most base elements of societal dysfunction.

Flail your Pom Poms for the very worst elements that the 7th century arabia has been inflicted on humanity, understanding you and those like you have safely ensconced yourself in your Western lifestyle where you are protected from the very Death Cult you champion.

building tunnels for terrorist attacks.​

There you go again, selling Israel's terrorist propaganda crap.

Those tunnels were never used against civilians. They were only used against invading foreign troops. That is a perfectly legal defensive use. That is not terrorism.

Breeding opportunities in the Death Cult

You have all these old suicide bombing videos. However, the Palestinians stopped suicide bombing over a decade ago.

You need to update your propaganda.

You have only attempted to put a shiny new veneer of retrogression on the Death Cult. Your Islamic terrorist heroes have simply changed their tactics from encouraging Islamo-splodeydopes to self immolate in a crowd of Israeli citizens to street stabbing, running down with cars and building tunnels for terrorist attacks.

Islamic retrogression is still hurtling into the most base elements of societal dysfunction.

Flail your Pom Poms for the very worst elements that the 7th century arabia has been inflicted on humanity, understanding you and those like you have safely ensconced yourself in your Western lifestyle where you are protected from the very Death Cult you champion.

building tunnels for terrorist attacks.​

There you go again, selling Israel's terrorist propaganda crap.

Those tunnels were never used against civilians. They were only used against invading foreign troops. That is a perfectly legal defensive use. That is not terrorism.

There you go again, making pronouncements on legal matters you know nothing about. It's remarkable how you keyboard gee-hadees rattle on with your silly gee-had from the safety of the Great Satan™. I'd suggest you avoid dispensing advise on legal matters as your buffoonish legal briefs cause you legal wedgies.

I find it comical that while you wannabes are flailing your Pom Poms for Islamic terrorist tunnel rats, your islamic terrorist heroes at the top of the gee-had pyramid scheme are getting rich on the supplies and materials used for islamo-tunnels... which are readily destroyed by both Israel and Egyptian forces.

But hey, a few more dead islamic terrorists is doing the world a service.

I suppose, however, it's a vain expectation that your impotent gee-had will ever leave your basement?
Breeding opportunities in the Death Cult

You have all these old suicide bombing videos. However, the Palestinians stopped suicide bombing over a decade ago.

You need to update your propaganda.

You have only attempted to put a shiny new veneer of retrogression on the Death Cult. Your Islamic terrorist heroes have simply changed their tactics from encouraging Islamo-splodeydopes to self immolate in a crowd of Israeli citizens to street stabbing, running down with cars and building tunnels for terrorist attacks.

Islamic retrogression is still hurtling into the most base elements of societal dysfunction.

Flail your Pom Poms for the very worst elements that the 7th century arabia has been inflicted on humanity, understanding you and those like you have safely ensconced yourself in your Western lifestyle where you are protected from the very Death Cult you champion.

Occupations always have a problem with security.

It comes with the territory.

Islamic terrorism has the result of dead islamic terrorists. That comes with the retrograde ideology of islamism.

How's that working out for you stay-at-home wannabes?
You need to update your propaganda.

Actually, you need to update your facts. Hamas suicide bombing plots foiled by Israel.
Your Jewish lies from your Jewish sources are meaningless.


Rashid Khalidi: Obama's Condemnation of Israeli Occupation Doesn't Match His Last 8 Years in Office

The Death Cult and Islamic terrorist glorification of murder / suicide

Glorification of other people taking one for the gee-had. Sounds familiar as the Pom Pom flailing Islamic terrorist supporters are so quick to do... from behind the safety of the western keyboards.
Meet Hamas

Be careful. The boogyman will getcha.:laugh::laugh::laugh:

The tunnels are a very effective part of Palestinian defense. Once the IDF came out of hiding in their tanks and airplanes they got their butt kicked. Even though they only experienced about 70 deaths their wounded numbered between 500 - 700. (depending on who you ask) Either way, that is a substantial number. That is why Israel freaked out about the tunnels.

BTW, there were no attacks on any civilians.
Meet Hamas

Be careful. The boogyman will getcha.:laugh::laugh::laugh:

The tunnels are a very effective part of Palestinian defense. Once the IDF came out of hiding in their tanks and airplanes they got their butt kicked. Even though they only experienced about 70 deaths their wounded numbered between 500 - 700. (depending on who you ask) Either way, that is a substantial number. That is why Israel freaked out about the tunnels.

BTW, there were no attacks on any civilians.

Be careful. Don't break a nail while flailing your Pom Poms for Islamic terrorists.

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