Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Yes, I and all other Jews have believed that the Arabs, call them what one wishes, who lived in the region of Palestine do have the right to self determination.

It has never been the Jews who have opposed a separate State for the Arabs, it has been the Arab Leaders.
Jews did not get to agree with losing 78% of their homeland, but they did not go around attacking the Hashemites to force them to give it up.

Saying the Jews have been aggressive towards Palestinians without any context is, to me, attempting to give the Arabs the right to attack Jews.

One cannot divorce the history of the conflict by cutting off 28 years of total aggression against the Jews by the Arabs, which is what so many do.

To them, the history of the region starts in 1948 and Israel is the aggressor for "daring" to declare Independence as a State.

Did the Jews accept the Peel report of partitioning the Mandate in 1937 between Jews and Arabs? Yes, they did.

Did the Jews accept the UN Partition of what was left of the Mandate
between Jews and Arabs? Yes, it did.

Could someone explain to me what is it that Arabs continue to accuse Jews of, unless one looks at the very first riot against Jews in 1920, to the wars against Israel, to the proposed partitions, and proposed Peace treaties, and tell me that the Arab Leaders are actually wanting to allow a Jewish sovereign State "anywhere" on the ancient Jewish Homeland, if they can really help it?
No Jewish aggression? How about Irgun? Sterns Gang? The plan to and actions to drive Palestinians out, further reinforced by absentee landowner laws that made it almost impossible to reclaim property? Like I said, there were no angels.
I am curious:
With what weapons, with what army, with what numbers, with what power or anything else, could the Jews have planned to ethnically cleanse the Mandate for Palestine of Arabs before 1948?
(Even if there was a Plan Dalet, which was never implemented, how were the Jews supposed to win against so many Arabs? Make all of them move away from their homeland, if they did not manage to get TranJordan back from the Hashemites, or Gaza?)

Let us consider the number of Arabs in the Mandate by 1948.
Let us consider the number of Arab countries surrounding what was to become Israel in 1948.

Just what plan could that have been which would have succeeded in getting rid of all the Arabs in the Mandate?
Who said anything about driving all the Arabs out of the Mandate?
You did:

"No Jewish aggression? How about Irgun? Sterns Gang? The plan to and actions to drive Palestinians out,"
I wasn't referring to the entire mandate but to the area Israel finally claimed for its state.
And when did it happen and how? What was going on at the time?
Who planned for the Arabs to leave and for what reason and for how long?
Yes, I and all other Jews have believed that the Arabs, call them what one wishes, who lived in the region of Palestine do have the right to self determination.

It has never been the Jews who have opposed a separate State for the Arabs, it has been the Arab Leaders.
Jews did not get to agree with losing 78% of their homeland, but they did not go around attacking the Hashemites to force them to give it up.

Saying the Jews have been aggressive towards Palestinians without any context is, to me, attempting to give the Arabs the right to attack Jews.

One cannot divorce the history of the conflict by cutting off 28 years of total aggression against the Jews by the Arabs, which is what so many do.

To them, the history of the region starts in 1948 and Israel is the aggressor for "daring" to declare Independence as a State.

Did the Jews accept the Peel report of partitioning the Mandate in 1937 between Jews and Arabs? Yes, they did.

Did the Jews accept the UN Partition of what was left of the Mandate
between Jews and Arabs? Yes, it did.

Could someone explain to me what is it that Arabs continue to accuse Jews of, unless one looks at the very first riot against Jews in 1920, to the wars against Israel, to the proposed partitions, and proposed Peace treaties, and tell me that the Arab Leaders are actually wanting to allow a Jewish sovereign State "anywhere" on the ancient Jewish Homeland, if they can really help it?
No Jewish aggression? How about Irgun? Sterns Gang? The plan to and actions to drive Palestinians out, further reinforced by absentee landowner laws that made it almost impossible to reclaim property? Like I said, there were no angels.
I am curious:
With what weapons, with what army, with what numbers, with what power or anything else, could the Jews have planned to ethnically cleanse the Mandate for Palestine of Arabs before 1948?
(Even if there was a Plan Dalet, which was never implemented, how were the Jews supposed to win against so many Arabs? Make all of them move away from their homeland, if they did not manage to get TranJordan back from the Hashemites, or Gaza?)

Let us consider the number of Arabs in the Mandate by 1948.
Let us consider the number of Arab countries surrounding what was to become Israel in 1948.

Just what plan could that have been which would have succeeded in getting rid of all the Arabs in the Mandate?
Who said anything about driving all the Arabs out of the Mandate?
You did:

"No Jewish aggression? How about Irgun? Sterns Gang? The plan to and actions to drive Palestinians out,"
I wasn't referring to the entire mandate but to the area Israel finally claimed for its state.
If you knew the Biblical size of Israel, you'd have a heart attack.
It's 4 times more then the current size.
I did not say there were no disputes
I've never claimed Israel Israel is harmonious, clearly you have not read my posts. Israel is diverse, bringing in Jews and cultures from every where in the world. On top of that you have tensions between the religious and the secular. You have a diversity of opinion on the Palestinian situation as well. In fact Israel is like many other countries...

On the rest, I will fall back on genetics since you don't seem to recognize a cultural basis for rights. You make the same arguments some of the pro-Israelis make when they insist the Palestinians have no real link to the area. Even though they show some evidence of European stock they are far closer to the other Jewish groups and the Palestinians then they are to Europe.

jewish palestinian genetics - Google Search:

Which raises the question...why single them out and do you apply the same purity standard to the Palestinians?
The Palestinians were at home (where they had lived for centuries) minding their own business when the Zionists came down from Europe with the stated goal of colonizing Palestine and taking it over for themselves.

So, who is the initial aggressor?

That's a fairytail

Who were the aggressors during the Arab Pogroms against Jews in Palestine before there was Zionism?
Come off it Ry,the Pogroms were from Russia circa 1890's,Europe and Spain(not under the Moors rule but the Catholic Barbarians,in fact if you had bothered to enquire about Jewish History,you would know like me,that the Moors and Jews joined forces to fight off the Catholic invasion,incidentally the fleeing Jews were given safe heaven in Islamic Constantinople which is Istanbul Turkey today...so the Jews flourished in Muslim Spain and Muslim Constantinople)since 760 AD onwards and those filthy Nazis (who the Zionists collaborated with)1930 onwards,there were few problems with the Palestinians until the 1920's when the realization of the Zionists intentions were fully understood...you must know that these Zionists were ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and Christian Europe despised them,and gave them No safe heaven against the barbarity of the Nazis and others.tor

I won't "come off it" simply because it doesn't fit Your narrative.
Your Palestine Kumbaya fairytale is just that - Arab fairytale of 1001 nights.

Whole communities of Palestinian Jews had to flee to Damascus and Egypt because of those Arab Pogroms - prior to Zionism.

1517 Safed
1660 Tiberias
1660 Safed
1834 Safed Pogrom
1834 - Hebron Pogrom
1840- Damascus
1850 - Aleppo
1860 -Damascus

Q. So what was the Arab excuse for Pogroms before Zionism?
,I did not say there were no disputes,but very few,you will also note Damascus and Aleppo are not in Palestine,most of the nearly 2000 years the Jews(you say Palestinian Jews,and I thank you Ry for that aknowlegment) things were harmonious.......moreover when we compare to Europe and the Christians,the Palestinian-Jewish disputes are just a Piss in the Ocean...You have completely exaggerated the situations,you should Love your Palestinian brethren more as I do, the very fine Jews throughout history...you are saying your inaccurate statements are the facts...they are not...Why do you Never criticize the Christians,Catholics,Russians and Germans...yet you continually rabbit on about how terrible the Palestinians are.and considering what the Jews have done to the Palestinians makes your prose churlish indeed..it shows a very ignorant and weak attitude in my opinion,I hope in future instead of an inaccurate one-liners Ry,you like me delve deeper into the facts....Have a good day Ry...I am not your enemy

Disputes??:cuckoo::cuckoo: What a nice Islamist doublespeak.

When the Arabs rioted against the Egyptians in Palestine - Jews were still targeted FIRST in Jerusalem. The'y weren't a even part of the argument between the two.

Do You know what was one of the main "disputes" between the Egyptians and Arabs in Palestine, beside conscription to army?] It was that all of a sudden Arab Muslims had to be equal to Jews and Christians, in status and taxation. This apparently was enough. I'm not exaggerating.

Q. How about Arabs raping both men and women of Safed - as a way to solve a non-existent "dispute" that Jews weren't a part of?

Q. How about an attraction in a marketplace where one can excite the public with "predictions" on possible dates of next Arab pogroms ? Sounds like harmony or sectarian disorder?

Q. How about paying protection to both Ottomans, then an extra to their appointed Arab sheikhs in Syria-Palestine for 500 years?
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I did not say there were no disputes
The Palestinians were at home (where they had lived for centuries) minding their own business when the Zionists came down from Europe with the stated goal of colonizing Palestine and taking it over for themselves.

So, who is the initial aggressor?

That's a fairytail

Who were the aggressors during the Arab Pogroms against Jews in Palestine before there was Zionism?
Come off it Ry,the Pogroms were from Russia circa 1890's,Europe and Spain(not under the Moors rule but the Catholic Barbarians,in fact if you had bothered to enquire about Jewish History,you would know like me,that the Moors and Jews joined forces to fight off the Catholic invasion,incidentally the fleeing Jews were given safe heaven in Islamic Constantinople which is Istanbul Turkey today...so the Jews flourished in Muslim Spain and Muslim Constantinople)since 760 AD onwards and those filthy Nazis (who the Zionists collaborated with)1930 onwards,there were few problems with the Palestinians until the 1920's when the realization of the Zionists intentions were fully understood...you must know that these Zionists were ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and Christian Europe despised them,and gave them No safe heaven against the barbarity of the Nazis and others.tor

I won't "come off it" simply because it doesn't fit Your narrative.
Your Palestine Kumbaya fairytale is just that - Arab fairytale of 1001 nights.

Whole communities of Palestinian Jews had to flee to Damascus and Egypt because of those Arab Pogroms - prior to Zionism.

1517 Safed
1660 Tiberias
1660 Safed
1834 Safed Pogrom
1834 - Hebron Pogrom
1840- Damascus
1850 - Aleppo
1860 -Damascus

Q. So what was the Arab excuse for Pogroms before Zionism?
,I did not say there were no disputes,but very few,you will also note Damascus and Aleppo are not in Palestine,most of the nearly 2000 years the Jews(you say Palestinian Jews,and I thank you Ry for that aknowlegment) things were harmonious.......moreover when we compare to Europe and the Christians,the Palestinian-Jewish disputes are just a Piss in the Ocean...You have completely exaggerated the situations,you should Love your Palestinian brethren more as I do, the very fine Jews throughout history...you are saying your inaccurate statements are the facts...they are not...Why do you Never criticize the Christians,Catholics,Russians and Germans...yet you continually rabbit on about how terrible the Palestinians are.and considering what the Jews have done to the Palestinians makes your prose churlish indeed..it shows a very ignorant and weak attitude in my opinion,I hope in future instead of an inaccurate one-liners Ry,you like me delve deeper into the facts....Have a good day Ry...I am not your enemy
Things were always good between Jews and Arabs when Jews paid their tax.
Do you believe the Palestinians have a right to self determination?

The Jews engaged in aggression against the Palestinians as well. There are no angels here.
Do you believe the Palestinians have a right to self determination?

The Jews engaged in aggression against the Palestinians as well. There are no angels here.
Yes, I and all other Jews have believed that the Arabs, call them what one wishes, who lived in the region of Palestine do have the right to self determination.

It has never been the Jews who have opposed a separate State for the Arabs, it has been the Arab Leaders.
Jews did not get to agree with losing 78% of their homeland, but they did not go around attacking the Hashemites to force them to give it up.

Saying the Jews have been aggressive towards Palestinians without any context is, to me, attempting to give the Arabs the right to attack Jews.

One cannot divorce the history of the conflict by cutting off 28 years of total aggression against the Jews by the Arabs, which is what so many do.

To them, the history of the region starts in 1948 and Israel is the aggressor for "daring" to declare Independence as a State.

Did the Jews accept the Peel report of partitioning the Mandate in 1937 between Jews and Arabs? Yes, they did.

Did the Jews accept the UN Partition of what was left of the Mandate
between Jews and Arabs? Yes, it did.

Could someone explain to me what is it that Arabs continue to accuse Jews of, unless one looks at the very first riot against Jews in 1920, to the wars against Israel, to the proposed partitions, and proposed Peace treaties, and tell me that the Arab Leaders are actually wanting to allow a Jewish sovereign State "anywhere" on the ancient Jewish Homeland, if they can really help it?
No Jewish aggression? How about Irgun? Sterns Gang? The plan to and actions to drive Palestinians out, further reinforced by absentee landowner laws that made it almost impossible to reclaim property? Like I said, there were no angels.
I am curious:
With what weapons, with what army, with what numbers, with what power or anything else, could the Jews have planned to ethnically cleanse the Mandate for Palestine of Arabs before 1948?
(Even if there was a Plan Dalet, which was never implemented, how were the Jews supposed to win against so many Arabs? Make all of them move away from their homeland, if they did not manage to get TranJordan back from the Hashemites, or Gaza?)

Let us consider the number of Arabs in the Mandate by 1948.
Let us consider the number of Arab countries surrounding what was to become Israel in 1948.

Just what plan could that have been which would have succeeded in getting rid of all the Arabs in the Mandate?
Who said anything about driving all the Arabs out of the Mandate?
You did:

"No Jewish aggression? How about Irgun? Sterns Gang? The plan to and actions to drive Palestinians out,"

Multiple Arab armies attacked Israel in 1947 in an attempt to drive the Jews into the Sea. This is a matter of history
I did not say there were no disputes
The Palestinians were at home (where they had lived for centuries) minding their own business when the Zionists came down from Europe with the stated goal of colonizing Palestine and taking it over for themselves.

So, who is the initial aggressor?

That's a fairytail

Who were the aggressors during the Arab Pogroms against Jews in Palestine before there was Zionism?
Come off it Ry,the Pogroms were from Russia circa 1890's,Europe and Spain(not under the Moors rule but the Catholic Barbarians,in fact if you had bothered to enquire about Jewish History,you would know like me,that the Moors and Jews joined forces to fight off the Catholic invasion,incidentally the fleeing Jews were given safe heaven in Islamic Constantinople which is Istanbul Turkey today...so the Jews flourished in Muslim Spain and Muslim Constantinople)since 760 AD onwards and those filthy Nazis (who the Zionists collaborated with)1930 onwards,there were few problems with the Palestinians until the 1920's when the realization of the Zionists intentions were fully understood...you must know that these Zionists were ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and Christian Europe despised them,and gave them No safe heaven against the barbarity of the Nazis and others.tor

I won't "come off it" simply because it doesn't fit Your narrative.
Your Palestine Kumbaya fairytale is just that - Arab fairytale of 1001 nights.

Whole communities of Palestinian Jews had to flee to Damascus and Egypt because of those Arab Pogroms - prior to Zionism.

1517 Safed
1660 Tiberias
1660 Safed
1834 Safed Pogrom
1834 - Hebron Pogrom
1840- Damascus
1850 - Aleppo
1860 -Damascus

Q. So what was the Arab excuse for Pogroms before Zionism?
,I did not say there were no disputes,but very few,you will also note Damascus and Aleppo are not in Palestine,most of the nearly 2000 years the Jews(you say Palestinian Jews,and I thank you Ry for that aknowlegment) things were harmonious.......moreover when we compare to Europe and the Christians,the Palestinian-Jewish disputes are just a Piss in the Ocean...You have completely exaggerated the situations,you should Love your Palestinian brethren more as I do, the very fine Jews throughout history...you are saying your inaccurate statements are the facts...they are not...Why do you Never criticize the Christians,Catholics,Russians and Germans...yet you continually rabbit on about how terrible the Palestinians are.and considering what the Jews have done to the Palestinians makes your prose churlish indeed..it shows a very ignorant and weak attitude in my opinion,I hope in future instead of an inaccurate one-liners Ry,you like me delve deeper into the facts....Have a good day Ry...I am not your enemy

Disputes??:cuckoo::cuckoo: What a nice Islamist doublespeak.

When the Arabs rioted against the Egyptians in Palestine - Jews were still targeted FIRST in Jerusalem.
The'y weren't a even part of the argument between the two.

Do You know what was one of the main "disputes" between the Egyptians and Arabs in Palestine, beside conscription to army?] It was that all of a sudden Arab Muslims had to be equal to Jews and Christians, in status and taxation. This apparently was enough. I'm not exaggerating.

Q. How about Arabs raping both men and women of Safed - as a way to solve a non-existent "dispute" that Jews weren't a part of?

Q. How about an attraction in a marketplace where one can excite the public with "predictions" on possible dates of next Arab pogroms ? Sounds like harmony or sectarian disorder?

Seriously ignorant people. Most Israeli Jews are native to Israel and the Middle East
Zionists,They are a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SPECIES...As most derive from the Askenarzi sic Jews but more importantly,they are only JEWS BY CONVERSION...they have NO link to Palestine at all,because they are a hotch pot of mainly central Asians and others,just converts to Judaism....Only the Shepardic Jews and the Palestinians have direct link to Abraham and both are Semitic People,...Most Zionists and Askanazi Jews are not SEMITIC at all,yet the cry that anyone who challenge them,are Anti-Semetic (it is all crap,they use it as a defence against critique charged against them and their horrible cult)

In fact,Israel is no longer a true Semitic majority any more as none Semetics outnumber Semetic Jews...something often over looked here

By the way Zionists have a Culture of sorts,but dispite all their hollering it is Not the Culture of Real Jews,the Ultras and the Secular Jews...You should Stop trying to make out that Israel is a harmonious Country and that all Jews who live there are in harmony...They are not.That is why many Russian Jews have left Israel for Europe and America....these educated Jews see Israel in a different light to the hordes that invaded Palestine,from 1920 onwards,No Israel is just not for them,they have been to the mountain top and don't like the view

I've never claimed Israel Israel is harmonious, clearly you have not read my posts. Israel is diverse, bringing in Jews and cultures from every where in the world. On top of that you have tensions between the religious and the secular. You have a diversity of opinion on the Palestinian situation as well. In fact Israel is like many other countries...

On the rest, I will fall back on genetics since you don't seem to recognize a cultural basis for rights. You make the same arguments some of the pro-Israelis make when they insist the Palestinians have no real link to the area. Even though they show some evidence of European stock they are far closer to the other Jewish groups and the Palestinians then they are to Europe.

jewish palestinian genetics - Google Search:

Which raises the question...why single them out and do you apply the same purity standard to the Palestinians?
The Palestinians were at home (where they had lived for centuries) minding their own business when the Zionists came down from Europe with the stated goal of colonizing Palestine and taking it over for themselves.

So, who is the initial aggressor?

That's a fairytail

Who were the aggressors during the Arab Pogroms against Jews in Palestine before there was Zionism?
Come off it Ry,the Pogroms were from Russia circa 1890's,Europe and Spain(not under the Moors rule but the Catholic Barbarians,in fact if you had bothered to enquire about Jewish History,you would know like me,that the Moors and Jews joined forces to fight off the Catholic invasion,incidentally the fleeing Jews were given safe heaven in Islamic Constantinople which is Istanbul Turkey today...so the Jews flourished in Muslim Spain and Muslim Constantinople)since 760 AD onwards and those filthy Nazis (who the Zionists collaborated with)1930 onwards,there were few problems with the Palestinians until the 1920's when the realization of the Zionists intentions were fully understood...you must know that these Zionists were ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and Christian Europe despised them,and gave them No safe heaven against the barbarity of the Nazis and others.tor

I won't "come off it" simply because it doesn't fit Your narrative.
Your Palestine Kumbaya fairytale is just that - Arab fairytale of 1001 nights.

Whole communities of Palestinian Jews had to flee to Damascus and Egypt because of those Arab Pogroms - prior to Zionism.

1517 Safed
1660 Tiberias
1660 Safed
1834 Safed Pogrom
1834 - Hebron Pogrom
1840- Damascus
1850 - Aleppo
1860 -Damascus

Q. So what was the Arab excuse for Pogroms before Zionism?
No Jewish aggression? How about Irgun? Sterns Gang? The plan to and actions to drive Palestinians out, further reinforced by absentee landowner laws that made it almost impossible to reclaim property? Like I said, there were no angels.
I am curious:
With what weapons, with what army, with what numbers, with what power or anything else, could the Jews have planned to ethnically cleanse the Mandate for Palestine of Arabs before 1948?
(Even if there was a Plan Dalet, which was never implemented, how were the Jews supposed to win against so many Arabs? Make all of them move away from their homeland, if they did not manage to get TranJordan back from the Hashemites, or Gaza?)

Let us consider the number of Arabs in the Mandate by 1948.
Let us consider the number of Arab countries surrounding what was to become Israel in 1948.

Just what plan could that have been which would have succeeded in getting rid of all the Arabs in the Mandate?
Who said anything about driving all the Arabs out of the Mandate?
You did:

"No Jewish aggression? How about Irgun? Sterns Gang? The plan to and actions to drive Palestinians out,"
I wasn't referring to the entire mandate but to the area Israel finally claimed for its state.
If you knew the Biblical size of Israel, you'd have a heart attack.
It's 4 times more then the current size.

Arabs control 99.9% of the Middle East, mostly undeveloped. Still, not enough!
"No Jewish aggression? How about Irgun? Sterns Gang? The plan to and actions to drive Palestinians out,"

I've got to chime in here and say that while there are some instances of atrocious acts of terrorism on the Jewish side, the primary objective was never to ethnically cleanse the territory of its Arab inhabitants. It was an act of self-defense against aggressors -- including irregular forces among the Arab population. It was not aggression -- but a determined response to aggression against the Jewish people and State.

If we think back to how warfare was conducted at that time -- including the resulting population exchanges -- it was quite normal. We have different expectations now. But apply those actions by today's standard's is wrong.
"No Jewish aggression? How about Irgun? Sterns Gang? The plan to and actions to drive Palestinians out,"

I've got to chime in here and say that while there are some instances of atrocious acts of terrorism on the Jewish side, the primary objective was never to ethnically cleanse the territory of its Arab inhabitants. It was an act of self-defense against aggressors -- including irregular forces among the Arab population. It was not aggression -- but a determined response to aggression against the Jewish people and State.

If we think back to how warfare was conducted at that time -- including the resulting population exchanges -- it was quite normal. We have different expectations now. But apply those actions by today's standard's is wrong.
And here, we are speaking of those acts against King David Hotel, etc "before" the British finally were forced to leave the Mandate and Israel declared Independence.
And we must not forget the endless sniper shootings on Israeli civilians after Jordan took over the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem.

Or from the Golan Heights.
I did not say there were no disputes
The Palestinians were at home (where they had lived for centuries) minding their own business when the Zionists came down from Europe with the stated goal of colonizing Palestine and taking it over for themselves.

So, who is the initial aggressor?

That's a fairytail

Who were the aggressors during the Arab Pogroms against Jews in Palestine before there was Zionism?
Come off it Ry,the Pogroms were from Russia circa 1890's,Europe and Spain(not under the Moors rule but the Catholic Barbarians,in fact if you had bothered to enquire about Jewish History,you would know like me,that the Moors and Jews joined forces to fight off the Catholic invasion,incidentally the fleeing Jews were given safe heaven in Islamic Constantinople which is Istanbul Turkey today...so the Jews flourished in Muslim Spain and Muslim Constantinople)since 760 AD onwards and those filthy Nazis (who the Zionists collaborated with)1930 onwards,there were few problems with the Palestinians until the 1920's when the realization of the Zionists intentions were fully understood...you must know that these Zionists were ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and Christian Europe despised them,and gave them No safe heaven against the barbarity of the Nazis and others.tor

I won't "come off it" simply because it doesn't fit Your narrative.
Your Palestine Kumbaya fairytale is just that - Arab fairytale of 1001 nights.

Whole communities of Palestinian Jews had to flee to Damascus and Egypt because of those Arab Pogroms - prior to Zionism.

1517 Safed
1660 Tiberias
1660 Safed
1834 Safed Pogrom
1834 - Hebron Pogrom
1840- Damascus
1850 - Aleppo
1860 -Damascus

Q. So what was the Arab excuse for Pogroms before Zionism?
,I did not say there were no disputes,but very few,you will also note Damascus and Aleppo are not in Palestine,most of the nearly 2000 years the Jews(you say Palestinian Jews,and I thank you Ry for that aknowlegment) things were harmonious.......moreover when we compare to Europe and the Christians,the Palestinian-Jewish disputes are just a Piss in the Ocean...You have completely exaggerated the situations,you should Love your Palestinian brethren more as I do, the very fine Jews throughout history...you are saying your inaccurate statements are the facts...they are not...Why do you Never criticize the Christians,Catholics,Russians and Germans...yet you continually rabbit on about how terrible the Palestinians are.and considering what the Jews have done to the Palestinians makes your prose churlish indeed..it shows a very ignorant and weak attitude in my opinion,I hope in future instead of an inaccurate one-liners Ry,you like me delve deeper into the facts....Have a good day Ry...I am not your enemy
Things were always good between Jews and Arabs when Jews paid their tax.
Goodness Indeependent....I must say you have excellent mirth
I did not say there were no disputes
That's a fairytail

Who were the aggressors during the Arab Pogroms against Jews in Palestine before there was Zionism?
Come off it Ry,the Pogroms were from Russia circa 1890's,Europe and Spain(not under the Moors rule but the Catholic Barbarians,in fact if you had bothered to enquire about Jewish History,you would know like me,that the Moors and Jews joined forces to fight off the Catholic invasion,incidentally the fleeing Jews were given safe heaven in Islamic Constantinople which is Istanbul Turkey today...so the Jews flourished in Muslim Spain and Muslim Constantinople)since 760 AD onwards and those filthy Nazis (who the Zionists collaborated with)1930 onwards,there were few problems with the Palestinians until the 1920's when the realization of the Zionists intentions were fully understood...you must know that these Zionists were ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and Christian Europe despised them,and gave them No safe heaven against the barbarity of the Nazis and others.tor

I won't "come off it" simply because it doesn't fit Your narrative.
Your Palestine Kumbaya fairytale is just that - Arab fairytale of 1001 nights.

Whole communities of Palestinian Jews had to flee to Damascus and Egypt because of those Arab Pogroms - prior to Zionism.

1517 Safed
1660 Tiberias
1660 Safed
1834 Safed Pogrom
1834 - Hebron Pogrom
1840- Damascus
1850 - Aleppo
1860 -Damascus

Q. So what was the Arab excuse for Pogroms before Zionism?
,I did not say there were no disputes,but very few,you will also note Damascus and Aleppo are not in Palestine,most of the nearly 2000 years the Jews(you say Palestinian Jews,and I thank you Ry for that aknowlegment) things were harmonious.......moreover when we compare to Europe and the Christians,the Palestinian-Jewish disputes are just a Piss in the Ocean...You have completely exaggerated the situations,you should Love your Palestinian brethren more as I do, the very fine Jews throughout history...you are saying your inaccurate statements are the facts...they are not...Why do you Never criticize the Christians,Catholics,Russians and Germans...yet you continually rabbit on about how terrible the Palestinians are.and considering what the Jews have done to the Palestinians makes your prose churlish indeed..it shows a very ignorant and weak attitude in my opinion,I hope in future instead of an inaccurate one-liners Ry,you like me delve deeper into the facts....Have a good day Ry...I am not your enemy

Disputes??:cuckoo::cuckoo: What a nice Islamist doublespeak.

When the Arabs rioted against the Egyptians in Palestine - Jews were still targeted FIRST in Jerusalem.
The'y weren't a even part of the argument between the two.

Do You know what was one of the main "disputes" between the Egyptians and Arabs in Palestine, beside conscription to army?] It was that all of a sudden Arab Muslims had to be equal to Jews and Christians, in status and taxation. This apparently was enough. I'm not exaggerating.

Q. How about Arabs raping both men and women of Safed - as a way to solve a non-existent "dispute" that Jews weren't a part of?

Q. How about an attraction in a marketplace where one can excite the public with "predictions" on possible dates of next Arab pogroms ? Sounds like harmony or sectarian disorder?

Seriously ignorant people. Most Israeli Jews are native to Israel and the Middle East
They certainly are NOT,they are the REVERSE of that
I've never claimed Israel Israel is harmonious, clearly you have not read my posts. Israel is diverse, bringing in Jews and cultures from every where in the world. On top of that you have tensions between the religious and the secular. You have a diversity of opinion on the Palestinian situation as well. In fact Israel is like many other countries...

On the rest, I will fall back on genetics since you don't seem to recognize a cultural basis for rights. You make the same arguments some of the pro-Israelis make when they insist the Palestinians have no real link to the area. Even though they show some evidence of European stock they are far closer to the other Jewish groups and the Palestinians then they are to Europe.

jewish palestinian genetics - Google Search:

Which raises the question...why single them out and do you apply the same purity standard to the Palestinians?
The Palestinians were at home (where they had lived for centuries) minding their own business when the Zionists came down from Europe with the stated goal of colonizing Palestine and taking it over for themselves.

So, who is the initial aggressor?

That's a fairytail

Who were the aggressors during the Arab Pogroms against Jews in Palestine before there was Zionism?
Come off it Ry,the Pogroms were from Russia circa 1890's,Europe and Spain(not under the Moors rule but the Catholic Barbarians,in fact if you had bothered to enquire about Jewish History,you would know like me,that the Moors and Jews joined forces to fight off the Catholic invasion,incidentally the fleeing Jews were given safe heaven in Islamic Constantinople which is Istanbul Turkey today...so the Jews flourished in Muslim Spain and Muslim Constantinople)since 760 AD onwards and those filthy Nazis (who the Zionists collaborated with)1930 onwards,there were few problems with the Palestinians until the 1920's when the realization of the Zionists intentions were fully understood...you must know that these Zionists were ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and Christian Europe despised them,and gave them No safe heaven against the barbarity of the Nazis and others.tor

I won't "come off it" simply because it doesn't fit Your narrative.
Your Palestine Kumbaya fairytale is just that - Arab fairytale of 1001 nights.

Whole communities of Palestinian Jews had to flee to Damascus and Egypt because of those Arab Pogroms - prior to Zionism.

1517 Safed
1660 Tiberias
1660 Safed
1834 Safed Pogrom
1834 - Hebron Pogrom
1840- Damascus
1850 - Aleppo
1860 -Damascus

Q. So what was the Arab excuse for Pogroms before Zionism?
I am curious:
With what weapons, with what army, with what numbers, with what power or anything else, could the Jews have planned to ethnically cleanse the Mandate for Palestine of Arabs before 1948?
(Even if there was a Plan Dalet, which was never implemented, how were the Jews supposed to win against so many Arabs? Make all of them move away from their homeland, if they did not manage to get TranJordan back from the Hashemites, or Gaza?)

Let us consider the number of Arabs in the Mandate by 1948.
Let us consider the number of Arab countries surrounding what was to become Israel in 1948.

Just what plan could that have been which would have succeeded in getting rid of all the Arabs in the Mandate?
Who said anything about driving all the Arabs out of the Mandate?
You did:

"No Jewish aggression? How about Irgun? Sterns Gang? The plan to and actions to drive Palestinians out,"
I wasn't referring to the entire mandate but to the area Israel finally claimed for its state.
If you knew the Biblical size of Israel, you'd have a heart attack.
It's 4 times more then the current size.

Arabs control 99.9% of the Middle East, mostly undeveloped. Still, not enough!
You miss the point...COMPLETELY
"No Jewish aggression? How about Irgun? Sterns Gang? The plan to and actions to drive Palestinians out,"

I've got to chime in here and say that while there are some instances of atrocious acts of terrorism on the Jewish side, the primary objective was never to ethnically cleanse the territory of its Arab inhabitants. It was an act of self-defense against aggressors -- including irregular forces among the Arab population. It was not aggression -- but a determined response to aggression against the Jewish people and State.

If we think back to how warfare was conducted at that time -- including the resulting population exchanges -- it was quite normal. We have different expectations now. But apply those actions by today's standard's is wrong.
I've got to chime in here and say that while there are some instances of atrocious acts of terrorism on the Jewish side, the primary objective was never to ethnically cleanse the territory of its Arab inhabitants.
I think that may have been true initially. But from day one the Palestinians were shoved aside. They were left out of the loop both politically and economically. They had no say in what was happening. Their country was disappearing out from under their feet. Any resistance to that outcome was called "attacking the Jews." We still hear that crap today.

Colonialism is a structural, daily violence against the Palestinians. Addressing that problem is the only path to peace.
I did not say there were no disputes
Come off it Ry,the Pogroms were from Russia circa 1890's,Europe and Spain(not under the Moors rule but the Catholic Barbarians,in fact if you had bothered to enquire about Jewish History,you would know like me,that the Moors and Jews joined forces to fight off the Catholic invasion,incidentally the fleeing Jews were given safe heaven in Islamic Constantinople which is Istanbul Turkey today...so the Jews flourished in Muslim Spain and Muslim Constantinople)since 760 AD onwards and those filthy Nazis (who the Zionists collaborated with)1930 onwards,there were few problems with the Palestinians until the 1920's when the realization of the Zionists intentions were fully understood...you must know that these Zionists were ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and Christian Europe despised them,and gave them No safe heaven against the barbarity of the Nazis and others.tor

I won't "come off it" simply because it doesn't fit Your narrative.
Your Palestine Kumbaya fairytale is just that - Arab fairytale of 1001 nights.

Whole communities of Palestinian Jews had to flee to Damascus and Egypt because of those Arab Pogroms - prior to Zionism.

1517 Safed
1660 Tiberias
1660 Safed
1834 Safed Pogrom
1834 - Hebron Pogrom
1840- Damascus
1850 - Aleppo
1860 -Damascus

Q. So what was the Arab excuse for Pogroms before Zionism?
,I did not say there were no disputes,but very few,you will also note Damascus and Aleppo are not in Palestine,most of the nearly 2000 years the Jews(you say Palestinian Jews,and I thank you Ry for that aknowlegment) things were harmonious.......moreover when we compare to Europe and the Christians,the Palestinian-Jewish disputes are just a Piss in the Ocean...You have completely exaggerated the situations,you should Love your Palestinian brethren more as I do, the very fine Jews throughout history...you are saying your inaccurate statements are the facts...they are not...Why do you Never criticize the Christians,Catholics,Russians and Germans...yet you continually rabbit on about how terrible the Palestinians are.and considering what the Jews have done to the Palestinians makes your prose churlish indeed..it shows a very ignorant and weak attitude in my opinion,I hope in future instead of an inaccurate one-liners Ry,you like me delve deeper into the facts....Have a good day Ry...I am not your enemy

Disputes??:cuckoo::cuckoo: What a nice Islamist doublespeak.

When the Arabs rioted against the Egyptians in Palestine - Jews were still targeted FIRST in Jerusalem.
The'y weren't a even part of the argument between the two.

Do You know what was one of the main "disputes" between the Egyptians and Arabs in Palestine, beside conscription to army?] It was that all of a sudden Arab Muslims had to be equal to Jews and Christians, in status and taxation. This apparently was enough. I'm not exaggerating.

Q. How about Arabs raping both men and women of Safed - as a way to solve a non-existent "dispute" that Jews weren't a part of?

Q. How about an attraction in a marketplace where one can excite the public with "predictions" on possible dates of next Arab pogroms ? Sounds like harmony or sectarian disorder?

Seriously ignorant people. Most Israeli Jews are native to Israel and the Middle East
They certainly are NOT,they are the REVERSE of that
And of course you have a degree in genetics, or are an expert on this or that, or something else, with a Pulizer Prize and a Nobel Prize to boot.

The absolute and total refusal to give Jews their due.

MOST of them did go into Europe and other areas of the world, from the time of the First Temple. It does not make them Germans if they lived in Germany, or Italians if the lived in Rome, and then Italy as witnessed by all the descendants of Jews who either went with Caesar to Rome, or later on in 70 CE after the destruction of the Second Temple.

You cannot and never will, be able to prove that the indigenous people of the land of Israel, the Jews, are not the indigenous people of the land of Israel.

You do not have the knowledge, the tools or anything else which would help you prove such a statement.

All you have is the word of the Arabs, who are invaders to the land since the 7th century and even have acknowledged that the Land of Israel does belong to the Jews.

It was an Arab, in the 7th Century, who allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem, while the Christians before them had done as the Romans had done. Keep the Jews out of Jerusalem to insult them.

There are good Muslims, there are bad Muslims. The good ones have always wanted to live in peace with the Jews, on the ancient Jewish Homeland.
The bad ones, they like to humiliate, kick, beat, steal, worse even ( and they have done all of those things in the examples Rylah gave and which neither you, nor the other ones care about, because it is about Jews, any Jews getting the worse.

The truth about the Jewish people is not dependent on people like you or anyone else who thinks like you.

It is exactly because of this kind of thinking that Herzl and others realized that there was only one thing to do.
Return to their homeland and become sovereign over part of it.

It is simple. The simplest thing in the world.

When any place treats one badly, or worse, one tends to go back home. Jews had been doing that for centuries, not just in the 19th, or 20th century. Home is home. Home for the Jews is Israel.

End of story.
"No Jewish aggression? How about Irgun? Sterns Gang? The plan to and actions to drive Palestinians out,"

I've got to chime in here and say that while there are some instances of atrocious acts of terrorism on the Jewish side, the primary objective was never to ethnically cleanse the territory of its Arab inhabitants. It was an act of self-defense against aggressors -- including irregular forces among the Arab population. It was not aggression -- but a determined response to aggression against the Jewish people and State.

If we think back to how warfare was conducted at that time -- including the resulting population exchanges -- it was quite normal. We have different expectations now. But apply those actions by today's standard's is wrong.
I've got to chime in here and say that while there are some instances of atrocious acts of terrorism on the Jewish side, the primary objective was never to ethnically cleanse the territory of its Arab inhabitants.
I think that may have been true initially. But from day one the Palestinians were shoved aside. They were left out of the loop both politically and economically. They had no say in what was happening. Their country was disappearing out from under their feet. Any resistance to that outcome was called "attacking the Jews." We still hear that crap today.

Colonialism is a structural, daily violence against the Palestinians. Addressing that problem is the only path to peace.
The Arabs were "shoved aside" to where?
What lands did they lose in 1892?
What lands did they lose in 1920?
In 1921?
In 1929?
In 1936 to 1939?

They never had a country and you keep creating one out of thin air.

You are full of crap, as always.

You go ahead. You address the problems of all of those Arab leaders refusing from 1920 on to live in peace with the indigenous Jews of the land of Israel.

You deal with them starting riots and wars and expelling the Jews from their homes and lands from 1920 to 1948. And then coming back for more, only they lost and Muslims do not like to lose.

Deal with Arab colonialism since the 7th century which extends from Syria, Mesopotamia, Phonecia, Israel, North Africa, Spain, etc.

Go ahead, tin. DEAL WITH THAT ! :)
"No Jewish aggression? How about Irgun? Sterns Gang? The plan to and actions to drive Palestinians out,"

I've got to chime in here and say that while there are some instances of atrocious acts of terrorism on the Jewish side, the primary objective was never to ethnically cleanse the territory of its Arab inhabitants. It was an act of self-defense against aggressors -- including irregular forces among the Arab population. It was not aggression -- but a determined response to aggression against the Jewish people and State.

If we think back to how warfare was conducted at that time -- including the resulting population exchanges -- it was quite normal. We have different expectations now. But apply those actions by today's standard's is wrong.
I've got to chime in here and say that while there are some instances of atrocious acts of terrorism on the Jewish side, the primary objective was never to ethnically cleanse the territory of its Arab inhabitants.
I think that may have been true initially. But from day one the Palestinians were shoved aside. They were left out of the loop both politically and economically. They had no say in what was happening. Their country was disappearing out from under their feet. Any resistance to that outcome was called "attacking the Jews." We still hear that crap today.

Colonialism is a structural, daily violence against the Palestinians. Addressing that problem is the only path to peace.
The Arabs were "shoved aside" to where?
What lands did they lose in 1892?
What lands did they lose in 1920?
In 1921?
In 1929?
In 1936 to 1939?

They never had a country and you keep creating one out of thin air.

You are full of crap, as always.

You go ahead. You address the problems of all of those Arab leaders refusing from 1920 on to live in peace with the indigenous Jews of the land of Israel.

You deal with them starting riots and wars and expelling the Jews from their homes and lands from 1920 to 1948. And then coming back from more, only they lost and Muslims do not like to lose.

Deal with Arab colonialism since the 7th century which extends from Syria, Mesopotamia, Phonecia, Israel, North Africa, Spain, etc.

Go ahead, tin. DEAL WITH THAT ! :)
Wow, you are well versed in Israeli bullshit.
"No Jewish aggression? How about Irgun? Sterns Gang? The plan to and actions to drive Palestinians out,"

I've got to chime in here and say that while there are some instances of atrocious acts of terrorism on the Jewish side, the primary objective was never to ethnically cleanse the territory of its Arab inhabitants. It was an act of self-defense against aggressors -- including irregular forces among the Arab population. It was not aggression -- but a determined response to aggression against the Jewish people and State.

If we think back to how warfare was conducted at that time -- including the resulting population exchanges -- it was quite normal. We have different expectations now. But apply those actions by today's standard's is wrong.
I've got to chime in here and say that while there are some instances of atrocious acts of terrorism on the Jewish side, the primary objective was never to ethnically cleanse the territory of its Arab inhabitants.
I think that may have been true initially. But from day one the Palestinians were shoved aside. They were left out of the loop both politically and economically. They had no say in what was happening. Their country was disappearing out from under their feet. Any resistance to that outcome was called "attacking the Jews." We still hear that crap today.

Colonialism is a structural, daily violence against the Palestinians. Addressing that problem is the only path to peace.
The Arabs were "shoved aside" to where?
What lands did they lose in 1892?
What lands did they lose in 1920?
In 1921?
In 1929?
In 1936 to 1939?

They never had a country and you keep creating one out of thin air.

You are full of crap, as always.

You go ahead. You address the problems of all of those Arab leaders refusing from 1920 on to live in peace with the indigenous Jews of the land of Israel.

You deal with them starting riots and wars and expelling the Jews from their homes and lands from 1920 to 1948. And then coming back from more, only they lost and Muslims do not like to lose.

Deal with Arab colonialism since the 7th century which extends from Syria, Mesopotamia, Phonecia, Israel, North Africa, Spain, etc.

Go ahead, tin. DEAL WITH THAT ! :)
Wow, you are well versed in Israeli bullshit.
The bullshit is all in your very uneducated and very anti Jewish head

And as always, you cannot DEAL WITH IT, LOL
"No Jewish aggression? How about Irgun? Sterns Gang? The plan to and actions to drive Palestinians out,"

I've got to chime in here and say that while there are some instances of atrocious acts of terrorism on the Jewish side, the primary objective was never to ethnically cleanse the territory of its Arab inhabitants. It was an act of self-defense against aggressors -- including irregular forces among the Arab population. It was not aggression -- but a determined response to aggression against the Jewish people and State.

If we think back to how warfare was conducted at that time -- including the resulting population exchanges -- it was quite normal. We have different expectations now. But apply those actions by today's standard's is wrong.
I've got to chime in here and say that while there are some instances of atrocious acts of terrorism on the Jewish side, the primary objective was never to ethnically cleanse the territory of its Arab inhabitants.
I think that may have been true initially. But from day one the Palestinians were shoved aside. They were left out of the loop both politically and economically. They had no say in what was happening. Their country was disappearing out from under their feet. Any resistance to that outcome was called "attacking the Jews." We still hear that crap today.

Colonialism is a structural, daily violence against the Palestinians. Addressing that problem is the only path to peace.
The Arabs were "shoved aside" to where?
What lands did they lose in 1892?
What lands did they lose in 1920?
In 1921?
In 1929?
In 1936 to 1939?

They never had a country and you keep creating one out of thin air.

You are full of crap, as always.

You go ahead. You address the problems of all of those Arab leaders refusing from 1920 on to live in peace with the indigenous Jews of the land of Israel.

You deal with them starting riots and wars and expelling the Jews from their homes and lands from 1920 to 1948. And then coming back from more, only they lost and Muslims do not like to lose.

Deal with Arab colonialism since the 7th century which extends from Syria, Mesopotamia, Phonecia, Israel, North Africa, Spain, etc.

Go ahead, tin. DEAL WITH THAT ! :)
Wow, you are well versed in Israeli bullshit.
The bullshit is all in your very uneducated and very anti Jewish head

And as always, you cannot DEAL WITH IT, LOL
In 1921?
In 1929?
In 1936 to 1939?
Why did those happen?

Oh, that's right, Israeli bullshit will not tell you that.
I've got to chime in here and say that while there are some instances of atrocious acts of terrorism on the Jewish side, the primary objective was never to ethnically cleanse the territory of its Arab inhabitants. It was an act of self-defense against aggressors -- including irregular forces among the Arab population. It was not aggression -- but a determined response to aggression against the Jewish people and State.

If we think back to how warfare was conducted at that time -- including the resulting population exchanges -- it was quite normal. We have different expectations now. But apply those actions by today's standard's is wrong.
I've got to chime in here and say that while there are some instances of atrocious acts of terrorism on the Jewish side, the primary objective was never to ethnically cleanse the territory of its Arab inhabitants.
I think that may have been true initially. But from day one the Palestinians were shoved aside. They were left out of the loop both politically and economically. They had no say in what was happening. Their country was disappearing out from under their feet. Any resistance to that outcome was called "attacking the Jews." We still hear that crap today.

Colonialism is a structural, daily violence against the Palestinians. Addressing that problem is the only path to peace.
The Arabs were "shoved aside" to where?
What lands did they lose in 1892?
What lands did they lose in 1920?
In 1921?
In 1929?
In 1936 to 1939?

They never had a country and you keep creating one out of thin air.

You are full of crap, as always.

You go ahead. You address the problems of all of those Arab leaders refusing from 1920 on to live in peace with the indigenous Jews of the land of Israel.

You deal with them starting riots and wars and expelling the Jews from their homes and lands from 1920 to 1948. And then coming back from more, only they lost and Muslims do not like to lose.

Deal with Arab colonialism since the 7th century which extends from Syria, Mesopotamia, Phonecia, Israel, North Africa, Spain, etc.

Go ahead, tin. DEAL WITH THAT ! :)
Wow, you are well versed in Israeli bullshit.
The bullshit is all in your very uneducated and very anti Jewish head

And as always, you cannot DEAL WITH IT, LOL
In 1921?
In 1929?
In 1936 to 1939?
Why did those happen?

Oh, that's right, Israeli bullshit will not tell you that.
Your bullshit will not tell you that. :)
I've got to chime in here and say that while there are some instances of atrocious acts of terrorism on the Jewish side, the primary objective was never to ethnically cleanse the territory of its Arab inhabitants. It was an act of self-defense against aggressors -- including irregular forces among the Arab population. It was not aggression -- but a determined response to aggression against the Jewish people and State.

If we think back to how warfare was conducted at that time -- including the resulting population exchanges -- it was quite normal. We have different expectations now. But apply those actions by today's standard's is wrong.
I've got to chime in here and say that while there are some instances of atrocious acts of terrorism on the Jewish side, the primary objective was never to ethnically cleanse the territory of its Arab inhabitants.
I think that may have been true initially. But from day one the Palestinians were shoved aside. They were left out of the loop both politically and economically. They had no say in what was happening. Their country was disappearing out from under their feet. Any resistance to that outcome was called "attacking the Jews." We still hear that crap today.

Colonialism is a structural, daily violence against the Palestinians. Addressing that problem is the only path to peace.
The Arabs were "shoved aside" to where?
What lands did they lose in 1892?
What lands did they lose in 1920?
In 1921?
In 1929?
In 1936 to 1939?

They never had a country and you keep creating one out of thin air.

You are full of crap, as always.

You go ahead. You address the problems of all of those Arab leaders refusing from 1920 on to live in peace with the indigenous Jews of the land of Israel.

You deal with them starting riots and wars and expelling the Jews from their homes and lands from 1920 to 1948. And then coming back from more, only they lost and Muslims do not like to lose.

Deal with Arab colonialism since the 7th century which extends from Syria, Mesopotamia, Phonecia, Israel, North Africa, Spain, etc.

Go ahead, tin. DEAL WITH THAT ! :)
Wow, you are well versed in Israeli bullshit.
The bullshit is all in your very uneducated and very anti Jewish head

And as always, you cannot DEAL WITH IT, LOL
In 1921?
In 1929?
In 1936 to 1939?
Why did those happen?

Oh, that's right, Israeli bullshit will not tell you that.
Let us see you explain why these ones happened:

1517 Safed
1660 Tiberias
1660 Safed
1834 Safed Pogrom
1834 - Hebron Pogrom
1840- Damascus
1850 - Aleppo
1860 -Damascus

This timeline sounds a lot like what has been happening for the past decade against Jews around the world. Coincidence ?
Anything to do with the teachings of Islam?
Where are the Arab "Palestinians" and their country in all of this ?
Any of what happens in this timeline has to do with any Christian or Muslim teachings to their followers?
Any of what has been happening for the past 100 years?
When will all of this end?
Maybe when Christianity and Islam are ready to teach peace with the Jews, and treat them as human beings?

Who am I kidding.

Timeline of antisemitism - Wikipedia
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