Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Israel does not limit medicines or medical equipment into Gaza (with the exception of a tiny number of devices that need to be approved individually because they contain radioactive material or the like.)

But the Palestinian Authority does limit them. And the world, obsessed with Israel's blockade, ignores the things that Mahmoud Abbas does to his own people, not unlike Syria's Assad.

Gaza health officials are alarmed as the shortage of medicines and other medical needs have reached a critical point.

There is now a shortage of materials needed for blood tests, such as tests for hepatitis C and B tests and HIV tests. There is also a shortage of PKU tests for newborns, and for thyroid diseases.

Also, anti-rejection drugs for people who have received organ transplants.

Out of 657 laboratory items needed, 383 of them are down to zero and 274 will run out within three months.

srael's restriction of materials to Gaza did not kill anyone (I did not see any such claims in Arab media) but these shortages, mandated by Mahmoud Abbas on his own people for some seven months already, are resulting in deaths.

So, where are the "human rights" NGOs complaining about the humanitarian crisis? Where is the media?

They are discussing how a 18 year old "child" was arrested for assaulting a soldier on video.

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PA continues its siege of Gaza - more crucial medicines are running out. But human rights NGOs don't care. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
For ideologically insecure Islamists, rejecting a Jewish Jerusalem is a strategy to strengthen Islam’s position. By rejecting Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, Europe’s post-Christian political elite is ultimately rejecting Europe’s Judeo-Christian heritage.

Unlike the US, Europe is also trying to placate its huge, rapidly growing and increasingly radicalized Muslim population. By contrast, the United States is embracing its Christianity by reaffirming its bonds with Israel, Jerusalem and the Jewish people.

Paradoxically, for Islam, Jerusalem has only been valuable as a rallying cry against Jews and Christians. From 1517 until 1917, Jerusalem was a neglected backwater in the Muslim Ottoman Empire. From 1948 until 1967 when Jerusalem’s old city was occupied by Jordan, it was deliberately neglected in order to boost its own de facto capital, Amman.

Synagogues and historical Jewish artifacts where systematically demolished by the Muslim Arab occupiers while the world looked the other way. Jerusalem only became interesting again when it returned to its rightful owner: the Jewish people.

Turkey’s Sultan-aspiring leader Erdogan cynically uses Jerusalem and Israel to boost his own standing in the Islamic world. Enjoying being at the center of the Muslim summit in Istanbul, Erdogan repeated the lie that reborn Israel is built on “occupied Palestine”. It is especially ironic given the fact that Erdogan’s Ottoman predecessors occupied the land of Israel for four centuries and oppressed Arabs and Jews alike.

Never mind that there was no “Palestinian people” to be found anywhere during the Turkish occupation of the land of Israel. Erdogan appears to think that he is uniquely equipped to preach to Israel about “occupation” despite Turkey’s occupation of Kurdistan and northern Cyprus.

As a drunkard who accuses others of alcoholism, PLO leader Abbas ironically accused Israel of “fake news” when Pallywood epitomizes fake history and a systematic whitewashing of reality.

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Obsessive Distraction from Muslim failure
  • Palestinians say that what they are facing in Iraq is "ethnic cleansing." The new Iraqi law deprives Palestinians living in Iraq of their right to free education, healthcare and to travel documents, and denies them work in state institutions.

  • No one will pay any attention to the misery of the Palestinians in any Arab country. Major media outlets around the world will barely cover the news of the controversial Iraqi law or the displacement of thousands of Palestinian families in Iraq. Journalists are too busy chasing a handful of Palestinian stone-throwers near Ramallah. A Palestinian girl who punched an Israeli soldier in the face draws more media interest than Arab apartheid against the Palestinians.

  • Palestinian leaders, meanwhile care nothing about the plight of their own people in Arab countries. They are much too busy inciting Palestinians against Israel and Trump to pay such a paltry issue any mind at all.

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    Arab Apartheid Targets Palestinians
For years, she has been at the center of more and more staged provocations (Ynetnews News - Palestinian girl filmed provoking IDF soldiers arrested). She always tries to get IDF soldiers to respond with violence, and she always fails (Ynetnews News - Watch: IDF soldiers provoked but refrain from responding). Because IDF soldiers are world champions in self-restraint.

But in a region which holds the world record for cameras (https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-5058947,00.html) per square meters, some kind of inappropriate behavior is found every few months. Not everyone is perfect. There are exceptions. Last week, soldiers were caught using unnecessary violence against a bound Palestinian. Certain organizations seize these opportunities eagerly. This is the IDF, they say. They’re lying, of course.

Not all Western newspapers, which usually love the blonde, blue-eyed girl, got caught in the trap. In recent years, different newspapers in the world—including the British Daily Mail and the American Tower—have exposed the real story of Tamimi and her parents as part of a propaganda machine in Pallywood’s service. But they were exceptions.

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Ynetnews Opinion - The blue-eyed poster girl of Palestinian propaganda
[ Jews.....not Zionists.....not just Zionists......]

The National Conciliation Document of 2006 was signed by Fatah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, PFLP and DFLP. Its wording can be interpreted to mean that all those factions agree to kill Jewish settlers, by using the formulation "To affirm the right of the Palestinian people to resist the occupation, to preserve the option of resistance by various means, and to concentrate the resistance in the territories occupied in 1967, concomitantly with political action, negotiations and diplomacy."

Adwan is saying that all major Palestinian groups had already agreed to murder Jews, so why not get moving already?

" Our heroic Palestinian people, and their courageous men, should not wait for permission from anyone to do what is a national duty and a religious duty .... The quickest way to prevent Jewish immigrants from thinking about migrating to Palestine or to settle in the West Bank is armed action, supported by all other resistance tactics. It is the responsibility of the national and Islamic forces to form an incubator for the West Bank Intifada by forming a leadership for it, providing material assistance to each injured person, granting lawyers to all the detainees and signing a document of honor to punish anyone who causes the arrest of a Palestinian because of his national revolutionary struggle."

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Columnist reminds Palestinians they are obligated to kill Jews ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
You might want to note how:
  • The terror-minded suspect is about the same age as the young woman from Nabi Saleh of whom we wrote earlier this week ["24-Dec-17: Nabi Saleh, the media and a Tamimi child's journey"]. "Girls" of seventeen or eighteen are older, often by several years, than a steady stream of Palestinian Arab teens who have perpetrated (or been thwarted trying) terrorist Arab-on-Israeli attacks during the past two years. [Click on "Weaponizing Children" for dozens such recent cases.]
  • News about Jerusalem gets remarkably uneven coverage in the mainstream news industry. The decision of the Trump Administration to recognize that Israel's capital city for the past seventy years has been Jerusalem got vastly more coverage, even though no one's life was directly threatened by it.
  • In Qataneh (sometimes written Qatane), from where yesterday's would-be attacker lived, Israeli forces two years ago uncovered a massive weapons cache that included ammunition, knives, IDF uniforms and binoculars [source]. The village is located right next to the Israeli community of Har Adar, 12 km north of Jerusalem. The neighborhood has been in the news recently for the worst kind of reasons ["26-Sep-17: At Har Adar's entrance, an Arab-on-Israeli shooter with problems and a solution"]
  • The security personnel who man the Qalandiya Crossing have realistic expectations by now of what some Palestinian Arabs, and in particular children, have on their minds. Consider for instance events that took place there just a few months back: "20-May-17: A child, a knife and another thwarted stabbing today on Jerusalem's northern edge". That attack-child was 14.
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This Ongoing War: A Blog: 28-Dec-17: At a northern Jerusalem security checkpoint, a girl with knives and stabbing victims on her mind
Terrorist who stabbed security guard wrote a will before carrying out attack quoting PA textbooks from his school days.

Later, while traveling to Jerusalem to carry out the attack, the terrorist wrote a "will" which he saved on his cell phone. The wording of the will, which he remembered from school textbooks and which he intended to upload to Facebook before committing the attack, said, "My brother, take care of mother and father, and woe to you, my sister, if you worry for me. For the homeland I sacrificed my blood, all for you, Palestine."

Shin Bet security forces noted in response that "this attack emphasizes the deep incitement to which Palestinians in Judea and Samaria are exposed, and the influence of material learned in PA schools as a spur and inspiration for terror attacks against Israelis."

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Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

Santa is a rock-throwing Palestinian and victim of Israel - PMW Bulletins
And the ONLY reason there is no Palestinian state is because the Palestinian leadership has rejected every offer for one.

Every time.

Pointing this irrefutable fact out does a number of things. It shows that Israel doesn't want to control another people, it shows that Israel wants peace, and it shows that Palestinians prefer "occupation" to statehood.

Moreover, it puts the Israel-hater on the defensive, forced to stutter that the peace offers weren't good enough or whatever. To which the response is....then the "occupation" cannot really be so bad, can it?

When forced to answer this simple observation, the Israel-haters show that they don't want a state either. They will say that a state without Jerusalem or without "return" of "refugees" - not to Palestine, but to Israel - is not worth it.

Showing that they don't really care about "occupation" but about destroying Israel.

In the 1930s and 1940s, Zionists said they would accept a state the size of a handkerchief. They accepted a UN partition plan that wrested Jerusalem from them. They desperately needed a state for the Jews to live in without fear of being murdered.

Palestinians, however, don't have any sense of urgency in their supposed quest for a state. They are willing to wait decades.

If that is true, then they are the ones who are prolonging 'occupation," not Israel.

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"But....but...what about the occupation????" (Poster) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The narrative the Arabs feed people feels good, it’s a familiar narrative: they are a small oppressed minority who had their ancestral lands stolen by foreign imperialists who desecrate their sacred places and force them to live under foreign colonialist rule. The ones who are even allowed to remain after the majority are ethnically cleansed by the evil foreigners. They are treated horribly and barely eking out an existence due to this occupation and oppression, with many starving and the rest living in conditions not unlike the concentration camps in the middle part of the last century.

This narrative plays extremely well to anyone who is:

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The Thing About The Conflict
“It’s Muslim and Christian population have been living there for thousands of years.”


  • Christianity: began in first century CE (approx. 2,000 years ago) from Judaism, but have been present in “Palestine” since around 450 CE only (approx. 1,600 years ago)
  • Islam: began in early 7th century CE (approx. 1,400 years ago)
And while we are at it

“Jerusalem is Palestinian longer than London is English”

Anglo-Saxon settlements developed in London since the year 500 CE – before Islam.

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WATCH: Al Jazeera Pushing Ridiculous Lies About Jerusalem
Al Jazeera – or at least Al Jazeera contributor Shenila Khoja-Moolji – is desperately clueless, stumped by the question: “Why is the West praising Malala, but ignoring Ahed?” So let’s help them out a bit.

Malala Yousafzai gained prominence as a teen blogger for BBC Urdu, where she described her life under the harsh rule of the fundamentalist Islamist Taliban. The Taliban eventually decided to target Malala. On October 9, 2012, “[a] masked gunman boards Malala’s school bus and asks for her by name. He shoots Malala in the head, neck and shoulder.”

As far as Ahed Tamimi is concerned, masked gunmen are great. In September, Ahed Tamimi posted a picture of gunmen masked with Palestinian keffiyeh scarves on her Facebook page and repeated the message written on the image in Arabic: “Tell the fighters all over the world that they are my friends.”

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Al Jazeera needs help to see the difference between Malala Yousafzai and Ahed Tamimi (Petra Marquardt-Bigman) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Al Jazeera – or at least Al Jazeera contributor Shenila Khoja-Moolji – is desperately clueless, stumped by the question: “Why is the West praising Malala, but ignoring Ahed?” So let’s help them out a bit.

Malala Yousafzai gained prominence as a teen blogger for BBC Urdu, where she described her life under the harsh rule of the fundamentalist Islamist Taliban. The Taliban eventually decided to target Malala. On October 9, 2012, “[a] masked gunman boards Malala’s school bus and asks for her by name. He shoots Malala in the head, neck and shoulder.”

As far as Ahed Tamimi is concerned, masked gunmen are great. In September, Ahed Tamimi posted a picture of gunmen masked with Palestinian keffiyeh scarves on her Facebook page and repeated the message written on the image in Arabic: “Tell the fighters all over the world that they are my friends.”

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Al Jazeera needs help to see the difference between Malala Yousafzai and Ahed Tamimi (Petra Marquardt-Bigman) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Malala is for women's education. Ahed is a hothead and Palestinian actress. There's no comparison.
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