Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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And the ONLY reason there is no Palestinian state is because the Palestinian leadership has rejected every offer for one.

Every time.

Pointing this irrefutable fact out does a number of things. It shows that Israel doesn't want to control another people, it shows that Israel wants peace, and it shows that Palestinians prefer "occupation" to statehood.

Moreover, it puts the Israel-hater on the defensive, forced to stutter that the peace offers weren't good enough or whatever. To which the response is....then the "occupation" cannot really be so bad, can it?

When forced to answer this simple observation, the Israel-haters show that they don't want a state either. They will say that a state without Jerusalem or without "return" of "refugees" - not to Palestine, but to Israel - is not worth it.

Showing that they don't really care about "occupation" but about destroying Israel.

In the 1930s and 1940s, Zionists said they would accept a state the size of a handkerchief. They accepted a UN partition plan that wrested Jerusalem from them. They desperately needed a state for the Jews to live in without fear of being murdered.

Palestinians, however, don't have any sense of urgency in their supposed quest for a state. They are willing to wait decades.

If that is true, then they are the ones who are prolonging 'occupation," not Israel.

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"But....but...what about the occupation????" (Poster) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

The 1948 partition left a third of the Muslims and Christians, who with the Bedouins outnumbered the Jews, within the partition that was to be ruled by Jews. How was that acceptable to the native people.

The Palestinians have never been offered a sovereign state. The past deals all required that the Palestinians accept a continued Jewish military occupation. It is the Jews who have insisted on continued occupation and continued control of non-Jews. There is no moral (or legal) rationale for punishing the native people of Palestine for crimes commited against the Jews by Europeans.
Photos of the al-Abed in court show him smiling widely, possibly because he knows that for every month he sits in prison, he and his family will receive dozens of thousands of shekels in monthly payments from the Palestinian Authority (PA).

In addition, al-Abed is aware of the fact that as he sits in prison, his colleagues are planning ways to release him.

Potential terrorists know that today, the most lucrative occupation in the PA is killing Jews.

The more Jews you kill, the more money you'll receive. Whether or not the bill to sentence terrorists to death becomes law, the Israeli government must understand that the PA's incentives and indulgences, as well as the terrorists' families' visits, must cease.

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'Murdering Jews is the most lucrative profession'
So according to Abbas, Jesus was Palestinian and Jebusite Jerusalem was never the capital city of any nation other than the Palestinians since time immemorial. Furthermore, the Palestinians are actually Canaanites, and God promised them this holy city before Abraham came along, and so on.

We are laughing now, aren't we? It's not just one lie, but a culture of lies. The Arab leader's simple ability to stand in front of the world and lie in a way that almost seems like he is trying to convince himself. Jerusalem has always been the capital of the Palestinian nation? Really? But no nation ever ruled here other than the Jewish nation and its various Jewish kingdoms!

Before I begin a brief analysis of Abbas' text, I want to make a little side note: When Abbas says that it's "in the Torah," does he realize that, even if we accept the nonsense that the Palestinians are Canaanites, in the Torah, the Canaanites are actually expelled and the land is given to the Israelites? Not just to the sons of Abraham, but also to Isaac (over Ismael), and to Jacob (over Esau). The same thing appears in the Quran as well – that Allah gave this land to the Israelites and ordered the Canaanites expelled after they defiled it.

Here are a number of verses from Sura 5 of the Quran: "Recall that Moses said to his people, O my people, remember God's blessings upon you: He appointed prophets from among you, made you kings, and granted you what He never granted any other people. O my people, enter the holy land that God has decreed for you, and do not rebel, lest you become losers."

You see, Mr. Abbas, it's not just in the Torah. The Quran, too, instructs the Jews not to retreat but rather to inherit the holy land. When you fight your war of lies against our right to this good land, you are in fact fighting against Allah.

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That is precisely what Hamas is gunning for. The most dramatic data in Argaman's briefing centered on the 148 Hamas terrorist cells apprehended in Judea and Samaria this year. This number means that while Hamas is putting on the breaks in Gaza, and doing its utmost to prevent a renewed conflict with Israel, in Judea and Samaria it has its foot firmly on the gas pedal, doing its utmost to carry out attacks. These efforts include a substantial financial investment and intensive recruitment in search of new human resources – the kind who would have a better shot at succeeding, like east Jerusalem Arabs and even Israeli Arabs.

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[ The day could come when all cultures will have their children deal with their enemies this way : ]

A young boy insults US President Donald Trump and threatens Israel during a Hamas rally in Gaza, December 2017. (Screen capture: MEMRI video)

In a rant over US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, a young Palestinian child was filmed at a Hamas rally in Gaza earlier this month threatening “Trump the idiot” and “Netanyahu, son of a Jewish woman,” in a clip that has been widely shared on Palestinian social media.

The video, translated Thursday by MEMRI Middle East Media Research Institute, was from a December 15 rally in support of the Hamas terror group, which rules the coastal enclave and seeks to destroy Israel.

The child, Ahmad Idriss, who wore military uniform, including a face covering, had a message for Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Trump.

“This is a message to Trump the idiot. You idiot, your promise to Israel will not be successful. You idiot, Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine for all eternity,” Idriss screamed for the camera.

In an address earlier this month from the White House, Trump declared that — after repeated failures to achieve peace — a new approach was long overdue, describing his decision to recognize Jerusalem as the seat of Israel’s government as merely based on reality.

The move was hailed by Netanyahu and by leaders across much of the Israeli political spectrum. Trump stressed that he was not specifying the boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in the city, and called for no change in the status quo at the city’s holy sites.

“I say to that idiot Benjamin Netanyahu, you son of a Jewish woman, you don’t know your own origins,” the child can be seen saying. “Here in Gaza, we will trample the heads of your soldiers underfoot, like we did in Nahal Oz.”

(full article online)

At Hamas rally, Gazan kid threatens ‘idiot Trump’ and ‘son of a Jew Netanyahu’
The affiliate of Islamic Terrorism Intl. Inc., DBA Fatah seems a bit miffed that the Great Satan, otherwise known as The Snake’s Head™️ has affirmed Jerusalem as a place to be cured of the Islamist disease.

“Gee-had” Abu Zneid, AKA “Dalia Mogahed wannabe”, thought that hurling the “racism” slogan somehow made sense, in that alternate universe of the diseased Islamist mindset.

Odd how these Islamic terrorists are quick to hurl invectives at the Great Satan™️, but yet, they are quick to come begging to UNRWA like a gaggle of underpaid prostitutes for their welfare checks. UNRWA, of course, being an Islamic terrorist endowment fund to which the Great Satan™️ is a contributor.

I sure wish President Trump would do the right thing and immediately stop funding both Islamic terrorism and UNRWA, one and the same, as a practical matter.

"America is the snake's head... it is the source of racism," Says PA Parliament Member - PMW Bulletins

"America is the snake's head...
it is the source of racism,"
Says PA Parliament Member

Fatah official: "Trump has joined the terror... [we will] have no contact with the snake's head"

By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Expressing her disgust with the United States after US President Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, PA Parliament Member Jihad Abu Zneid said on official PA radio that "America is the snake's head":

"We have said in the past and we say today: As usual, the US is the snake's head. Therefore, this is not something new. The US is the one that plans. The US speaks about democracy, [but] it is the source of racism."
[Official PA radio station The Voice of Palestine, A New Day, Dec. 7, 2016]
  • Mohammed Al-Dayeh has been under interrogation on suspicion of establishing and managing two Facebook pages -- "Sons of the Martyrs" and "No to Corruption." The Palestinian Authority claims that both accounts were used to wage a smear campaign against top Palestinian officials and accuse them of financial and administrative corruption.

  • There is only one small problem regarding the charges against Al-Dayeh: The man cannot read or write, and as such there is no way he could have posted the offensive remarks on Facebook.

  • This is about how Palestinian leaders continue to march their people towards yet more harm and grief. This is also about the ongoing failure of the international community to note any of the above.
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How Palestinians Silence Palestinians
  • Arab League states discriminate against and exclude Palestinians because of their national identity.
  • Palestinian refugees have been denied citizenship for two generations or more in Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq.
  • Palestinians have been expelled from many Middle Eastern countries – e.g., Kuwait, Jordan, Libya, and Iraq.
  • In Lebanon, Palestinians must live in designated areas, cannot own homes, and are barred from 70 occupations.

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The Islamic Brew of Racism, Apartheid, and Slavery
India harshly protested to the Palestinian Authority Friday, after the Palestinian ambassador to Pakistan shared a stage in a rally held in the Pakistani city of Rawalpindi with leader of the Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist organization and mastermind of the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks Hafiz Muhammad Saeed.

Indian media outlets reported the country's government announced its displeasure to the Palestinians in no uncertain terms. Spokesman for the Indian Foreign Ministry Raveesh Kumar said, "We are taking up the matter strongly with the Palestinian ambassador in New Delhi and with the Palestinian authorities."

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Ynetnews News - Palestinian envoy to Pakistan shares stage with Mumbai attacks mastermind
These data are important not merely because they show that UNRWA has been defrauding its donors, since it receives funding based on the number of Palestinians it cares for. The data are important because they highlight the fraudulent nature of Palestinian demographic data.

Just as UNRWA massively exaggerated the number of Palestinians in Lebanon, so the PA massively exaggerated the number of Palestinians living in Judea and Samaria.

According to the American-Israel Demographic Research Group, a group of volunteer researchers who studied PA population data 12 years ago, the PA deliberately exaggerates the number of Palestinians living in Judea, Samaria and Gaza by more than a million people.

The PA counts Jerusalem’s Arabs even though they are included in Israel’s population data. It includes some 400,000 Palestinians who live abroad in its population rolls.

The PA pretends there is no emigration from the PA despite the fact that some 17,000 Palestinians emigrate annually.

And it overstates Palestinian birthrates.

Through these false data, the PA manufactured the argument that the number of Arabs living west of the Jordan River is equal to the number of Jews.

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Facing a Tamimi government
Palestine Today reports about a new poll of Palestinian Arabs where it is claimed that 81.8% of them want to cancel the Oslo Accords.

They probably aren't thinking this through.

The Palestinian Authority only exists because of Oslo. The autonomy they have in Areas A and B only exist because of Oslo.

Without Oslo, they all go back to being under Israeli control. There is no "State of Palestine."

And there are no legal claims to any territory.

(full article online)

82% of Palestinians want to cancel Oslo. Goodbye, Palestinian Authority! ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Telling us what we already knew about Islam and Islamic terrorist franchises:

Hezbollah and Hamas rank at top of Forbes’ ‘Richest Terror Groups’ list
Hezbollah and Hamas rank at top of Forbes' 'Richest Terror Groups' list

Hamas has $700 million

The Gaza Strip’s Hamas, meanwhile, is now in third place, having actually dropped a rung from 2014. (The Taliban now occupy second place, with a revenue of $800 million). Forbes lists them as currently receiving about $700 million a year, vs. a billion dollars three years ago. They have two well-known state sponsors, Qatar and, again, Iran. But in the decade since it took over Gaza, Hamas also became expert in extracting money from its own citizens.

According to Forbes’ 2014 report, Hamas makes most of its money from a sophisticated tax system aimed at, among other things, pocketing large portions of the international aid that flows into Gaza. It also runs hundreds of businesses, controls several banks, and has levies on all consumer goods entering the Gaza Strip. All in all, the report says, about 15% of Gaza’s economy ends up in this organization’s pocket.
[ Let us notice that the "start of the revolution" was in 1965. Jordan still had Judea and Samaria, and Egypt still had Gaza. But the revolution is always only .....against Israel ]

Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmoud Abbas, who is also the leader of Fatah and of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), on Sunday delivered his annual speech marking the start of the "revolution" that began on January 1, 1965.

In his speech, Abbas presented the following red lines:

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Abbas presents his 'red lines'
[ And Arabs continue to chant the death chant against Jews. All Jews.
And then.....it is "all" about Palestine and being pro- Palestinians" ]

In Milan's Place Cavour, on December 9th, the same terrible anti-Semitic slogan of Malmö resounded: "Khaybar, khaybar ya yahud, jaish Muhammad saya'ud". Translated, it reads: "Khaybar, Khaybar, oh Jews, the army of Muhammad will return". A thunderous chorus repeated eight times by the protestors.

Khaybar is the name of the oasis inhabited by Jews that Muhammad conquered in 628. The place has a legendary and mythical meaning in the Islamist perspective of a final and violent submission of the Jews. Muhammad, at the head of an army of sixteen hundred men, assaulted, submitted, enslaved and killed the peaceful Jews settled in the oasis of Khaybar, north of Medina.

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Chanting "Jews, remember Khaybar" in Italy
[ All of this to make peace with Israel after she withdrew in 2005 ? Hamas inviting friends for a party? ]

Iran is currently working on upgrading Hamas’s capabilities, Intelligence Minister Israel Katz told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee Monday.

“In recent days, while we face the known threat from Gaza, there is a direct Iranian intervention. Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas are involved in operative preparations to upgrade the threat to Israel from the direction of Gaza,” he stated.

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Intelligence Minister: Iran directly involved in upgrading Hamas threat
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