Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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If the 1960s are your idea of “ancient times,” okay; consider the Beatles. They made their splash February 7, 1964.

That’s four months BEFORE the “Palestinians” got noticed and they, The Beatles, never asked for favors besides “I Wanna Hold Your Hand.”

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Even the Beatles preceded the Palestinians
Funny, I never saw any Fatah-style posters glorifying terrorists in any official Israeli site.

So now the children, old men and other civilians murdered by these heroes are "gangs of murderers" that must be "fought.".

Good to know that Fatah is so public with its moral inversion. Not that any Western media will notice, though.

Fatah also published a lengthy poem glorifying their heroes. Auto-translate does poorly on poetry but the poem does mention "apes and monkeys drinking whiskey" so it certainly has its share of Jew-hatred.

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Fatah: Israelis are the terrorists, our suicide bombers are the heroes ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The victims, two Haredi (Ultra-Orthodox) men from Jerusalem, approached Honenu on Monday with the shocking details of their ordeal. They reported that while they were being beaten, their two attackers forced them to utter the Arabic verses of the “testimony” of the conversion to Islam. They were also forced to praise the terrorist organization Hamas, and curse the State of Israel and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu –while their attackers were documenting the event on video.

Honenu Attorney Haim Bleicher, who immediately contacted the police and pushed for the rapid arrest of the terrorists, said that this was a serious anti-Semitic incident, which is unique even in these volatile times in the city.

(full article online)

Police Arrest Arabs Who Attacked Haredim on Shabbat, Forced Them to Convert to Islam | The Jewish Press - JewishPress.com | David Israel | 15 Tevet 5778 – January 2, 2018 | JewishPress.com
Nearly every day since Dec. 12, excluding the days around Christmas and New Years, the official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida has published a full-page of pictures of protests including rioters throwing Molotov cocktails and rocks at Israelis. The only text on the pages is a giant headline repeated each day: "We shall not retreat." The locations of each event also appears on each picture, nearly are of which are from different Palestinian cities.

One page, from Dec. 18, shows pictures of peaceful demonstrations against US Pres. Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital from different countries around the world (Libya, Turkey, India, Pakistan, and Montenegro).

Palestinian Media Watch has documented that the Palestinian leadership and Fatah have been attempting to incite more violence against Israel ever since US Pres. Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The following pictures are further evidence:

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"We shall not retreat" – the PA’s daily battle cry for violence - PMW Bulletins
As Palestinian Media Watch has reported, both the Palestinian Authority and Abbas’ Fatah continuously called on Palestinians to participate in riots and to use violence at the end of 2017. Among these calls were the republishing of two old posters, both showing masked Palestinians carrying rifles and promoting violence.

The following text accompanied the poster above showing a masked Palestinian from behind, carrying a rifle:

“From the posters of the revolution on the anniversary of the Launch [of Fatah]:
O fighters,
Tighten your iron grip on the rifles that create victory, the decision is yours and the future and victory are yours
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Dec. 28, 2017]

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Abbas’ Fatah: “Tighten your iron grip on the rifles" - PMW Bulletins
Three types of US assistance to the Palestinians

According to the US Consulate in Jerusalem’s website, the United States has been the largest donor of aid to the Palestinians since the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1994. This aid has totaled around $600 million annually in recent years, and can be roughly divided into three categories.

The first is USAID, the conduit by which the State Department provides aid to countries across the world. The second is the economic support for law and order in the Palestinian Authority. These two categories were perhaps the aid that Trump had in mind in his tweet, though the president did not specify. The third is the US support for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, or UNRWA, as addressed by Haley.

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How much aid does the US give Palestinians, and what’s it for?
Three types of US assistance to the Palestinians

According to the US Consulate in Jerusalem’s website, the United States has been the largest donor of aid to the Palestinians since the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1994. This aid has totaled around $600 million annually in recent years, and can be roughly divided into three categories.

The first is USAID, the conduit by which the State Department provides aid to countries across the world. The second is the economic support for law and order in the Palestinian Authority. These two categories were perhaps the aid that Trump had in mind in his tweet, though the president did not specify. The third is the US support for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, or UNRWA, as addressed by Haley.

(full article online)

How much aid does the US give Palestinians, and what’s it for?

May it all be cut off soon. Amen.
Three types of US assistance to the Palestinians

According to the US Consulate in Jerusalem’s website, the United States has been the largest donor of aid to the Palestinians since the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1994. This aid has totaled around $600 million annually in recent years, and can be roughly divided into three categories.

The first is USAID, the conduit by which the State Department provides aid to countries across the world. The second is the economic support for law and order in the Palestinian Authority. These two categories were perhaps the aid that Trump had in mind in his tweet, though the president did not specify. The third is the US support for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, or UNRWA, as addressed by Haley.

(full article online)

How much aid does the US give Palestinians, and what’s it for?

May it all be cut off soon. Amen.
Alter trombenik


  • The West Bank produces and even exports olives, citrus fruit, vegetables, beef, and dairy products.
  • The travel web site Trip Advisor lists “The 10 Best West Bank Restaurants.” You can see the review, or even come see the restaurants, for yourself.
  • Two percent of West Bank residents are “food insecure,” an impressively low figure. For context, 7% of Americans are food insecure, over three times more than the West Bank, by percent.

  • The West Bank has healthcare: with among the highest birth rates, lowest death rates and longest life expectancy rates in the world.

  • There is indeed a Palestinian justice system. Depending on the matter, Palestinian courts or Israeli military courts may have jurisdiction, as required under the international Hague Convention.
  • Tamimi’s case is before the Israeli military juvenile court, where Tamimi is represented by a prominent, influential and highly experienced attorney, who is also the former director of Peace Now and sits on the Tel Aviv city council.
(full article online)

The Independent: Everything Wrong with Op-Ed on Tamimi | HonestReporting
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