Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The Australian guy arranged for some inquiries to be made in Jordan and then got back to us saying his producers had decided not to interview us. Why? Nothing to do with us, he said, but because
  1. it turned out Tamimi's spoken English isn't very good - somehow leading to the conclusion that if she doesn't speak well enough, why bother hearing what the parents of one of her victims (meaning the two of us) have to say. Or more sharply: Our audience is more interested in hearing what the murderer says about the extradition story than what any of her victims think; and
  2. Tamimi had been told by Jordan's government to lower her profile for a while. In simpler terms (our words) if Jordan was going to stick its finger in the eye of its American strategic ally, protector and benefactor (as it has and as it continues to do), it would be prudent not to publicly flaunt the gift of freedom that King Abdullah has given her. Its good to know that though it likes to call itself a constitutional monarchy, Jordan operates like an absolute monarchy. If King Abdullah wanted Tamimi extradited, she would be have been shipped to Washington the same morning.
Last weekend, in response to the intense media attention on Ahed "Shirley Temper" Tamimi, the Jordanian media reported on a public event that took place in Amman. (For some excellent background, see "Why Is No One Talking About Ahed Tamimi’s Call For Stabbings?" in Forward, January 4, 2018). Some prominent speakers were in the line-up which was heard by an audience filled with elderly men - and some women.

What caught our eye is that one of the speakers was Ahlam Tamimi, the murderer in the flesh. She appears to have decided to bring the keep-your-head-down phase to an end in order to do the Tamimi thing. And although her extradition was blocked by a Jordanian court ruling on extremely technical grounds (we have written about this several times), no voices in Jordan that we know of have called for Jordan to do something against her. She's a national treasure. Murderer, maybe; but she murdered Jews, so where's the problem?

(Full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 05-Jan-18: In Jordan, the FBI fugitive Ahlam Tamimi (among others) pays tribute to her slapping/taunting/kicking Tamimi cousin

Jews murder hundreds of Palestinians on an ongoing basis. Israel will not extradite murderous Jews, why should Jordan extradite Palestinians?
The Australian guy arranged for some inquiries to be made in Jordan and then got back to us saying his producers had decided not to interview us. Why? Nothing to do with us, he said, but because
  1. it turned out Tamimi's spoken English isn't very good - somehow leading to the conclusion that if she doesn't speak well enough, why bother hearing what the parents of one of her victims (meaning the two of us) have to say. Or more sharply: Our audience is more interested in hearing what the murderer says about the extradition story than what any of her victims think; and
  2. Tamimi had been told by Jordan's government to lower her profile for a while. In simpler terms (our words) if Jordan was going to stick its finger in the eye of its American strategic ally, protector and benefactor (as it has and as it continues to do), it would be prudent not to publicly flaunt the gift of freedom that King Abdullah has given her. Its good to know that though it likes to call itself a constitutional monarchy, Jordan operates like an absolute monarchy. If King Abdullah wanted Tamimi extradited, she would be have been shipped to Washington the same morning.
Last weekend, in response to the intense media attention on Ahed "Shirley Temper" Tamimi, the Jordanian media reported on a public event that took place in Amman. (For some excellent background, see "Why Is No One Talking About Ahed Tamimi’s Call For Stabbings?" in Forward, January 4, 2018). Some prominent speakers were in the line-up which was heard by an audience filled with elderly men - and some women.

What caught our eye is that one of the speakers was Ahlam Tamimi, the murderer in the flesh. She appears to have decided to bring the keep-your-head-down phase to an end in order to do the Tamimi thing. And although her extradition was blocked by a Jordanian court ruling on extremely technical grounds (we have written about this several times), no voices in Jordan that we know of have called for Jordan to do something against her. She's a national treasure. Murderer, maybe; but she murdered Jews, so where's the problem?

(Full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 05-Jan-18: In Jordan, the FBI fugitive Ahlam Tamimi (among others) pays tribute to her slapping/taunting/kicking Tamimi cousin

Jews murder hundreds of Palestinians on an ongoing basis. Israel will not extradite murderous Jews, why should Jordan extradite Palestinians?
Very few words this time, but the evidence of those murderous Jews........

Zilch, nothing, nada, shum davar
The Australian guy arranged for some inquiries to be made in Jordan and then got back to us saying his producers had decided not to interview us. Why? Nothing to do with us, he said, but because
  1. it turned out Tamimi's spoken English isn't very good - somehow leading to the conclusion that if she doesn't speak well enough, why bother hearing what the parents of one of her victims (meaning the two of us) have to say. Or more sharply: Our audience is more interested in hearing what the murderer says about the extradition story than what any of her victims think; and
  2. Tamimi had been told by Jordan's government to lower her profile for a while. In simpler terms (our words) if Jordan was going to stick its finger in the eye of its American strategic ally, protector and benefactor (as it has and as it continues to do), it would be prudent not to publicly flaunt the gift of freedom that King Abdullah has given her. Its good to know that though it likes to call itself a constitutional monarchy, Jordan operates like an absolute monarchy. If King Abdullah wanted Tamimi extradited, she would be have been shipped to Washington the same morning.
Last weekend, in response to the intense media attention on Ahed "Shirley Temper" Tamimi, the Jordanian media reported on a public event that took place in Amman. (For some excellent background, see "Why Is No One Talking About Ahed Tamimi’s Call For Stabbings?" in Forward, January 4, 2018). Some prominent speakers were in the line-up which was heard by an audience filled with elderly men - and some women.

What caught our eye is that one of the speakers was Ahlam Tamimi, the murderer in the flesh. She appears to have decided to bring the keep-your-head-down phase to an end in order to do the Tamimi thing. And although her extradition was blocked by a Jordanian court ruling on extremely technical grounds (we have written about this several times), no voices in Jordan that we know of have called for Jordan to do something against her. She's a national treasure. Murderer, maybe; but she murdered Jews, so where's the problem?

(Full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 05-Jan-18: In Jordan, the FBI fugitive Ahlam Tamimi (among others) pays tribute to her slapping/taunting/kicking Tamimi cousin

Jews murder hundreds of Palestinians on an ongoing basis. Israel will not extradite murderous Jews, why should Jordan extradite Palestinians?
Very few words this time, but the evidence of those murderous Jews........

Zilch, nothing, nada, shum davar

Just facts, bozo.

"The UN says at least 2,104 Palestinian died, including 1,462 civilians, of whom 495 were children and 253 women."

Gaza crisis: Toll of operations in Gaza
The Australian guy arranged for some inquiries to be made in Jordan and then got back to us saying his producers had decided not to interview us. Why? Nothing to do with us, he said, but because
  1. it turned out Tamimi's spoken English isn't very good - somehow leading to the conclusion that if she doesn't speak well enough, why bother hearing what the parents of one of her victims (meaning the two of us) have to say. Or more sharply: Our audience is more interested in hearing what the murderer says about the extradition story than what any of her victims think; and
  2. Tamimi had been told by Jordan's government to lower her profile for a while. In simpler terms (our words) if Jordan was going to stick its finger in the eye of its American strategic ally, protector and benefactor (as it has and as it continues to do), it would be prudent not to publicly flaunt the gift of freedom that King Abdullah has given her. Its good to know that though it likes to call itself a constitutional monarchy, Jordan operates like an absolute monarchy. If King Abdullah wanted Tamimi extradited, she would be have been shipped to Washington the same morning.
Last weekend, in response to the intense media attention on Ahed "Shirley Temper" Tamimi, the Jordanian media reported on a public event that took place in Amman. (For some excellent background, see "Why Is No One Talking About Ahed Tamimi’s Call For Stabbings?" in Forward, January 4, 2018). Some prominent speakers were in the line-up which was heard by an audience filled with elderly men - and some women.

What caught our eye is that one of the speakers was Ahlam Tamimi, the murderer in the flesh. She appears to have decided to bring the keep-your-head-down phase to an end in order to do the Tamimi thing. And although her extradition was blocked by a Jordanian court ruling on extremely technical grounds (we have written about this several times), no voices in Jordan that we know of have called for Jordan to do something against her. She's a national treasure. Murderer, maybe; but she murdered Jews, so where's the problem?

(Full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 05-Jan-18: In Jordan, the FBI fugitive Ahlam Tamimi (among others) pays tribute to her slapping/taunting/kicking Tamimi cousin

Jews murder hundreds of Palestinians on an ongoing basis. Israel will not extradite murderous Jews, why should Jordan extradite Palestinians?
Very few words this time, but the evidence of those murderous Jews........

Zilch, nothing, nada, shum davar

Just facts, bozo.

"The UN says at least 2,104 Palestinian died, including 1,462 civilians, of whom 495 were children and 253 women."

Gaza crisis: Toll of operations in Gaza
Your source is the UN. ROTFLOL

The UN post 1967 which has been taken over by every Muslim, Arab and Christian country which hates Jews, aka.....Israel.

Try another source. One which will give the cause and effect of firing in civilian areas, hiding in civilian areas, and making civilians become Martyrs while they stay in a house which Israel had warned was going to be hit, and for all civilians to move out.

"Long live the Martyrs or Islam, as it always ALL about how Islam is superior to other religions and how those dog Jews have no right to any part of what is forever considered Muslim land since they conquered the area 1400 years ago. "

Go ahead Palestinians. Put yourself in harms way for Allah. Always.
Because those are the consequences since Muslims give NO VALUE at all to life, much less those they can put in harms way.
But the most interesting part is that the Israel haters are trying to get some interest in a bill before Congress called H.R.4391 - Promoting Human Rights by Ending Israeli Military Detention of Palestinian Children Act.

Under Palestinian law, Ahed Tamimi is an adult. And Israeli military law in the territories also considers 16 year olds to be adults.

But when Israel says it, it is a violation of human rights for children. When Palestinians say it....it is not even worth mentioning.

How many Arabs are in Palestinian jails between 16-18? No one knows....becauseno one cares.

Hundreds of Arabs report being abused and tortured in Palestinian jails every year. The "pro-Palestinian" activists are silent.

(full article online)

Hypocrites decry Israel detaining "child" Ahed Tamimi - but she's a legal adult in "Palestine" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
In the 1990s, international aid groups started looking at the bigger picture as they do their services. They realized that providing aid in a vacuum can cause other problems in the areas that they are trying to help.

One of the major potential issues is summarized here:

"Aid is not neutral in the midst of conflict. Aid and how it is administered can cause harm or can strengthen peace capacities in the midst of conflicted communities. All aid programmes involve the transfer of resources (food, shelter, water, health care, training, etc.) into a resource-scarce environment. Where people are in conflict, these resources represent power and wealth and they become an element of the conflict. Some people attempt to control and use aid resources to support their side of the conflict and to weaken the other side. If they are successful or if aid staff fail to recognise the impact of their programming decisions, aid can cause harm. As a result, aid agencies have been incorporating the "Do No Harm" and "Conflict Sensitivity" framework in all of their activities, to be more sensitive to how their actions impact not only the intended recipients of aid, but also the surrounding people."

UNRWA ignores the concept.

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How @UNRWA violates the most basic rule of NGOs: "Do No Harm" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Unlike UNRWA, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has been properly tasked with ending the plight of refugees, but UNRWA has perpetuated the status of refugees and has been essentially tasked of ensuring the Palestinians remain displaced. There is not other agency in the world that does that.

The U.N. has never asked that Hindus be allowed back to Pakistan or that Greek Cypriots be allowed back to the Turkish-controlled Cyprus, nor has insisted that Muslims be allowed to return to Bulgaria after being expelled.

Over the years, tens of millions of refugees from a whole host of ethnicities have been resettled in their new countries and rebuilt their lives.

But the sanity ends when the refugees – I mean the descendants of refugees – want to "return" to Tiberias, Lod, Nazareth, Acre, or Jaffa. In a way, UNRWA has created a lineage of displacement, almost genetic, that passes from father to son, and from one generation to the next.

(full article online)

UNRWA – the great refugee charade – Israel Hayom
“Is UNRWA creating refugees,” Lapid asked at the time.

The shocking answer to Lapid’s last question finally came last week when the Lebanese Central Administration of Statistics and the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics released a census among Palestinian Arabs living in Lebanon.

The census revealed that only 174,422 Palestinian refugees and their descendants are living in UNRWA camps and Palestinian communities in Lebanon while the UN body claims that their number is about 450,000.

Saad Hariri, the Prime Minister of Lebanon, said after the publication of the data that the census ended all speculation about the exact number of Palestinian refugees in Lebanese UNRWA camps and villages but at the same time demanded an increase in aid to the UN organization.

Hariri also vowed Lebanon would never grant citizenship to the Palestinian refugees and demanded they return to Israel under the non-existing "right of return."

Observers in Israel now demand to know how donor money to UNRWA Lebanon was spent, since the annual budget of each UNRWA branch is based on the number of refugees it takes care of.

If you still doubt something is rotten in the wheelings and dealings of UNRWA, just consider this: UNRWA in Gaza has 12,500 employees who care for just 1.3 million 'refugees'.

The UNHCR, the other UN agency which cares for 22.5 million real refugees worldwide does so with a staff with of only 10,966 employees and a budget of $7.7 billion (2017).

This brings us back to the question if cutting US aid to UNRWA would cause a humanitarian catastrophe among Palestinian Arabs.

The answer is obviously that it would not, because one doesn’t have to be a genius to understand that UNRWA is wasting money (Gaza) and is inflating the number of refugees under its care.

(full article online)

Analysis: Cutting UNRWA aid will not cause a humanitarian crisis
Why Israel uses checkpoints.

In 2016, over 30,000 people from the Gaza received medical treatment in Israel. Over 7,000 tons of medical supplies were transferred to hospitals and clinics in the Gaza Strip. Emergency ambulances were on-call 24 hours, 7 days a week at the Erez Crossing. Israel takes its humanitarian obligations to the people of Gaza very seriously. Even when rockets targeting Israeli civilians are launched from Gaza, the humanitarian aid continues to flow to Gaza.

Leave it to Hamas to take advantage of Israel's largese.

According to COGAT ( Israel's Coordination of Government activiities in the territories):

Marwan Abu Rida, an ambulance driver for the Red Crescent, has been using his position to exploit patients seeking medical treatment in Israel for terrorist organizations.

(full article online)

Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers: Abuse of Power. Gaza ambulance driver puts patients at risk
  • PA TV host concurs:
    "We will come out at you from where you won't expect it. We will come out at you from underground, from above ground, from every burrow, from every angle because we have a right"
  • Two senior Fatah officials also posted song encouraging terror: "I'm coming with my rifle and my faith. I'm coming towards you, my enemy. Our war is a war of the streets"
  • Fatah poster shows young Palestinian with rocket launcher: "From my wounds, my weapon has emerged"

Using music to incite murder, on PA TV - PMW Bulletins
[ Maybe....just maybe......it is time for these indigenous Greeks who do not respect the indigenous people of the Holy Land, to return to..... what is it called......Greece......]

Jews have always lived in all the quarters of the Old City. The quarters were never exclusive to one group. The idea that Jews cannot legally purchase buildings in any part of the city is, to be blunt, antisemitic. The "status quo" doesn't mean that the Old City must look exactly as it did in 1967 or 1167.

The idea that Jews purchasing buildings is a threat to all Christians in the Holy Land is an insult, plai and simple. And so is the slander that Jews are attempting to make Jerusalem exclusively Jewish.

I don't recall the Greek Orthodox Church complaining about the "status quo" when Jordan ensured that no Jews could even visit the Old City.

(full article online)

Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem says Jews are the only threat to Christians in the Holy Land ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
From Palestine News Network:

Hundreds of Palestinians unable to travel staged a protest in front of the Rafah Border Crossing calling upon the Palestinian Authority and Egypt to open the crossing, at least for students and humanitarian cases.

“We came here to send a message to the Palestinian government of national accord, as well as the Egyptian authorities, that it is necessary to open the Rafah Crossing for emergency humanitarian cases and students,” explained student Mohammed Nabil.

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The Egyptian and PA siege of Gaza continues ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
In 1950, UNRWA offered to help both Jewish and Arab refugees from the war inside Israel. Here is how UNRWA reported on Israel's reaction:


"30. In Israel, the Agency has provided relief to two types of refugees, Jews who fled inside the borders of Israel during the fighting, and Arabs in most instances displaced from one area in Palestine to another. Jewish refugees at first numbered 17,000 but, during the current summer, all but 3,000 of these have been absorbed into the economic life of the new State. Arabs on relief were first numbered at 31,000 but many have been placed in circumstances in which they are self-supporting, so that it was possible to reduce the number to 24,000 at the end of August 1950.
31. Recent discussions with the Israel Government indicate that the idea of relief distribution is repugnant to it, and the Agency was informed that already many of the 24,000 remaining refugees were employed and that all able-bodied refugees desiring employment could be absorbed on works projects if they would register at the government registry offices for that purpose. It was stated that they all have status as citizens of Israel and are entitled to treatment as such. It was claimed that after cessation of relief, aged and infirm refugees would be cared for under the normal social welfare machinery of Israel. The Agency was requested to share financially in a programme of re-establishment of displaced Arabs now within the boundaries of Israel."
Israel, a newly sovereign nation with crippling debts, felt that the idea of having a UN agency in its borders doing the job of the state in taking care of its citizens was "repugnant." It created a plan to integrate all refugees, Jewish and Arab, into the state. It would accept monetary aid but not a parallel social infrastructure.

The contrast between 2 year old Israel and a 20-odd year old Palestinian Authority could not be more striking.

(full article online)

Palestinian Authority cabinet rejects idea of defunding UNRWA, preferring to keep its own people in camps ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Another difference between Ahed Tamimi and Yifat Alkobi is that the Tamimi family is well known for its terrorist connections and loving aunt, Ahlam, was responsible for the Sbarro pizza place bombing and proud of having killed children. Ahed openly supports murdering Jews. The Alkobi family, on the other hand, has no connections with terrorists and they are working for the survival of the Jewish community in a place where Jews have always lived (except when Hebron was under Jordanian occupation).

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Saying Tamimi And Alkobi In The Same Sentence Should Upset Your Stomach - Israel Diaries
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