Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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When later this month Netanyahu meets Modi in Delhi, India’s UN vote and Abu Ali’s embrace of Saeed will be on the agenda. And there is good reason to believe that Modi will recognize the linkage and vote differently in the future. Like Netanyahu, he recognizes that the PLO’s basic case is wrong. Peace is achieved by defeating terrorists, not by empowering them.

Moreover, Israel beckons. The economic and strategic realities of Israel cannot be ignored. Modi and his counterparts worldwide are now recognizing that the Palestinians have nothing to offer them, not even gratitude. When a critical mass of Palestinians recognize that the PLO’s jig is up, they will make peace with Israel. Until then, they will continue to serve as an irritating irrelevancy and nothing more.

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Our World: The Palestinians’ race to the bottom
Terror incitement broadcasts from past PA terror campaigns
were rebroadcast last month at least 46 times by the PA
  • Official PA TV rebroadcasts 41 times Abbas' call to prevent Jews "in any way" from "defiling our holy places," which in 2014 was broadcast 32 times during the Palestinian terror wave in which 12 Israelis were murdered
  • Song calling for murder repeatedly broadcast by official PA TV in 2000 when the PA launched its terror campaign - the second Intifada - has also been broadcast again 5 times
  • There was a dramatic rise of Palestinian terror attacks during December: from 84 in Nov. 2017, to 249 in Dec. 2017, according to the Israeli Security Agency

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Is the PA trying to launch a new terror campaign? - PMW Bulletins
As for Jerusalem, Johnson was right in his first statement. The status of Jerusalem will be determined by the involved parties and until the Palestinians are interested in peace, the status quo will remain. Jerusalem was, is, and will be, the eternal capital of the Jewish people. In truth, what most Israelis know is that this will never change. Life is good. The sun shines on the ancient stones of Jerusalem. Abbas smirks in Europe. The British chase their tails. And in the capital of Israel, we fill the streets, the cafes, the shops and the markets. For Israel, there is little to worry about.

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Abbas Laughs His Way Thru London
A new umbrella organization linked to the Palestinian Authority bringing together several Arab bodies has been running an unprecedented incitement campaign in Judea and Samaria for several days.

The organization paid for large billboard space encouraging terrorists to disrupt the peace and throw rocks at Jews.

Otzma Yehudit movement Executive Director Zvi Sukkot and other Jewish activists surprised to see both the campaign itself and enforcement authority's inaction decided to remove an incitement billboard that was placed next to the town of Eli in Samaria, along with signs in other places.

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Watch: Activists remove terror-inciting ads in Judea and Samaria
A new umbrella organization linked to the Palestinian Authority bringing together several Arab bodies has been running an unprecedented incitement campaign in Judea and Samaria for several days.

The organization paid for large billboard space encouraging terrorists to disrupt the peace and throw rocks at Jews.

Otzma Yehudit movement Executive Director Zvi Sukkot and other Jewish activists surprised to see both the campaign itself and enforcement authority's inaction decided to remove an incitement billboard that was placed next to the town of Eli in Samaria, along with signs in other places.

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Watch: Activists remove terror-inciting ads in Judea and Samaria

Judea and Samaria? You mean Israel, right?
A new umbrella organization linked to the Palestinian Authority bringing together several Arab bodies has been running an unprecedented incitement campaign in Judea and Samaria for several days.

The organization paid for large billboard space encouraging terrorists to disrupt the peace and throw rocks at Jews.

Otzma Yehudit movement Executive Director Zvi Sukkot and other Jewish activists surprised to see both the campaign itself and enforcement authority's inaction decided to remove an incitement billboard that was placed next to the town of Eli in Samaria, along with signs in other places.

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Watch: Activists remove terror-inciting ads in Judea and Samaria

Judea and Samaria? You mean Israel, right?
It was in area C of Judea and Samaria. It has not been annexed into Israel, yet due to the conflict and other things.
A new umbrella organization linked to the Palestinian Authority bringing together several Arab bodies has been running an unprecedented incitement campaign in Judea and Samaria for several days.

The organization paid for large billboard space encouraging terrorists to disrupt the peace and throw rocks at Jews.

Otzma Yehudit movement Executive Director Zvi Sukkot and other Jewish activists surprised to see both the campaign itself and enforcement authority's inaction decided to remove an incitement billboard that was placed next to the town of Eli in Samaria, along with signs in other places.

(full article online)

Watch: Activists remove terror-inciting ads in Judea and Samaria

Judea and Samaria? You mean Israel, right?
It was in area C of Judea and Samaria. It has not been annexed into Israel, yet due to the conflict and other things.

ok. what area are you actually referring to? Sorry.
A new umbrella organization linked to the Palestinian Authority bringing together several Arab bodies has been running an unprecedented incitement campaign in Judea and Samaria for several days.

The organization paid for large billboard space encouraging terrorists to disrupt the peace and throw rocks at Jews.

Otzma Yehudit movement Executive Director Zvi Sukkot and other Jewish activists surprised to see both the campaign itself and enforcement authority's inaction decided to remove an incitement billboard that was placed next to the town of Eli in Samaria, along with signs in other places.

(full article online)

Watch: Activists remove terror-inciting ads in Judea and Samaria

Judea and Samaria? You mean Israel, right?
It was in area C of Judea and Samaria. It has not been annexed into Israel, yet due to the conflict and other things.

ok. what area are you actually referring to? Sorry.

I think he just said it was Area C of Judea and Samaria.
[ A Muslim telling the truth about "Palestinian Land" ]

Abdullah Khadra: "Our first qibla, dear brothers and sisters – it is not new that it is under occupation since 1967. It is not new that the other parts, the neighboring parts of Al-Quds, which is Palestine – Jaffa, Acre, and Haifa, those cities that have now been changed in their names and their people... We should never ever forget that this is a Muslim land."



"We should teach our children that it is our land and will remain our land, and will return to us sooner or later. But the question is: Will you be among those who will contribute to regaining it or not?"

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Sermon In Raleigh, North Carolina-Area Mosque: 'Al-Quds [Jerusalem]... Jaffa, Acre, And Haifa... It Is Our Land... And Will Return To Us'; 'We Will Fight Those Jews Until The Rocks And The Trees' Say 'Oh Muslim, This Is A Jew Behind Me'; 'Those Occupiers Made Some Legends' About The 'Wall Of Buraq' And 'Made It Their Own Wall' And 'Distorted The Facts'
"Thamer Mashineesh, the president of the Iraqi Palestinians Association, told Al-Monitor, “The Iraqi law ends the permanent residency of Palestinians in Iraq, so they are now required to renew their residency through consulting the official agencies. They could risk being expelled from Iraq if they were to commit any violation. This could threaten their rights to compulsory and university education, which evidently affects their education and gradually turns them into an ignorant community. In addition, all health care services would decline and they would be unable to pay for expensive surgeries, increasing their daily suffering.”

A law specifically targeting and discriminating against Palestinians.

In an Arab country.

Which has been mentioned in Arabic news media for nearly three weeks.

And this is the first English language article I've seen about it.

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Iraq strips Palestinians of their rights. NGOs silent. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Lasky is also one of the founders of Peace Now, one of the left-wing organizations that fund and support the Tamimi family and are now trying to portray her as an innocent child struggling with the occupation. In fact, she is simply a new stage in the Arab aspiration to delegitimize Israel and bring about its elimination by incessantly inciting against Jews .

So the next time you see another masterpiece, courtesy of Tamimi Productions, remember the dynasty of terror and hatred that these young women, who have become heroines in Arab society, have grown up with, and you will understand again what kind of enemy we are facing and what its real intentions are.

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The Tamimi Family - a Dynasty of Arab Terrorists
Lasky is also one of the founders of Peace Now, one of the left-wing organizations that fund and support the Tamimi family and are now trying to portray her as an innocent child struggling with the occupation. In fact, she is simply a new stage in the Arab aspiration to delegitimize Israel and bring about its elimination by incessantly inciting against Jews .

So the next time you see another masterpiece, courtesy of Tamimi Productions, remember the dynasty of terror and hatred that these young women, who have become heroines in Arab society, have grown up with, and you will understand again what kind of enemy we are facing and what its real intentions are.

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The Tamimi Family - a Dynasty of Arab Terrorists
Israel is freaking out about girls. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Only a few hours after Palestinian terrorists shot and murdered an Israeli man in a drive-by shooting near Nablus, Fatah glorified the murder in a post on Facebook, which presented the attack as a successful "operation" measured in figures:

Posted text:
"The Nablus operation in numbers:
The full duration of the operation: 30 seconds
The distance between the cars: 20 meters
The number of bullets that were fired: 22
The one who carried out the operation was skilled and experienced, and escaped the site
The result: a killed settler"
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Jan. 10, 2018]

(full article online)

Fatah celebrates “a killed settler” - PMW Bulletins
Only a few hours after Palestinian terrorists shot and murdered an Israeli man in a drive-by shooting near Nablus, Fatah glorified the murder in a post on Facebook, which presented the attack as a successful "operation" measured in figures:

Posted text:
"The Nablus operation in numbers:
The full duration of the operation: 30 seconds
The distance between the cars: 20 meters
The number of bullets that were fired: 22
The one who carried out the operation was skilled and experienced, and escaped the site
The result: a killed settler"
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Jan. 10, 2018]

(full article online)

Fatah celebrates “a killed settler” - PMW Bulletins
What was he doing in Palestine?
Only a few hours after Palestinian terrorists shot and murdered an Israeli man in a drive-by shooting near Nablus, Fatah glorified the murder in a post on Facebook, which presented the attack as a successful "operation" measured in figures:

Posted text:
"The Nablus operation in numbers:
The full duration of the operation: 30 seconds
The distance between the cars: 20 meters
The number of bullets that were fired: 22
The one who carried out the operation was skilled and experienced, and escaped the site
The result: a killed settler"
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Jan. 10, 2018]

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Fatah celebrates “a killed settler” - PMW Bulletins
What was he doing in Palestine?

Of course. You Islamic fascists insist on a Jew free West Bank, Gaza, and anywhere else Islamic fascists congregate.
Just when you think that Arabs-Moslems can’t get any more whacked-out, full-blown, over the rainbow, ain't comin' back loopy, they find a way to set human existence back a few more centuries.

Gaza’s next war looms as ISIS vows to overthrow Hamas in execution video


The Egyptian wing of the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) has declared war on Hamas for failing to stop President Donald Trump’s Jerusalem declaration, in a new propaganda video released Wednesday that purports to show the execution of a man who ISIS claims worked with the Palestinian militant group’s armed wing.

In anticipation of how competing Islamic terrorist franchises can and do, willingly gee-had the bezeezus out of each other, this could be even more fun and games than the hamas vs. fatah slug-fest.
In the 1948 war the Arab Liberation Army suffered a crippling defeat. The Arab League refused to accept defeat and, to save its reputation, decided to demand the implementation of the principle “status quo ante bellum.” Meaning to restore the Palestinian refugees to their homes.

The United Nations embraced the League’s demand and created a special UN agency – the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). The goal was not to rehabilitate the refugees, but rather to render the League refugees state services, like health, welfare and education.

Had the question of rehabilitation been on the agenda, the UN would have decided to let the International Refugee Organization (IRO – established in 1944) to take care of the Palestinian refugees.

Thus, the UN created a political unit/ entity of its own – UNRWA. A political Palestinian semi-entity, ruled by Arab states and/or organizations, depending on the location. Despite the fact that this political entity enjoys UN immunity, it is controlled by the PLO.

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UNRWA – end the UN state
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