Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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"...Jesus a Palestinian? I am sure you haven’t heard that one before. He was actually Jewish and if he tried to get into Palestinian Authority controlled Bethlehem today, his chances of survival would be minimal, because my fellow Palestinian brethren very much tend to stone to death, kill and maim Jews who get lost in the West Bank."

As a result of this answer, Hussein was arrested and beaten by the Palestinian Authority. His wife Alia writes on his behalf on his Quora profile page:

(full article online)

Palestinian Arab hero advocates real peace with Israel online - so the Palestinian Authority detains and beats him ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ Arabs say that Judaism's Patriarch's are their Patriarchs. Then why has this happened? ]

The prayer hall is in a courtyard that is used because the prayer halls in the building are too small to accommodate the worshipers. But it is only protected by a tarp, because no permission was given by the Muslim Waqf to build a more permanent roof and walls.

According to the State of Israel, the Muslim Waqf is responsible for the maintenance of the building itself.

The Waqf denies that there is any problem, and it is claiming that the Jews are the ones damaging the site. it says that any roof added to the courtyard would be a violation of the status quo and any repairs that would fix the situation would themselves be the causes of harm to the site.

With amazing nerve, the Waqf called on the international community and all legal, cultural and archaeological institutions to work to stop these violations by Jews for doing "actions harmful to this historic religious site."

The Jewish residents of the area have prepared a plan for a glass roof and walls that would preserve the character of the courtyard and allow worshipers to pray.

(full article online)

Judaism's second holiest site flooded, Muslims stop any chance for repairs that would stop the flooding ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ Arabs say that Judaism's Patriarch's are their Patriarchs. Then why has this happened? ]

The prayer hall is in a courtyard that is used because the prayer halls in the building are too small to accommodate the worshipers. But it is only protected by a tarp, because no permission was given by the Muslim Waqf to build a more permanent roof and walls.

According to the State of Israel, the Muslim Waqf is responsible for the maintenance of the building itself.

The Waqf denies that there is any problem, and it is claiming that the Jews are the ones damaging the site. it says that any roof added to the courtyard would be a violation of the status quo and any repairs that would fix the situation would themselves be the causes of harm to the site.

With amazing nerve, the Waqf called on the international community and all legal, cultural and archaeological institutions to work to stop these violations by Jews for doing "actions harmful to this historic religious site."

The Jewish residents of the area have prepared a plan for a glass roof and walls that would preserve the character of the courtyard and allow worshipers to pray.

(full article online)

Judaism's second holiest site flooded, Muslims stop any chance for repairs that would stop the flooding ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Because the Muslims are imbeciles. They're suspicious of any moves the Jews do, even if it's necessary repairs. The idiots think the Jews might build something to limit their entrance to the site, or something like that.
[ Arabs say that Judaism's Patriarch's are their Patriarchs. Then why has this happened? ]

The prayer hall is in a courtyard that is used because the prayer halls in the building are too small to accommodate the worshipers. But it is only protected by a tarp, because no permission was given by the Muslim Waqf to build a more permanent roof and walls.

According to the State of Israel, the Muslim Waqf is responsible for the maintenance of the building itself.

The Waqf denies that there is any problem, and it is claiming that the Jews are the ones damaging the site. it says that any roof added to the courtyard would be a violation of the status quo and any repairs that would fix the situation would themselves be the causes of harm to the site.

With amazing nerve, the Waqf called on the international community and all legal, cultural and archaeological institutions to work to stop these violations by Jews for doing "actions harmful to this historic religious site."

The Jewish residents of the area have prepared a plan for a glass roof and walls that would preserve the character of the courtyard and allow worshipers to pray.

(full article online)

Judaism's second holiest site flooded, Muslims stop any chance for repairs that would stop the flooding ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Because the Muslims are imbeciles. They're suspicious of any moves the Jews do, even if it's necessary repairs. The idiots think the Jews might build something to limit their entrance to the site, or something like that.
It is basically the same rights they would have afforded Jews in the previous 1300 years to repair anything. Jews are dhimmis
[ Arabs say that Judaism's Patriarch's are their Patriarchs. Then why has this happened? ]

The prayer hall is in a courtyard that is used because the prayer halls in the building are too small to accommodate the worshipers. But it is only protected by a tarp, because no permission was given by the Muslim Waqf to build a more permanent roof and walls.

According to the State of Israel, the Muslim Waqf is responsible for the maintenance of the building itself.

The Waqf denies that there is any problem, and it is claiming that the Jews are the ones damaging the site. it says that any roof added to the courtyard would be a violation of the status quo and any repairs that would fix the situation would themselves be the causes of harm to the site.

With amazing nerve, the Waqf called on the international community and all legal, cultural and archaeological institutions to work to stop these violations by Jews for doing "actions harmful to this historic religious site."

The Jewish residents of the area have prepared a plan for a glass roof and walls that would preserve the character of the courtyard and allow worshipers to pray.

(full article online)

Judaism's second holiest site flooded, Muslims stop any chance for repairs that would stop the flooding ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Because the Muslims are imbeciles. They're suspicious of any moves the Jews do, even if it's necessary repairs. The idiots think the Jews might build something to limit their entrance to the site, or something like that.
It is basically the same rights they would have afforded Jews in the previous 1300 years to repair anything. Jews are dhimmis

For 700 years, until 1967, Jews were not allowed entry into the Tomb of the Patriarchs. They had to pray outside on the seventh step, if they wanted to pray there at all. When the Israelis took over in 1967, they blew up that humiliating staircase outside the Tomb.
  • The Students for Justice in Palestine network serves as the leading student arm of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement in the United States.
  • SJP is not as they claim, a “grassroots” student organization; it is a terror-affiliated anti-Semitic network that currently operates with autonomy and impunity at colleges and universities across the United States.
  • SJP has adopted a policy of “anti-normalization” of relations with Zionist groups and most Jewish organizations with the exception of the equally radical, anti-Zionist and pro-BDS Jewish Voice for Peace. Students for Justice in Palestine advances their proprietary view of Palestinian justice by undertaking initiatives to isolate, demonize, and ultimately destroy the state of Israel.

(full article online)

Students for Justice in Palestine Unmasked
[ Let us rejoice. According to Abbas, the Oslo Accords are Nullified.
Which, if he does not know it, he is not a President of anything anymore, as there is no PA anymore. Pop up the champaign :beer:
Can we now have it in writing and officialized? ]

During his address, Abbas also claimed that the Oslo agreements, beginning with the 1993 Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements, better known as the Oslo I Accord, were nullified.

(full article online)

Abbas: 'Trump slapped us in the face, Oslo Accords are over'
U.S. set to cut UN money for Palestinian refugees

U.S. set to cut UN money for Palestinian refugees

The Trump administration is preparing to withhold tens of millions of dollars from the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees, cutting the year's first contribution by more than half or perhaps entirely, and making additional donations contingent on major changes to the organization, according to U.S. officials.

“Pay your respects, everybody tells you
You pay for what you get” -Dave Matthews
U.S. set to cut UN money for Palestinian refugees

U.S. set to cut UN money for Palestinian refugees

The Trump administration is preparing to withhold tens of millions of dollars from the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees, cutting the year's first contribution by more than half or perhaps entirely, and making additional donations contingent on major changes to the organization, according to U.S. officials.

“Pay your respects, everybody tells you
You pay for what you get” -Dave Matthews

It's about time.
[ Let us rejoice. According to Abbas, the Oslo Accords are Nullified.
Which, if he does not know it, he is not a President of anything anymore, as there is no PA anymore. Pop up the champaign :beer:
Can we now have it in writing and officialized? ]

During his address, Abbas also claimed that the Oslo agreements, beginning with the 1993 Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements, better known as the Oslo I Accord, were nullified.

(full article online)

Abbas: 'Trump slapped us in the face, Oslo Accords are over'
I'll believe that when he cuts his security coordination.
[ Let us rejoice. According to Abbas, the Oslo Accords are Nullified.
Which, if he does not know it, he is not a President of anything anymore, as there is no PA anymore. Pop up the champaign :beer:
Can we now have it in writing and officialized? ]

During his address, Abbas also claimed that the Oslo agreements, beginning with the 1993 Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements, better known as the Oslo I Accord, were nullified.

(full article online)

Abbas: 'Trump slapped us in the face, Oslo Accords are over'

Interesting. The nullification of the Oslo Accords does nothing practically except make the potential Arab Palestinian State more vulnerable and fragile. If I were him, I'd be doing the opposite. Rather than rejecting the Oslo Accords -- I'd be insisting that the principles of Oslo be upheld -- especially the principle that the final status of Jerusalem, borders, Jewish presence (aka "settlements") is to be negotiated and can not be determined by unilateral actions.

By insisting that his own unilateral actions are valid -- he is SUPPORTING the unilateral actions of Israel and others. He is fundamentally agreeing that unilateral actions have validity. Its the wrong path to go down for him. If it comes down to which unilateral actions will stick, Israel is holding all those cards.
[ Let us rejoice. According to Abbas, the Oslo Accords are Nullified.
Which, if he does not know it, he is not a President of anything anymore, as there is no PA anymore. Pop up the champaign :beer:
Can we now have it in writing and officialized? ]

During his address, Abbas also claimed that the Oslo agreements, beginning with the 1993 Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements, better known as the Oslo I Accord, were nullified.

(full article online)

Abbas: 'Trump slapped us in the face, Oslo Accords are over'
I'll believe that when he cuts his security coordination.

You would love that, wouldn't you? That would mean more settler deaths, like that father of six just a few days ago.
[ Let us rejoice. According to Abbas, the Oslo Accords are Nullified.
Which, if he does not know it, he is not a President of anything anymore, as there is no PA anymore. Pop up the champaign :beer:
Can we now have it in writing and officialized? ]

During his address, Abbas also claimed that the Oslo agreements, beginning with the 1993 Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements, better known as the Oslo I Accord, were nullified.

(full article online)

Abbas: 'Trump slapped us in the face, Oslo Accords are over'
I'll believe that when he cuts his security coordination.

You would love that, wouldn't you? That would mean more settler deaths, like that father of six just a few days ago.
Why do those people want to live in Israel's war zone? They should take responsibility for their own safety.
Why do those people want to live in Israel's war zone? They should take responsibility for their own safety.

Lol. They are. And so is Israel. Didn't she just annex that town? To ensure that the people of that town are safe? Uh huh.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, ForeverYoung436, Sixties Fan, et al,

At the current time, I'm not sure what is meant when someone says: "Israel's war zone"

Why do those people want to live in Israel's war zone? They should take responsibility for their own safety.

And isn't this some recurring theme on the part of the Palestinians that they wish to "stand-alone?"
Mahmoud Abbas said:
'Trump slapped us in the face, Oslo Accords are over'
By: David Rosenberg, 14/01/18

Abbas to Trump: 'May your house be destroyed'. PA chief blasts Israel as European 'colonial' project, 'has no connection to Jewish people'.

Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas slammed President Donald Trump Sunday evening, and decried the Jewish state as a “colonial” European project, unconnected to the Jewish people.
It seems like every year Abbas makes this threat.

Most Respectfully,

So while Cromwell seems to have been open to the idea of God bringing the Jews home (and everyone of course knew where the Jewish home was,) he didn't seem to be advocating helping the Jews move there.

But, the book goes on the say, John Locke hinted that Jews would go back to their homeland and Isaac Newton said that it could be foreign nations like England that would help them along!

(full article online)

Mahmoud Abbas taught me something about Oliver Cromwell, Proto-Zionist ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ Yes, enough is more than enough. Hamas wishes to kill Jews but still receive medical aid? Enough. ]

The Israeli government announced Monday that it would no longer permit members of the Hamas terrorist group or their immediate family members in Gaza to enter Israel with entry permits issued out of humanitarian concerns, including to seek medical treatment in Israeli hospitals, as opposed to medical facilities in the Gaza Strip.

Hamas leaders barred from 'humanitarian visits' to Israel
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