Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Mordechai also said the Palestinian Authority's (PA) budget is currently 15 billion NIS ($4,673,920). Until five years ago, 30% of the budget depended on external aid from Western countries. However, external aid has dropped by fifty percent, since the world began to understand that the Oslo Accords had not accomplished their purpose, and the money was not providing dividends.

Between the Oslo Accords (signed in 1993 and 1995) and 2014, the world provided the PA $16 billion.

"Think about what would have happened if this money was invested in developing infrastructure and places of employment," Mordechai noted. "This money currently goes to a bloated public system, more than a bit of corruption, and recently, we have heard about it being used to pay the families of imprisoned and dead terrorists, despite the fact that this is not legal."

(full article online)

'PA economy is completely dependent on Israel'
Rev. Sara is saying that if his fellow evangelists we want to convert Muslims to Christianity - which is their main concern - then they cannot be seen as being pro-Israel, or else their job is twice as hard!

This is not a new concern for right wing Christians. Many were opposed to any part of Jerusalem being under Jewish control in 1948 for similar reasons - that Jewish control of the city would make it more difficult for them to convert Muslims.

But the underlying theme, whether Sara admits it or not, is that without antisemitism, the Arabs won't listen to the message of Christ.

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A Palestinian Christian tries to convince American Christian evangelists to oppose Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ This is why security is so important]

[ Bringing weapons into a Holy Site to murder people. This is Islam, and these are the Palestinians ]

Three Arab women suspected of plotting a stabbing attack in Hevron were arrested Thursday.

Border Police officers arrested the three women Thursday afternoon at checkpoint at the entrance to the Tomb of the Patriarchs.

The three suspects were arrested for apparently planning a stabbing attack on Israeli security forces. Border Police officers found a knife concealed on the person of one of the three suspects as the group attempted to pass through the security check.

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Stabbing attack foiled near Tomb of the Patriarchs
After a stint in the Ottoman Army, al-Husseini worked as an Arabic translator for Reuters Press Service. According to Richard Rubenstein's 2011 work Jihad and Genocide, I.A. Abbady, a Jewish scholar who worked as al-Husseini's Hebrew translating counterpart, later recalled the young man's promises to massacre Zionists “to the last man. We want no progress, no prosperity [from Jewish immigration]. Nothing but the sword will decide the future of this country.”

Al-Husseini was true to his word. On April 4 and 5, 1920, the first intifada (uprising) against British rule occurred in Mandate Palestine. Responding to wall posters in the city's Muslim quarter exhorting readers to “Kill the Jews: There is no punishment for killing Jews,” the city's Arab residents attacked Jewish men, women and children.

Although the British held al-Husseini responsible for inciting the violence, he was later pardoned and appointed to the position of mufti of Jerusalem; the highest Muslim cleric in the land. Although there were other competitors for the post—including many who were less virulently antisemitic—the British were persuaded to help al-Husseini get appointed. As Dalin and Rothmann note, “With his election, radical Islam would prevail over more moderate Islamic voices within the Palestinian Arab community.”

Indeed, the Mufti repaid the favor by playing a double game against the ruling British power and continuing to foment anti-Jewish violence, such as the 1929 Hebron massacre in which 133 Jews were murdered and 339 were wounded. The British response was to often appease al-Husseini, who continued to reject political or social equality with Jews—including a 1937 Peel Commission recommendation that would have given 85% of the land west of the Jordan River to Arabs.

The Mufti saw kindred spirits with the rise of Hitler and European fascism. With aid from Nazi ally Fascist Italy, al-Husseini supported terror attacks against Jews living in Mandate Palestine.

(full article online)

CAMERA: CAMERA Op-Ed: An Overlooked Legacy of Arab Rejectionism
Mordechai also said the Palestinian Authority's (PA) budget is currently 15 billion NIS ($4,673,920). Until five years ago, 30% of the budget depended on external aid from Western countries. However, external aid has dropped by fifty percent, since the world began to understand that the Oslo Accords had not accomplished their purpose, and the money was not providing dividends.

Between the Oslo Accords (signed in 1993 and 1995) and 2014, the world provided the PA $16 billion.

"Think about what would have happened if this money was invested in developing infrastructure and places of employment," Mordechai noted. "This money currently goes to a bloated public system, more than a bit of corruption, and recently, we have heard about it being used to pay the families of imprisoned and dead terrorists, despite the fact that this is not legal."

(full article online)

'PA economy is completely dependent on Israel'
Indeed, virtually nothing is given for economic development.
Mordechai also said the Palestinian Authority's (PA) budget is currently 15 billion NIS ($4,673,920). Until five years ago, 30% of the budget depended on external aid from Western countries. However, external aid has dropped by fifty percent, since the world began to understand that the Oslo Accords had not accomplished their purpose, and the money was not providing dividends.

Between the Oslo Accords (signed in 1993 and 1995) and 2014, the world provided the PA $16 billion.

"Think about what would have happened if this money was invested in developing infrastructure and places of employment," Mordechai noted. "This money currently goes to a bloated public system, more than a bit of corruption, and recently, we have heard about it being used to pay the families of imprisoned and dead terrorists, despite the fact that this is not legal."

(full article online)

'PA economy is completely dependent on Israel'
Indeed, virtually nothing is given for economic development.

Because the money is used to pay families of terrorists.
The PA was formed as an interim governing body by the 1993 Oslo Accords—signed by then-prime minister Yitzhak Rabin and previous PLO chief Yasser Arafat—and was meant to be dissolved after no later than five years as part of a final peace agreement.

Two-and-a-half decades later, the PLO is now threatening to do just that, which, in its view, would release the Palestinians from political obligations stipulated in agreements with Israel.

According to PLO Executive Committee member Ahmed Majdalani, Israel "didn’t commit to any of the terms," thereby effectively absolving the PA of its responsibilities. "I believe we are late in making these decisions and implementing them," he told The Media Line, "which has created a gap between the Palestinian leadership and the Palestinian people."

(full article online)

PLO moves to withdraw recognition of, cut ties to Israel
The PA was formed as an interim governing body by the 1993 Oslo Accords—signed by then-prime minister Yitzhak Rabin and previous PLO chief Yasser Arafat—and was meant to be dissolved after no later than five years as part of a final peace agreement.

Two-and-a-half decades later, the PLO is now threatening to do just that, which, in its view, would release the Palestinians from political obligations stipulated in agreements with Israel.

According to PLO Executive Committee member Ahmed Majdalani, Israel "didn’t commit to any of the terms," thereby effectively absolving the PA of its responsibilities. "I believe we are late in making these decisions and implementing them," he told The Media Line, "which has created a gap between the Palestinian leadership and the Palestinian people."

(full article online)

PLO moves to withdraw recognition of, cut ties to Israel
After Arafat died in November 2004 and Abbas ascended to the presidency in January 2005, Abbas elevated Fayyad’s institution-building platform to a top national priority. Yet, Abbas also brought with him his own distinct style of nepotism. When Fayyad’s reform agenda ran too close to home – particularly when he challenged Abbas’ bid for statehood the United Nations – he was unceremoniously forced out.

Admittedly, Abbas’ one earnest experiment in political reform was a failure. He pledged to hold legislative elections in his inaugural address in 2005, yet those elections saw Palestinians vote for his rivals in Hamas. Those elections fueled a civil war in 2007 in which Abbas lost the Gaza Strip, a seismic shock that has dictated his presidency since.

Abbas has since increasingly clamped down on civil society, freedom of expression, and the activities of his political rivals. When thousands of PA teachers took to the streets to protest their working conditions, Abbas’ PA forces jailed the leaders and blocked their protest routes. When criticism of his presidency rapidly expanded online, Abbas enacted a draconian cybercrimes legislation that allows him to arrest anyone criticizing him on social media. And when members of his own Fatah faction have challenged his rule, he summarily purged them from the party’s organs.

(full article online)

Thirteen Years into the Abbas Presidency, Corruption and Autocracy Dominate the West Bank | Foundation for Defense of Democracies
The PA sees no need to take care of the refugees, since foreign taxpayers via UNRWA and other organizations are doing it for them. On the contrary, the “refugees” are more useful to the PA than having citizens in their would-be state who would have to be funded.

Only Palestinians can hold citizenship and refugee status at the same time. Are the Palestinians who make up a significant proportion of Jordan’s population, for example, really refugees if they have homes, passports and voting rights?

The number of the Palestinian refugees keeps on growing. UNRWA itself says that in 1948 “more than 700,000 Palestine refugees [were] displaced as a result of the first Arab-Israeli war.” Naturally, it does not mention who started that war.

UNRWA now claims to care for “five million Palestinian refugees and their descendants living in the Middle East, including the West Bank, Gaza, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon.” The word “descendants” makes a world of difference. Had UNRWA’s goals included facilitating the absorption of the “refugees,” by now there would be only a few thousands left who needed help – not millions more. But UNRWA’s mandate to resettle the Palestinian refugees was rescinded in 1965.

(full article online)

My Word: UNRWA’s unsettling impact
[ The Fahrud, when Arabs did not need an excuse to kill Jews and an Arab from Mandate for Palestine went to Iraq to incite against the Jews ]

An examination of the historical background reveals the Farhud’s causes: the opposing interests of the Iraqi government and the British Empire, Nazi Germany’s influence, internal Arab movements, and a struggle between groups of Iraqi intellectuals. The unfortunate Jews were caught in the middle.

(full article online)

Point of No Return: Jewish Refugees from Arab and Muslim Countries: How a pro-Nazi pogrom triggered the exodus from Iraq
The PA sees no need to take care of the refugees, since foreign taxpayers via UNRWA and other organizations are doing it for them. On the contrary, the “refugees” are more useful to the PA than having citizens in their would-be state who would have to be funded.

Only Palestinians can hold citizenship and refugee status at the same time. Are the Palestinians who make up a significant proportion of Jordan’s population, for example, really refugees if they have homes, passports and voting rights?

The number of the Palestinian refugees keeps on growing. UNRWA itself says that in 1948 “more than 700,000 Palestine refugees [were] displaced as a result of the first Arab-Israeli war.” Naturally, it does not mention who started that war.

UNRWA now claims to care for “five million Palestinian refugees and their descendants living in the Middle East, including the West Bank, Gaza, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon.” The word “descendants” makes a world of difference. Had UNRWA’s goals included facilitating the absorption of the “refugees,” by now there would be only a few thousands left who needed help – not millions more. But UNRWA’s mandate to resettle the Palestinian refugees was rescinded in 1965.

(full article online)

My Word: UNRWA’s unsettling impact

The re-defining of the idea of "refugee" is one of the insidious and dangerous of the Arab Palestinians demands. It completely re-writes former definitions, and applies the new definition uniquely to the Arab Palestinians. (They argue that the Arab Palestinian situation is somehow unique, but no, its not. Actually, I take that back. The Arab Palestinian situation is unique as they are the only peoples ever to claim that a competing indigenous or long term peoples must be prevented from having sovereignty over territory.)

According to the 1951 UN Convention Relating to the Status of Refugee a refugee is defined as:

"A person who owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it."

If we were to properly adhere to the refugee definition, it would mean that:

Anyone inside the international borders of "Palestine/Israel" is not a refugee, as they are inside their country of nationality.

Anyone with another nationality is not a refugee, as they are inside their country of nationality, or able to avail themselves of their nationality.

The question then -- How many actual Arab Palestinian refugees ARE there?
The PA sees no need to take care of the refugees, since foreign taxpayers via UNRWA and other organizations are doing it for them. On the contrary, the “refugees” are more useful to the PA than having citizens in their would-be state who would have to be funded.

Only Palestinians can hold citizenship and refugee status at the same time. Are the Palestinians who make up a significant proportion of Jordan’s population, for example, really refugees if they have homes, passports and voting rights?

The number of the Palestinian refugees keeps on growing. UNRWA itself says that in 1948 “more than 700,000 Palestine refugees [were] displaced as a result of the first Arab-Israeli war.” Naturally, it does not mention who started that war.

UNRWA now claims to care for “five million Palestinian refugees and their descendants living in the Middle East, including the West Bank, Gaza, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon.” The word “descendants” makes a world of difference. Had UNRWA’s goals included facilitating the absorption of the “refugees,” by now there would be only a few thousands left who needed help – not millions more. But UNRWA’s mandate to resettle the Palestinian refugees was rescinded in 1965.

(full article online)

My Word: UNRWA’s unsettling impact

The re-defining of the idea of "refugee" is one of the insidious and dangerous of the Arab Palestinians demands. It completely re-writes former definitions, and applies the new definition uniquely to the Arab Palestinians. (They argue that the Arab Palestinian situation is somehow unique, but no, its not. Actually, I take that back. The Arab Palestinian situation is unique as they are the only peoples ever to claim that a competing indigenous or long term peoples must be prevented from having sovereignty over territory.)

According to the 1951 UN Convention Relating to the Status of Refugee a refugee is defined as:

"A person who owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it."

If we were to properly adhere to the refugee definition, it would mean that:

Anyone inside the international borders of "Palestine/Israel" is not a refugee, as they are inside their country of nationality.

Anyone with another nationality is not a refugee, as they are inside their country of nationality, or able to avail themselves of their nationality.

The question then -- How many actual Arab Palestinian refugees ARE there?
I have read where there are only about 20,000 left. No need to keep UNWRA alive after that.
  • The Palestinians do not even feel the need to condemn terror attacks against Jews, because the international community is no longer demanding that they come out against terrorism.

  • Instead of condemning the murder, the Palestinian Authority has been condemning Israel for launching a manhunt for the terrorists.....

  • Why do the Palestinians not want anyone to call them out? Because they are planning ... a new intifada.

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The Palestinian Terror Party: Celebrating Murder
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