Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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An article in Palestine Today says in Arabic what the Palestinians try not to say in English.

If UNRWA cannot get funded, then the "refugee" issue would fall to the UNHCR.

The UNHCR would not consider the vast majority of the people under UNRWA's mandate to be refugees.

As the article says, the entire point of UNRWA, from the Palestinian perspective, is to artificially keep the "refugee" issue alive - until the descendants of the refugees from 1948 are allowed to "return" to Israel.

Why would any self-respecting state, as the Palestinians consider themselves, want their own people to move to an enemy state? A state that they claim has an apartheid system against them, no less?

Absurdly, the demand for Arabs of Palestinian descent to move to Israel doesn't only apply to those who languish in "refugee" camps in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan, but also to every single resident of the camps in the West Bank and Gaza - under Palestinian control!

Nothing makes the goals of Palestinian nationalism as clear as their demands to perpetuate and fund the fake "refugee" status of their people until they can "return."

(full article online)

"Palestine:" The only "state" that wants its people to move to an enemy state ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
I don’t recall hearing the word “scholar” in the introductions and discussion, but the word “activist” was repeatedly used to describe the participants and their work. The panel was organized by Seikaly, a historian from UC Santa Barbara, who is a co-founder and co-editor of Jadaliyya, “an independent ezine produced by the Arab Studies Institute.” If you visit the site, you will be invited to sign up for a newsletter and will be requested to choose your country. It appears that every country in the world is listed except one — Israel. One country that does not exist — Palestine — is listed.

Noura Erekat, a co-editor of Jadaliyya, is a law professor who admits that she is an activist. A gifted speaker, Erekat rattled off the standard leftist clichés about Israeli occupation, militarism, racism and settler colonialism. She displayed her ignorance of basic history by claiming armed groups took control of the PLO in 1968.

(full article online)

Middle East Studies Association (as Usual) Singles Out Israel for Attack, Excuses Palestinian Perfidy
  • Palestinians also took to the streets to celebrate the 9/11 attacks carried out by al-Qaeda.

  • Another sign of Palestinian support for dictators and terrorists emerged in August 2017, when President Mahmoud Abbas sent the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-Un, a telegram congratulating him for "Liberation Day."

  • Something good has come out of the fiasco surrounding the Palestinian ambassador's association with a global terrorist: The Indians realize now that Israel is their ally in the war on terrorism -- certainly not the Palestinians, who again and again align themselves with those who seek death and destruction.

(full article online)

Palestinians: Always on the Wrong Side
Several additional rocket and mortar firings during these past few days fell on top of Gazan homes and land and perhaps people. They're what we know as Fell Shorts. The Arab side never reports these, perhaps out of embarrassment. It's exceedingly rare for them to be mentioned at all by the major news syndication agencies like Reuters, AFP and Associated Press.

This is a pity because, as we see it, nothing expresses contempt for the lives and well-being of Gaza's Palestinian Arab population more clearly than the steady stream of rockets that fall short and land in their midst.

Victims of the property damage and of the injuries that follow are right out of luck, because no news reporters come to hear their stories. For Gaza's Hamas rulers, if no one knows about the Fell Shorts, they never happened. Click Fell Short to see that we have reported on close to a hundred such own-goals.

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 03-Jan-18: Wednesday rocket fire on southern Israel - and more Fell Shorts
Beyond that, Nasrallah calls to expand terror operations outside Israel to the entire world:

Sayyed Nasrallah also emphasized that Hezbollah had repeatedly stressed the principle of coordination between the different Palestinian factions. "We discussed with the Palestinian factions activating the Intifada at home and abroad and providing support for it."

"Activating an intifada abroad" means Hezbollah is admitting to organizing terror attacks worldwide. We knew this, of course, but they don't normally admit it so explicitly.

(full article online)

Nasrallah brags of Hezbollah getting new weapons and supporting international terrorism. Violating UNSC resolutions, but who cares? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Beyond that, Nasrallah calls to expand terror operations outside Israel to the entire world:

Sayyed Nasrallah also emphasized that Hezbollah had repeatedly stressed the principle of coordination between the different Palestinian factions. "We discussed with the Palestinian factions activating the Intifada at home and abroad and providing support for it."

"Activating an intifada abroad" means Hezbollah is admitting to organizing terror attacks worldwide. We knew this, of course, but they don't normally admit it so explicitly.

(full article online)

Nasrallah brags of Hezbollah getting new weapons and supporting international terrorism. Violating UNSC resolutions, but who cares? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

No one takes that propaganda site seriously, why do you post lies?
Beyond that, Nasrallah calls to expand terror operations outside Israel to the entire world:

Sayyed Nasrallah also emphasized that Hezbollah had repeatedly stressed the principle of coordination between the different Palestinian factions. "We discussed with the Palestinian factions activating the Intifada at home and abroad and providing support for it."

"Activating an intifada abroad" means Hezbollah is admitting to organizing terror attacks worldwide. We knew this, of course, but they don't normally admit it so explicitly.

(full article online)

Nasrallah brags of Hezbollah getting new weapons and supporting international terrorism. Violating UNSC resolutions, but who cares? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

No one takes that propaganda site seriously, why do you post lies?
To piss you off, Monte, what else??????

Now...... you post from your propaganda sties, alright?
I, or someone else, will actually read and do the necessary research about it.

Go ahead !!! :)
Beyond that, Nasrallah calls to expand terror operations outside Israel to the entire world:

Sayyed Nasrallah also emphasized that Hezbollah had repeatedly stressed the principle of coordination between the different Palestinian factions. "We discussed with the Palestinian factions activating the Intifada at home and abroad and providing support for it."

"Activating an intifada abroad" means Hezbollah is admitting to organizing terror attacks worldwide. We knew this, of course, but they don't normally admit it so explicitly.

(full article online)

Nasrallah brags of Hezbollah getting new weapons and supporting international terrorism. Violating UNSC resolutions, but who cares? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

No one takes that propaganda site seriously, why do you post lies?
To piss you off, Monte, what else??????

Now...... you post from your propaganda sties, alright?
I, or someone else, will actually read and do the necessary research about it.

Go ahead !!! :)

I never use propaganda sites or link to propaganda sites. I deal in facts.
Beyond that, Nasrallah calls to expand terror operations outside Israel to the entire world:

Sayyed Nasrallah also emphasized that Hezbollah had repeatedly stressed the principle of coordination between the different Palestinian factions. "We discussed with the Palestinian factions activating the Intifada at home and abroad and providing support for it."

"Activating an intifada abroad" means Hezbollah is admitting to organizing terror attacks worldwide. We knew this, of course, but they don't normally admit it so explicitly.

(full article online)

Nasrallah brags of Hezbollah getting new weapons and supporting international terrorism. Violating UNSC resolutions, but who cares? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

No one takes that propaganda site seriously, why do you post lies?
To piss you off, Monte, what else??????

Now...... you post from your propaganda sties, alright?
I, or someone else, will actually read and do the necessary research about it.

Go ahead !!! :)

I never use propaganda sites or link to propaganda sites. I deal in facts.
What are the sources, again, where you only get facts, to deal with facts?

The Shin Bet said it has learned that Iranian intelligence has been using South Africa as a significant center for locating, recruiting and operating agents against Israel in Judea and Samaria.

“I would like to bring it to your attention that Iran is using terrorism against the State of Israel not only with the assistance of terrorist movements such as Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad, but is also attempting to organize terrorist actions inside the State of Israel and against the citizens of Israel,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday.

Read more at Israel Discovers Covert Iranian Intelligence Operation Near Hebron
The Australian guy arranged for some inquiries to be made in Jordan and then got back to us saying his producers had decided not to interview us. Why? Nothing to do with us, he said, but because
  1. it turned out Tamimi's spoken English isn't very good - somehow leading to the conclusion that if she doesn't speak well enough, why bother hearing what the parents of one of her victims (meaning the two of us) have to say. Or more sharply: Our audience is more interested in hearing what the murderer says about the extradition story than what any of her victims think; and
  2. Tamimi had been told by Jordan's government to lower her profile for a while. In simpler terms (our words) if Jordan was going to stick its finger in the eye of its American strategic ally, protector and benefactor (as it has and as it continues to do), it would be prudent not to publicly flaunt the gift of freedom that King Abdullah has given her. Its good to know that though it likes to call itself a constitutional monarchy, Jordan operates like an absolute monarchy. If King Abdullah wanted Tamimi extradited, she would be have been shipped to Washington the same morning.
Last weekend, in response to the intense media attention on Ahed "Shirley Temper" Tamimi, the Jordanian media reported on a public event that took place in Amman. (For some excellent background, see "Why Is No One Talking About Ahed Tamimi’s Call For Stabbings?" in Forward, January 4, 2018). Some prominent speakers were in the line-up which was heard by an audience filled with elderly men - and some women.

What caught our eye is that one of the speakers was Ahlam Tamimi, the murderer in the flesh. She appears to have decided to bring the keep-your-head-down phase to an end in order to do the Tamimi thing. And although her extradition was blocked by a Jordanian court ruling on extremely technical grounds (we have written about this several times), no voices in Jordan that we know of have called for Jordan to do something against her. She's a national treasure. Murderer, maybe; but she murdered Jews, so where's the problem?

(Full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 05-Jan-18: In Jordan, the FBI fugitive Ahlam Tamimi (among others) pays tribute to her slapping/taunting/kicking Tamimi cousin
The reason the UN treats Palestinian refugees differently is because the flawed Partition Plan was implemented by the UN. Hence, the UN caused the refugee problem. With this in mind, those that had voted against the Partition Plan, and had predicted the disastorous result, had the votes in the UN to implement a special plan for Palestinian refugees. It's really quite simple. The UN has to right the wrong it caused.
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