Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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On Friday, the army said, soldiers were in the village to contain a riot involving some 200 people,
Who were they rioting against in their own village?

Who are you trying to make excuses for? Let’s be honest: the fair-haired, fair-skin, Caucasian looking female child was thought to be a propaganda gold mine by people like you. She’s less a child now and has become the delinquent that is out of control.

What is it with you Islamics and your need to prey on female children and use them as a means to pursue your agenda of hate, an agenda of self destruction?

How excited you must be to have a female child to parade around like some Islamist terrorist trophy.
Nice duck.

He then says that Abimelech, king of the Philistines, was really king of the Palestinians. "Abraham swore to Abimelech to preserve Palestine and the people of Palestine and live among them and live in the land with them in peace."

When the press reports on Neturei Karta "rabbis" waving the Palestinian flag, accoding to this nutcase, it is the embodiment of the divine covenant of Abraham, and in respect of these concepts and the law, who sought to live in peace with the "Kingdom of the Palestinians."

He ends off by saying "The bottom line is that Palestine existed before the waters of the sea knew their waves, and before the moon went into its orbit."

So, yes, he says that Palestine has existed for several billion years.

Which brings to mind this classic, originally from Latma:

(full article online)

"Maccabees are Palestinian" and other fun facts in Arab media ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
On Friday, the army said, soldiers were in the village to contain a riot involving some 200 people,
Who were they rioting against in their own village?

Who are you trying to make excuses for? Let’s be honest: the fair-haired, fair-skin, Caucasian looking female child was thought to be a propaganda gold mine by people like you. She’s less a child now and has become the delinquent that is out of control.

What is it with you Islamics and your need to prey on female children and use them as a means to pursue your agenda of hate, an agenda of self destruction?

How excited you must be to have a female child to parade around like some Islamist terrorist trophy.
Nice duck.
I love duck!
“This year, we broke up 148 local Hamas cells in the West Bank. This high number of cells shows the increase in efforts by the Hamas high command in the Gaza Strip and abroad,” he said.

“Hamas sees the West Bank as being the main front for terror, with the intent of upsetting the security stability there, but it is having trouble doing that, mostly because of Israel’s efforts to stop it,” he said.


Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, pictured here in Tehran with Prime Minister of Gaza Ismail Haniyeh, leads the world’s largest Shia country. (photo credit: AP)

The Shin Bet chief said the terrorist group appears to be deepening its ties with Iran, as the Middle East generally divides between the Shiite faction led by Islamic Republic and the Sunni one led by Saudi Arabia.

(full article online)

Shin Bet warns Hamas may be plotting West Bank takeover — report
“This year, we broke up 148 local Hamas cells in the West Bank. This high number of cells shows the increase in efforts by the Hamas high command in the Gaza Strip and abroad,” he said.

“Hamas sees the West Bank as being the main front for terror, with the intent of upsetting the security stability there, but it is having trouble doing that, mostly because of Israel’s efforts to stop it,” he said.


Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, pictured here in Tehran with Prime Minister of Gaza Ismail Haniyeh, leads the world’s largest Shia country. (photo credit: AP)

The Shin Bet chief said the terrorist group appears to be deepening its ties with Iran, as the Middle East generally divides between the Shiite faction led by Islamic Republic and the Sunni one led by Saudi Arabia.

(full article online)

Shin Bet warns Hamas may be plotting West Bank takeover — report
Hamas is Sunni.

How does that fit the propaganda?
“This year, we broke up 148 local Hamas cells in the West Bank. This high number of cells shows the increase in efforts by the Hamas high command in the Gaza Strip and abroad,” he said.

“Hamas sees the West Bank as being the main front for terror, with the intent of upsetting the security stability there, but it is having trouble doing that, mostly because of Israel’s efforts to stop it,” he said.


Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, pictured here in Tehran with Prime Minister of Gaza Ismail Haniyeh, leads the world’s largest Shia country. (photo credit: AP)

The Shin Bet chief said the terrorist group appears to be deepening its ties with Iran, as the Middle East generally divides between the Shiite faction led by Islamic Republic and the Sunni one led by Saudi Arabia.

(full article online)

Shin Bet warns Hamas may be plotting West Bank takeover — report
Hamas is Sunni.

How does that fit the propaganda?
Sunni.....Shia.....tomato, tomatoe
What is their common denominator?
Israel Hayom's Hebrew edition adds that Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia are upset at how the Palestinian leadership has handled the Jerusalem issue. They were not enthusiastic about the Istanbul conference where Turkey and Iran dominated the discussion, and they fear that Abbas' rhetoric that the entire Arab world would ignite over the issue has been shown to be false, making him look like a fool.

Jordan in particular is upset because it feels that it has a special responsibility towards Jerusalem and Abbas' reaction, such as to try to isolate the US at the UN, could backfire for Jordan's efforts to be relevant in the holy city.

(full article online)

"Days of Rage" sputtering out and Arab states upset at Palestinians ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ And yes, they do mean ALL of Jerusalem, not only a part of it which has been offered twice and rejected twice ]

"The victory in Jerusalem is coming, it is coming. And Jerusalem is Palestine's capital forever, forever. And the rubbish of the American president isn't worth - I say again - isn't worth the urine of one Jerusalem child."

(full article and video online)

PA: Trump’s ‘rubbish’ isn’t worth a Jerusalem child’s urine - PMW Bulletins
Here is Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas greeting Rafat Jawabra, commander of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the "military wing" of Fatah movement, after he was released from prison by Israel.

The Al Aqsa Brigades were supposedly dismantled by Abbas years ago - yet they still exist. And not only in Gaza, where they recently shot rockets at Israel, but in the West Bank as well.
If the hundreds of journalists drinking lattes in Tel Aviv would spend 1% of their time uncovering official Palestinian ties to terror, the world would look at the Middle East conflict in a completely different light.

(full article online)

Yes, Abbas still supports terrorists. Somehow, the media keeps missing it. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

This is very interesting. Disappointment!

Many observers doing analysis on the issues and conflict, have suspected that the crest for Arab Palestinian support was approaching the crest of the wave. The majority of the observers thought that the peak of the crest would not appear for several years yet. It's hard to say whether recent events, or the lack thereof, announce the close approach.

Criticizing the inept, corrupt and fraudulent Arab Palestinian Leadership has been fair game for quite some time.

One senior Palestinian Authority official told Israel Hayom that "the fact that the Palestinian public remains apathetic is worrying, and mostly infuriating. This is a failure by the Palestinian leadership."
SOURCE: Monday, December 25, 2017 Elder of Zion

Israel Hayom's Hebrew edition adds that Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia are upset at how the Palestinian leadership has handled the Jerusalem issue. They were not enthusiastic about the Istanbul conference where Turkey and Iran dominated the discussion, and they fear that Abbas' rhetoric that the entire Arab world would ignite over the issue has been shown to be false, making him look like a fool.

Jordan in particular is upset because it feels that it has a special responsibility towards Jerusalem and Abbas' reaction, such as to try to isolate the US at the UN, could backfire for Jordan's efforts to be relevant in the holy city.

(full article online)

"Days of Rage" sputtering out and Arab states upset at Palestinians ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Part of the problem that doused water on the "Day of Rage" and the general "Arab Incitement to Violence" is the separation of the Arab Leadership and the Arab Palestinian Plebeians.

In the Gaza Strip, Unemployment of those males 18-24 year old, is male ≈ 36+%, female is ≈ 60+%; and in the West Bank the unemployment is ≈ 26.9%. The Ramallah Government is more interested in international politics than it has for the concern of the general population.

Sooner or later, the Arab Palestinians will turn to goals that directly affect their lives.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

This is very interesting. Disappointment!

Many observers doing analysis on the issues and conflict, have suspected that the crest for Arab Palestinian support was approaching the crest of the wave. The majority of the observers thought that the peak of the crest would not appear for several years yet. It's hard to say whether recent events, or the lack thereof, announce the close approach.

Criticizing the inept, corrupt and fraudulent Arab Palestinian Leadership has been fair game for quite some time.

One senior Palestinian Authority official told Israel Hayom that "the fact that the Palestinian public remains apathetic is worrying, and mostly infuriating. This is a failure by the Palestinian leadership."
SOURCE: Monday, December 25, 2017 Elder of Zion

Israel Hayom's Hebrew edition adds that Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia are upset at how the Palestinian leadership has handled the Jerusalem issue. They were not enthusiastic about the Istanbul conference where Turkey and Iran dominated the discussion, and they fear that Abbas' rhetoric that the entire Arab world would ignite over the issue has been shown to be false, making him look like a fool.

Jordan in particular is upset because it feels that it has a special responsibility towards Jerusalem and Abbas' reaction, such as to try to isolate the US at the UN, could backfire for Jordan's efforts to be relevant in the holy city.

(full article online)

"Days of Rage" sputtering out and Arab states upset at Palestinians ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Part of the problem that doused water on the "Day of Rage" and the general "Arab Incitement to Violence" is the separation of the Arab Leadership and the Arab Palestinian Plebeians.

In the Gaza Strip, Unemployment of those males 18-24 year old, is male ≈ 36+%, female is ≈ 60+%; and in the West Bank the unemployment is ≈ 26.9%. The Ramallah Government is more interested in international politics than it has for the concern of the general population.

Sooner or later, the Arab Palestinians will turn to goals that directly affect their lives.

Most Respectfully,

I don't think Palestinian street is at all understood.
The majority of Palestinians vote for independent and tribal leaders while their voice is hijacked.
All we hear is Hamas, Fatah and the western liberal activists with zero knowledge of Arab culture.

Israel and the West need to understand who to talk to, there are alternatives.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

This is very interesting. Disappointment!

Many observers doing analysis on the issues and conflict, have suspected that the crest for Arab Palestinian support was approaching the crest of the wave. The majority of the observers thought that the peak of the crest would not appear for several years yet. It's hard to say whether recent events, or the lack thereof, announce the close approach.

Criticizing the inept, corrupt and fraudulent Arab Palestinian Leadership has been fair game for quite some time.

One senior Palestinian Authority official told Israel Hayom that "the fact that the Palestinian public remains apathetic is worrying, and mostly infuriating. This is a failure by the Palestinian leadership."
SOURCE: Monday, December 25, 2017 Elder of Zion

Israel Hayom's Hebrew edition adds that Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia are upset at how the Palestinian leadership has handled the Jerusalem issue. They were not enthusiastic about the Istanbul conference where Turkey and Iran dominated the discussion, and they fear that Abbas' rhetoric that the entire Arab world would ignite over the issue has been shown to be false, making him look like a fool.

Jordan in particular is upset because it feels that it has a special responsibility towards Jerusalem and Abbas' reaction, such as to try to isolate the US at the UN, could backfire for Jordan's efforts to be relevant in the holy city.

(full article online)

"Days of Rage" sputtering out and Arab states upset at Palestinians ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Part of the problem that doused water on the "Day of Rage" and the general "Arab Incitement to Violence" is the separation of the Arab Leadership and the Arab Palestinian Plebeians.

In the Gaza Strip, Unemployment of those males 18-24 year old, is male ≈ 36+%, female is ≈ 60+%; and in the West Bank the unemployment is ≈ 26.9%. The Ramallah Government is more interested in international politics than it has for the concern of the general population.

Sooner or later, the Arab Palestinians will turn to goals that directly affect their lives.

Most Respectfully,

I don't think Palestinian street is at all understood.
The majority of Palestinians vote for independent and tribal leaders while their voice is hijacked.
All we hear is Hamas, Fatah and the western liberal activists with zero knowledge of Arab culture.

Israel and the West need to understand who to talk to, there are alternatives.

RoccoR what do You think about this?
Palestinian Emirates Introduction

I do not see yet how this can be implemented, or if it's a viable solution, however I think his analysis has a point that is missing from the conversation.
The typical, tired media explanation for Palestinian attacks is “frustration with the lack of progress towards peace” (as if peace were ever the terrorist’s goal) whilst painting Israels act of self defence as aggression towards peaceful civilians. Malaysian politicians, including Prime Minister Najib, have proven their innate hypocrisy by choosing sides in this matter. Turkish Premier Erdogan, who has repeatedly shown utter disregard for human rights by bombing and killing the Kurdish people in Turkey has also denounced Israel, but are we really supposed to take human rights advice from a tyrant?

Jerusalem has been the capital of three homeland states, all Jewish, in the past 3,000 years and has had a renewed Jewish majority since the Ottoman rule during the 1800’s. Palestinian Arabs have never ruled any part of Jerusalem, making their claim to the city vacuously null.

(full article online)

One Malaysian, standing with Israel
Mary and Joseph refugees? I am not sure that seeking a room at an inn is quite the same as fleeing war or famine but UNWRA is re-writing history here so they aren’t too worried about insignificant details - like facts.

From Palestine? Palestine (Syria Palestina) is the name given to Israel by the Romans at least one century after the death of Jesus and over 400 years before the birth of Islam. Muslims first came to the Land of Israel when their armies left the Arabian Peninsula in the 7th century C.E. to try to conquer the world.

(Note: Christians United for Israel are also up in arms at the PA's rewriting of Christian history.)

(full article online)

The night the UNRWA stole Xmas
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ ryiah, et al,

Emirate ?

I do not see yet how this can be implemented, or if it's a viable solution, however I think his analysis has a point that is missing from the conversation.

Dr Kedar might have a workable plan. Bt for it to get support from the Arab League --- a powerful set of Arab Leaders is first going to have to take control.

It has been done before. Jordan was an Emirate between 1923 and 1946. The Treaty of Alliance between HM's Government and the Emirate of Jordan essentially was a Treaty of Peace and a Kingship all in one. One Monarch made another.

Atricle 1 UK-JORDAN Treaty 1946.png

"And His Highness the Amir as the sovereign thereof." The Sovereign --- "a supreme ruler, especially a monarch." Customarily, it takes a King, or the Pope, to make a King (Westphalian sovereignty).. So if you could get the one of the Kings in the Arab World to do what the His Majesty (King George VI) did.

The Saudi King would need the tacit support of the Arab League, but the League could do it just as the made the PLO the sole representative of the Palestinian people.

But the big deal here is what will the Israeli's do. Their reason for being in the areas they are, is to provide a defensible border from further assaults. From the Israeli POV, would an Emirate make a difference to the state defense of Israel?

Most Respectfully,
It is amazing that after all these years many of us still do not understand what this is all about. The conflict here is not a squabble among neighbors over borders. It is a religious battle between opposing civilizations. You don’t have to believe me. This is what they are saying. Our very presence here, let alone our defiant independence, is an affront to the Muslims, an insult to their very being.

As a Facebook friend of mine, Rod Lior wrote – “No military or terrorist organization ever laid down its weapons because the other side was less terrifying than they thought. The IDF does not need the image of being humanitarian among the Arabs. No one is afraid to go to war against a moral and humane army.”

In this region, fear pacifies and leads to quiet. For Arabs, compromise is an opportunity to obtain advantage. The chants of “Khybar, Khybar” we have been hearing from Muslims allude to precisely that. Only when they understand that our victory is total will they sue for peace.

(full article online)

The Quality of Mercy
When you have a starting point that says Israel is an occupying force, then you can more easily believe that we are not treating others with justice and dignity and respect and equality. But when you know that both sides signed the Oslo Accords as equals, the contract that created the facts on the ground as we see them now, then you know we went into the Oslo talks with hopes for mutual dignity and respect plus the hope that justice would be served to Jews and Arabs alike.

Nobody coerced Arafat into signing the Agreement. He signed as a responsible adult, as a leader representing his people, as an equal, even though the Arabs had lost the war (a situation which, in all other places in the world resulted in imposition of a solution and not a co-signed agreement). Even if there had been an occupation before that point, therefore, the signatures on the dotted lines did away with any justification for calling Israel an occupier. It is time for Sarah and all those like her to stop calling it an occupation. There are many other words in the dictionary, such as dispute, disagreement, war, etc, that would better serve the current situation.

(full article online)

Israeli Jews And Palestinian Arabs: Make Friends Not War - Israel Diaries
NGO Monitor research shows that campaign participants also make numerous false and misleading allegations about the IDF and Israeli military courts. One brazen NWTTAC distortion is the claim that Palestinian minors are subject to solitary confinement. In actuality, Israel’s separation of minors from adult detainees stems from international standards and Israeli law geared toward protecting children.

In fact, contrary to the NGO claims, Israeli procedures are consistent with international norms and the rule of law, and balance the rights of children with the need to stop violence and punish perpetrators.

The video of Ahed Tamimi attacking a soldier, as well as the disingenuous social media campaign on her behalf, crystallizes the cynical calculus that lies at the heart of “No Way to Treat a Child.” Namely, Palestinian minors are encouraged to endanger themselves in the hopes of provoking a violent response that will help demonize Israel.

For those orchestrating these efforts, and the NGOs that try to advance a political agenda, a detained or injured Palestinian teenager is far more valuable than ensuring their safety and wellbeing.

(full article online)

Palestinians Cynically Manipulate Children for Anti-Israel Propaganda
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