Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The procedure was approved in 1988, in an attempt to force Arab debtors in Judea and Samaria to transfer payments to state authorities and private creditors, but according to members of the defense and justice ministries, the original procedure proved useless because the Palestinian Authority refused to help enforce it.

The new procedure was recently formulated by a professional team from both ministries, in an attempt to reduce the mounting collection orders in Israel’s law enforcement agencies against PA Arabs who owe Israel utility payments and fines, as well as debts to Israeli individuals and institutions. These are estimated at $145 million.

(full article online)

Liberman, Shaked, to Impose Law Banning PA Deadbeats from Israel | The Jewish Press - JewishPress.com | David Israel | 3 Tevet 5778 – December 21, 2017 | JewishPress.com
These are estimated at $145 million.
Drop in the bucket compared to what has been stolen from the Palestinians.
The procedure was approved in 1988, in an attempt to force Arab debtors in Judea and Samaria to transfer payments to state authorities and private creditors, but according to members of the defense and justice ministries, the original procedure proved useless because the Palestinian Authority refused to help enforce it.

The new procedure was recently formulated by a professional team from both ministries, in an attempt to reduce the mounting collection orders in Israel’s law enforcement agencies against PA Arabs who owe Israel utility payments and fines, as well as debts to Israeli individuals and institutions. These are estimated at $145 million.

(full article online)

Liberman, Shaked, to Impose Law Banning PA Deadbeats from Israel | The Jewish Press - JewishPress.com | David Israel | 3 Tevet 5778 – December 21, 2017 | JewishPress.com
These are estimated at $145 million.
Drop in the bucket compared to what has been stolen from the Palestinians.
[ "Drop in the bucket" with what Iraq intends to do with the Palestinians. But you are not going to boycott Iraq, are you now?
Instead of giving them residency, after all they are ALL Arabs, they are treated like the poor relative they want nothing to do with. Tsk, tsk, tsk ]

The new laws will cancel residence permits, exemption from tuition payments in schools, free medical care and free residency provided to the estimated 4,000 Palestinian refugees living in Iraq.

(full article online)

Iraqi gov't cancels rights of Palestinian refugees - Israel National News
The procedure was approved in 1988, in an attempt to force Arab debtors in Judea and Samaria to transfer payments to state authorities and private creditors, but according to members of the defense and justice ministries, the original procedure proved useless because the Palestinian Authority refused to help enforce it.

The new procedure was recently formulated by a professional team from both ministries, in an attempt to reduce the mounting collection orders in Israel’s law enforcement agencies against PA Arabs who owe Israel utility payments and fines, as well as debts to Israeli individuals and institutions. These are estimated at $145 million.

(full article online)

Liberman, Shaked, to Impose Law Banning PA Deadbeats from Israel | The Jewish Press - JewishPress.com | David Israel | 3 Tevet 5778 – December 21, 2017 | JewishPress.com
These are estimated at $145 million.
Drop in the bucket compared to what has been stolen from the Palestinians.
[ "Drop in the bucket" with what Iraq intends to do with the Palestinians. But you are not going to boycott Iraq, are you now?
Instead of giving them residency, after all they are ALL Arabs, they are treated like the poor relative they want nothing to do with. Tsk, tsk, tsk ]

The new laws will cancel residence permits, exemption from tuition payments in schools, free medical care and free residency provided to the estimated 4,000 Palestinian refugees living in Iraq.

(full article online)

Iraqi gov't cancels rights of Palestinian refugees - Israel National News
Nice deflection.
The procedure was approved in 1988, in an attempt to force Arab debtors in Judea and Samaria to transfer payments to state authorities and private creditors, but according to members of the defense and justice ministries, the original procedure proved useless because the Palestinian Authority refused to help enforce it.

The new procedure was recently formulated by a professional team from both ministries, in an attempt to reduce the mounting collection orders in Israel’s law enforcement agencies against PA Arabs who owe Israel utility payments and fines, as well as debts to Israeli individuals and institutions. These are estimated at $145 million.

(full article online)

Liberman, Shaked, to Impose Law Banning PA Deadbeats from Israel | The Jewish Press - JewishPress.com | David Israel | 3 Tevet 5778 – December 21, 2017 | JewishPress.com
These are estimated at $145 million.
Drop in the bucket compared to what has been stolen from the Palestinians.
In part, you're correct. The islamic terrorists at the tip of the UNRWA welfare fraud syndicate have stolen uncountable amounts of welfare fraud money that has been siphoned off and stashed in foreign bank accounts.

Congratulate yourself on being an accomplice to welfare fraud.
A Palestinian girl recited a poem on PA TV, which included antisemitic hate speech about Jews. The girl presented the poem in response to US President "Trump's decision [that] Jerusalem is the capital of Israel."

In her poem the girl stated that Jews "defile Jerusalem and its great mosque."

The poem addresses former British Foreign Secretary, who issued the Balfour Declaration in 1917 that Britain supported "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people:"


"This poem is because of [US President Donald] Trump's decision that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel:
[Former British Foreign Secretary] Balfour, you vile person, what did you do to our people?
Is your conscience quiet?
Go in your grave toward the blazing fire
You are the one that expelled us, do not ask for help
You drank our blood from a goblet, and brought this fate down upon us...
You brought to our people those who orphaned small children
You have turned the best of our people into Martyrs and prisoners
Why did you bring the Jews to us, who defile Jerusalem and its great mosque?"
[Official PA TV, Giants of Endurance, Dec. 15, 2017]

Palestinian Media Watch has documented similar hate speech by Palestinian children, who are taught to despise Jews as the "most evil among creations."

Official PA TV likewise broadcast a statement of an Israeli Arab man in Jerusalem expressing antisemitic views at a demonstration against the American recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, stating that Jews are "the world's stench":

(full article online)

Girl's antisemitic poem on PA TV: "Jews defile Jerusalem" - PMW Bulletins
  • Reports from the West Bank after the Six Day War show that the Arabs interviewed defined themselves as "Arabs" or "Jordanians", and evidently did not yet know that they were "the Palestinian people". Since then, they were taught it. They were also taught that it is their duty is to "liberate Palestine" by killing Jews. The Palestinians are the first people invented to serve as a weapon of mass destruction of another people.

  • "The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality, today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese." — PLO leader Zuheir Mohsen, interview in the Dutch newspaper Trouw, March 1977.

  • Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the European Union has become the main financier of the "Palestinian cause", including its terrorism. They are also contributing to war.

  • Iran, strengthened enormously by the agreement passed in July 2015 and the massive US funding that accompanied it, has been showing its desire to become a hegemonic power in the Middle East.

  • The grand mufti of Saudi Arabia, Sheikh Abdulaziz ibn Abdullah Al ash-Sheikh, recently issued a fatwa saying that "fighting the Jews" is "against the will" of Allah and that Hamas is a terrorist organization.

(full article online)

Twilight over the "Palestinian Cause"
The procedure was approved in 1988, in an attempt to force Arab debtors in Judea and Samaria to transfer payments to state authorities and private creditors, but according to members of the defense and justice ministries, the original procedure proved useless because the Palestinian Authority refused to help enforce it.

The new procedure was recently formulated by a professional team from both ministries, in an attempt to reduce the mounting collection orders in Israel’s law enforcement agencies against PA Arabs who owe Israel utility payments and fines, as well as debts to Israeli individuals and institutions. These are estimated at $145 million.

(full article online)

Liberman, Shaked, to Impose Law Banning PA Deadbeats from Israel | The Jewish Press - JewishPress.com | David Israel | 3 Tevet 5778 – December 21, 2017 | JewishPress.com
These are estimated at $145 million.
Drop in the bucket compared to what has been stolen from the Palestinians.
In part, you're correct. The islamic terrorists at the tip of the UNRWA welfare fraud syndicate have stolen uncountable amounts of welfare fraud money that has been siphoned off and stashed in foreign bank accounts.

Congratulate yourself on being an accomplice to welfare fraud.
The procedure was approved in 1988, in an attempt to force Arab debtors in Judea and Samaria to transfer payments to state authorities and private creditors, but according to members of the defense and justice ministries, the original procedure proved useless because the Palestinian Authority refused to help enforce it.

The new procedure was recently formulated by a professional team from both ministries, in an attempt to reduce the mounting collection orders in Israel’s law enforcement agencies against PA Arabs who owe Israel utility payments and fines, as well as debts to Israeli individuals and institutions. These are estimated at $145 million.

(full article online)

Liberman, Shaked, to Impose Law Banning PA Deadbeats from Israel | The Jewish Press - JewishPress.com | David Israel | 3 Tevet 5778 – December 21, 2017 | JewishPress.com
These are estimated at $145 million.
Drop in the bucket compared to what has been stolen from the Palestinians.
In part, you're correct. The islamic terrorists at the tip of the UNRWA welfare fraud syndicate have stolen uncountable amounts of welfare fraud money that has been siphoned off and stashed in foreign bank accounts.

Congratulate yourself on being an accomplice to welfare fraud.
UNWRA is part of the Palestinian problem.

Where is it "off topic" ?
Sabah says that all 12 million Palestinians must get off their seats and walk, "barechested," and overrrun Israel. After all, Israel cannot possibly kill 12 million people, right?

As he writes it, "How many people can [an Israeli soldier] kill before he is trampled by the masses of men, women, children and the elderly, sick, disabled, and old?"

Tellingly, he refers to all 12 million alleged Palestinians as "12 million intercontinental missiles." This is exactly how the Arab leaders have traditionally looked at Palestinians - not as people but as cannon fodder, as pawns who can be used for propaganda purposes against Israel. Certainly not as human beings with human rights, at least not under Arab rule.

Of course, the idea that Palestinians must compromise and make peace with Israel so these millions would not have to be human weapons never occurs to Sabah - nor does it occur, as far as I can tell from over a decade of reading Arabic media, does it ever occur to a single Palestinian Arab published writer in Arabic.

(full article online)

Palestinian writer describes his people as "12 million intercontinental missiles" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The procedure was approved in 1988, in an attempt to force Arab debtors in Judea and Samaria to transfer payments to state authorities and private creditors, but according to members of the defense and justice ministries, the original procedure proved useless because the Palestinian Authority refused to help enforce it.

The new procedure was recently formulated by a professional team from both ministries, in an attempt to reduce the mounting collection orders in Israel’s law enforcement agencies against PA Arabs who owe Israel utility payments and fines, as well as debts to Israeli individuals and institutions. These are estimated at $145 million.

(full article online)

Liberman, Shaked, to Impose Law Banning PA Deadbeats from Israel | The Jewish Press - JewishPress.com | David Israel | 3 Tevet 5778 – December 21, 2017 | JewishPress.com
These are estimated at $145 million.
Drop in the bucket compared to what has been stolen from the Palestinians.
In part, you're correct. The islamic terrorists at the tip of the UNRWA welfare fraud syndicate have stolen uncountable amounts of welfare fraud money that has been siphoned off and stashed in foreign bank accounts.

Congratulate yourself on being an accomplice to welfare fraud.
UNWRA is part of the Palestinian problem.

Where is it "off topic" ?
Where does UNWRA give cash? And what does it have to do with the quoted post?
Even though UNRWA knows how many Palestinians are in Lebanon and how many left, it claims that there are 450,000 "registered Palestine refugees" in the country - because it wants to screw the world out of more money.

I looked at this in 2012, when it was thought that there were still 260,000 Palestinians actually in Lebanon in a study that UNRWA itself funded - and buried.

Lebanon is where the world's hypocrisy about Palestinians is in full view. A country whose very laws are discriminatory against Palestinians, where Palestinians are barred from getting many jobs or to own land, where they are pushed into overcrowded camps where they are not allowed to build and that are not allowed to expand.

And in one case, the camp is literally surrounded by a brand new wall, complete with watchtowers, making it a literal prison. Now we know that the 100,000 Palestinians in this prison are more than half the total Palestinian population in Lebanon!

(full article online)

UNRWA claims (and takes funds) for 450,000 "refugees" in Lebanon. There are only 174,000 left. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Anyone with enough smarts to understand that "Palestinian sovereignty = Iran next to Netanya" can almost instantly recognize just how silly it is to think, a Levin does, that it would be simple for Israel to get rid of a sovereign Palestinian state when things went sour.

In the eyes of Israelis, Iran is no longer "just" a nuclear threat located far beyond the horizon.

The Israeli street knows that the Iranians are already sitting in Syria.

I daresay that the average Israeli can do the math today and understand that "Palestinian sovereignty = Iran next to Netanya."

(full article online)

IMRA - Thursday, December 21, 2017 Weekly Commentary: White House Security Document Offers Israel Opportunity To End Farce
In addition to the wording in this film, its visuals are also worthy of note. Throughout much of the film viewers see close-up shots of Awwad. However, they also see seven different images of photographs taken during the first Intifada – four of which show women in passive poses. None of the images including men – one of which features a priest – depict Palestinian acts of violence. Israeli soldiers with truncheons and guns are however shown in three of the images.

In the past the BBC has promoted the myth that the first Intifada was ‘non-violent’ (see ‘related articles’ below) and has completely erased Israeli casualties from its accounts. While it is therefore good to see those casualties finally acknowledged, this film nevertheless perpetuates the BBC’s long-standing romanticisation of type of Palestinian violence all too often euphemistically portrayed (if at all) as ‘protest’.

(full article online)

BBC News gives a sentimental account of the first Intifada
Nothing about Israel, just greetings for Chanukah.

The responses that came in Arabic are nearly all insulting, because acknowledging a Jewish holiday means, to many Arabs, being pro-Israel.

So responses ranged from standard insults to things like this:

Arab media is covering this without any hint of their usual meme that Jews are good, Israelis are bad.

Clearly, these Arabs haven't received the memo that they supposedly love Jews and hate Zionists.

(full article online)

Arab antisemites upset at Turkish embassy in Israel giving Chanukah greetings ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Under preliminary questioning, according to Israel National News, the gentleman under arrest agreed with his interrogators that he had come with his knife to "to carry out a terrorist attack against the officers".

UNESCO decided by a vote in July that the Tomb of the Patriarchs is a "Palestinian heritage site". Haaretz reported at the time that 12 states on its World Heritage Committee voted for the resolution and three voted against. The vote also recognized the site "as being in danger, meaning that each year UNESCO's World Heritage Committee will convene to discuss" its case.

It would be nice to think the UNESCO concern stemmed from the long line of stabbers and would-be stabbers who have targeted the ancient site for their murderous purposes. But our impression is they have not the slightest interest in Palestinian Arab violence and their influence on sites of cultural significance.

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 20-Dec-17: The Tomb of the Patriarchs: Another would-be stabber is intercepted in time
[ Update ]

Analysis: Israel was widely condemned over the death of the 'innocent' double amputee Ibrahim Abu Thuraya in Gaza protests. But digging into his history shows he was a member of a terror group that morphed into Hamas and an agitator who wanted to 'die a martyr.'

Abu Thuraya’s alleged injury as an innocent civilian by an IDF bombing on his home in 2008, has also been found to be totally inaccurate. The Independent reported in 2005 that Abu Thuraya, a Fatah Force 17 member, was shot in the leg, in fighting between Hamas and Fatah. His membership in Fatah’s Force 17 is also reported in the 2010 book “Hamas: The Islamic Resistance Movement” By Beverley Milton-Edwards, Stephen Farrell“.

(Full article online)

Ynetnews Opinion - 'Innocent protestor' killed by IDF was a terrorist, told his family 'I In...
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