Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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So it’s come to this. The PA (Palestinian Authority) is upset with us…so upset that its leaders are threatening to cut ties with us here in the United States.

All that started soon after President Trump delivered on his promise to name Jerusalem the capital of Israel…to which we can only say Amen.

Come to think of it, this is actually the tenth time the Palestinian Arabs have made that threat…but who’s counting?

More to the point – who cares?

Is there a downside to this? I see nothing but good. Are we supposed to be afraid?

I think Freud talked about this; about people with a false sense of importance. He did not have the Palestinian Arabs specifically in mind.

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PA threatens to quit America - do you care?
No. Israel does not need another lawyer.
[ At what point, to any other country, this is a declaration of war and the need to put an end to all rockets coming from that area? ]

A rocket fired by a terrorist group in the Gaza Strip on Sunday night struck next to a home in an Israeli community north of the coastal enclave, causing damage but no injuries, according to media reports.

The army confirmed that two rockets were launched from the Gaza Strip and that both struck inside Israel, in the Hof Ashkelon region.

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Gaza rocket smashes into Israeli town near border, damaging home
Hakim had previously said such controversial things as "The time has come for a new Middle East based on love, peace, coexistence and rejection of hatred, violence and extremism."

It is encouraging that a few Saudis can actually say things that are relatively normal and honest. But the backlash to Hakim's statement, especially in Palestinian media, illuminate something about the reaction to Donald Trump's Jerusalem speech.

In both cases, someone says something that is obviously true. In both cases, the backlash is not against the truth of the statement - but against the implications. To the Palestinians, the truth must be avoided at all costs.

And the world looks at one side that says the truth, the other side that fights with all its might against the truth, and concludes that the real truth must be closer to the side that makes a bigger noise.

That is the genius of the Palestinian Big Lie.

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Saudi scholar mentions that Jerusalem is sacred to Jews. Of course he is denounced ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

After the agreement brokered by Egypt to reconcile the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, PA workers in various government ministries were supposed to return to their jobs after years of enforce (and paid) vacation.

On Sunday morning, 18 PA employees of the Ministry of Culture showed up to work. But the Hamas workers there didn't want to give up their positions of leadership.

So they took out guns and threatened to kill the PA workers if they went to work.

The Ramallah-based Ministry of Culture deplored the actions of the Hamas-run Gaza-based Ministry of Culture for threatening its employees, after two months of negotiations to allow them to return to their jobs. The Ministry noted that bringing guns to the workplace to threaten coworkers is not professional.

This is an indication of how well the much heralded reconciliation has been going.

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Reconciliation! PA employees show up at their old jobs in Gaza - and Hamas workers stop them with guns ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Anyone who knows anything about menorahs would instantly recognize this as one of the hundreds, if not thousands, of menorahs erected by the Chabad hasidic movement worldwide. Wanting to fulfill the Jewish mitzvah of "publicizing the miracle," they erect huge menorahs all over the place.

Including checkpoints, so soldiers can enjoy them for eight days out of the year.

It is not a political statement. It is not meant to rub anyone's nose in Judaism. It is meant to do a mitzvah, exactly the same as lighting a menorah in one's house.

But when your entire concept of Judaism is so perverted as Anne Baltzer's and that of the pro-BDS Jews, everything any Jew does in Israel is considered an affront to Palestinians.

They are the bigots.

Would they complain about how Muslims co-opt Jewish and Christian holy places? About how Muslims send their calls to prayer out at ear-splitting volume towards communities of non-Muslims?

Of course not. They are antisemites first, and they only pretend to care about people's feelings when it is convenient to them.

And only people who deeply hate their own religion would think of a menorah as primarily a tool of oppression.

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BDS clowns say Chabad menorahs are meant to oppress Palestinians ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Of course, Palestinians are upset at a new synagogue.

Ma'anreports it this way:

Despite the tension in the Holy City and the popular and official Arab and international rejection of Trump's decisions regarding Jerusalem, the occupation authorities opened a new synagogue in the Al-Buraq Wall in Jerusalem.The reaction is so far muted, less angry than opening of other synagogues in the Old City, but it has been less than 24 hours and there hasn't been time for the PA to do its normal organizing of "spontaneous" anger.

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Synagogue opens inside the Western Wall tunnels, Arabs angry ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Palestinian strategy seems to be a full court press to isolate the US on this issue the way the Arabs have tried to isolate Israel over the decades. They seem to believe that with Trump in office, the EU will side with them against the US, which is what the UNSC draft resolution by Egypt was about yesterday, which is likely to be followed by a similar symbolic UN General Assembly resolution in the coming days that the US cannot veto.

The question is whether other Western countries will go along with this strategy. The UNSC resolution indicates that, regrettably, they will - publicly siding with the Palestinians no matter what.

They seem to forget that the US funds the bulk of the UN budget, as well as being the biggest source of the Palestinian budget.

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Fatah Youth Movement extends BDS to boycotting US programs in Palestinian universities ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Let's put aside how Linda Sarsour, who lives in the US, has a say in this "conversation" -- but not anyone critical of Palestinian Arabs who attack and kill Israeli civilians.

First of all, the Muslim attacks and persecution of indigenous Jews in that land is nothing new.

It has continued for over a millennium -- how could it be otherwise for non-Muslims under Sharia law which originated the requirement for Jews to wear a yellow star to distinguish them from Muslims and shame them, disallows non-Muslims to testify against Muslims outside of commercial cases and obligates non-Muslims to pay a special, onerous, jizya tax.

Arab attacks and mistreatment of Jews has nothing to do with Arabs being oppressed, but rather the continuation of their being the oppressors. For example, Muslims have a history of stoning Jews that predates the re-establishment of the state of Israel, going back to when the Arabs played host to Jews.

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Linda Sarsour says all terrorism against Israel is moral (Daled Amos and EoZ) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Let's put aside how Linda Sarsour, who lives in the US, has a say in this "conversation" -- but not anyone critical of Palestinian Arabs who attack and kill Israeli civilians.

First of all, the Muslim attacks and persecution of indigenous Jews in that land is nothing new.

It has continued for over a millennium -- how could it be otherwise for non-Muslims under Sharia law which originated the requirement for Jews to wear a yellow star to distinguish them from Muslims and shame them, disallows non-Muslims to testify against Muslims outside of commercial cases and obligates non-Muslims to pay a special, onerous, jizya tax.

Arab attacks and mistreatment of Jews has nothing to do with Arabs being oppressed, but rather the continuation of their being the oppressors. For example, Muslims have a history of stoning Jews that predates the re-establishment of the state of Israel, going back to when the Arabs played host to Jews.

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Linda Sarsour says all terrorism against Israel is moral (Daled Amos and EoZ) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Your bullshit propaganda site lied. She never said that.
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