Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Women’s March co-founder Linda Sarsour accused of enabling sexual assault, harassment in workplace

Linda Sarsour, the Pro-Palestinian activist who helped spearhead the Women's March in Washington earlier this year, allegedly enabled the sexual assault and harassment of a woman who worked for her, according to a report Sunday night.

Allegations of groping and unwanted touching were brought to the attention of Sarsour during her time as executive director of the Arab American Association, The Daily Caller reported.

Asmi Fathelbab told the website Sarsour attacked her for bringing the allegations, often threatening and body-shaming her, because the accused was a “good Muslim” who was “always at the mosque,” The Daily Caller reported.
The “Israel speaks Arabic” page, which is owned and operated by Israel’s Foreign Ministry, is followed by close to 1.5 million people from around the Arab world, including the Gaza Strip, who trust it, as they do Israel’s radio and TV broadcast, more than they do the largely biased Arab media.

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Hamas Warns Against ‘Liking’ Israel’s Arabic Facebook Page Fearing Recruitment | The Jewish Press - JewishPress.com | JNi.Media | 2 Tevet 5778 – December 20, 2017 | JewishPress.com
Those who see only giants and heroes in that hateful little Palestinian Arab town [Nabi Saleh] probably share the view, typical of its kind, that asserts
the village is struggling for humanity, justice, peace and dignity, and... they need their freedom [via a far-left Israeli publication, yesterday]But there are Arabic-language sources that tell us with far greater candor and clarity what really drives Nabi Saleh's Tamimis. Those Arabic texts naturally were never intended to be seen by people like us and those who read our posts. But web tools make them easy to find.

Take for example Wikipedia's Arabic-language entry on Nabi Saleh. As we wrote here on Saturday night, someone doctored the Wikipedia text shortly after we first publicized it. Every reference to the village people's adoration of jihad, martyrdom and death to the Israelis was erased.

But this past weekend, we found the original Arabic text as it had appeared on Wikipedia in May 2013. We saved the original Arabic text to here, and a partial English translation to here. They are archived now thanks to the wonders of the Internet, and safe (we think) from the destructive attentions of those who feel compelled to re-invent the past.

That deleted Wikipedia text is the village of Nabi Saleh paying tribute to its own viciously violent true self: to its warriors, to its killers, to its dead fighters, and above all to its favourite daughter, the one who smiles on-camera when she recalls how many innocent Jewish children she blew to pieces in the Sbarro pizzeria, our daughter Malki among them.

Virtually everyone in Nabi Saleh is a member of the Tamimi clan. That includes our daughter's murderer and the murderer's husband who is also her cousin - and also a convicted murder of Jews. And also freed in the catastrophic Shalit Deal [in 2011]. (They now live in Amman, Jordan). And also a hero of those self-proclaimed peace-loving, non-violent villagers.

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This Ongoing War: A Blog: 19-Dec-17: Uncovering some of Nabi Saleh's hideous buried secrets
Israeli NGOs have a role to play in this exploitation of children. First, videos produced by B’Tselem have featured prominently in the campaigns, including the AJ+ video. Second, B’Tselem and another Israeli group, HaMoked, published a joint report in October alleging that detention of Palestinian minors in Jerusalem reflects “systematic” and “extensive” abuse of children. As with other NWTTC materials, the context of heightened Palestinian violence and terrorism, including attacks by children, is completely missing.

NGO Monitor research shows that campaign participants also make numerous false and misleading allegations about the IDF and Israeli military courts. One brazen NWTTAC distortion is the claim that Palestinian minors are subject to solitary confinement. In actuality, Israel’s separation of minors from adult detainees stems from international standards and Israeli law geared toward protecting children.

In fact, contrary to the NGO claims, Israeli procedures are consistent with international norms and the rule of law, and balance the rights of children with the need to stop violence and punish perpetrators.

The video of Ahed Tamimi attacking a soldier, as well as the disingenuous social media campaign on her behalf, crystallizes the cynical calculus that lies at the heart of “No Way to Treat a Child.” Namely, Palestinian minors are encouraged to endanger themselves in the hopes of provoking a violent response that will help demonize Israel.

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#NoWayToTreatAChild: a cynical campaign to manipulate Palestinian children

The newest UNRWA-USA fundraising letter begins with:

The original story of Christmas began over 2,000 years ago with a family from Palestine seeking refuge. In that spirit, we're collecting gifts this month to help refugees not only survive, but thrive.We might as well take the analogy further.

Joseph and Mary, being Palestinian "refugees," must have raised Jesus to hate the people who didn't let them into their inns.

That "resistance" (by killing all the innkeepers) would be justified as both moral and legal under international law.

Jesus must have learned in school that the oppressors must be fought by every means possible.

That Jews are dirty, as UNRWA schools teach.

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UNRWA fund-raisers refer to Joseph and Mary as "a family from Palestine seeking refuge" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
There is no wheelchair visible.

Ibrahim's Hamas pals took him out of his wheelchair and placed him on the hard ground by himself, just so their complicit reporters could take a pathos-filled picture of a disabled man who cares so much about freedom that he goes out, alone, with only a flag to protect him.

The only reason that picture could be taken is if Abu Thuraya wanted to engage in his own Pallywood production of a poor legless man pathetically protesting while immobile.

Clearly, the man is happy to act as a pawn to make Israel look bad.

Could he also have been complicit in his own death? A man who probably has no marriage prospects, no ability to fight, and useless to his cause - except for becoming a martyr?

I have no evidence for this. It is all conjecture. I dislike conspiracy theories. But there is more to this story than is being reported, and there is a reason the Gaza officials aren't being transparent.

But our UN "human rights" official isn't calling for Hamas to cooperate. He's only calling on Israel to allow a kangaroo court to come and make their foregone conclusions.

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UN official weeping for a double-amputee terrorist ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Ex-professor who wrote pro-intifada kids' book says 'Christmas is a Palestinian festival'
A former Pace University history professor has come under fire for writing a children’s book that claims “Christmas is a Palestinian festival” and that Jesus was an Abrahamic prophet born in a Palestinian city.

Golbarg Bashi’s book “P is for Palestine” has been labeled an “incitement for terrorism” and “anti-Semitic propaganda.” But the author told Fox News it’s “a fun diverse children’s rhyme book” that “tells a social justice story about Palestinian history and culture through each letter of the English alphabet.”

Bashi, a “kids’ author committed to BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions against Israel) and empowering, diversifying kids media,” was heavily criticized for writing “I is for intifada” and calling intifada a “peaceful resistance.”

But B for Bethlehem, C for Christmas, and J for Jesus also raised some flags – for another reason.

“As I have said repeatedly, I believe it is very important for American, Mexican, Canadian, Central and South American, British, Swedish and children from any region and nation whose most important holiday is Christmas to know that Christmas is a Palestinian festival, celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, an Abrahamic Prophet who was born in Bethlehem, a Palestinian City,” wrote Bashi.

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12/20 Links Pt2: Author of pro-intifada kids' book says 'Christmas is a Palestinian festival'; BuzzFeed attempts to wave off Linda Sarsour accusations, but only raises more questions ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
A few days ago, Jewish Voice for Peace held a special reading of P is for Palestine – the book glorifying palestinian terrorism – for children. And it was billed as a special Hanukkah event.

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Delightful?! What the hell is wrong with them?

As a reminder, Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the re-dedication of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem thousands of years ago. Hardly convenient to the “palestinian” narrative that this land belongs to them. But it just goes to show you how un-Jewish Jewish Voice for Peace truly is.

And unscrupulous. This was a reading for children

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JVP Holds Children’s Book Readings of Book Glorifying Terrorism
In my previous post on the double-amputee Ibrahim Abu Thurayeh who was killed in Gaza last week, I quoted RT which interviewed the family:

" The Palestinian’s brother told Ruptly that Thurayeh knew he would not be coming back from the protest alive. “Yesterday my brother said to me while he was eating dinner us: ‘Brother, forgive me. This is the last night you will see me. And you, my mother, forgive me, and you my sisters, you all forgive me...’
“He kissed the hand and the leg of my father and said to him: Father, forgive me. This is the last night you will see me, as I intend to be a martyr. I am bored of this life, I have no legs and I have nothing. I want to die and rest from life.”
His mother told Ruptly that her son wanted to “sacrifice himself for the homeland,” adding that “he has become a martyr.” His father said that his son died for Jerusalem."

So did he plan his own death - perhaps even at the hands of Hamas?

A couple of other pieces of information might indicate that martyrdom wasn't his main goal - providing for his family was.

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Did Ibrahim Abu Thurayeh want to die so his family would get "martyr" money? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Ma'an's headline was probably accurate when it slightly changed his words to say that he meant that not only Jerusalem but "Palestine is a side issue" in the Arab world.

It is true. At the same time that Arab leaders will mouth their support for Palestinians in forums like the UN, when the West isn't the audience they have been signaling their impatience and apathy towards the issue for years.

We noticed this as far back as 2008, as the Arab world already then was reluctant to pay their pledges to the Palestinian Authority (holding back some $700 million!) because the Hamas/Fatah split proved that the Palestinians don't have their own act together.

When asked to protest against Israel, sure, the Palestinian factions can speak with a unified voice, but they have no unity outside of hate for Israel. They can't agree on anything - not even when to hold elections.

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Foreign minister of Bahrain says Jerusalem is a "side issue" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The filmed item – titled “Palestinian girl arrested after ‘slap’ video” – opens with footage marked “Courtesy Nariam Tamimi” who just happens to be the mother of that “Palestinian girl”. Viewers are told that:

“This is Ahed Tamimi and her cousin Noor with two Israeli soldiers. They are in the Palestinian village of Nabi Saleh during weekly protests. Three nights later 17-year-old Ahed was arrested. She’s accused of assault and taking part in violent riots. Just before the incident, the soldiers had been clashing with Palestinians around the Tamimis’ home who were protesting against the Israeli occupation and Donald Trump declaring Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.”

The next part of the footage is marked “Courtesy Bilal Tamimi” – who is Ahed Tamimi’s uncle.

“This video of Ahed Tamimi (in pink) went viral in 2015. She is a prominent child activist. She was trying to prevent her 12-year-old brother’s arrest for throwing rocks. She bit the Israeli soldier’s hand. Following that incident, she and her family met Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.”

The video does not inform viewers that (despite the BBC’s effort to shoehorn the US president’s recent announcement on Jerusalem into the story) violent rioting has been taking place weekly in Nabi Saleh since December 2009. Neither does it clarify that Ahed Tamimi’s father Bassem is the main organiser of those Friday riots or that, together with other family members, he and his brother Bilal run a ‘news agency’ called ‘Tamimi Press’ which produces and distributes footage and images from those weekly riots, often featuring children from the Tamimi clan such as Ahed.

What this BBC video does do, however, is provide further PR for that particular Tamimi family business.

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BBC News website promotes the Tamimi clan again
  • It is worth noting that the campaign against US institutions also states that the Palestinians' real goal is to "liberate Palestine, from the [Mediterranean] sea to the [Jordan] river." In other words, this means that the true goal of the Palestinians is to destroy Israel.

  • Why do Mahmoud Abbas's remarks come as a surprise? He is simply reiterating the official, long-standing policy of the Palestinian Authority. Where has the West been when Palestinian leaders have declared outright, decade after decade, that Israel has no right to exist and Jewish history is nothing more than lies?

  • Let us get things straight, finally. The Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims cannot stomach the fact that Israel exists, period. Their real problem is not with Trump's recognition of the reality -- that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Rather, they have a problem with Israel's very existence.
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Is It Really about Jerusalem?
The filmed item – titled “Palestinian girl arrested after ‘slap’ video” – opens with footage marked “Courtesy Nariam Tamimi” who just happens to be the mother of that “Palestinian girl”. Viewers are told that:

“This is Ahed Tamimi and her cousin Noor with two Israeli soldiers. They are in the Palestinian village of Nabi Saleh during weekly protests. Three nights later 17-year-old Ahed was arrested. She’s accused of assault and taking part in violent riots. Just before the incident, the soldiers had been clashing with Palestinians around the Tamimis’ home who were protesting against the Israeli occupation and Donald Trump declaring Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.”

The next part of the footage is marked “Courtesy Bilal Tamimi” – who is Ahed Tamimi’s uncle.

“This video of Ahed Tamimi (in pink) went viral in 2015. She is a prominent child activist. She was trying to prevent her 12-year-old brother’s arrest for throwing rocks. She bit the Israeli soldier’s hand. Following that incident, she and her family met Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.”

The video does not inform viewers that (despite the BBC’s effort to shoehorn the US president’s recent announcement on Jerusalem into the story) violent rioting has been taking place weekly in Nabi Saleh since December 2009. Neither does it clarify that Ahed Tamimi’s father Bassem is the main organiser of those Friday riots or that, together with other family members, he and his brother Bilal run a ‘news agency’ called ‘Tamimi Press’ which produces and distributes footage and images from those weekly riots, often featuring children from the Tamimi clan such as Ahed.

What this BBC video does do, however, is provide further PR for that particular Tamimi family business.

(full article online)

BBC News website promotes the Tamimi clan again
Motherhood and resistance in Palestine
The procedure was approved in 1988, in an attempt to force Arab debtors in Judea and Samaria to transfer payments to state authorities and private creditors, but according to members of the defense and justice ministries, the original procedure proved useless because the Palestinian Authority refused to help enforce it.

The new procedure was recently formulated by a professional team from both ministries, in an attempt to reduce the mounting collection orders in Israel’s law enforcement agencies against PA Arabs who owe Israel utility payments and fines, as well as debts to Israeli individuals and institutions. These are estimated at $145 million.

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Liberman, Shaked, to Impose Law Banning PA Deadbeats from Israel | The Jewish Press - JewishPress.com | David Israel | 3 Tevet 5778 – December 21, 2017 | JewishPress.com
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