Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Here is where you are probably going wrong:
"The fighting ended by a UN Security Council resolution calling for an armistice."

Are you saying that the UN Security Council demanded a stop to the fighting and Then....the fighting ended.

Or.....the fighting ended....and then the UN got involved with the armistice?

I believe that there is a difference :)
The Parties to the present Agreement, responding to the Security Council resolution of 16 November 1948 calling upon them, as a further provisional measure under Article 40 of the Charter of the United Nations and in order to facilitate the transition from the present truce to permanent peace in Palestine to negotiate an Armistice; having, decided to enter into negotiations under United Nations Chairmanship concerning the implementation of the Security Council resolutions of 4 and 16 November 1948; and having appointed representatives empowered to negotiate and conclude an Armistice Agreement;

https://peacemaker.un.org/sites/peacemaker.un.org/files/EG IL_490224_Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement.pdf
Reading comprehension tin man.

First, the parties need to STOP fighting. Then there is a truce. Then an armistice.

From what you wrote, the UN "ordered them to stop the fighting and sign an armistice"

Reread what you wrote in your previous post.
The UN Security Council called for the armistice. Several truces were broken before the Security Council stepped in.
Show me one source where it says that the UN called for the armistice.

Don't the parties have to agree to a truce and the armistice first?
If that were the case, the Security Council would not need to demand one.
You are using the word Demand. It is the wrong word.
The UN can call for an armistice, can ask for one, but the parties do not have to listen to it if any one of them is intent of continuing the fight.

The word is Calling, not Demanding....which is exactly what I referred to above.


The Parties to the present Agreement,

Responding to the Security Council resolution of 16 November 1948, calling upon them, as a further provisional measure under Article 40 of the Charter of the United Nations and in order to facilitate the transition from the present truce to permanent peace in Palestine, to negotiate an armistice;

Having decided to enter into negotiations under United Nations chairmanship concerning the implementation of the Security Council resolution of 16 November 1948; and having appointed representatives empowered to negotiate and conclude an Armistice Agreement;

The undersigned representatives of their respective Governments, having exchanged their full powers found to be in good and proper form, have agreed upon the following provisions:

(full article online)

Israel-Jordan Armistice Agreement (1949)
Here is where you are probably going wrong:
"The fighting ended by a UN Security Council resolution calling for an armistice."

Are you saying that the UN Security Council demanded a stop to the fighting and Then....the fighting ended.

Or.....the fighting ended....and then the UN got involved with the armistice?

I believe that there is a difference :)
The Parties to the present Agreement, responding to the Security Council resolution of 16 November 1948 calling upon them, as a further provisional measure under Article 40 of the Charter of the United Nations and in order to facilitate the transition from the present truce to permanent peace in Palestine to negotiate an Armistice; having, decided to enter into negotiations under United Nations Chairmanship concerning the implementation of the Security Council resolutions of 4 and 16 November 1948; and having appointed representatives empowered to negotiate and conclude an Armistice Agreement;

https://peacemaker.un.org/sites/peacemaker.un.org/files/EG IL_490224_Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement.pdf
Reading comprehension tin man.

First, the parties need to STOP fighting. Then there is a truce. Then an armistice.

From what you wrote, the UN "ordered them to stop the fighting and sign an armistice"

Reread what you wrote in your previous post.
The UN Security Council called for the armistice. Several truces were broken before the Security Council stepped in.
Show me one source where it says that the UN called for the armistice.

Don't the parties have to agree to a truce and the armistice first?
If that were the case, the Security Council would not need to demand one.

The Security Council can make whatever bellicose demands they wish. The Islamist beast understands retaliatory force of arms. That's why after multiple, humiliating defeats, there is no Islamist nation that is going to use force of arms against Israel on behalf of Pal'istanians.
The Islamist beast understands retaliatory force of arms
Well, the truth is that all peoples that have been occupied have resisted their oppressors and violence, many times was the only choice they saw.
Thank you, I am so glad you do understand that the Jews, having been occupied and oppressed for 1300 by the Muslims, had no choice but to fight for their survival in 1948.

had no choice but to fight for their survival in 1948.
They marched into Palestine so bravely behind the British and French armed forces. After the British attacked, the Arabs fought back. Over 80% of the indigenous people were either slaughtered or expelled from their land.
had no choice but to fight for their survival in 1948.
They marched into Palestine so bravely behind the British and French armed forces. After the British attacked, the Arabs fought back. Over 80% of the indigenous people were either slaughtered or expelled from their land.
On the other hand, how about a round of applause for those crusading Arabs-Moslems who forced the Arab-Moslem squatters off land they hoped to colonize.
On the other hand, how about a round of applause for those crusading Arabs-Moslems who forced the Arab-Moslem squatters off land they hoped to colonize.
Is that not what the zionists did to the Iraqi Jews in '50-'51? Remember, the zionist terrorists in Iraq were murdering Jews.
had no choice but to fight for their survival in 1948.
They marched into Palestine so bravely behind the British and French armed forces. After the British attacked, the Arabs fought back. Over 80% of the indigenous people were either slaughtered or expelled from their land.
Such drama. But you are talking about the end of WWI, where many Arabs also fought on the side of the British and French.

Yes, you are correct. I am not sure about the numbers thought.

Many of the Indigenous Jews were slaughtered or expelled from 1920 to 1948 by the Arabs and the British.
The Islamist beast understands retaliatory force of arms
Well, the truth is that all peoples that have been occupied have resisted their oppressors and violence, many times was the only choice they saw.
That's exactly what the Jewish people understood in 1948. The Arab-Moslem invaders had one goal and that was to drive the Jewish people into the sea by armed attack. Unfortunately for you and those like you, the crusading Arabs-moslems were met by a better military.

You muhammedans have tried and failed repeatedly to destroy israel. How does it feel to be a laughable joke of a military force?
“They are destroying the future of Gaza residents with their own hands,” the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, Maj.-Gen. Yoav (Poli) Mordechai, addressed the residents of Gaza on his Facebook page.

In the post, headlined, “Rocket-propelled grenade fired a short while ago from the Gaza Strip to Israel hit home in Beit Hanoun,” Mordechai laments: “Once again, the terrorist organizations fired a number of rockets at the Gazans themselves. Only a few days ago, an educational room at the Ghazi Shawa public school was demolished in Beit Hanoun. This evening, in another incident, the home of the al-Masri family from Beit Hanun was severely damaged by a shell fired by terrorist operatives from Gaza.”

(full article online)

Rocket Shot at Israel Hits Home of Hamas Terrorist | The Jewish Press - JewishPress.com | JNi.Media | 29 Kislev 5778 – December 16, 2017 | JewishPress.com
[ Wait a minute ! The Muslims say that Joseph was one of their Muslim Patriarchs.
NOW....they want to destroy his tomb? And not the first time since 1967......
By all means, keep showing that Muslims are "cousins" to Jews and that the Jewish Ancestors mean Everything in Islamic lives ]

On Saturday, Arabs disturbed the peace near Joseph's Tomb in Shechem (Nablus), throwing burning tires at the site.

Palestinian Authority Arabs published on social media calls to arrive at Joseph's Tomb and damage the site. Currently, rioters are parading towards Joseph's Tomb in order to desecrate it.

Joseph's Tomb is located in the Palestinian Authority created in the 1993 Oslo Accords, but since it is holy to Jews as well as Muslims, the site remained under IDF guard. IN 2000, it was attacked, looted and vandalized by Palestinian Arab rioters and a Druze IDF soldier bled to death because rescue forces could not reach him in time. In 2002, recurrent terrorist attacks led to IDF Operation Defensive Shield which returned Israeli security control to Nablus. Several years later, the tomb was refurbished by Israel and Jewish groups are once again allowed to coordinate visits to pray there

(full article online)

Arabs riot near Joseph's Tomb
Nearly 16 years ago, in early January 2002, the Israeli navy intercepted the Karine-A, a weapons laden ship, in the Red Sea on its way to the Palestinian Authority from Iran. The capture of the ship and the intelligence gleaned from it by Israel forced the United States to go “from viewing Arafat as an eccentric but necessary peace proponent, to viewing him as the heart of the terror problem.”

At the time, the so-called “Aqsa intifada” – a deadly campaign that claimed hundreds of lives that was planned by the Palestinian leadership after Arafat turned down a peace offer from Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak in July 2000 – had been going on for about 15 months. There was an international clamor to reduce the violence as Israel attempted to destroy the terror infrastructure that Arafat had overseen in the West Bank.

Yet, when Israel presented the U.S. evidence of Arafat’s involvement in terror, President George W. Bush responded by demanding the Palestinians find a new leader “not compromised by terror.”

After Arafat died in 2004, he was succeeded by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who still serves in that position even though he was elected in 2005 for a four-year term.

Abbas, who objected to the violence of the “Aqsa intifada,” has proven no more ready to make peace with Israel than Arafat, in addition to being corrupt. He rejected a 2008 peace proposal from Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and derailed two efforts by the Obama administration to achieve peace with Israel.

This week, in a shocking display of denial, Abbas accused Jews of “faking and counterfeiting history and religion” with their claims to Israel. He said this at an emergency meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Turkey. According to a video of the talk, Abbas said:

I don’t want to discuss religion or history because they are really excellent in faking and counterfeiting history and religion. But if we read the Torah it says that the Canaanites were there before the time of our prophet Abraham and their existence continued since that time. This is in the Torah itself. But if [inaudible] would like to fake this history, they are really masters in this and it is mentioned in the holy Quran they fabricate truth and they try to do that and they believe in that but we have been there in this location for thousands of years.

Will this be Abbas’s Karine-A moment, when the U.S. and the rest of the world conclude that peace will be impossible to achieve with him leading the Palestinians?

Denying the Jewish connection to the land of Israel is an element of the Palestinian National Charter. But how can Abbas or the PA make peace with Israel if they don’t accept the basis for Israel’s existence? For Abbas to declare this so emphatically shows that his rejection of the Jewish state’s historical rights is a deeply held belief.

(full article online)

Mahmoud Abbas’s Karine-A Moment?
The nightmare stories of the Likud are well known. After all, they promised rockets from Gaza as well. For a year, Gaza has been largely under the rule of the Palestinian Authority. There has not been a single rocket. Nor will there be any ... – Yitzhak Rabin, Radio interview, July 24, 1995.

In the history of international politics, there have been numerous ideas that proved both myopic and moronic. But few—if any—have proved more so than the ill-conceived idea of foisting statehood on the Palestinian-Arabs. Compounding the folly of this fatal fiasco is the fact that it was not only completely predictable—but persistently predicted.

Particularly puzzling—indeed perverse—is the fact that any prospective Palestinian state is almost certainly likely to embody the very antithesis of the values invoked for its inception by the liberal-Left Establishment.

Corrupt kleptocracy or tyrannical theocracy

After all, there is little reason to believe that any such state would be anything other than a misogynistic, homophobic Muslim majority tyranny and a bastion for Islamist terror groups--whose hallmarks would be gender discrimination against woman/girls; persecution of homosexuals, prosecution of political dissidents, and suppression of non-Muslim faiths. Indeed, its liberal-Left devotees have certainly never provided any remotely compelling argument why it would not be. Neither has the empirical precedent set since the ill-considered 1993 Oslo Accords began the ill-fated process of prodding the unprepared Palestinian-Arabs towards self-government.

After all, since Arafat’s triumphant return to Gaza in July 1994, despite massive financial aid, almost unanimous international endorsement, and a series of Israeli governments, whose pliant leniency towards repeated Palestinian malfeasance exceeded the bounds of reason and common sense, the Palestinian-Arabs have failed to create anything remotely resembling a sustainable, productive society. Indeed, all they have managed to produce is a corrupt keptocracy under Fatah and a tyrannical theocracy under Hamas.

Thus, after a quarter-century, notwithstanding the huge advantages it enjoyed —that, arguably far outstrip those that any other national liberation movement has had at its disposal—the Palestinian-Arab leadership has little to show for its efforts. All it has brought its people is an untenable and divided entity, with a dysfunctional polity, barely capable of holding even municipal elections; and an emaciated economy, crippled by corruption and cronyism, with a minuscule private sector and bloated public one, patently unsustainable without the largesse of its alleged “oppressor”, Israel.

(full article online)

INTO THE FRAY: A Palestinian State? What could possibly go wrong?
Nearly 16 years ago, in early January 2002, the Israeli navy intercepted the Karine-A, a weapons laden ship, in the Red Sea on its way to the Palestinian Authority from Iran. The capture of the ship and the intelligence gleaned from it by Israel forced the United States to go “from viewing Arafat as an eccentric but necessary peace proponent, to viewing him as the heart of the terror problem.”

At the time, the so-called “Aqsa intifada” – a deadly campaign that claimed hundreds of lives that was planned by the Palestinian leadership after Arafat turned down a peace offer from Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak in July 2000 – had been going on for about 15 months. There was an international clamor to reduce the violence as Israel attempted to destroy the terror infrastructure that Arafat had overseen in the West Bank.

Yet, when Israel presented the U.S. evidence of Arafat’s involvement in terror, President George W. Bush responded by demanding the Palestinians find a new leader “not compromised by terror.”

After Arafat died in 2004, he was succeeded by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who still serves in that position even though he was elected in 2005 for a four-year term.

Abbas, who objected to the violence of the “Aqsa intifada,” has proven no more ready to make peace with Israel than Arafat, in addition to being corrupt. He rejected a 2008 peace proposal from Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and derailed two efforts by the Obama administration to achieve peace with Israel.

This week, in a shocking display of denial, Abbas accused Jews of “faking and counterfeiting history and religion” with their claims to Israel. He said this at an emergency meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Turkey. According to a video of the talk, Abbas said:

I don’t want to discuss religion or history because they are really excellent in faking and counterfeiting history and religion. But if we read the Torah it says that the Canaanites were there before the time of our prophet Abraham and their existence continued since that time. This is in the Torah itself. But if [inaudible] would like to fake this history, they are really masters in this and it is mentioned in the holy Quran they fabricate truth and they try to do that and they believe in that but we have been there in this location for thousands of years.

Will this be Abbas’s Karine-A moment, when the U.S. and the rest of the world conclude that peace will be impossible to achieve with him leading the Palestinians?

Denying the Jewish connection to the land of Israel is an element of the Palestinian National Charter. But how can Abbas or the PA make peace with Israel if they don’t accept the basis for Israel’s existence? For Abbas to declare this so emphatically shows that his rejection of the Jewish state’s historical rights is a deeply held belief.

(full article online)

Mahmoud Abbas’s Karine-A Moment?
But how can Abbas or the PA make peace with Israel if they don’t accept the basis for Israel’s existence?
Like ethnic cleansing, killing, and theft?
The nightmare stories of the Likud are well known. After all, they promised rockets from Gaza as well. For a year, Gaza has been largely under the rule of the Palestinian Authority. There has not been a single rocket. Nor will there be any ... – Yitzhak Rabin, Radio interview, July 24, 1995.

In the history of international politics, there have been numerous ideas that proved both myopic and moronic. But few—if any—have proved more so than the ill-conceived idea of foisting statehood on the Palestinian-Arabs. Compounding the folly of this fatal fiasco is the fact that it was not only completely predictable—but persistently predicted.

Particularly puzzling—indeed perverse—is the fact that any prospective Palestinian state is almost certainly likely to embody the very antithesis of the values invoked for its inception by the liberal-Left Establishment.

Corrupt kleptocracy or tyrannical theocracy

After all, there is little reason to believe that any such state would be anything other than a misogynistic, homophobic Muslim majority tyranny and a bastion for Islamist terror groups--whose hallmarks would be gender discrimination against woman/girls; persecution of homosexuals, prosecution of political dissidents, and suppression of non-Muslim faiths. Indeed, its liberal-Left devotees have certainly never provided any remotely compelling argument why it would not be. Neither has the empirical precedent set since the ill-considered 1993 Oslo Accords began the ill-fated process of prodding the unprepared Palestinian-Arabs towards self-government.

After all, since Arafat’s triumphant return to Gaza in July 1994, despite massive financial aid, almost unanimous international endorsement, and a series of Israeli governments, whose pliant leniency towards repeated Palestinian malfeasance exceeded the bounds of reason and common sense, the Palestinian-Arabs have failed to create anything remotely resembling a sustainable, productive society. Indeed, all they have managed to produce is a corrupt keptocracy under Fatah and a tyrannical theocracy under Hamas.

Thus, after a quarter-century, notwithstanding the huge advantages it enjoyed —that, arguably far outstrip those that any other national liberation movement has had at its disposal—the Palestinian-Arab leadership has little to show for its efforts. All it has brought its people is an untenable and divided entity, with a dysfunctional polity, barely capable of holding even municipal elections; and an emaciated economy, crippled by corruption and cronyism, with a minuscule private sector and bloated public one, patently unsustainable without the largesse of its alleged “oppressor”, Israel.

(full article online)

INTO THE FRAY: A Palestinian State? What could possibly go wrong?
What right wingnut fucktard wrote this shit?
First field lesson:

To hit the target there are three conditions:
1. Stand firmly, and balance well between your feet and your hands and your body ..
2. Keep your eyes on the center of your target, do not turn away,
3. Keep the balance between your body and your weapon, you are the one who controls the weapon, not the other way round.
If you do not understand the lesson, read it againThis is the "non-violence" that the Palestinian Authority teaches its youngsters.

It is child abuse - but you will not find a single children's advocacy group saying a word against it. Not UNICEF, not Defense for Children International, nobody.

(full article online)

Fatah gives lessons for children to attack Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Nearly 16 years ago, in early January 2002, the Israeli navy intercepted the Karine-A, a weapons laden ship, in the Red Sea on its way to the Palestinian Authority from Iran. The capture of the ship and the intelligence gleaned from it by Israel forced the United States to go “from viewing Arafat as an eccentric but necessary peace proponent, to viewing him as the heart of the terror problem.”

At the time, the so-called “Aqsa intifada” – a deadly campaign that claimed hundreds of lives that was planned by the Palestinian leadership after Arafat turned down a peace offer from Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak in July 2000 – had been going on for about 15 months. There was an international clamor to reduce the violence as Israel attempted to destroy the terror infrastructure that Arafat had overseen in the West Bank.

Yet, when Israel presented the U.S. evidence of Arafat’s involvement in terror, President George W. Bush responded by demanding the Palestinians find a new leader “not compromised by terror.”

After Arafat died in 2004, he was succeeded by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who still serves in that position even though he was elected in 2005 for a four-year term.

Abbas, who objected to the violence of the “Aqsa intifada,” has proven no more ready to make peace with Israel than Arafat, in addition to being corrupt. He rejected a 2008 peace proposal from Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and derailed two efforts by the Obama administration to achieve peace with Israel.

This week, in a shocking display of denial, Abbas accused Jews of “faking and counterfeiting history and religion” with their claims to Israel. He said this at an emergency meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Turkey. According to a video of the talk, Abbas said:

I don’t want to discuss religion or history because they are really excellent in faking and counterfeiting history and religion. But if we read the Torah it says that the Canaanites were there before the time of our prophet Abraham and their existence continued since that time. This is in the Torah itself. But if [inaudible] would like to fake this history, they are really masters in this and it is mentioned in the holy Quran they fabricate truth and they try to do that and they believe in that but we have been there in this location for thousands of years.

Will this be Abbas’s Karine-A moment, when the U.S. and the rest of the world conclude that peace will be impossible to achieve with him leading the Palestinians?

Denying the Jewish connection to the land of Israel is an element of the Palestinian National Charter. But how can Abbas or the PA make peace with Israel if they don’t accept the basis for Israel’s existence? For Abbas to declare this so emphatically shows that his rejection of the Jewish state’s historical rights is a deeply held belief.

(full article online)

Mahmoud Abbas’s Karine-A Moment?
But how can Abbas or the PA make peace with Israel if they don’t accept the basis for Israel’s existence?
Like ethnic cleansing, killing, and theft?

You just described the goals that define Islamist ideology.
So it’s come to this. The PA (Palestinian Authority) is upset with us…so upset that its leaders are threatening to cut ties with us here in the United States.

All that started soon after President Trump delivered on his promise to name Jerusalem the capital of Israel…to which we can only say Amen.

Come to think of it, this is actually the tenth time the Palestinian Arabs have made that threat…but who’s counting?

More to the point – who cares?

Is there a downside to this? I see nothing but good. Are we supposed to be afraid?

I think Freud talked about this; about people with a false sense of importance. He did not have the Palestinian Arabs specifically in mind.

(full article online)

PA threatens to quit America - do you care?
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