Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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[Now, why would the PA say something like that and deliberately go against what the Quran says? ]

  • PA TV: There is "no documentation" the Western Wall was ever a "place of worship" for Jews before the Balfour Declaration was issued in 1917
  • Abbas' advisor: "[The Jews have] no connection to this land, not religiously or historically"
  • PA minister: "Israel's claims regarding the finding of Jewish antiquities are a clear falsification of the city [of Jerusalem's] history"
  • PLO official: Jewish historical ties to the land are "a Zionist invention;"
    Jews are in "Palestine" only because "Europe wanted to get rid of them"
(full article online)

PA: Jews have no history in "Palestine" - PMW Bulletins
[ It feels like between 1948 and 1967 for some Christians ]

Christmas celebrations in Nazareth — Jesus’ childhood hometown, according to Christian belief — have been canceled to protest the US president’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

The city council announced Thursday that Mayor Ali Salam, a Muslim, had ordered the axing of all planned artistic events, including a festival and large Christmas market.

(full article online)

Nazareth cancels Christmas celebrations to protest US move on Jerusalem
[ The "I hate you, really hate you"....."but I will take the money" syndrome ]

"In all our conferences and decisions, we have agreed that Jerusalem is a red line, and now we must translate all this into actions that force the United States to retreat from this crime and prevent other countries from taking similar steps.," Abbas said.

He added, "When the United States announced the closure of the PLO headquarters in Washington, we announced that we would not deal with the US consul. America must feel that any decision it takes is not easy and we can and will force it to pay the price."

Like a two-bit thug, Abbas then repeated his go-to threat: "If the State of Palestine does not have its capital in Jerusalem on the borders of June 4, 1967, there will be no peace in the region, the territories or the world, and they must choose [which it is going to be.]

What's wrong with this picture?

Last year, under the Obama administration, the Palestinian prime minister thanked the European countries for giving so much money to his government, but falsely claimed that the US didn't give them a dime. In fact, the
US gave $357 million to the PA, and $355 million more to UNRWA. The US is by far the biggest donor to the PA.

And the PA treats the US like dirt.

(full article online)

Abbas insults and threatens the US - but takes hundreds of millions of US dollars ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
In fact, the US gave $357 million to the PA, and $355 million more to UNRWA. The US is by far the biggest donor to the PA.
If not for Israel, the Palestinians would not need a penny of that.

Israel is an expensive place.
  • The decision to boycott a visit later this month by US Vice President Mike Pence comes in the context of absorbing the anger of the street. Abbas and his Palestinian Authority have also made it clear that they no longer consider the Trump administration an "honest" and "unbiased" broker in any peace process with Israel. As such, the Palestinian Authority leadership announced that it will reject any peace plan proposed by the Trump administration, even if the plan gains the support of Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

  • The Palestinian strategy now is to work hard to thwart any peace plan coming from the Trump administration. The Palestinians are convinced that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and other Arab leaders are cooking up a new "conspiracy" behind their backs -- with the aim of "liquidating" the Palestinian cause by imposing an acceptable solution on them. This, of course, has nothing to do with Trump's announcement on Jerusalem. This has been the Palestinian position even before Trump made his announcement, and it is unlikely to change after.

  • The question now is: How will the Arab regimes respond to this latest charge of fratricide leveled against them by their Palestinian brothers?

(full article online)

Palestinians: Arab Rulers are Traitors, Cowards

On December 14, 2017, Hamas commemorates its 30th anniversary.

But what is Hamas really commemorating? Here are 30 facts to remind you:

1. Hamas takes its name from an acronym that means “Islamic Resistance Movement” in Arabic.

2. Hamas refuses to recognize the State of Israel’s right to exist as an independent, sovereign nation, and is totally opposed to any agreement or arrangement that would recognize its right to exist. At the beginning of its 1988 charter there is a quotation attributed to Hassan Al-Bana, the Muslim Brotherhood’s founder, that “Israel will arise and continue to exist until Islam wipes it out, as it wiped out what went before.” (Contrary to some misleading news stories, Hamas’s 2017 “Political Document” does not replace the 1988 charter.)

3. Hamas is committed to jihad. Its charter stresses the importance of jihad (holy war) as the main means for the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) to achieve its goals: An uncompromising jihad must be waged against Israel. Jihad is the personal duty of every Muslim. (Again, contrary to some misleading news stories, Hamas’s 2017 “Political Document” does not replace the 1988 charter.)

4. Hamas is an anti-Semitic organization. According to its charter, the Jewish people have only negative traits and are presented as planning to take over the world. The charter uses myths taken from classical European and Islamic-based anti-Semitism. (Again, contrary to some misleading news stories, Hamas’s 2017 “Political Document” does not replace the 1988 charter.)

5. The Hamas Charter includes anti-Semitic myths taken from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (mentioned in Article 32) regarding Jewish control of the media, the film industry and education (Articles 17 and 22). The myths are constantly repeated to represent the Jews as responsible for the French and Russian revolutions and for all world and local wars: “No war takes place anywhere without the Jews’ being behind it” (Article 22). The charter demonizes the Jews and describes them as brutally behaving like Nazis toward women and children (Article 29). (Again, contrary to some misleading news stories, Hamas’s 2017 “Political Document” does not replace the 1988 charter.)

6. Hamas is the local Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, which briefly took control of the Egyptian government, and which promotes extremism and terror activities throughout the Muslim world.

(full article online)

Hamas: 30 Facts For 30 Years | HonestReporting
Note the vile antisemitism you just heard.

“I don’t want to discuss religion or history because they are really excellent in faking and counterfeiting history and religion. But if we read the Torah it says that the Canaanites were there before the time of our prophet Abraham and their [Canaanite] existence continued since that time, this is in the Torah itself. But if they would like to fake this history, they are really masters in this and it is mentioned in the holy Quran they fabricate truth and they try to do that and they believe in that but we have been there in this location for thousands of years.”

The “they” he refers to is, of course, the Jewish people. I guess speaking in Arabic makes poppy sloppy.

Note also how Abbas claims his people come from the ancient Canaanites 5,000 years ago, and even tries to use the Torah to show they therefore preceded the Jews. This is nothing new from the palestinians – as I have blogged before they have a number of contradictory versions:

(full article online)

MUST WATCH: Mahmoud Abbas’ Vile Antisemitism And Historical Negationism
The poll, conducted among 1,270 adults in the West Bank and Gaza Strip last week, shows widespread hostility among Palestinians toward the Sunni Arab states as well as Abbas personally.

More than 70 percent of respondents believed that the PA president — who has outstayed his term in office by almost nine years — should resign. Amid emphatic rejection of any American peace initiatives, 72 percent of respondents said they believed Sunni Arab states like Egypt and Saudi Arabia would fall into line behind Trump, and that Abbas would eventually resume contacts with the US.

Overall, the poll painted a bleak picture of Palestinian opinion. “More than three quarters believe that Palestine is no longer the Arabs first cause,” a commentary accompanying the poll observed. “Indeed, more than 70% believe that despite the continuation of Israeli occupation, an alliance already exists between Sunni Arab states and Israel.”

(full article online)

Abbas’ Fiery Rhetoric Toward US and Israel May Be Unconvincing to Palestinian Public, New Poll Suggests
Yesterday, the Guardian did what if often does: they published an op-ed designed to undermine Israel’s fundamental right to exist. The op-ed was written by Karma Nabulsi, an Oxford academic and former PLO representative who, unsurprisingly, rejects a Jewish state within any borders.

The piece is putatively about the US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, but ultimately simply uses the news as a springboard to a broader point she’s made previously at the Guardian and elsewhere: that Israel is a ‘settler colonial entity’ that has ethnically cleansed ‘Palestine’ and has no political or moral legitimacy.

(full article online)

Guardian trots out Karma Nabulsi to attack Israel’s right to exist
Others say there were four, not three, and the difference points to something significant:

On Wednesday night, four rockets were fired from Gaza at southern Israel. Two of them were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system, a third struck an open field and the fourth fell short of the border and hit a school in the Gaza Strip, according to Israeli officials... [Times of Israel, today]

So that's five Arab-on-Israeli attack rockets intercepted in mid-air and brought down by the amazing, life-saving, defensive Iron Dome system so far this week.

As far as we know, neither Haaretz nor any non-Israeli news source has drawn attention to how yet-another Fell Short rocket dispatched on its murderous path towards Israel failed to cross the border and fell onto the heads of hapless Gazan Palestinian Arabs.

This time it struck a school according to Israeli assessments:
Beit Hanoun’s Ghazi al-Shawa public school, according to Maj. Gen. Yoav Mordechai, Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, the Defense Ministry liaison with the Palestinians.Given the late-night hour, it was probably empty of students. But who really knows? And just imagine the reaction if it was an Israeli attack that view up a Gazan (almost certainly meaning UNRWA) school. Does anyone think The Guardian (which has a documented interest in Gazan schools being attacked) will give its readers any insight into this latest school bombing.

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 14-Dec-17: Understanding what happened after Wednesday night's Gazan rocket attack on Israel
  • The decision to boycott a visit later this month by US Vice President Mike Pence comes in the context of absorbing the anger of the street. Abbas and his Palestinian Authority have also made it clear that they no longer consider the Trump administration an "honest" and "unbiased" broker in any peace process with Israel. As such, the Palestinian Authority leadership announced that it will reject any peace plan proposed by the Trump administration, even if the plan gains the support of Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

  • The Palestinian strategy now is to work hard to thwart any peace plan coming from the Trump administration. The Palestinians are convinced that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and other Arab leaders are cooking up a new "conspiracy" behind their backs -- with the aim of "liquidating" the Palestinian cause by imposing an acceptable solution on them. This, of course, has nothing to do with Trump's announcement on Jerusalem. This has been the Palestinian position even before Trump made his announcement, and it is unlikely to change after.

  • The question now is: How will the Arab regimes respond to this latest charge of fratricide leveled against them by their Palestinian brothers?
(full article online)

Palestinians: Arab Rulers are Traitors, Cowards
Abbas and his Palestinian Authority have also made it clear that they no longer consider the Trump administration an "honest" and "unbiased" broker in any peace process with Israel.
It only took them 25 years to figure that out. :eusa_doh::eusa_doh:
The terrorist group further stressed that it was continuing the path of liberation and the resistance in all its aspects until the last layer of historic Palestinian land is liberated, noting that it "bombed occupied Tel Aviv that was established on our occupied land in Jaffa."

The statement also called for an end to the Palestinian Authority’s security coordination with Israel and stressed that the "right of return" is a private and collective right that cannot be revoked by any party.

(full article online)

Hamas: We will liberate 'occupied Tel Aviv'
PLO Executive Member Saleh Rafat says it is a “Zionist invention” that Israel is the land of the Jewish patriarchs. Rather, all those living in the Land of Israel for thousands of years – including Muslims, Christians and Jews – belonged to the “Palestinian people,” he declares, despite the fact that Christianity was founded in the 1st century C.E. and Islam at the start of the 7th century.

Then he expands on his strange theory about why Jews were expelled from the Holy Land and later from European countries.

If you want to hear a creative distortion of history and the lies fed to the Arabs by the Palestinian Authority, this video is for you.

(vide video online)

WATCH: Jewish History in ‘Palestine’ is a ‘Zionist Invention,’ Says PLO Official
Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is a crime not only against “Palestine,” but against all of humanity, stated Mahmoud al-Habbash, PA Mahmoud Abbas’ adviser on Religious and Islamic Affairs and chairman of the Supreme Council for Sharia Justice.

In tune with the PA’s complete denial of the ancient and profound Jewish ties to the holy city, al-Habbash claims that Jerusalem has belonged to the Palestinians for 5,000 years and will remain Palestinian “until Allah will inherit the earth and whoever is on it.”

Making claims on Jerusalem going back 5,000 years would be laughable if not for the violence and terror provoked by al-Habbash’s statements. Trump is an enemy of Muslims and Christians throughout the world and his actions will “open the gates of hell,” he vows.

Watch the video for the full text of his outrageous speech.

(vide video online)

Jerusalem Has Belonged to the Palestinians for 5,000 years, Says Abbas Adviser
Sanaa is one of 300 Muslim volunteers for United Hatzalah and one of 320 women in the organization, but she is the only one who comes from both of these demographic groups. Her religious adherence has never proven to be an obstacle for her, and she is respected and loved by her fellow volunteers, especially those who work with her locally in the Umm-El Fahm and Shibli chapter – one of three all-Muslim groups in the organization to date. All the Muslim volunteers in the chapter and throughout the organization – just like their Jewish, Bedouin, Druze and Christian counterparts – provide emergency medical treatment to anyone who needs it in their vicinity regardless of ethnicity, gender or religion.

(full article online)

Religious Muslim Woman Spends Her Time Saving Lives in Israel
"Their whole purpose in coming here is to disturb the residents," he explained. "For several weeks already, extreme leftist activists have brought shepherds from the Arab town of Hamam al-Maliah, and given them cameras to provoke us with. Today was especially bad - six herds surrounded the town, and the leftists encouraged them."

(full article online)

With cameras and rocks: Arabs surround Jewish town
The terrorist group further stressed that it was continuing the path of liberation and the resistance in all its aspects until the last layer of historic Palestinian land is liberated, noting that it "bombed occupied Tel Aviv that was established on our occupied land in Jaffa."

The statement also called for an end to the Palestinian Authority’s security coordination with Israel and stressed that the "right of return" is a private and collective right that cannot be revoked by any party.

(full article online)

Hamas: We will liberate 'occupied Tel Aviv'
The Hamas terrorist organization declared on Wednesday that “Al-Quds [in its entirety] is the eternal capital of Palestine, not its eastern or western part, and is an Arabic Islamic city.”​

The first thing they do is play the terrorist card. Must be a propaganda site.
The terrorist group further stressed that it was continuing the path of liberation and the resistance in all its aspects until the last layer of historic Palestinian land is liberated, noting that it "bombed occupied Tel Aviv that was established on our occupied land in Jaffa."

The statement also called for an end to the Palestinian Authority’s security coordination with Israel and stressed that the "right of return" is a private and collective right that cannot be revoked by any party.

(full article online)

Hamas: We will liberate 'occupied Tel Aviv'
The Hamas terrorist organization declared on Wednesday that “Al-Quds [in its entirety] is the eternal capital of Palestine, not its eastern or western part, and is an Arabic Islamic city.”​

The first thing they do is play the terrorist card. Must be a propaganda site.
Show us your knowledge of Arabic.
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