Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Dozens of activists gathered in front of the Erez crossing in the northern Gaza Strip on Monday morning to prevent a Bahraini Interfaith delegation from entering from the Israeli side, Ma’an reported. The activists torched tires and chanted slogans condemning normalization with Israel.

One activist said his group would not allow the delegation to enter and that they would treat them as enemies, while another said he had brought in rotten eggs to throw at the delegation members.

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Gaza Protesters Gather to Stop Bahraini Peace Tour with Rotten Eggs | The Jewish Press - JewishPress.com | JNi.Media | 23 Kislev 5778 – December 11, 2017 | JewishPress.com

Palestinian Authority is so anti-peace that they are arranging protests against the Bahrainis.

The Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education announced its "absolute refusal to receive the Bahraini delegation coming from the Zionist entity in any of its schools and institutions of higher education affiliated with it" and instructed all schools under its control as well as UNRWA schools to snub any attempts by the Bahraini group to meet with them.

Palestinians gathered at the Erez crossing into Gaza, prepared to throw shoes and eggs at the delegation after rumors that they were going to visit there.

This was all reported approvingly at the Fatah Facebook page.

Reports also indicate that the delegation was blocked from visiting the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem by its guards.

This is how Palestinians treat fellow Arabs who make it clear that that they simply want peace.

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Palestinian Authority instructs schools not to meet with pro-peace Bahrainis ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
"The subject of Wadi Ara certainly deserves to be put on the agenda. Those who saw the attack on the Temple Mount and the funeral afterwards in which thousands participated of the three young men from the Jabarin clan who murdered two Druze policemen; those who heard the sermons in the mosques, those who saw the violent demonstration about three days agoin Wadi Ara, when you add to this the terrorist who carried out the attack in central Tel Aviv and then murdered the taxi driver and you see the trend there, you can't ignore the fact that there are simply people who do not want to be part of the State of Israel," Liberman said.


Israeli Arab child holding sign during protest against Trump decision to recognize Jerusalem capital of Israel
צילום: Flash 90

He added, "They're trying to hurt us from the inside; we're not talking about isolated people, we are not talking about stray misfits, and when you take all the quotes and all the speeches of the leadership here in the Knesset, all these things pass quietly for some reason."

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'In Wadi Ara they're trying to harm us from within'
[ Should their wish be granted? ]

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a terrorist organization that is a member of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), on Sunday called on the Palestinian Authority (PA) and its chairman Mahmoud Abbas to renounce the Oslo Accords, stop the security coordination with Israel and revoke the recognition of Israel, in response to U.S President Donald Trump’s announcement recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

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PFLP: Cancel the Oslo Accords
You can read a bit more detail about the history of this craft from the webpage of Armenian Ceramics in Jerusalem, whose Balian family were the original partners of the Karakashians mentioned above.

The Balian Family of Jerusalem has been producing exclusive hand painted ceramic tiles and pottery since 1922.
This makes us one of the oldest-if not the oldest- business in existence in Jerusalem.
The studio is currently being run by Neshan Balian Jr, whose grandfather Neshan Balian Sr came to Jerusalem in 1919 from Kutahya, Turkey.
Neshan Balian Sr. and Megerditch Karakashian- a master potter and artist respectively- were brought over to Jerusalem by the British governmentand David Ohanessian , who was a ceramist, linguist and head of the Kutahya Ceramic Association, to renovate the ceramic tiles of The Dome of the Rock.
Before the arrival of the Three Armenian families to then Palestine, the production of decorative ceramic tiles and pottery in this region did not exist at all. It was Neshan Balian with his partner the Megerditch Karakashian and David Ohanessian,, who established this unique form of world famous art known presently as the Armenian Pottery of Jerusalem.

So there is no "Palestinian" tradition of decorative ceramics. It is an Armenian tradition.

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An age-old Palestinian craft that goes all the way back to 1922 - when the British imported Armenian families ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
In a Facebook post, Bashi blamed criticism of her book on what she called “self-proclaimed powerful neighborhoods of New York City.” That’s pretty obvious code language for “the Jews.”

But it’s also important to pay close attention to the explanations that Bashi and her supporters have presented in several recent interviews. “Intifada is part of Palestinian life, to resist occupation,” she told JTA. In an interview with Haaretz, Bashi elaborated, “Intifada is an aspect of Palestinian life just as Bethlehem is the birthplace of Jesus Christ.” An Israeli Arab educator named Areej Masarwa added, “It’s part of Palestinian identity.”

Exactly right. Mass violence against Jews is indeed a central part of “Palestinian” identity. And that tells us a lot about Palestinian identity.

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‘P is for Palestine’ author got one thing right
[ Take away the money, the terrible curriculums, and endless incitement, and maybe these men, women and children will someday find out what having a normal life without bombs and weapons is all about. And maybe someday these women will not have to hide their faces ever again ]

Dozens of female members of the Islamic Jihad’s Al-Quds Brigades marched through Gaza this week in protest of US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Accompanied by hundreds of burqa-clad women, the armed fighters, who are part of the military wing of the terrorist group, burned the US flag and vowed to “redeem Palestine with our souls and our blood,” according to video footage posted by Lebanese U-News on Monday and translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute.

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Female terrorists in Gaza threaten intifada after Trump announcement
The blast comes amid increased tensions in Gaza. On Sunday, the military destroyed an attack tunnel belonging to the Hamas terror group, and there has been an increase in rocket fire against Israeli communities by terrorist groups, along with violent protests along the security fence against US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital last week.

Shortly after midnight on Tuesday, Israeli forces attacked Hamas targets in the northern Gaza Strip after Palestinians fired a rocket toward the southern city of Ashkelon, the army said. The rocket was intercepted by an Iron Dome anti-missile battery.

After the rocket fire, Israeli aircraft and a tank attacked Hamas sites in the Strip, the army said, noting that it holds the terror group, which runs Gaza, responsible for all rocket attacks.

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Two Islamic Jihad terrorists killed on ‘jihadi mission’ in Gaza
Mr. Saeb Erekat, a senior Palestinian Arab diplomat, is now struggling to stop Mr. Trump from moving the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Yerushalayim. I must ask Mr. Erekat some questions because he has asserted that his people have lived in our Eretz Yisrael for thousands of years.

1. When the Romans invaded Judea/Palestine in the first century CE, did your Palestinian, non-Jewish - there were no Muslims then - ancestors a) fight alongside the Jews?, b) fight alongside the Romans?, or c) remain non-combatants like today's Quakers?

2. Since (as you assert) your ancestors were present in Palestine at the time of the Roman invasion, any choice above would have been significant. Why is it that not a single historian of that period mentions the choice that your ancestors made from the three alternatives above?

3. Do you share the belief that, until recently, the Jews never held sovereignty or even lived in Palestine?

If you are correct, how was it that Roman sculptors created a fictitious, Jewish-focused relief and chiseled it into the Arch of Titus? It is not credible that 1900 years ago, some early Italian Zionists paid those Roman sculptors to create a historical fraud and received permission to have it stand in Rome. How was it that no Roman writer mocked this historical fraud or mentioned it during the ensuing centuries?

Do you believe that an element in that relief, a 7-branched candelabrum (we call it a menorah), a relic from our ancient Temple, is really a lighting fixture from some pre-Muhammad Palestinian tavern? If your non-Jewish ancestors were in Palestine at that time, they probably frequented taverns or beer halls at night after work to drink liquor and eat ham sandwiches on pita. Obviously, they would have needed illumination there. We both agree that in the first century CE Muhammad had not yet been born so he had not yet provided humanity with his revelation which outlawed alcohol, pork, graven images, etc.

4. If Yassir Arafat, who was born and raised in Egypt, can be a Palestinian, why can't David Ben Gurion, who was born and raised in Poland, be a Palestinian (i.e., an Israeli)?

5. Do you believe both a) the Holocaust did not occur, and b) Israeli soldiers behave like Nazis? Well, if the Holocaust never occurred, then Nazis must have been good guys like the Brits and the Americans, smiling as they distributed candy to children.

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The Arch of Titus and Saeb Erekat
The Shin Bet said the alleged ringleader of the terror cell was Mu’ad Ashtiyah, a 26-year-old Palestinian from the village of Tell, near Nablus in the northern West Bank.


From left, Ahmad Ramadan, Mu’ad Ashtiyah and Mahmoud Ramadan, three Palestinians suspected of planning a kidnapping for the Hamas terrorist group, which was foiled by the Shin Bet security service in October 2017. (Shin Bet)

He recruited cousins Mahmoud and Ahmad Ramadan, both 19 and also of Tell, to assist him in the plot, the security service said.

According to the Shin Bet, the three men planned to “kidnap a soldier or settler from one of the bus stations at a central junction in Samaria” — the biblical term for the northern West Bank.

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Israel foils Hamas kidnapping plot planned for Hanukkah
Abbas called upon the countries of the world to re-assess their recognition of the State of Israel "as long as it insists on violating the rules of international law and breaches all international resolutions since its establishment in 1948."

Yes, he is insisting that the world community gives recognition to the fake state of "Palestine." But he is simultaneously calling on the world to withdraw recognition of Israel!

And Abbas is pointedly not only talking about "occupation." He is saying that Israel is illegitimate to begin with, violating international law since it was reborn.
If he wanted peace with Israel he could have it. If he wanted two states side by side, it could have been done at least four times since 2000.
But Palestinians don't want two states. They are still going by Arafat's playbook of taking what they can get and then using that to gain the rest of what they teach their children is "Palestine." (Of course, not the parts of Palestine that lie outside the boundaries of the British Mandate in today's Jordan and Lebanon and Syria...)

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Abbas calls on countries to withdraw their recognition of Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ "I demand this....I demand that.....why nobody listens to me....? ]
[Someone needs to call the Palestinians on their " The Oslo Accord is Dead" mantra ]

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday told the summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) that because of Israeli violations in the “occupied territories” and Israeli disregard for international law, his side is no longer bound by the 1994 Oslo agreements. And so, instead of waiting for Israel to complete its part in implementing Oslo, Abbas urged the full support of the OIC members for the PA’s quest to become a full member of the United Nations.

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Abbas Defies Oslo Agreements, Demands Full UN membership | The Jewish Press - JewishPress.com | David Israel | 26 Kislev 5778 – December 13, 2017 | JewishPress.com
[ "Death to Israel"......wait, I have a pain....quick get me to an Israeli Hospital.....]

Despite his accusations of Israeli “genocide”, the senior PA official nevertheless checked in to an Israeli hospital recently, and was spotted Monday night as he was taken in for a CT scan.

In a report by Channel 20, Erekat was seen in Petah Tikva’s Beilinson Medical Center. Hospital officials confirmed that Erekat had checked into the hospital for treatment.

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PA's anti-Israel spokesman seeks treatment in Israeli hospital
[ The "I hate you, really hate you"....."but I will take the money" syndrome ]

"In all our conferences and decisions, we have agreed that Jerusalem is a red line, and now we must translate all this into actions that force the United States to retreat from this crime and prevent other countries from taking similar steps.," Abbas said.

He added, "When the United States announced the closure of the PLO headquarters in Washington, we announced that we would not deal with the US consul. America must feel that any decision it takes is not easy and we can and will force it to pay the price."

Like a two-bit thug, Abbas then repeated his go-to threat: "If the State of Palestine does not have its capital in Jerusalem on the borders of June 4, 1967, there will be no peace in the region, the territories or the world, and they must choose [which it is going to be.]

What's wrong with this picture?

Last year, under the Obama administration, the Palestinian prime minister thanked the European countries for giving so much money to his government, but falsely claimed that the US didn't give them a dime. In fact, the
US gave $357 million to the PA, and $355 million more to UNRWA. The US is by far the biggest donor to the PA.

And the PA treats the US like dirt.

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Abbas insults and threatens the US - but takes hundreds of millions of US dollars ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Pollard’s presentation of Barghouti as “a member of the Palestinian parliament” is of course misleading because not only has the Palestinian Legislative Council not functioned for over a decade since the Hamas coup in the Gaza Strip, but – like the rest of the PLC members – Barghouti’s term of office ended years ago.

Barghouti opened with a spurious reference to ‘international law’ that went completely unquestioned and went on – likewise unchallenged – to promote the ‘apartheid’ smear.

Barghouti: “It’s very significant but it’s very reckless – from a president who seems to be risk reckless on many issues. And it means the United States is officially participating in violating international law. And it is showing such a level of bias to Israel that it is killing any future role of the United States in any future peace process. As a matter of fact Mr Trump is aborting his own peace initiative before it is born. And the worst thing is that he’s making a dangerous move that will definitely destabilise the region and will consolidate, or help consolidate, a system of apartheid that Palestinians suffer from.”

Pollard: “Sorry. Let me just ask you about immediately what you think the consequences will be. First off, in the street – do you think that there is a risk of a violent response to this in terms of demonstrations and attacks?”

Barghouti: “No. From the Palestinian perspective we don’t want violence. We have opted for non-violent resistance but for mass popular non-violent resistance which was very successful last July in Jerusalem and we managed to defeat Netanyahu and force him to remove all obstacles he put in front of the people in Al Aqsa Mosque.”

Pollard failed to challenge Barghouti’s false claims of ‘non-violent resistance’ or to inform listeners of the incitement to violence from Hamas, the PA and Fatah even before the US announcement had been made. He also failed to clarify to listeners that his interviewee’s mention of “last July in Jerusalem” in fact refers to events triggered by a violent terror attack near Temple Mount or that those so-called “obstacles” were metal detectors and security cameras.

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Inaccuracies and distortions go unchallenged on BBC WS ‘Newsday’ – part one
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