Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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It seems that every doofus in the world is climbing out from under his rock to criticize Linda Sarsour.

"If you are not being criticized, you are not doing enough." ~ Linda Sarsour

Indeed, as one would expect from a pious Moslem / extreme Jew hater like Linda Sarsour, all fault for her failures and ineptitudes fall squarely on the Jew Controlled Media™️

Linda Sarsour Blames ‘Jewish Media’ For Her Unpopularity

I suppose it would be racist™️, maybe even islamophobic™️ but definitely Multiculturally Insensitive™️ to suggest that Islamist fascists like Linda Sarsour are responsible for people’s views that she is just a wannabe Ayatollah, wearing her Islamic protective gear.
The reason for the drop in medications, which result in more applications for medical treatment in Israel and therefore more delays? The Palestinian Authority.

The reasons for the drop in electricity and fuel, causing surgeries to not be possible in Gaza and causing more people to seek treatment in Israel, endangering their lives? The Palestinian Authority.

The reason that there are fewer patients being approved to leave Gaza? The Palestinian Authority!

But Haaretz and Hass downplay this. They barely mention enough to pretend to be even-handed (which, in Amira Hass' case, is an improvement), but the average reader comes away with this story with more hate for Israel, and none for the Palestinians who pursue a policy of directly hurting their own people.

(full article online)

Palestinian responsibility for Gaza patient deaths is all but ignored ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
What Ashrawi and Habash and other Palestinian officials are really saying is the same thing that Arabs have told the West over the years: "Look, we Arabs are irrational, violent people. If you do something to upset us, we cannot be held responsible because, frankly, we are mentally unstable. Therefore, it is your responsibility to ensure that nothing happens that might upset us.

"Don't pretend that there is any rational basis for our threatening to burn half the world if you do something we don't like. There isn't. Treat us like we have severe psychological problems, like we have no free will or rational thought. Our violence is because of your actions.

"And, by the way, you must grant statehood to this group of mentally unstable, violent people. Because who knows what we can do to you if you don't?"

The way to react to threats is not to cave to them. The way to force people to act like adults is to force them to take responsibility for their own actions. Any violence is the fault of the people who do the violence and those who incite them.

(full article online)

Palestinians again threaten the world, and blame others ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
It seems that every doofus in the world is climbing out from under his rock to criticize Linda Sarsour.

"If you are not being criticized, you are not doing enough." ~ Linda Sarsour

I wish I could take their vaginas away - they don't deserve to be women.
Linda Sarsour

The existential threat resides in the White House, in the highest offices of these lands, we are now living under fascism – that’s what I believe – and we need all hands on deck.
Linda Sarsour

Yes P.F. Tinmore, we need a theocratic state with an Ayatollah in the Whitehouse, and Linda Sarsour to serve as Minister Of Women's vaginas.
In keeping with the habit of Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah Movement to praise and elevate terrorists to the status of role models, the movement posted a photo of bomb maker Shadia Abu Ghazaleh as a teenager on its Facebook page on the anniversary of her death, with the text:

"On this exact day in 1968, self-sacrificing fighter (Fida'iya) Shadia Abu Ghazaleh died as a Martyr (Shahid) in the explosion of a bomb, while preparing it for carrying out an operation (i.e., terror attack) against occupation targets."
[Official Fatah Facebook page,
Nov. 28, 2017]
Shadia Abu Ghazaleh was active in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terror organization and prepared bombs for many attacks against Israel. While she was preparing a bomb for an attack in Tel Aviv in 1968, it accidentally detonated and killed her.

That the Palestinian Authority wishes to promote Abu Ghazaleh as a role model for Palestinians is also evident from the fact that they have named a school after her. As documented by Palestinian Media Watch, girls attending this school view the bomb maker as a hero:

"The school is named after her to commemorate her and memorialize her and encourage people to be like her."

"She was a model of the wonderful female Palestinian fighter. We follow her path in this school."
[Official PA TV, Dec. 5 and 9, 2013]

It is possible that Fatah chose a photo of the bomb maker as a teenager deliberately, so as to make young Palestinians identify with the terrorist and aspire to emulate her.

(full article online)

Fatah glorifies bomb makers and shooters - PMW Bulletins
Always with the cheap threats. I think the insanity of the US showering Arabs-Moslems with unending boat loads of welfare dollars needs to stop.

The charade that the Arabs-Moslems occupying the West Bank and Gaza will ever accept a Jewish State has gone on long enough.

Hamas threatens ‘intifada’ over US moves on Jerusalem

Hamas threatens ‘intifada’ over US moves on Jerusalem

The Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas which controls Gaza called Saturday for a new “intifada” if Washington recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel or moves its embassy to the disputed city.

Reports in Washington have suggested US President Donald Trump may on Monday fulfil a campaign pledge on the American embassy, which like all other foreign missions is currently located in the coastal city of Tel Aviv.
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  • The PFLP, like Hamas and other Palestinian groups, makes no secret of its goal to "liberate Palestine, from the (Jordan) River to the (Mediterranean) Sea." All should be commended for their honesty. If anyone has any doubts, their plan means the total destruction of Israel. Thus, as chairman of the PLO, Mahmoud Abbas cannot say that he represents the entire organization. He has no leverage with the PFLP, DFLP and the remaining terror groups operating under the umbrella of his PLO.

  • And now we come to the million dollar question: Does Abbas really represent all of Fatah? The answer is simple and clear: No. Over the past few decades, Fatah has witnessed sharp divisions and disputes, resulting in a number of splinter groups that broke away and are now openly challenging Abbas's leadership and policies.

  • While Abbas is making noises about a peace process, his own Fatah faction is inciting violence and calling for the destruction of Israel. While Abbas is talking about his interest in achieving a two-state solution, his partners in the PLO, including the PFLP and DFLP, are openly calling for the destruction of Israel and advocating an armed struggle. While Abbas is claiming that he is the legitimate president of the Palestinians, many Palestinians, including senior officials in his Fatah faction, are legitimately stating he has no mandate from his people to sign any agreement with Israel.
(full article online)

Palestinians: More Missed Opportunities
  • The PFLP, like Hamas and other Palestinian groups, makes no secret of its goal to "liberate Palestine, from the (Jordan) River to the (Mediterranean) Sea." All should be commended for their honesty. If anyone has any doubts, their plan means the total destruction of Israel. Thus, as chairman of the PLO, Mahmoud Abbas cannot say that he represents the entire organization. He has no leverage with the PFLP, DFLP and the remaining terror groups operating under the umbrella of his PLO.

  • And now we come to the million dollar question: Does Abbas really represent all of Fatah? The answer is simple and clear: No. Over the past few decades, Fatah has witnessed sharp divisions and disputes, resulting in a number of splinter groups that broke away and are now openly challenging Abbas's leadership and policies.

  • While Abbas is making noises about a peace process, his own Fatah faction is inciting violence and calling for the destruction of Israel. While Abbas is talking about his interest in achieving a two-state solution, his partners in the PLO, including the PFLP and DFLP, are openly calling for the destruction of Israel and advocating an armed struggle. While Abbas is claiming that he is the legitimate president of the Palestinians, many Palestinians, including senior officials in his Fatah faction, are legitimately stating he has no mandate from his people to sign any agreement with Israel.
(full article online)

Palestinians: More Missed Opportunities
Eight five percent of Palestinians want Abbas to resign.

The janitor is more popular.
  • The PFLP, like Hamas and other Palestinian groups, makes no secret of its goal to "liberate Palestine, from the (Jordan) River to the (Mediterranean) Sea." All should be commended for their honesty. If anyone has any doubts, their plan means the total destruction of Israel. Thus, as chairman of the PLO, Mahmoud Abbas cannot say that he represents the entire organization. He has no leverage with the PFLP, DFLP and the remaining terror groups operating under the umbrella of his PLO.

  • And now we come to the million dollar question: Does Abbas really represent all of Fatah? The answer is simple and clear: No. Over the past few decades, Fatah has witnessed sharp divisions and disputes, resulting in a number of splinter groups that broke away and are now openly challenging Abbas's leadership and policies.

  • While Abbas is making noises about a peace process, his own Fatah faction is inciting violence and calling for the destruction of Israel. While Abbas is talking about his interest in achieving a two-state solution, his partners in the PLO, including the PFLP and DFLP, are openly calling for the destruction of Israel and advocating an armed struggle. While Abbas is claiming that he is the legitimate president of the Palestinians, many Palestinians, including senior officials in his Fatah faction, are legitimately stating he has no mandate from his people to sign any agreement with Israel.
(full article online)

Palestinians: More Missed Opportunities
Eight five percent of Palestinians want Abbas to resign.

The janitor is more popular.

Whom do they want instead?
  • The PFLP, like Hamas and other Palestinian groups, makes no secret of its goal to "liberate Palestine, from the (Jordan) River to the (Mediterranean) Sea." All should be commended for their honesty. If anyone has any doubts, their plan means the total destruction of Israel. Thus, as chairman of the PLO, Mahmoud Abbas cannot say that he represents the entire organization. He has no leverage with the PFLP, DFLP and the remaining terror groups operating under the umbrella of his PLO.

  • And now we come to the million dollar question: Does Abbas really represent all of Fatah? The answer is simple and clear: No. Over the past few decades, Fatah has witnessed sharp divisions and disputes, resulting in a number of splinter groups that broke away and are now openly challenging Abbas's leadership and policies.

  • While Abbas is making noises about a peace process, his own Fatah faction is inciting violence and calling for the destruction of Israel. While Abbas is talking about his interest in achieving a two-state solution, his partners in the PLO, including the PFLP and DFLP, are openly calling for the destruction of Israel and advocating an armed struggle. While Abbas is claiming that he is the legitimate president of the Palestinians, many Palestinians, including senior officials in his Fatah faction, are legitimately stating he has no mandate from his people to sign any agreement with Israel.
(full article online)

Palestinians: More Missed Opportunities
Eight five percent of Palestinians want Abbas to resign.

The janitor is more popular.

The janitor has an interest in his share of the UNRWA welfare fraud.

Arabs-Moslems a whiners and complainers but they're not about to give up those infidel welfare dollars.
  • The PFLP, like Hamas and other Palestinian groups, makes no secret of its goal to "liberate Palestine, from the (Jordan) River to the (Mediterranean) Sea." All should be commended for their honesty. If anyone has any doubts, their plan means the total destruction of Israel. Thus, as chairman of the PLO, Mahmoud Abbas cannot say that he represents the entire organization. He has no leverage with the PFLP, DFLP and the remaining terror groups operating under the umbrella of his PLO.

  • And now we come to the million dollar question: Does Abbas really represent all of Fatah? The answer is simple and clear: No. Over the past few decades, Fatah has witnessed sharp divisions and disputes, resulting in a number of splinter groups that broke away and are now openly challenging Abbas's leadership and policies.

  • While Abbas is making noises about a peace process, his own Fatah faction is inciting violence and calling for the destruction of Israel. While Abbas is talking about his interest in achieving a two-state solution, his partners in the PLO, including the PFLP and DFLP, are openly calling for the destruction of Israel and advocating an armed struggle. While Abbas is claiming that he is the legitimate president of the Palestinians, many Palestinians, including senior officials in his Fatah faction, are legitimately stating he has no mandate from his people to sign any agreement with Israel.
(full article online)

Palestinians: More Missed Opportunities
Eight five percent of Palestinians want Abbas to resign.

The janitor is more popular.

Whom do they want instead?
Here is one. Dr. Mustafa Barghouti


Haidar Eid

  • The PFLP, like Hamas and other Palestinian groups, makes no secret of its goal to "liberate Palestine, from the (Jordan) River to the (Mediterranean) Sea." All should be commended for their honesty. If anyone has any doubts, their plan means the total destruction of Israel. Thus, as chairman of the PLO, Mahmoud Abbas cannot say that he represents the entire organization. He has no leverage with the PFLP, DFLP and the remaining terror groups operating under the umbrella of his PLO.

  • And now we come to the million dollar question: Does Abbas really represent all of Fatah? The answer is simple and clear: No. Over the past few decades, Fatah has witnessed sharp divisions and disputes, resulting in a number of splinter groups that broke away and are now openly challenging Abbas's leadership and policies.

  • While Abbas is making noises about a peace process, his own Fatah faction is inciting violence and calling for the destruction of Israel. While Abbas is talking about his interest in achieving a two-state solution, his partners in the PLO, including the PFLP and DFLP, are openly calling for the destruction of Israel and advocating an armed struggle. While Abbas is claiming that he is the legitimate president of the Palestinians, many Palestinians, including senior officials in his Fatah faction, are legitimately stating he has no mandate from his people to sign any agreement with Israel.
(full article online)

Palestinians: More Missed Opportunities
Eight five percent of Palestinians want Abbas to resign.

The janitor is more popular.

Whom do they want instead?
Here is one. Dr. Mustafa Barghouti


Haidar Eid

Are those the guys You would like the Arabs to choose, or do they actually vote for them?
  • The PFLP, like Hamas and other Palestinian groups, makes no secret of its goal to "liberate Palestine, from the (Jordan) River to the (Mediterranean) Sea." All should be commended for their honesty. If anyone has any doubts, their plan means the total destruction of Israel. Thus, as chairman of the PLO, Mahmoud Abbas cannot say that he represents the entire organization. He has no leverage with the PFLP, DFLP and the remaining terror groups operating under the umbrella of his PLO.

  • And now we come to the million dollar question: Does Abbas really represent all of Fatah? The answer is simple and clear: No. Over the past few decades, Fatah has witnessed sharp divisions and disputes, resulting in a number of splinter groups that broke away and are now openly challenging Abbas's leadership and policies.

  • While Abbas is making noises about a peace process, his own Fatah faction is inciting violence and calling for the destruction of Israel. While Abbas is talking about his interest in achieving a two-state solution, his partners in the PLO, including the PFLP and DFLP, are openly calling for the destruction of Israel and advocating an armed struggle. While Abbas is claiming that he is the legitimate president of the Palestinians, many Palestinians, including senior officials in his Fatah faction, are legitimately stating he has no mandate from his people to sign any agreement with Israel.
(full article online)

Palestinians: More Missed Opportunities
Eight five percent of Palestinians want Abbas to resign.

The janitor is more popular.

Whom do they want instead?
Here is one. Dr. Mustafa Barghouti


Haidar Eid

They're no different than what Hamas and the PA already have.
The message is not overly subtle; the palestinians live in poverty, in shacks in densely populated areas, while the Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria on the other side of the security barrier live the good life.

If only this reflected the reality on the ground. While some palestinians live in densely populated neighborhoods in small houses (in refugee camps, which are deliberately kept in existence as a demographic weapon to ultimately destroy Israel), most residents of Judea and Samaria live in modest-size houses. Then there’s the fact that some palestinians live in houses like this:

(full article online)

Truth is Not a Luxury
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