Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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I discovered this nearly ten years ago, and it is more relevant today.

Palestinian Arabs, especially those who live in the West, like to define themselves as "people of color" so they can pretend to have solidarity with non-white people. This is of course a cynical ploy - they don't care about the rights of others; they are trying to hijack other movements for their own gain.

But not too long ago, the infamous Mufti of Jerusalem, the first leader of Palestinian Arabs, became good friends with Heinrich Himmler - because he had blond hair and blue eyes.

From the Palestine Post, March 28, 1948:

(full article online)

The first Palestinian Arab leader had blue eyes and blond hair. He had Aryan privilege! ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
No one even blinks at these lies any more.

Part of the lie is simple psychological projection. Because, indeed, Palestinian nationalism is not built on the desire for an independent nation state for the "Palestinian people." That goal could have been accomplished a half dozen times since 1947. Palestinian nationalism is centered around the destruction of the Jewish state by any and all means possible.

So naturally Palestinians see Zionism as a projection of what they themselves want. A goal that Palestinians freely admit in surveys.

Barghouti unwittingly admits this. Later on in this essay he says "the Zionist project has awakened Palestinian nationalism."

Exactly. There would be no Palestinian nationalism if it wasn't for Zionism. They would be part of a greater Jordan or Greater Syria or Greater Egypt - there never would be any interest in an independent Palestinian state if Israel never existed.

(full article online)

Mustafa Barghouti accidentally admits that there would be no Palestinianism without Zionism ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Khaled, a member of the PFLP terror group, spoke at the European Parliament in September, and the backlash was belated but fierce. The Parliament passed a motion not to allow members of known terror organizations to speak there again. In an era of Islamist bombers in European cities, it was realized that perhaps treating one of the earliest modern terrorists as a hero was not a good message to send.

(full article online)

Palestinian terrorist Leila Khaled turned back from Italian airport ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The description of the end of one of these meetings is quite revealing:

At the end of the meeting, it was confirmed that the teachers and teachers refused to sign any papers or deal with the decisions of the Agency's administration. The aim of these measures is to steal the toil and efforts of the teachers through a planned policy of piracy that begins with stealing the wages of the teachers and ends with doing away with the issue of the refugees .Every single time UNRWA threatens to cut a service because it doesn't have the money, the pushback from Palestinians is insanely over-the-top. They start with threats, move on to strikes and eventually go to violence, and that constant threat of terror causes UNRWA to find some Western country to donate and hold off the next "crisis."

But the reason why they are so adamant against the slightest compromise is revealed here: The Palestinians think there is a slippery slope between losing a penny of UNRWA benefits - and UNRWA benefits disappearing altogether.

Which means that they will no longer be considered "refugees," uniquely defined among the 50 million real refugees in the world today.

(full article online)

Palestinians know if UNRWA disappears, so does their fake "refugee" status ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
UNRWA does not define refugee status.
No one even blinks at these lies any more.

Part of the lie is simple psychological projection. Because, indeed, Palestinian nationalism is not built on the desire for an independent nation state for the "Palestinian people." That goal could have been accomplished a half dozen times since 1947. Palestinian nationalism is centered around the destruction of the Jewish state by any and all means possible.

So naturally Palestinians see Zionism as a projection of what they themselves want. A goal that Palestinians freely admit in surveys.

Barghouti unwittingly admits this. Later on in this essay he says "the Zionist project has awakened Palestinian nationalism."

Exactly. There would be no Palestinian nationalism if it wasn't for Zionism. They would be part of a greater Jordan or Greater Syria or Greater Egypt - there never would be any interest in an independent Palestinian state if Israel never existed.

(full article online)

Mustafa Barghouti accidentally admits that there would be no Palestinianism without Zionism ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Israeli bullshit, of course. The Palestinians begged Britain for independence all during is occu...er...Mandate period.
UNRWA does not define refugee status.
Palestine Refugees as Defined by UNRWA

Anyone whose normal place of residence was in Mandate Palestine during the period from 1 June 1946 to 15 May 1948 and who lost both home and means of livelihood as a result of the 1948 Arab-Israeli war qualifies as a Palestine refugee, as defined by UNRWA
The Palestinians begged Britain for independence all during is occu...er...Mandate period.
Also wrong.
UNRWA does not define refugee status.
Palestine Refugees as Defined by UNRWA

Anyone whose normal place of residence was in Mandate Palestine during the period from 1 June 1946 to 15 May 1948 and who lost both home and means of livelihood as a result of the 1948 Arab-Israeli war qualifies as a Palestine refugee, as defined by UNRWA
The Palestinians begged Britain for independence all during is occu...er...Mandate period.
Also wrong.
UNWRA is an aid agency. Their definition is only for refugees who qualify for aid.

You need to read up on Britain's actions during the Mandate period.
UNRWA does not define refugee status.
Palestine Refugees as Defined by UNRWA

Anyone whose normal place of residence was in Mandate Palestine during the period from 1 June 1946 to 15 May 1948 and who lost both home and means of livelihood as a result of the 1948 Arab-Israeli war qualifies as a Palestine refugee, as defined by UNRWA
The Palestinians begged Britain for independence all during is occu...er...Mandate period.
Also wrong.
UNWRA is an aid agency. Their definition is only for refugees who qualify for aid.
All refugees need aid. Palestinian refugees are defined by UNRWA.
You need to read up on Britain's actions during the Mandate period.
How Britain's actions during the Mandate period can support that "the Palestinians begged Britain for independence"? It should be Palestinian actions, not British.
UNRWA does not define refugee status.
Palestine Refugees as Defined by UNRWA

Anyone whose normal place of residence was in Mandate Palestine during the period from 1 June 1946 to 15 May 1948 and who lost both home and means of livelihood as a result of the 1948 Arab-Israeli war qualifies as a Palestine refugee, as defined by UNRWA
The Palestinians begged Britain for independence all during is occu...er...Mandate period.
Also wrong.
UNWRA is an aid agency. Their definition is only for refugees who qualify for aid.
All refugees need aid. Palestinian refugees are defined by UNRWA.
You need to read up on Britain's actions during the Mandate period.
How Britain's actions during the Mandate period can support that "the Palestinians begged Britain for independence"? It should be Palestinian actions, not British.
Britain had the guns.
UNRWA does not define refugee status.
Palestine Refugees as Defined by UNRWA

Anyone whose normal place of residence was in Mandate Palestine during the period from 1 June 1946 to 15 May 1948 and who lost both home and means of livelihood as a result of the 1948 Arab-Israeli war qualifies as a Palestine refugee, as defined by UNRWA
The Palestinians begged Britain for independence all during is occu...er...Mandate period.
Also wrong.
UNWRA is an aid agency. Their definition is only for refugees who qualify for aid.
All refugees need aid. Palestinian refugees are defined by UNRWA.
You need to read up on Britain's actions during the Mandate period.
How Britain's actions during the Mandate period can support that "the Palestinians begged Britain for independence"? It should be Palestinian actions, not British.
Britain had the guns.
You still didn't answer how "the Palestinians begged Britain for independence".
Part of the lie is simple psychological projection. Because, indeed, Palestinian nationalism is not built on the desire for an independent nation state for the "Palestinian people."

Face reality or live in la la land as if I cared. In the real world:

[1] Part of the lie is simple psychological projection.
[2] Zionism is a terrorist cult
[3] Israel as a state; never existed before 1947
[4] Palestine exists in history books and everyone, including yourself continue to use this term
[5] Israel was a person, not a place

Facts are impossible to refute because; THEY ARE FACTS​
the myth has been busted :)-
The Hamas-run union for public employees said it had instructed its delegates to block former employees from returning to work at the ministries, saying their return came in a “random manner” and aimed at “creating great problems.”

Witnesses said dozens of former employees were prevented from going back to work at the finance, health and education ministries among others.

(full article online)

PA employees blocked from resuming work at Gaza ministries
Even worse, they are silent against the Palestinian Authority that maintains refugee camps in the territories that they control and administer!

How can you still be a Palestinian refugee when you live under the control of the Palestinian Authority?

How can you still be a Palestinian refugee when you live under the control of the Palestinian Authority?
Go figure, because I don’t have the answer. Perhaps BDS does.

People who don’t care a hoot about the Kurds, Yazidis or Druze, yell and scream about the Palestinian condition.

(full article online)

Pro-Palestinian Pretense | The Jewish Press - JewishPress.com | Barry Shaw | 12 Kislev 5778 – November 30, 2017 | JewishPress.com
The IDF spokesperson on Thursday afternoon announced that Israeli forces attacked four terrorist targets in the Gaza Strip. The attack was carried out in response to high-trajectory fire at an IDF post in the northern Gaza Strip.

The spokesperson reiterated that Israel sees the Hamas terror organization as responsible for anything happening in the Gaza Strip.

(full article online)

Mortar Shell Barrage from Gaza Strip, IDF Retaliates | The Jewish Press - JewishPress.com | David Israel | 12 Kislev 5778 – November 30, 2017 | JewishPress.com
[How some Arabs love rocks more than children, any children. PA education really works ]

And Arab man, 48, was killed Thursday morning by a parent accompanying a children’s bar mitzvah hike well outside the village of Qusra in the Shchem area. The IDF has announced that the shooting was carried out in self-defense after an Arab mob threw stones at the children.

According to Honenu, a group of children from Samaria who had left their homes Thursday morning for a planned trip that received the IDF’s approval, near the settlement of Migdalim and the Alon Road, was attacked by an Arab mob that tried to lynch them.

According to eyewitnesses, dozens of rioters participated in the lynch attempt. the rioters threw stones and rocks at the children for long minutes, pushing them and the supervising adults back down the rocky slope, exposing them to danger both by stoning them and by causing them to slip and fall on the dangerous slope.

(Full article online)

Arab Shot Dead as Mob Tries to Lynch Jewish Children Hiking in Samaria | The Jewish Press - JewishPress.com | David Israel | 12 Kislev 5778 – November 30, 2017 | JewishPress.com
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[ Even worse than first reported ]

“After an hour and a half the soldiers arrived. We thought the guard had been killed, and that the [Arabs] were going to murder us.”

“They [the terrorists] told us that anyone over the age of 18 would be slaughtered, and that the children would be taken prisoner. The children were all crying and reciting ‘Shema Yisrael’ [said when a person believes he is about to die]. They ordered us not to speak, and yelled at us – they were constantly yelling at us in Arabic – and threw stones.”

(full article online)

'The Arabs threatened us with a gun, said they'd slaughter us'
  • Like most Arab countries, the Saudis too have finally realized that the Palestinians are ungrateful and untrustworthy. Saudi Arabia and most of the Arab countries are obviously fed up with the recurring attempts by the Palestinians to blackmail them and extort money from them.

  • The Palestinians are crying Wolf, Wolf! -- but only a few in the Arab world are listening to them. This, in a way, is encouraging and offers hope for them finally to be released from decades of repressive and corrupt governance.

  • These are just some of the challenges Saudi Crown Prince is facing. It is important to support him in the face of attacks by some Palestinians and other spoilers.
(full article online)

Saudis Fed Up: "Palestinians Milking Us for Decades"
"The significance of Abu Marzouq's objection to this Arab consensus [that Hizbullah is a terrorist organization] is that he and his movement are deviating from what is accepted [in the Arab world], are supporting the Rule of the Jurisprudent [of Iran], and are pleased with its [Iran's] criminal deeds. This behavior on the part of Abu Marzouq reflects a great deal of denial of the [years-]long efforts of Saudi Arabia and its steadfast positions vis-à-vis the Palestinian cause. These efforts are more significant than those of Abu Marzouq and the [other] ungrateful ideologues of his ilk. They are salient efforts discussed in history books since the era of the founding monarch King Abd Al-'Aziz Al-Rahman Aal-Saud, through [the eras of] all the Saudi kings up to our time.

(full article online)

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