Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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In addition, the PA is working to pass a new law, named after the terrorist killed by IDF soldier Elor Azaria. PA officials hope the law will be the basis for prosecuting IDF soldiers who kill terrorists, in the International Criminal Court.

I can't find any further information on this, so I'm not entirely convinced of its veracity. But it does strike me as Palestinian mentality that it wants IDF soldiers who kill terrorists to be prosecuted by the ICC, while the terrorists are not only not prosecuted but glorified and paid.


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"Palestine" and "Palestinian" are European settler colonial terms for the land of the Jewish people. I think we should cease to use those terms or, at least, put them in quotes.

Or perhaps go with Palestinian-Arab.

In truth, the greater Arab nation gave the world "Palestinians" - a word which used to mainly refer to Jews living under the British mandate - as a challenge to Jewish sovereignty on historically Jewish land.

The Jews are the indigenous people of the Land of Israel.

The Arabs are settlers and colonists on Jewish land.

I certainly do not mind that Arabs live there. Nor do I mind that Chinese people or Venezuelans or the Easter Islandish live there.

But none of those folk can claim sovereignty because none of them are indigenous.

Only the Jewish people have a claim to indigeneity to that land and we must insist on this basic concept.

(full article online)

Israel Thrives: "Palestine" is a Wraith
Saturday was the "International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women."

The Palestinian Authority noted the day, in its usual way: by using it as a platform to blame Israel.

While one in four married Palestinian women report physical abuse, this is not mentioned in the official PA commemorations of the day. They brush aside any hint of those problems and only admit gender discrimination as a result of Arab heritage.

Instead, they say that all of the problems of Palestinian women are a result of the "occupation." At a conference last week, PA officials and ministers talked about how Palestinian women were fighting for Jerusalem against Israeli violence, how Jews are supposedly taking off their headscarves, and it called on the international community and international NGOs "to stand up against the violations committed against women in Jerusalem in particular and in Palestine in general through implementing United Nations resolutions on ending the occupation and recognition of the Palestinian state."

(full article online)

How the "occupation" hurts Palestinian women ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Keep in mind that the media in Gaza, including religious media, is filled with calls to violence and murder. But not usually against other Muslims.

A mark of maturity is the ability to take responsibility for things. ISIS, Al Qaeda and other terror groups didn't appear out of a vacuum - their founders were all members of the Muslim Brotherhood, as were the founders of Hamas and Islamic Jihad. There is no difference in their interpretations of the Koran that I am aware of. By claiming that these ISIS and ISIS-inspired attacks are really done on behalf of Israel (or, as Iran says, the US,) the Muslim world is not doing anything to actually solve the problem. On the contrary, they are trying to distance themselves from these groups - because they know that their own support for terror is not very far from that of ISIS and al-Qaeda and they do not have an ideological leg to stand on.

(full article online)

Palestinian religious leaders say Egyptian mosque attack is a Zionist plot ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Jews are the indigenous people of the Land of Israel.
The Arabs are settlers and colonists on Jewish land.
Only the Jewish people have a claim to indigeneity to that land

Wrong & yet this myth continues even today

Genesis 25:9 His sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah near Mamre, in the field of Ephron son of Zohar the Hittite,

Genesis 47:30 but when I rest with my fathers, carry me out of Egypt and bury me [ Israel ] where they are buried." "I will do as you say," he said. ;

Genesis 50:14 For his sons carried him [ Israel ] into the land of Canaan, and buried him in the cave of the field of Machpelah, which Abraham bought with the field for a possession of a buryingplace of Ephron the Hittite, before Mamre.

Genesis 25:9 His sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah near Mamre, in the field of Ephron son of Zohar the Hittite,

Genesis 47:30 but when I rest with my fathers, carry me out of Egypt and bury me [ Israel ] where they are buried." "I will do as you say," he said. ;

Genesis 49:31 There Abraham and his wife Sarah were buried, there Isaac and his wife Rebekah were buried, and there I buried Leah.

Genesis 50:10 And they came to the threshingfloor of Atad, which is beyond Jordan, and there they mourned with a great and very sore lamentation:

Genesis 50:14 For his sons carried him [ Israel ] into the land of Canaan, and buried him in the cave of the field of Machpelah, which Abraham bought with the field for a possession of a buryingplace of Ephron the Hittite, before Mamre.

Genesis 50:15 After burying his father, Joseph returned to Egypt, together with his brothers and all the others who had gone with him to bury his father.

You bury your great leaders in your own homeland

Which Is Not the land falsely called “Israel” today

The truth will set you free :)-​
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Jamjoun explained that someone they tried to interview for the exhibition had lived in Deir Yassin. Jamjoun told the audience what apparently happened there:

“There was a retributory attack on Deir Yassin. The bodies of the people who were killed and mutilated were then paraded around the Zionist neighbourhoods of western Jerusalem. It was a very intentional psychological warfare of getting stories of murder, rape and killing pregnant women to go far because it would scare and was extremely effective.”

A new book describes there being nothing of the sort having happened at Deir Yassin.

Jacqueline Reem Salloum told us how upset she was seeing Israelis cooking falafel which she described as being “our food”. She needs reminding that Jews have been living in Israel for over 2,000 years so it has been Israeli food also. She also told us that her cake exhibit was made of decommissioned bullets bought off the internet. So not even Israeli bullets, which kind of defeats her point.

She said they’d eventually expand the exhibition to include interviewees from Syria, Iraq and Yemen. I doubt that will come to fruition. Why would they want to dilute their anti-Israel propaganda?

(Full article online)

Students at SOAS told that Zionists paraded dead and mutilated Arab bodies through Jerusalem.
Palestinian President Mahmoud 'Abbas recently awarded a medal of honor to Egyptian writer Mohamed Salmawy, the former chairman of the Egyptian Writers Union and currently an advisor to the union, for his literary contribution to the Palestinian cause. The award ceremony, held at the Palestinian embassy in Cairo, was attended by Palestinian officials and writers. Speakers at the ceremony emphasized that Salmawy's works documented the stories of martyrs and served as "literary-ideological weapons" in the service of the Palestinian cause. One month ago, Salmawy was also awarded the "Yasser Arafat Africa Prize for Freedom and Peace" in Senegal, at the initiative of the Palestinian ambassador to the country. This prize was awarded at a festive event sponsored by the Senegalese president and attended by the Palestinian ambassador and by Senegalese and Arab officials.

Salmawy, renowned in the Arab world and especially in Egypt, is known for his virulently antisemitic views. In February 1998, he published in the French-language Egyptian weekly Al-Ahram Hebdo an article titled "Look for the Jews!", in which he argued, citing French Holocaust denier Roger Garaudy and American antisemite David Irving, that the Jews seek to harm anyone who does not support them. He implied that the Jews were behind the publicizing of the Lewinsky scandal with the aim of preventing then U.S. president Bill Clinton from pressuring the Israeli government into making concessions to the Palestinians. He also attacked the French law criminalizing Holocaust denial and the charges brought against Roger Garaudy based on this law, writing: "The thinker Roger Garaudy is being prosecuted on the basis of a law that seems to belong to the Middle-Ages, but which was passed in 1990. This law... bans the questioning of crimes against humanity. However, in this case the word 'humanity' does not refer to the human race, but only to six million Jews who were supposedly the victims of genocide during World War II."[1]

(full article online)

Palestinian President Mahmoud 'Abbas Awards Medal Of Honor To Egyptian Writer Mohamed Salmawy, Known For His Extremist And Antisemitic Views
From Petra, the official Jordanian news agency:

" Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, on Friday said that Jordanians and Palestinians are "one people living in two states", appreciating His Majesty King Abdullah II, who spared no occasion to defend the Palestinian cause and Jerusalem before the world."

If any Western leader would say this, there would be incredulous op-eds castigating him or her.

If Netanyahu would say this, the UN would call for a resolution condemning him.

When Abbas says something that puts into question whether there ever was a "Palestinian people" that was distinct from the rest of the Arab world - crickets.

(h/t This Ongoing War)

Mahmoud Abbas admits that Palestinians and Jordanians are the same people ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
From Petra, the official Jordanian news agency:

" Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, on Friday said that Jordanians and Palestinians are "one people living in two states", appreciating His Majesty King Abdullah II, who spared no occasion to defend the Palestinian cause and Jerusalem before the world."

If any Western leader would say this, there would be incredulous op-eds castigating him or her.

If Netanyahu would say this, the UN would call for a resolution condemning him.

When Abbas says something that puts into question whether there ever was a "Palestinian people" that was distinct from the rest of the Arab world - crickets.

(h/t This Ongoing War)

Mahmoud Abbas admits that Palestinians and Jordanians are the same people ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Jordan is Hebrew in origin, EverHaYarden. And palestine is Jewish in origin, a Roman name imposed on ancient Israel.

Jordanians and palestinians are invented people.
The Palestinian Authority knowingly put thousands of Gazans' lives at risk starting in March of this year - and the world didn't care.

Even the UN knows, and buries, the truth.

From the latest OCHA (UN) Gaza Crisis paper:

A series of measures implemented by the Palestinian Authority since March 2017, following an escalation in the internal Palestinian divide,have led to a deterioration in the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip. ....These measures haveexacerbated Gaza’s energy crisis, resulting in increasing outages from 12-16 to 18-20 hours a day, worsened the salary crisis in the public sector, increased the shortage of essential drugs from around 33% in March to 45% in October and delayed the referral of patients for medical treatment outside Gaza.

(full article online)

The past 8 months prove (again) that "pro-Palestinian" really means "anti-Israel" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The description of the end of one of these meetings is quite revealing:

At the end of the meeting, it was confirmed that the teachers and teachers refused to sign any papers or deal with the decisions of the Agency's administration. The aim of these measures is to steal the toil and efforts of the teachers through a planned policy of piracy that begins with stealing the wages of the teachers and ends with doing away with the issue of the refugees .Every single time UNRWA threatens to cut a service because it doesn't have the money, the pushback from Palestinians is insanely over-the-top. They start with threats, move on to strikes and eventually go to violence, and that constant threat of terror causes UNRWA to find some Western country to donate and hold off the next "crisis."

But the reason why they are so adamant against the slightest compromise is revealed here: The Palestinians think there is a slippery slope between losing a penny of UNRWA benefits - and UNRWA benefits disappearing altogether.

Which means that they will no longer be considered "refugees," uniquely defined among the 50 million real refugees in the world today.

(full article online)

Palestinians know if UNRWA disappears, so does their fake "refugee" status ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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