Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Majority of Ashkenazi Jews cluster with the Druze from Lebanon and Galilee.

No, they cluster with the population of North Caucasus / South Russia.

And even West- and Est Ashkenazim have different genes.

ā€œAll Eurasian Jewish communities are closer to Caucasus populations,ā€ he writes, with Central European Jews closer to Italian non-Jews as the exception. Not one of the eight evaluated Jewish populations were closer to Levant populations.
Highlight: Out of Khazariaā€”Evidence for ā€œJewish Genomeā€ Lacking | Genome Biology and Evolution | Oxford Academic

Our findings support the Khazarian hypothesis de-
picting a large Near Easternā€“Caucasus ancestry along with
Southern European, Middle Eastern, and Eastern European
ancestries, in agreement with recent studies and oral and
written traditions. We conclude that the genome of
European Jews is a tapestry of ancient populations including
Judaized Khazars, Grecoā€“Roman Jews, Mesopotamian Jews,
and Judeans and that their population structure was formed
in the Caucasus and the banks of the Volga with roots
stretching to Canaan and the banks of the Jordan.

Eran Elhaik homepage at The University of Sheffield

Um, Khazar nonsense from a crackpot was discredited last century
Majority of Ashkenazi Jews cluster with the Druze from Lebanon and Galilee.

No, they cluster with the population of North Caucasus / South Russia.

And even West- and Est Ashkenazim have different genes.

ā€œAll Eurasian Jewish communities are closer to Caucasus populations,ā€ he writes, with Central European Jews closer to Italian non-Jews as the exception. Not one of the eight evaluated Jewish populations were closer to Levant populations.
Highlight: Out of Khazariaā€”Evidence for ā€œJewish Genomeā€ Lacking | Genome Biology and Evolution | Oxford Academic

Our findings support the Khazarian hypothesis de-
picting a large Near Easternā€“Caucasus ancestry along with
Southern European, Middle Eastern, and Eastern European
ancestries, in agreement with recent studies and oral and
written traditions. We conclude that the genome of
European Jews is a tapestry of ancient populations including
Judaized Khazars, Grecoā€“Roman Jews, Mesopotamian Jews,
and Judeans and that their population structure was formed
in the Caucasus and the banks of the Volga with roots
stretching to Canaan and the banks of the Jordan.

Eran Elhaik homepage at The University of Sheffield
[How low will some people stoop in their hatred of Jews? ]

Figure 6 reports the mean genomic sharing between Ashkenazi Jews and the 11 population groups, and Supplemental Table 2 gives p-values for tests of the null hypotheses of equal mean IBD sharing with Ashkenazi Jews for pairs of population groups. The greatest level of sharing was observed with Sephardi Jews, considerably greater than with other populations. Substantial sharing with Eastern Europeans was also observed, though at a much lower level. Sharing with most other populations was lower still, and with Caucasus populations, the level of sharing was similar to that observed for the Middle East. In accordance with the results from other analyses, the IBD sharing of Caucasus populations with Ashkenazi Jews was relatively low. Since this is a scientific paper, they can't say that Elhaik was a hack, but it is clear that his methods - using data from these very researchers - prove how low people will stoop to buttress their biases.

Of course, the media will never give this study (written last year) the same coverage that Elhaik's lies received.

"Khazar" study thoroughly debunked ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Elhaik used some of the same statistical tests as Behar and others, but he chose different comparisons. Elhaik compared ā€œgenetic signaturesā€ found in Jewish populations with those of modern-day Armenians and Georgians, which he uses as a stand-in for the long-extinct Khazarians because they live in the same area as the medieval state.

ā€œItā€™s an unrealistic premise,ā€ said University of Arizona geneticist Michael Hammer, one of Beharā€™s co-authors, of Elhaikā€™s paper. Hammer notes that Armenians have Middle Eastern roots, which, he says, is why they appeared to be genetically related to Ashkenazi Jews in Elhaikā€™s study.

Hammer, who also co-wrote the first paper that showed modern-day Kohanim are descended from a single male ancestor, calls Elhaik and other Khazarian Hypothesis proponents ā€œoutlier folksā€¦ who have a minority view thatā€™s not supported scientifically. I think the arguments they make are pretty weak and stretching what we know.ā€

Feldman, director of Stanfordā€™s Morrison Institute for Population and Resource Studies, echoes Hammer. ā€œIf you take all of the careful genetic population analysis that has been done over the last 15 yearsā€¦ thereā€™s no doubt about the common Middle Eastern origin,ā€ he said. He added that Elhaikā€™s paper ā€œis sort of a one-off.ā€

Elhaikā€™s statistical analysis would not pass muster with most contemporary scholars, Feldman said: ā€œHe appears to be applying the statistics in a way that gives him different results from what everybody else has obtained from essentially similar data.ā€

Read more: ā€˜Jews a Raceā€™ Genetic Theory Comes Under Fierce Attack by DNA Expert

[Poor Elhaik, poor Art......such delusions, such replacement mentality ]
Majority of Ashkenazi Jews cluster with the Druze from Lebanon and Galilee.

No, they cluster with the population of North Caucasus / South Russia.

And even West- and Est Ashkenazim have different genes.

ā€œAll Eurasian Jewish communities are closer to Caucasus populations,ā€ he writes, with Central European Jews closer to Italian non-Jews as the exception. Not one of the eight evaluated Jewish populations were closer to Levant populations.
Highlight: Out of Khazariaā€”Evidence for ā€œJewish Genomeā€ Lacking | Genome Biology and Evolution | Oxford Academic

Our findings support the Khazarian hypothesis de-
picting a large Near Easternā€“Caucasus ancestry along with
Southern European, Middle Eastern, and Eastern European
ancestries, in agreement with recent studies and oral and
written traditions. We conclude that the genome of
European Jews is a tapestry of ancient populations including
Judaized Khazars, Grecoā€“Roman Jews, Mesopotamian Jews,
and Judeans and that their population structure was formed
in the Caucasus and the banks of the Volga with roots
stretching to Canaan and the banks of the Jordan.

Eran Elhaik homepage at The University of Sheffield

The same Khazars with roots to Canaan and banks of Jordan?
Only if You think that Levant is Arabia, and that all people in the ME are supposed to be Bedouins.

But then again it explains why Arabs in Palestine ceded the rule over the land to an Arabian Sheikh from Mecca.
Last edited:
Majority of Ashkenazi Jews cluster with the Druze from Lebanon and Galilee.

No, they cluster with the population of North Caucasus / South Russia.

And even West- and Est Ashkenazim have different genes.

ā€œAll Eurasian Jewish communities are closer to Caucasus populations,ā€ he writes, with Central European Jews closer to Italian non-Jews as the exception. Not one of the eight evaluated Jewish populations were closer to Levant populations.
Highlight: Out of Khazariaā€”Evidence for ā€œJewish Genomeā€ Lacking | Genome Biology and Evolution | Oxford Academic

Our findings support the Khazarian hypothesis de-
picting a large Near Easternā€“Caucasus ancestry along with
Southern European, Middle Eastern, and Eastern European
ancestries, in agreement with recent studies and oral and
written traditions. We conclude that the genome of
European Jews is a tapestry of ancient populations including
Judaized Khazars, Grecoā€“Roman Jews, Mesopotamian Jews,
and Judeans and that their population structure was formed
in the Caucasus and the banks of the Volga with roots
stretching to Canaan and the banks of the Jordan.

Eran Elhaik homepage at The University of Sheffield

The same Khazars with roots to Canaan and banks of Jordan?
Only if You think that Levant is Arabia, and that all people in the ME are supposed to be Bedouins.

But then again it explains why Arabs in Palestine ceded the rule over the land to an Arabian Sheikh from Mecca.

Khazar foolishness was discredited last century.
A lesson on air pollution said that one example was Israeli smokebombs in Gaza. The added material changed the example to forest fires.

Teachers complained about the modifications to the curriculum, and UNRWA threatened to fire anyone who did not comply, according to the official Wafa news agency.

This news was published on November 9, two days before the riots.

The Hamas site says that after the riots, concerned parents met with UNRWA officials and UNRWA agreed that schools will be allowed to hold "national events" that were going to be curtailed. It's not clear to me if this is referring to a separate UNRWA edict to curtail school activities that were anti-Israel and antisemitic (as we've seen in the past) or if this is an oblique way of referring to the curriculum changes. They certainly seem to be related.

UNRWA caved to the threats and violence, which almost certainly were sparked by the parents and teachers themselves.

But no one reported on the riots to begin with, since this is Gaza and the hundreds of reporters there aren't interested in reporting news that is too uncomfortable. Only after the agreement where UNRWA gave in to threats and violence - the desired outcome - was this mentioned in passing as a safety issue.

(full article online)

Why were @UNRWA schools attacked in Gaza with explosive devices? And why wasn't it reported? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

The mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, meets with Adolf Hitler in 1941. Photo: German Federal Archives via Wikimedia Commons.

Haj Amin al-Husseini was one of the seminal figures of the 20th century. He was a founding father of Palestinian nationalism and a Nazi collaborator, whose support for terror and rejection of social and political equality for Jews in their ancestral homeland are imprinted on todayā€™s Middle East.

Despite ā€” or perhaps because of ā€” his crimes, al-Husseini was often celebrated in life and whitewashed in death. And an obituary from The New York Times offers some clues as to why.

Born to a ruling Jerusalem family in 1895, al-Husseini did a stint in the Ottoman Army during World War I, and later served as an Arabic translator for Reutersā€˜ Jerusalem bureau in 1918. Shortly thereafter, he became a leading figure in violently opposing Zionism ā€” the belief in Jewish self-determination.

He helped orchestrate the so-called Nebi Musa riots on April 4 and 5, 1920, in which Jerusalemā€™s Arab residents attacked Jewish men, women and children. Prior to the riot, posters were placed in the cityā€™s Muslim quarter, exhorting residents to ā€œKill the Jews: There is no punishment for killing Jews.ā€

(full article online)

Hitlerā€™s ā€˜Jolly Elfā€™ and The New York Times
Back in 2014, Linda Sarsour expressed her indignation over those behind the film Honor Diaries (which highlights the plight of women in Muslim societies, who are subject to honor killings and violence) by tweeting the following

(vide online)

Leaving aside the fact that Sarsour considers herself White, the hypocrisy here is astounding. I mean, this is coming from a woman who thinks she has the right to define what Jew hatred is, already speaking in a video about it and about to speak on a panel discussing it.

(full article online)

Another of Linda Sarsourā€™s Old Tweets Comes Back to Haunt Her
On November 17, 2017, the Israeli newspaper Makor Rishon exposed that the Ramallah office of the Heinrich Boell Stiftung (HBS) ā€“ a German government funded political foundation affiliated with the German Green Party ā€“ was co-sponsoring a conference, ā€œThe 1987 Intifada: History and Memory,ā€ in commemoration of ā€œthe thirtieth Anniversary of the First Palestinian Uprising against the Israeli Occupation.ā€ The conference, scheduled to be held in Gaza on November 24-26 and in Beirut on November 28-30, will feature speakers that are former or current members of the Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terrorist organizations.

One speaker, Hasan Yusuf, is a ā€œLeader in the Hamas movement in the West Bankā€ (emphasis added) and was ā€œarrested for several years by the Israeli occupation authorities.ā€ Other speakers include Younis Aljaro, ā€œa former leader in the Palestinian (sic) Front for the Liberation of Palestine [PFLP]ā€¦ and Chairman of Board of Directors of [Al-Dameer] Human Rights Association in Gazaā€ (emphasis added).

(full article online)

Pressure Works: Heinrich Boell Foundation Withdraws from Conference Featuring Member of Hamas
Moreover, Asaf Romirowsky, Executive Director of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, has told the Duke Chronicle that he ā€œconsidered the book's thesis of ā€˜maiming individuals in order to dehumanizeā€™ a ā€˜total fallacy.ā€™ā€¦ Romirowsky added that in conflict areas, violence exists on both sides, but Israel abides by rules of engagement.ā€

For a certain segment of the population, there is simply no right way that Israel can defend itself from attack. Unfortunately, such individuals are increasingly finding comfortable homes in academia.

(full article online)

CAMERA Snapshots: Duke University Press Criticized for Publication of Jasbir Puarā€™s ā€œRight to Maimā€
Back in 2014, Linda Sarsour expressed her indignation over those behind the film Honor Diaries (which highlights the plight of women in Muslim societies, who are subject to honor killings and violence) by tweeting the following

(vide online)

Leaving aside the fact that Sarsour considers herself White, the hypocrisy here is astounding. I mean, this is coming from a woman who thinks she has the right to define what Jew hatred is, already speaking in a video about it and about to speak on a panel discussing it.

(full article online)

Another of Linda Sarsourā€™s Old Tweets Comes Back to Haunt Her
Palestine originated as a Roman name for Jewsā€™ land. ā€œPalestiniansā€ are a hoax

Remember that UNRWA claims that there are 450,000 Palestinian "refugees" in Lebanon. We have noted for yearsthat roughly half of those have fled - but UNRWA still keeps counting them.

I couldn't find the original Felesteen article, but I found one from a few months ago quoting the same al-Hanafi about a study showing how Lebanese youth know that they have no future in Lebanon.

59% of them believe that Palestinian identity is their main obstacle to achieving their aspirations to build a family and actively contribute to the development of society.

The study said that suffering is linked to the reality of "being a Palestinian" and linked this fact to "the practice of successive Lebanese governments of the policy of deprivation and harassment of the Palestinian, so that his life has become intolerable."

70.3 percent of the 18 to 20-year Palestinians in Lebanon would migrate if given the opportunity.

(full article online)

Palestinians trying to leave Lebanon - because of Israel? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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