Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Who's politicizing sports?

Palestinian Football Association head Rajoub complained
Israel is "politicizing sports"
by hosting Argentina in "occupied" Jerusalem
for a friendly football match

But who is really politicizing sports?

Who called to "burn" shirts and photos
of Argentinian player Messi
to prevent him from playing in Israel
and "beautifying the fascist occupation's image"?
- Rajoub did

Who prohibited Palestinian players and athletes
from competing against Israelis?
- Rajoub did
Who called a friendly match between Palestinian and Israeli kids
"a crime against humanity"?
- Rajoub did
Who is speaking against "normalization in sports" with Israel?
- Rajoub is
Who sponsored a tennis tournament named after murderer of 2?
- Rajoub did

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Who’s politicizing sports? Jibril Rajoub is - PMW Bulletins
A Palestinian mother of five just spent 23 days in prison. During her incarceration, she was held in unspeakable conditions and denied family visitations. She was also prohibited from consulting a lawyer.

This is a story that no one has heard in the West.

Why? Because the Palestinian woman, Samah Abu Ghayyath, was detained not by Israel, but by Hamas, the Palestinian terror group that rules the Gaza Strip.

Abu Ghayyath would have been "fortunate" if she had been arrested by Israel. Then, the case would have reached the pages of major media outlets around the world and "pro-Palestinian" activists would have staged demonstrations and online campaigns to support her and denounce Israel.

By contrast, for instance, consider the example of Ahed Tamimi, a Palestinian teenage girl from a village near Ramallah in the West Bank. In December 2017, Tamimi was detained by Israeli authorities for physically assaulting an Israeli soldier. After agreeing to a plea bargain, she was sentenced to 8 months in prison.

Tamimi has since become a symbol of the Palestinian "struggle" against Israel. She is glorified by many in the mainstream media in the West and advocates of Palestinian human rights around the world, who have turned her into an icon.

Tamimi has won all this fame and glory because she and her family members have long been staging skirmishes with Israeli soldiers in their village of Nabi Saleh. The teenager and her parents have made it a habit to invite journalists -- or anyone carrying a camera -- to document their provocative actions against the soldiers.

Abu Ghayyath, however, the woman from the Gaza Strip, has been less fortunate than the golden girl from the West Bank.

Unlike Tamimi, the arrest of the mother of five in early May by Hamas did not spark an international outcry. Western journalists and human rights organizations did not endorse Abu Ghayyath, as they were quick to do with Tamimi, a girl who hit an Israeli soldier.

Had Abu Ghayyath been arrested by Israel, her name would have appeared on the front pages of The New York Times and in the broadcasts of the BBC and CNN. The only ones who picked up her ordeal and demanded her release, however, were a few Palestinian women's groups and, of course, her family.

(full article online)

Palestinians: A Story You Have Not Heard in the West
According to a study carried out last year by the Israel Democracy Institute just 14% of the Arab citizens of Israel define their primary identity as Palestinian. However, even in the contemporary era of race and gender self-identification, one BBC World Service radio presenter appears to have granted himself the prerogative of deciding how Israel’s Arab citizens should be defined.


The BBC itself reported at the time that:

“In a twist to the story, the Israeli victim later told German media that he had grown up in an Arab family in Israel and was not himself Jewish. He had been given the kippah a few days before by a friend from Israel who had told him it was dangerous to wear one in Berlin and he wanted to see if that was true.”

In addition to Donnison’s inaccurate portrayal of the reason why Armoush wore the kippa, he presented the subsequent rallies in Germany as being “in support of Adam Armoush” when in fact they were advertised as having a broader aim:

“As a sign against anti-Semitism, people in several German cities have taken to the streets with the traditional Jewish headgear, the Kippa. Jews and non-Jews gathered on Wednesday in Berlin, Cologne, Erfurt, Magdeburg and Potsdam for solidarity rallies.”

And despite there being no record of Adam Armoush having self-identified as a “Palestinian” in the various interviews he gave to the media, Jon Donnison took it upon himself to portray him as such to BBC World Service radio listeners.

(full article online)

BBC ‘Newshour’ presenter Donnison decides an Israeli’s identity

Seizing an opportunity to glorify terrorists, Fatah's Student Movement Shabiba at Birzeit University put photos of terrorists on greetings it distributed wishing students good luck on their exams.

The cards featured pictures of the following heads of terror organizations:
  • Founder of the Hamas terror organization Ahmed Yassin
  • Former PLO and PA Chairman and founder of Fatah Yasser Arafat
  • Secretary-General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Abu Ali Mustafa
  • Founder of the Islamic Jihad terror organization Fathi Shaqaqi
(full article online)

Terrorists wish students "good luck" on exams - on greeting cards from Fatah student movement - PMW Bulletins
[ Yes, holy Mosques is where one should be throwing things out at people ]

Two Palestinians were arrested on Thursday after a group of men inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount hurled chairs, stones and other objects from the holy site, lightly hurting a tourist and an Israeli police officer.

Thursday also marked the 51th anniversary of Israel’s retaking of the Old City and the Western Wall during the 1967 Six Day War.

(full article online)

Palestinians hurl chairs, stones from Al-Aqsa Mosque, injuring tourist, cop
For the second day in a row, Palestinian workers at the Kerem Shalom crossing have gone on a partial strike, closing down the only major route for goods to enter Gaza for half a day.

The strike is over not being paid their full wages by the Palestinian Authority and over benefits.

On Wednesday, they stopped work from 8 AM to 1 PM, and only worked for four hours. It looks like the same thing is happening today.

There are no negotiations going on with the PA so the strike looks like it is open-ended.

I could not find a single story in English about this.

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Gazans close Kerem Shalom crossing ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The easing of economic conditions – a strategy that benefited Palestinian areas in the West Bank – is increasingly touted as the way to achieve political stability in Gaza, which is ruled by Hamas. But this strategy only works after the enemy is defeated.

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Economic Benefits Will Not Bring Stability to Gaza
There is no blockade on the Gaza Strip. Goods that are turned into tools of destruction enter from Israel unhindered. The people responsible for sabotaging the supply routes are members of Hamas. That is how the polyethylene for greenhouses is used to build incendiary kites, and cement and electricity are used to build tunnels and missiles. Had they wanted to, the "poor, unfortunate souls" who smuggle bombs and drones into Gaza could just as easily have brought in antibiotics and medicines.

And on this side of the border, the merciful compete to offer suggestions to provide relief for Gaza's residents, as if doing so would bring any change to the violent agenda promoted by Hamas. And the much-discussed "hudna" (truce) will only serve as a catalyst to bolster the terrorist organization's standing.

(full article online)

Israel has appealed to the United Nations to intervene in southern Lebanon, saying that the Palestinian terror group Hamas is working with Hezbollah to establish missile factories and camps to train thousands of fighters there.

The issue was first reported Saturday by a Lebanese daily, quoting UN sources. It was later confirmed by the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem, which said the issue has been regularly raised at the UN.

(full article online)

Israel says Hamas working with Hezbollah to train ‘thousands’ in Lebanon
The Hamas base was located approximately three kilometers (1.9 miles) from the Israeli border. The tunnel in question did not cross the border into Israeli territory, but instead extended dozens of meters underwater into the sea, according to IDF spokesperson Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus.

The military believes the tunnel was meant to allow frogmen from Hamas’s elite naval unit to travel from their base on the shore into the sea underground, and thus undetected. From there, they could travel underwater to their Israeli targets, Conricus told reporters in a phone briefing.

“We know that it was an operational tunnel that has been used, or at least trained in, before,” he said.

The officer said the army decided to reveal that it had destroyed Hamas’s “strategic” tunnel one week later in order to “be clear what the consequences were” for rocket attacks.

(full article online)

IDF says it destroyed Hamas undersea tunnel in last week’s airstrikes
Hamas, which organizes the Gaza riots, has stated that one of their goals in rioting is to anger PA Arabs to act against the PA, in preparation for a Hamas takeover of both PA and PLO institutions.

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Protest against Palestinian Authority - in Ramallah
If this is true, this could be interesting. About 85% of Palestinians want Abbas to leave. So, whatever protest Hamas has planned it could get out of hand.
Hamas, which organizes the Gaza riots, has stated that one of their goals in rioting is to anger PA Arabs to act against the PA, in preparation for a Hamas takeover of both PA and PLO institutions.

(full article online)

Protest against Palestinian Authority - in Ramallah
If this is true, this could be interesting. About 85% of Palestinians want Abbas to leave. So, whatever protest Hamas has planned it could get out of hand.

It makes no difference what Arabs-Moslems want. Their dictators have an endless welfare entitlement syndicate to exploit.
“No causal relationship between economic hardship & mass violence”

In his piece this week, Karsh recalls that: “At the time of the September 1993 signing of the Israel-PLO Declaration of Principles, conditions in the territories were far better than in most Arab states…But within six months of Arafat’s arrival in Gaza (in July 1994), the standard of living in the Strip fell by 25%, and more than half of the area’s residents claimed to have been happier under Israel.”

Significantly, he notes: “…. at the time Arafat launched his war of terrorism in September 2000, Palestinian income per capita was nearly double Syria’s, more than four times Yemen’s, and 10% higher than Jordan’s – one of the better-off Arab states. Only the oil rich Gulf states and Lebanon were more affluent.”

With regard to Gaza, Karsh underscores: “…countless nations and groups in today’s world endure far harsher socioeconomic or political conditions than the Palestinians, yet none have embraced violence and terrorism against their neighbors with such alacrity and on such a massive scale.”

He aptly points out “…, there is no causal relationship between economic hardship and mass violence. On the contrary, in the modern world it is not the poor and the oppressed who have carried out the worst acts of terrorism and violence but, rather, the militant vanguards from among the better educated and more moneyed circles of society.”

So, as Karsh reiterates: “…it is not socioeconomic despair but the total rejection of Israel’s right to exist…which underlies the relentless anti-Israel violence emanating from these territories and its attendant economic stagnation and decline.”

Couldn’t put it better myself!
Unlike Germany and Japan…

For unlike any prospective self-governing Palestinian entity, which sees itself unequivocally bound culturally, ethnically and religiously to the larger Islamic world, Germany was not surrounded by a swathe of kindred Teutonic nations—nor Japan by kindred Nipponic nations—which, driven by a radical Teutonic/Nipponic ideology, strove continually to undermine the stability and legitimacy of any peaceable regime that foreign powers might install.

This, however, was the case in both Iraq and Afghanistan—and is certainly likely to be the case for any self-governing Palestinian entity ,whether in Judea- Samaria or in Gaza.

Unlike defeated Berlin (and Tokyo), Baghdad (and Kabul) along with their environs, were continually assailed by Islamic insurgents, financed, armed and equipped from surrounding Muslim countries, to undermine any arrangement or undercut any resolution the victorious powers wished to implement and imperiling any government, not to their liking.

Clearly, this is very likely to be the case in the Israeli/Palestinian situation, with regional Muslim-majority countries constituting a virtually unending source of post-victory instability and incitement. Accordingly, because any attempted remolding or “sociopolitical and educational transformation” is likely to be impeded—even up-ended—by external sources of incitement and agitation, the only way Israel can ensure that Gaza (or Judea-Samaria) will not be taken over by some inimical radical regime is to govern these areas by itself.

But the only way Israel can govern these territories itself, without the need to rule over a recalcitrant alien ethnic group, is to remove that ethnic group from those territories.

What could be simpler or more self-evident??

The real humanitarian solution to Gaza’s humanitarian crisis

Clearly then, persisting with the current format of humanitarian effort will only exacerbate the humanitarian crisis. Accordingly, this effort must be restructured and redirected.

Indeed, the only durable humanitarian solution that can ensure Israeli security and relieve Israel from the burden of “ruling over another people”, is to generously finance the relocation/rehabilitation of the non-belligerent Gazan population to third party countries, and allow them to build more prosperous and more secure lives, outside the “circle of violence”, to which they will inevitably be subject, if they remain where they are—no matter what the level of humanitarian aid.

All we need now is leadership with sufficient political will, intellectual daring, and ideological commitment to undertake what must be undertaken.

Why would that be a problem??

(full article online)

INTO THE FRAY: Gaza—The “humanitarian” hoax

Palestinians will continue to believe, resist, and insist that Israel’s decades-long military occupation will eventually end – with or without Mr. Greenblatt.

His statements only serve as a distraction. Palestinian efforts to liberate Palestine from Israeli oppression is not about who constitutes the Palestinian leadership – the same leadership that is criticized by its own citizenry and press, such as the Al Quds newspaper that ran Mr. Greenblatt’s article in Arabic, in the same manner as in any democratic society – but about the Israeli occupation and those that help perpetuate Israeli oppression. Which is more than we can say for Israel, which continues to criminalize freedom of speech, but continues to garner U.S. support.

Just let that sit and percolate for a bit.

An Israeli newspaper is publishing Saeb Erekat’s lies and demonization of the Jewish state, which include his claim that Israel criminalizes freedom of speech.

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Ha’aretz Goes Full Onion
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