Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Last week I mentioned that a Palestinian NGO had started a social media campaign against the PAgovernment for its punitive sanctions on Gaza that hurt two million people.

I mentioned that the group had called for a demonstration on Sunday last week, but I didn't see any coverage of it.

It turns out that there was a small demonstration last week, and today there was another.

Dozens of people publicly called for the immediate lifting of all punitive measures imposed on the Gaza Strip and to end Abbas' sanctions against the territory.

Most interestingly, they emphasized a slogan: One people, one enemy.

(full article online)

Ramallah demonstrators against Abbas' siege of Gaza define Palestinianism: "One people, one enemy" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
I think your propaganda site is misquoting the PA.

I think your doe-eyed admiration of islamic terrorists is creepy.

‘Pay to slay’: Stop the absurdity!
So you post another propaganda site.


Actually, Chuckles, the 2018 budget of your Islamic terrorist heroes in Ramallah’istan authorized the payments to Islamic terrorists and their families.

You’re paying the price for remaining profoundly ignorant.
On June 8, an estimated 250,000 people attended the Gay Pride Parade in Tel Aviv. Tourists from all around the world came to Israel to watch and participate in the event. The theme of this year's event is "The Community Makes History" -- a reference to the LGBT community in Israel.

Meanwhile, as the Israelis were celebrating tolerance on the streets of Tel Aviv, their Palestinian neighbors were busy doing precisely the opposite: they were demanding that people should be fired for producing a television comedy about gay people in the Gaza Strip.

The controversial program, called "Out of Focus," has drawn strong condemnations from Palestinians, who are now calling for punishing those responsible for "insulting Arab and Islamic values."

In Palestinian and Arab society, homosexuality is denounced and stigmatized. Homosexuality is illegal under Hamas rule in the Gaza Strip, and dozens of gay Palestinians have fled to Israel out of fear of persecution and harassment. In the West Bank, the laws of the Palestinian Authority also do not protect the rights of gay Palestinians.

(full article online)

Palestinians: No Place for Gays
The report notes that “Infant mortality rates in Israel and Gaza have been widely divergent. Infant mortality in Israel fell below 20 per 1000 live births in 1977, and most recent estimates show a rate of 3 per 1000 in 2015. In the West Bank, IMR is usually slightly lower than in Gaza. In 2014, an IMR of 17 was documented for infants born in the West Bank. In addition, the IMR in Egypt was 18 per 1000 live births in 2015.”

“In conclusion, the mortality rate among infants of Palestine refugees in Gaza has not shown a decline since 2006,” according to the report. “The rise of neonatal mortality in the previous survey was not confirmed. Stagnation of infant and neonatal mortality rates indicates that further investigation is needed to understand how the stalled decline in IMR can be addressed.”

(full article online)

UNRWA: Gaza Baby Mortality Shot Up As Soon As Israel Left
The report notes that “Infant mortality rates in Israel and Gaza have been widely divergent. Infant mortality in Israel fell below 20 per 1000 live births in 1977, and most recent estimates show a rate of 3 per 1000 in 2015. In the West Bank, IMR is usually slightly lower than in Gaza. In 2014, an IMR of 17 was documented for infants born in the West Bank. In addition, the IMR in Egypt was 18 per 1000 live births in 2015.”

“In conclusion, the mortality rate among infants of Palestine refugees in Gaza has not shown a decline since 2006,” according to the report. “The rise of neonatal mortality in the previous survey was not confirmed. Stagnation of infant and neonatal mortality rates indicates that further investigation is needed to understand how the stalled decline in IMR can be addressed.”

(full article online)

UNRWA: Gaza Baby Mortality Shot Up As Soon As Israel Left
An UNRWA press release issued on Wednesday says, “In Gaza, the socioeconomic situation has deteriorated dramatically in the past decade following the imposition of the blockade and subsequent conflicts.”​

The report notes that “Infant mortality rates in Israel and Gaza have been widely divergent. Infant mortality in Israel fell below 20 per 1000 live births in 1977, and most recent estimates show a rate of 3 per 1000 in 2015. In the West Bank, IMR is usually slightly lower than in Gaza. In 2014, an IMR of 17 was documented for infants born in the West Bank. In addition, the IMR in Egypt was 18 per 1000 live births in 2015.”

“In conclusion, the mortality rate among infants of Palestine refugees in Gaza has not shown a decline since 2006,” according to the report. “The rise of neonatal mortality in the previous survey was not confirmed. Stagnation of infant and neonatal mortality rates indicates that further investigation is needed to understand how the stalled decline in IMR can be addressed.”

(full article online)

UNRWA: Gaza Baby Mortality Shot Up As Soon As Israel Left
An UNRWA press release issued on Wednesday says, “In Gaza, the socioeconomic situation has deteriorated dramatically in the past decade following the imposition of the blockade and subsequent conflicts.”​


No comment from the UNRWA welfare fraud regarding the net worth of Hamas and its leadership.


Official PA TV host: "A thousand blessings always to the souls of our heroic Martyrs who water the land of Palestine with their blood every day, until the independent State of Palestine whose capital is Jerusalem arises. Whoever doesn't like it - let them bang their head against the iron of the Damascus Gate."
[Official PA TV, The Box, May 28, 2018]

Official PA TV host: "A thousand blessings in honor of our heroic Martyrs who sacrificed their bodies and souls so that we will build a homeland worthy of this Martyrdom. All love, appreciation, and solidarity to their families behind them."
[Official PA TV, The Box, June 5, 2018

(full article online)

PA's worship of Martyrs' blood - now on game show - PMW Bulletins
He said that the government began to act to change this situation two and a half years ago, when it initiated a campaign to recruit thousands of new Arab police officers.

"Since this step was taken in a time of serious crisis of trust, and the suspicion was on both sides," he said. However, he said that the program's success "surprised us very much."

So far, twelve new police stations have been established in Arab communities.

"The change was immediate. There was less violence and more fruitful dialogue between the police and the residents, and the change began when the civilian realized that the police were with him and not against him.

"Our fundraising plan meant that at least one policeman would be recruited from every Arab town. Someone that will be a "symbol" of the rule of law in the community. Someone who is in uniform and everyone sees him. We believe that he will be an ambassador of the Israel Police on the Arab street and a representative of Arab society within the Israel Police."

(full article online)

Muslim police chief: Arab MKs have chosen path of violence
Now it is even more of a prison camp:

The Lebanese Army has placed electronic security screening gates at all entrances to the Ain al-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp in south Lebanon to screen everyone entering or leaving the camp. The installation of the gates around the perimeter of Ain al-Hilweh drew a strong rebuke from Palestinian factions and camp residents, with activists taking to social media to call for protests at the camp’s entrances. The camp has four main gates in addition to multiple smaller entry points.

The political leadership of secular and Islamists factions in Sidon Sunday held an emergency meeting to discuss the issue.

The leadership condemned the “e-gates, which damage the brotherly ties between the Lebanese and Palestinian peoples.”

In a statement released after the meeting, the Palestinian factions called for Lebanese authorities to remove the “e-gates, which [undermine] the dignity of the Palestinian people and the families in the Ain al-Hilweh camp.”


They also spoke of the need for “bridges of trust” between Lebanese and Palestinian communities.I'm sure that the "pro-Palestinian activists" will pressure entertainers to boycott Lebanon for treating Palestinians so badly. I mean, they really care about Palestinians and their rights, right?

(full article online)

A literal prison camp in Lebanon for Palestinians ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Israel Police investigators, arriving on the scene around 11:00 pm, found additional explosive material in the fourth-floor apartment where the explosion happened. Eight suspects are now under arrest and being interrogated. No names have been released so far, and none of their affiliations (affiliations are a big deal in reporting on terrorism). One individual suffered critical injuries in the explosion and was hospitalized. Another man is much less injured.

That part of Shuafat is usually termed "refugee camp" in media reports. In reality, it's a suburban neighborhood of Jerusalem which is served by the indispensable Jerusalem Light Rail's one and only line (in fact, the light rail system's eastern terminus is at Shuafat).

And while it's certainly not the most gorgeous part of town, it's not exactly a concentration camp as we showed in a post some years ago ["07-Nov-14: Hovels? Shanties? A Palestinian Arab refugee camp"]. It's separated from the rest of the city by the meandering West Bank security barrier and that has a negative impact on easy of access - not to their own communities but to ours - and on law and order. You can get a sense of the questions that arise, and the absence of answers, here: "Stuck between Israel and the PA, Shuafat refugee camp seethes"[ Avi Issacharoff in Times of Israel, June 7, 2015]. Can UNRWA help them? Can the PA? Hamas? It hardly matters because the mess that is Shuafat today seems to serve the needs of all of them.

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 14-Jun-18: In Jerusalem's Shuafat, an explosion reveals a secret bomb workshop
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