Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The Palestinian leadership’s rejection of normalized relations with Israel that were established in 1993 with the Oslo Exchange of Letters between PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, and the PLO’s subsequent support for the global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign have created an economic void. The Palestinian and BDS leadership’s boycotts of Israeli employers of thousands of Palestinians, such as the internationally traded company SodaStream and Rami Levy, a leading Israeli supermarket chain, are hurting the Palestinian public. The Palestinian leadership has failed to fill the economic void by neglecting to meet promises to match the income, benefits, and other compensations for Palestinian employees once BDS causes their termination from Israeli owned businesses.

Major Palestinian commercial ventures that were established under the sanction of the Palestinian Authority, such as Austrian mogul Martin Shlaff’s Oasis Casino in the Palestinian city of Jericho, became centers for international money laundering for terror groups. They did little to benefit the Palestinian public. Some of the foreign-financed Palestinian industrial zones have also been tainted by local corruption, and have failed to provide adequate employment and services for large numbers of Palestinian workers.

In addition to encouraging corruption, the foreign aid dependence of the Palestinian economy has also retarded incentive for local economic development and independence and to establish an advanced infrastructure and rule of law. European aid agencies, EU member states, and organizations such as UNRWA have often stepped in to provide crucial economic assistance and employment in unsustainable cottage industries for Palestinians.

(full article online)

The Palestinian Authority’s Policy of Denormalization | Jerusalem Center For Public Affairs
The Palestinian leadership’s rejection of normalized relations with Israel that were established in 1993 with the Oslo Exchange of Letters between PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, and the PLO’s subsequent support for the global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign have created an economic void. The Palestinian and BDS leadership’s boycotts of Israeli employers of thousands of Palestinians, such as the internationally traded company SodaStream and Rami Levy, a leading Israeli supermarket chain, are hurting the Palestinian public. The Palestinian leadership has failed to fill the economic void by neglecting to meet promises to match the income, benefits, and other compensations for Palestinian employees once BDS causes their termination from Israeli owned businesses.

Major Palestinian commercial ventures that were established under the sanction of the Palestinian Authority, such as Austrian mogul Martin Shlaff’s Oasis Casino in the Palestinian city of Jericho, became centers for international money laundering for terror groups. They did little to benefit the Palestinian public. Some of the foreign-financed Palestinian industrial zones have also been tainted by local corruption, and have failed to provide adequate employment and services for large numbers of Palestinian workers.

In addition to encouraging corruption, the foreign aid dependence of the Palestinian economy has also retarded incentive for local economic development and independence and to establish an advanced infrastructure and rule of law. European aid agencies, EU member states, and organizations such as UNRWA have often stepped in to provide crucial economic assistance and employment in unsustainable cottage industries for Palestinians.

(full article online)

The Palestinian Authority’s Policy of Denormalization | Jerusalem Center For Public Affairs
This is what the Palestinian economy looks like

The Palestinian leadership’s rejection of normalized relations with Israel that were established in 1993 with the Oslo Exchange of Letters between PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, and the PLO’s subsequent support for the global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign have created an economic void. The Palestinian and BDS leadership’s boycotts of Israeli employers of thousands of Palestinians, such as the internationally traded company SodaStream and Rami Levy, a leading Israeli supermarket chain, are hurting the Palestinian public. The Palestinian leadership has failed to fill the economic void by neglecting to meet promises to match the income, benefits, and other compensations for Palestinian employees once BDS causes their termination from Israeli owned businesses.

Major Palestinian commercial ventures that were established under the sanction of the Palestinian Authority, such as Austrian mogul Martin Shlaff’s Oasis Casino in the Palestinian city of Jericho, became centers for international money laundering for terror groups. They did little to benefit the Palestinian public. Some of the foreign-financed Palestinian industrial zones have also been tainted by local corruption, and have failed to provide adequate employment and services for large numbers of Palestinian workers.

In addition to encouraging corruption, the foreign aid dependence of the Palestinian economy has also retarded incentive for local economic development and independence and to establish an advanced infrastructure and rule of law. European aid agencies, EU member states, and organizations such as UNRWA have often stepped in to provide crucial economic assistance and employment in unsustainable cottage industries for Palestinians.

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The Palestinian Authority’s Policy of Denormalization | Jerusalem Center For Public Affairs
This is what the Palestinian economy looks like

On the other hand, you obviously enjoy being an Islamist stooge and being taken advantage of by the very Islamic terrorist heroes you worship.

Gaza's New Millionaires

Gaza’s Millionaires and Billionaires — How Hamas’s Leaders Got Rich Quick
These are things that Hamas is proud of! And the PA says far worse things about Hamas...

Apparently, whenever an Israeli says something that the PLO doesn't like, it is "incitement." Even if the statements are against the UNHRC:

Prime Minister Netanyahu's Spokesperson, Ofir Gendelman (Twitter, May 18, 2018 )

“PM Netanyahu: There is nothing new under the sun. An organization that calls itself a Human Rights Council once again proved that it is hypocritical and biased and that its goal is to harm Israel and to support terrorism. But is has mostly proven that it is irrelevant.

”Where, exactly, is the incitement?

Ofir Gendelman (Twitter, May 19, 2018 )

“Hamas, the Palestinian ISIS and an internationally recognized terror org, now thanks the UNHRC, its commissioner & voting countries for their resolution.

When a terror org whose goal is to destroy a UN member state THANKS a UN body, you know that this UN body is morally bankruptI guess that Israel is inciting against the UN Human Rights Council.

The entire reason that the Negotiations Affairs Department of the PLO has this section of their website is to pretend that Israeli incitement is just like Arab antisemitic incitement. The content doesn't matter; they just point to it and say, "see?" and their fans believe it without question.

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What the Palestinians call "incitement" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Princess Alice, who lived in Greece during World War II, hid a Jewish family from the Nazis and was posthumously honored by Yad Vashem as one of the Righteous Among the Nations. Alice, who passed away in 1969, left instructions to be buried at Mary Magdalene cemetery. Her remains were transferred there in 1988.

Prince Charles, the grandson of Princess Alice (and heir to the throne of England) visited the graves of his grandmother, and her aunt, when he attended the funeral of Shimon Peres in 2016. But his visit to the Mount of Olives was undertaken secretly, without the knowledge of the public or news media, apparently for fear of offending the P.A.

It’s easy to see why the P.A. would have been offended by Prince Charles’ visit to his relatives’ graves—and why they will be unhappy if Prince William wants to do likewise.

Any focus on the Mount of Olives is a PR disaster for the Palestinians. It reminds the world that one of the most important Jewish religious sites in the world is situated in “eastern Jerusalem”—shattering the myth that it’s an all-Arab territory that belongs to the Palestinians. The P.A. and its media allies routinely call it “Arab East Jerusalem,” but that’s a lie. The Jewish people’s roots in eastern Jerusalem go back thousands of years, long before any Arab claims.

(full article online)

England’s royal ‘settlers’ understanding of Jerusalem
  • "It's become safer to demonstrate against Israel than against Abbas or the Palestinian Authority. Israel is at least a country of law and order and they have human rights organizations and a powerful media and judicial system. We can only continue to dream of having something like what the Jews have." — Palestinian activist.

  • At the end of the day, Palestinians know that the power struggle between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas is not between good guys and bad guys, but between bad guys and bad guys. These bad guys are no different from other Arab dictatorships that enslave and kill their people. Anyone who thinks that Mahmoud Abbas is eager to go back to the Gaza Strip is living in a dream world.

  • If the Palestinians ever wish to seek a better life, the first thing they need to do is rid themselves of the "leaders" who have destroyed their lives.

    (full article online)

    Palestinians: How to Achieve a Better Life

"The Palestinians are quite prepared to sign interim agreements, like Oslo. Framework agreements, like Annapolis. Cease-fires, like the 1949 armistice. Anything but a final deal. Anything but a final peace. Anything but a treaty that ends the conflict once and for all — while leaving a Jewish state still standing." -- Charles Krauthammer (1950-2018)

Charles Krauthammer: Land without peace: why Abbas went to the U.N.
Here is one point I made in my speech yesterday, that I hadn't thought of before preparing for it.

In 1974, after several years of airplane hijackings and other terror attacks, Yasir Arafat went to the UN and gave a speech. The architect of terror suddenly became an honored diplomat.

The most famous phrase from his speech was, "Today I have come bearing an olive branch and a freedom-fighter's gun. Do not let the olive branch fall from my hand. I repeat: do not let the olive branch fall from my hand."

Think about what he is saying. He is saying that the world must do what Palestinians want it to do, or else there will be more terror.

It was a threat!

(full article online)

When Arafat threatened the world - and the world applauded ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
  • The Palestinians want nothing to do with President Trump's plan: they know it will never satisfy their demands. The Palestinians are not opposed to the peace plan because of a dispute over a border or a settlement or a checkpoint or the status of Jerusalem. They are against Trump's plan -- and any other peace initiative -- because the Palestinians have something else in mind.

  • The two Palestinian parties, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, may disagree on everything -- except the elimination of Israel. The only peace plan acceptable to current Palestinian leaders would be one that facilitated their mission of pursuing jihad against Israel to obliterate it.

  • If Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt wish to learn more about the true ambitions of the Palestinians, they would do well to take in a sermon at a mosque on some Friday or stop into a school in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Perhaps then they would see for themselves that no peace plan in the world can, at the moment, counter the poison that is injected daily into the hearts and minds of the Palestinians and their children.

(full article online)

Palestinians: The Only Acceptable Peace Plan
  • The Palestinians want nothing to do with President Trump's plan: they know it will never satisfy their demands. The Palestinians are not opposed to the peace plan because of a dispute over a border or a settlement or a checkpoint or the status of Jerusalem. They are against Trump's plan -- and any other peace initiative -- because the Palestinians have something else in mind.

  • The two Palestinian parties, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, may disagree on everything -- except the elimination of Israel. The only peace plan acceptable to current Palestinian leaders would be one that facilitated their mission of pursuing jihad against Israel to obliterate it.

  • If Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt wish to learn more about the true ambitions of the Palestinians, they would do well to take in a sermon at a mosque on some Friday or stop into a school in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Perhaps then they would see for themselves that no peace plan in the world can, at the moment, counter the poison that is injected daily into the hearts and minds of the Palestinians and their children.
(full article online)

Palestinians: The Only Acceptable Peace Plan
I haven't seen the plan, but let me guess. Israel will control all imports and exports. Israel will control travel and tourism. Israel will control electricity and water. Israel will control economic development. Jerusalem is off the table. The Jordan Valley is off the table. Refugees are off the table.

And if the Palestinians are good little boys and girls they will be allowed to work in foreign (Israeli) owned "industrial zones."

Watch this space.
I haven't seen the plan,

That certainly presents the obvious opportunity for you to do some preemptive whining.
Trump plan nears completion, satire dies

The Deal will be delivered by a crack team of presidential advisors whose insight and neutrality guarantees that the US proposal will take into account the grievances and perspectives of everyone concerned.

Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law, and a senior White House advisor, has actively helped fund Jewish settlements in occupied territory through his parents’ foundation. He apparently thinks the Obama administration “tried to beat up on Israel and give the Palestinians everything.”

David Friedman, the US ambassador to Israel, has put his mouth where his money is, not just financing settlements but declaring that he saw those as “part of Israel.” Burnishing his credentials further, he also believes Palestinians in Gaza are “basically Egyptians.”

Finally, Jason Greenblatt, the special envoy, has gone one further – probably to the envy of the others – and actually served as an armed guard to one of these settlements.

With such sound counsel, and the issue of Jerusalem already happily resolved, it is hardly surprising that expectations are sky high.

Trump plan nears completion, satire dies
I haven't seen the plan,

That certainly presents the obvious opportunity for you to do some preemptive whining.
Trump plan nears completion, satire dies

The Deal will be delivered by a crack team of presidential advisors whose insight and neutrality guarantees that the US proposal will take into account the grievances and perspectives of everyone concerned.

Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law, and a senior White House advisor, has actively helped fund Jewish settlements in occupied territory through his parents’ foundation. He apparently thinks the Obama administration “tried to beat up on Israel and give the Palestinians everything.”

David Friedman, the US ambassador to Israel, has put his mouth where his money is, not just financing settlements but declaring that he saw those as “part of Israel.” Burnishing his credentials further, he also believes Palestinians in Gaza are “basically Egyptians.”

Finally, Jason Greenblatt, the special envoy, has gone one further – probably to the envy of the others – and actually served as an armed guard to one of these settlements.

With such sound counsel, and the issue of Jerusalem already happily resolved, it is hardly surprising that expectations are sky high.

Trump plan nears completion, satire dies

OK. So what would you like to whine about?
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